Сюни Рональд Грикор — различия между версиями

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Строка 1: Строка 1:
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| дата рождения        = 25.09.1940
| место рождения      = Филадельфия, США
| дата смерти          =
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| краткая информация = Историк, специалист в области советской и постсоветской истории
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Родился в Филадельфии 25.09.1940.
Suny Ronald Grigor
Сюни окончил Суорсморский колледж, и защитил докторскую в Колумбийском университете в 1968 году.
Сани Рональд Грикор
Директор Айзенбергского Института исторических исследований, профессор социальной и политической истории в Университете Мичигана, а также почетный профессор политических наук и истории в Чикагском университете. 
Он был первым руководителем факультета новой армянской истории имени Алекса Манукяна в Чикагском университете (1981—1995), где основал и был руководителем программы армянских исследований.
==Область его исторических исследований==
*Советский Союз и постсоветская Россия
*этнические конфликты
*роль эмоций в политике
*советская историография
===Избранные статьи===
* The Baku Commune, 1917-1918: Class and Nationality in the Russian Revolution (Princeton University Press, 1972)
* Armenia in the Twentieth Century (Scholars Press, 1983)
* The Making of the Georgian Nation (Indiana University Press, 1988, 1994)
* Looking Toward Ararat: Armenia in Modern History (Indiana University Press, 1993)
* The Revenge of the Past: Nationalism, Revolution, and the Collapse of the Soviet Union (Stanford University Press, 1993)
* The Soviet Experiment: Russia, the USSR, and the Successor States (Oxford University Press, 1998)
Ronald Grigor Suny
* Transcaucasia, Nationalism and Social Change: Essays in the History of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia (Michigan Slavic Publications, 1983; University of Michigan Press, 1996)
* The Structure of Soviet History: Essays and Documents (Oxford University Press, 2003)
* The Cambridge History of Russia , vol.  3: The Twentieth Century (Cambridge University Press, 2006)
* Party, State, and Society in the Russian Civil War: Explorations in Social History (Indiana University Press, 1989)
* The Russian Revolution and Bolshevik Victory: Visions and Revisions (DC Heath, 1990)
* Making Workers Soviet: Power, Culture, and Identity (Cornell University Press, 1994)
* Becoming National (Oxford University Press, 1996)
* Intellectuals and the Articulation of the Nation (University of Michigan Press, 1999)
* A State of Nations: Empire and Nation-making in the Age of Lenin and Stalin (Oxford University Press, 2001)
* “Introduction,” to Ronald Grigor Suny (ed.), Cambridge History of Russia, Volume III: The Twentieth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), pp. 1-4.
* “Reading Russia and the Soviet Union in the Twentieth Century: How the 'West' Wrote its History of the USSR,” ibid., pp. 5-64.
* And Dmitry P. Gorenburg, “Where Are We Going?  What Is To Be Done?” NewsNet, XLVI, 4 (August 2006), pp. 1-4.
* “History and Foreign Policy: From Constructed Identities to 'Ancient Hatreds' East of the Caspian,” in Brenda Shaffer (ed.), The Limits of Culture: Islam and Foreign Policy (Cambridge, MA, and London: The MIT Press, 2006), pp. 83-109.
* “Hrant Dink (1954-2007),” The Nation Website, January 22, 2007 http://www.thenation.com/doc/20070205/suny
* “Fifteen Years Après le Déluge: What's Left of Marx?” NewsNet, XLVII, 1 (January 2007), pp. 1-7.
* "Living in the Hood: Russia, Empire, and Old and New Neighbors," in Robert Legvold (ed.), Russian Foreign Policy in the 21st Century and the Shadow of the Past (New York: Columbia University Press, 2007), pp. 35-76.
* “Russian Terror/ism and Revisionist Historiography,” Australian Journal of Politics and History, LIII, 1 (2007), pp. 5-19.
* Participant in the Discussion, “Roundtable: What Is a School?  Is There a Fitzpatrick School of Soviet History?” Acta Slavica Japonica, XXIV, pp. 240-241.
* With Gail W. Lapidus, “Alexander Dallin: A Singular Voice,” in Alexander Dallin, The Uses of History: Understanding the Soviet Union and Russia, ed.  Gail W. Lapidus (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2009), pp. 1-11.
* “Truth in Telling: Reconciling Realities in the Genocide of the Ottoman Armenians,” American Historical Review, CXIV, 4 (October 2009), pp. 930-946.
* “The Pawn of Great Powers: The East-West Competition for Caucasia,” Journal of Eurasian Studies , I (2010), pp. 10-25.
* “A Working Relationship,” review of Robert D. Crews, For Prophet and Tsar: Islam and Empire in Russia and Central Asia (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006), in The Moscow Times, Arts and Ideas, June 16-22, 2006, p.  4.
* Nikolai Bukharin, Philosophical Arabesques, trans.  Renfrey Clarke (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2005), in The Nation , CCLXXXIII, 6 (August 28/September 4, 2006), pp. 36-42.
* Jochen Hellbeck, Revolution on My Mind: Writing a Diary under Stalin (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006), in Slavic Review, LXVI, 1 (Spring 2007), pp. 106-108.
* Geoffrey Hosking, Rulers and Victims: The Russians in the Soviet Union (Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 2006), in Nations and Nationalism, XIII, 2 (April 2007), pp. 357-358.
* Lynn Viola, The War Against the Peasantry 1927-1930 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005), in The Historian , LXIX, 1 (Spring 2007), pp. 174-175.
*профессор (политической и социальной истории Мичиганского университета)
*заслуженный профессор (политологии Чикагского университета)
*доктор философии (Ph.D., 1968)
*Является внуком армянского композитора [[Сюни Григор Мирзаян|Григора Мирзояна Сюни]].
*Ряд историков и публицистов в Армении, в частности [[Айвазян Армен|Армен Айвазян]], обвиняет ведущих западных арменоведов, в том числе и Сюни, в преднамеренной фальсификации истории Армении по заданию правительства США. Зорий Балаян cчитает работу Сюни «Взгляд на Арарат: Армения в новой истории» «пасквилем».
*В 1997 году после выступления на конференции в Американском университете Армении Сюни был обвинен с националистических позиций некоторыми армянскими историками и СМИ в отсутствии армянского париотизма и использовании недостоверных данных о преобладании в прошлом мусульманского населения в Ереване (согласно самому Сюни это данные официальных российских переписей и работы [[Бурнутян Джордж|Джорджа Бурнутяна]] и [[Ованнисян Ричард|Ричарда Ованисяна]]).
FIELD SPECIALTIES Russian empire and imperialism, historiography and methodology of studying social and cultural history.  
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Файл:Сюни Григор Мирзаян4.jpg|Сюни Григор Мирзаян
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Файл:Сюни Григор Мирзаян7.jpg
*[http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php?title=Ronald_Grigor_Suny armeniapedia]
RONALD GRIGOR SUNY is Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago. The grandson of the composer and ethnomusicologist Grikor Mirzoyan Suni and a graduate of Swarthmore College and Columbia University, he taught at Oberlin College (1968-1981), as visiting professor of history at the University of California, Irvine (1987), and Stanford University (1995-1996). He was the first holder of the Alex Manoogian Chair in Modern Armenian History at the University of Michigan (1981-1995), where he founded and directed the Armenian Studies Program. He is the author of The Baku Commune, 1917-1918: Class and Nationality in the Russian Revolution (Princeton University Press, 1972); Armenia in the Twentieth Century (Scholars Press, 1983); The Making of the Georgian Nation (Indiana University Press, 1988, 1994); Looking Toward Ararat: Armenia in Modern History (Indiana University Press, 1993); The Revenge of the Past: Nationalism, Revolution, and the Collapse of the Soviet Union (Stanford University Press, 1993); and The Soviet Experiment: Russia, the USSR, and the Successor States (Oxford University Press, 1998). He is also the editor of Transcaucasia, Nationalism and Social Change: Essays in the History of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia (Michigan Slavic Publications, 1983; University of Michigan Press, 1996)) and The Structure of Soviet History: Essays and Documents (Oxford University Press, 2003); and co-editor of Party, State, and Society in the Russian Civil War: Explorations in Social History (Indiana University Press, 1989); The Russian Revolution and Bolshevik Victory: Visions and Revisions (D. C. Heath, 1990); Making Workers Soviet: Power, Culture, and Identity (Cornell University Press, 1994); Becoming National (Oxford University Press, 1996); Intellectuals and the Articulation of the Nation (University of Michigan Press, 1999); and A State of Nations: Empire and Nation-making in the Age of Lenin and Stalin (Oxford University Press, 2001). He is currently working on a study of the young Stalin and the formation of the Soviet Union and a series of essays on empire and nations.  
Professor Suny has served as chairman of the Society for Armenian Studies and on the editorial boards of Slavic Review, International Labor and Working-Class History, International Journal of Middle East Studies, The Armenian Review, Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies, and Armenian Forum, and is a contributing editor to Armenian International Magazine. He has appeared numerous times on the McNeil-Lehrer News Hour, CBS Evening News, CNN, and National Public Radio, and has written for the New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Nation, New Left Review, Dissent, and other newspapers and journals. He is married to pianist Armena Marderosian and has two daughters, Sevan and Anoush Suni.
Professor Suny’s intellectual interests have centered on the non-Russian nationalities of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, particularly those of the South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia). The “national question” was an area of study that was woefully neglected for many decades until peoples of the periphery mobilized themselves in the Gorbachev years. His aim has been to consider the history of imperial Russia and the USSR without leaving out the non-Russian half of the population, to see how multinationality, processes of imperialism and nation-making shaped the state and society of that vast country. This in turn has led to work on the nature of empires and nations, studies in the historiography and methodology of studying social and cultural history, and a commitment to bridging the often-unbridgeable gap between the traditional concerns of historians and the methods and models of other social scientists.  
Categories: Armenian Individuals

Текущая версия на 13:04, 25 сентября 2011

Дополните информацию о персоне
Сюни Рональд Грикор
Suny Ronald Grigor
Сюни Григор Мирзаян8.jpg
Другие имена: Суни Рональд Григор
На английском: Suny Ronald Grigor
Дата рождения: 25.09.1940
Место рождения: Филадельфия, США
Краткая информация:
Историк, специалист в области советской и постсоветской истории


Родился в Филадельфии 25.09.1940.

Сюни окончил Суорсморский колледж, и защитил докторскую в Колумбийском университете в 1968 году.

Директор Айзенбергского Института исторических исследований, профессор социальной и политической истории в Университете Мичигана, а также почетный профессор политических наук и истории в Чикагском университете.

Он был первым руководителем факультета новой армянской истории имени Алекса Манукяна в Чикагском университете (1981—1995), где основал и был руководителем программы армянских исследований.

Область его исторических исследований

  • Советский Союз и постсоветская Россия
  • национализм
  • этнические конфликты
  • роль эмоций в политике
  • советская историография


Избранные статьи

  • The Baku Commune, 1917-1918: Class and Nationality in the Russian Revolution (Princeton University Press, 1972)
  • Armenia in the Twentieth Century (Scholars Press, 1983)
  • The Making of the Georgian Nation (Indiana University Press, 1988, 1994)
  • Looking Toward Ararat: Armenia in Modern History (Indiana University Press, 1993)
  • The Revenge of the Past: Nationalism, Revolution, and the Collapse of the Soviet Union (Stanford University Press, 1993)
  • The Soviet Experiment: Russia, the USSR, and the Successor States (Oxford University Press, 1998)


  • Transcaucasia, Nationalism and Social Change: Essays in the History of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia (Michigan Slavic Publications, 1983; University of Michigan Press, 1996)
  • The Structure of Soviet History: Essays and Documents (Oxford University Press, 2003)
  • The Cambridge History of Russia , vol. 3: The Twentieth Century (Cambridge University Press, 2006)
  • Party, State, and Society in the Russian Civil War: Explorations in Social History (Indiana University Press, 1989)
  • The Russian Revolution and Bolshevik Victory: Visions and Revisions (DC Heath, 1990)
  • Making Workers Soviet: Power, Culture, and Identity (Cornell University Press, 1994)
  • Becoming National (Oxford University Press, 1996)
  • Intellectuals and the Articulation of the Nation (University of Michigan Press, 1999)
  • A State of Nations: Empire and Nation-making in the Age of Lenin and Stalin (Oxford University Press, 2001)


  • “Introduction,” to Ronald Grigor Suny (ed.), Cambridge History of Russia, Volume III: The Twentieth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), pp. 1-4.
  • “Reading Russia and the Soviet Union in the Twentieth Century: How the 'West' Wrote its History of the USSR,” ibid., pp. 5-64.
  • And Dmitry P. Gorenburg, “Where Are We Going? What Is To Be Done?” NewsNet, XLVI, 4 (August 2006), pp. 1-4.
  • “History and Foreign Policy: From Constructed Identities to 'Ancient Hatreds' East of the Caspian,” in Brenda Shaffer (ed.), The Limits of Culture: Islam and Foreign Policy (Cambridge, MA, and London: The MIT Press, 2006), pp. 83-109.
  • “Hrant Dink (1954-2007),” The Nation Website, January 22, 2007 http://www.thenation.com/doc/20070205/suny
  • “Fifteen Years Après le Déluge: What's Left of Marx?” NewsNet, XLVII, 1 (January 2007), pp. 1-7.
  • "Living in the Hood: Russia, Empire, and Old and New Neighbors," in Robert Legvold (ed.), Russian Foreign Policy in the 21st Century and the Shadow of the Past (New York: Columbia University Press, 2007), pp. 35-76.
  • “Russian Terror/ism and Revisionist Historiography,” Australian Journal of Politics and History, LIII, 1 (2007), pp. 5-19.
  • Participant in the Discussion, “Roundtable: What Is a School? Is There a Fitzpatrick School of Soviet History?” Acta Slavica Japonica, XXIV, pp. 240-241.
  • With Gail W. Lapidus, “Alexander Dallin: A Singular Voice,” in Alexander Dallin, The Uses of History: Understanding the Soviet Union and Russia, ed. Gail W. Lapidus (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2009), pp. 1-11.
  • “Truth in Telling: Reconciling Realities in the Genocide of the Ottoman Armenians,” American Historical Review, CXIV, 4 (October 2009), pp. 930-946.
  • “The Pawn of Great Powers: The East-West Competition for Caucasia,” Journal of Eurasian Studies , I (2010), pp. 10-25.


  • “A Working Relationship,” review of Robert D. Crews, For Prophet and Tsar: Islam and Empire in Russia and Central Asia (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006), in The Moscow Times, Arts and Ideas, June 16-22, 2006, p. 4.
  • Nikolai Bukharin, Philosophical Arabesques, trans. Renfrey Clarke (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2005), in The Nation , CCLXXXIII, 6 (August 28/September 4, 2006), pp. 36-42.
  • Jochen Hellbeck, Revolution on My Mind: Writing a Diary under Stalin (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006), in Slavic Review, LXVI, 1 (Spring 2007), pp. 106-108.
  • Geoffrey Hosking, Rulers and Victims: The Russians in the Soviet Union (Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 2006), in Nations and Nationalism, XIII, 2 (April 2007), pp. 357-358.
  • Lynn Viola, The War Against the Peasantry 1927-1930 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005), in The Historian , LXIX, 1 (Spring 2007), pp. 174-175.


  • профессор (политической и социальной истории Мичиганского университета)
  • заслуженный профессор (политологии Чикагского университета)
  • доктор философии (Ph.D., 1968)


  • Является внуком армянского композитора Григора Мирзояна Сюни.
  • Ряд историков и публицистов в Армении, в частности Армен Айвазян, обвиняет ведущих западных арменоведов, в том числе и Сюни, в преднамеренной фальсификации истории Армении по заданию правительства США. Зорий Балаян cчитает работу Сюни «Взгляд на Арарат: Армения в новой истории» «пасквилем».
  • В 1997 году после выступления на конференции в Американском университете Армении Сюни был обвинен с националистических позиций некоторыми армянскими историками и СМИ в отсутствии армянского париотизма и использовании недостоверных данных о преобладании в прошлом мусульманского населения в Ереване (согласно самому Сюни это данные официальных российских переписей и работы Джорджа Бурнутяна и Ричарда Ованисяна).

