Кочарян Шаварш Микаелович — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Строка 14: Строка 14:
| состояние ссылок    = 1
| состояние ссылок    = 1
| флаг чистовик        = ё7
| флаг чистовик        = ё7
| автокартинки        =
| портрет              = 5740 4.png
| портрет              = 5740 4.png
| дата рождения        = 03.04.1948  
| дата рождения        = 03.04.1948  

Версия 17:37, 2 июля 2008


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Кочарян Шаварш Микаелович
Kocharyan Shavarsh
5740 4.png
На английском: Kocharyan Shavarsh
Дата рождения: 03.04.1948
Место рождения: Ереван, Армения
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Шаварш Кочарян Депутат Национального Собрания RA

Shavarsh Kocharyan

Photo by Arsineh Khachikian. Shavarsh Kocharyan was born on April 3, 1948 in Yerevan.

Mr. Kocharyan graduated from Yerevan Polytechnic Institute in 1971. He is an engineer, mathematician, Docent and PhD of Biological Sciences. He was awarded a Patvo Nshan (Sign of Honor) Order in 1986.

From 1971-1972 he worked as a junior scientific associate in the Charentsavan branch of the Moscow Institute of Genetics. From 1972-1975 he did his postgraduate studies at the Moscow Institute of Genetics. He spent the next five years as a junior scientific associate at the Institute of Experimental Biology under the Academy of Sciences. From 1981-1982 he was a junior scientific associate at the Institute of Microbiology. He spent the next eight years first as a junior scientific associate, later laboratory head, division head and in the end Acting Director of Scientific Affairs in Yerevan Scientific Research Institute of Amino Acids.

From 1990-1995 he served in the Supreme Council (electoral district # 75) and he was the deputy chairman of the Supreme Council Standing Committee on Foreign Relations and the leader of the National Democrats Deputy Group.

From 1995-1999 he served in the NA from the proportional list of the National Democratic Union Party and he was a member of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations and the secretary of National Democratic Union Faction.

1999-2003 was his second term as a deputy in the NA and he was the chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture and Youth Affairs. He was a member first of the National Democratic Union Faction, later he was not a member of any faction or deputy group and in the end joined the People's Voice Deputy Group.

On May 25, 2003 he was elected to the NA from the proportional list of the Justice Alliance he is currently on the NA Standing Committee on Social, Health Care and Environmental Protection Affairs. He is a member of the Justice Faction and the founding president of the National Democratic Party.

Mr. Kocharyan is married and has two children.

National Assembly of RA 30 Nov 2004

Shavarsh Kocharyan's Press Conference

The topic of November 30-press conference of Shavarsh Kocharyan was the history of Armenian democracy in the 90s and today. The opposition MP sees the necessity of estimating the process of democracy, taking into consideration its regression.

He presented the journalists his estimations on the former USSR republics. As he, said the wave of democratization went back in 5 Middle Asian countries, leaving space to authoritarian system. In the opinion of the speaker, today a mixed system of authoritarianism and totalitarianism is dominating also in Belarus, but conditioned by geographical position and other activities, he thinks that the power of Alexander Lukashenko will not last long. Georgia overcame the obstacles against the democracy by "revolution of roses," and the current process of Ukraine the deputy also finds to be progressive. According to Shavarsh Kocharyan, the democratic processes in Armenia and Azerbaijan are under a question. He considers this a very painful fact, as at the beginning the world pinned big hopes with Armenia. After the collapse of the USSR there were four countries (Baltic countries and Armenia), which were initially directed to go through democratic way. But Armenia has deviated from that way, said the deputy, and appeared in a position, when having no alternatives, is contradicted to the democratic values. Shavarsh Kocharyan noted that Russia does not always speak for Armenia in the issues of strategic importance. The opposition MP also thinks that our country is now in isolated situation,"in the aspect of Karabakh we've reached to a point that it's difficult to imagine what to do next."

The only way of coming out of the situation is to establish democracy, Mr. Kocharyan believes. All this must be taken into distinct consideration and a social order to be set up directed to all this, said Shavarsh Kocharyan. Democracy is not only related to opposition, says Shavarsh Kocharyan. [edit] External links

Шаварш Микаелович Кочарян Округ 097 Дата рождения 03.04.1948 Партия Партия национальных демократов (ПНД) Фракции / Депутатские группы Фракция "Ардарутюн" ("Справедливость") Комиссия Постоянная комиссия по социальным вопросам, по вопросам здравоохранения и охраны природы

Временная комиссия по вопросам интеграции в европейские структуры

Родился 3 апреля 1948 г. в г. Ереване.

В 1971 г. окончил Ереванский политехнический институт. Инженер-мате-матик. Кандидат биологических наук, доцент. Награжден орденом “Знак Почета” (1986).

В 1971-1972 гг. младший научный сотрудник Чаренцаванского филиала Московского института генетики.

В 1972-1975 гг. учился в аспирантуре Московского института генетики.

В 1976-1981 гг. младший научный сотрудник Института экспериментальной биологии АН, в 1981-1982 гг. младший научный сотрудник Института микробиологии, в 1982-1990 гг. старший научный сотрудник, заведующий лабораторией, заведующий отделом, и.о. заместителя директора по научной части Ереванского научно-исследовательского технологического института аминокислот.

В 1990-1995 гг. депутат ВС (избирательный округ N 75). Заместитель председателя Постоянной комиссии по внешним сношениям ВС. Председатель депу­татской группы “Национальные демократы”.

В 1995-1999 гг. депутат НС по пропорциональному избирательному списку НДС. Член Постоянной комиссии по внешним сношениям НС. Секретарь фракции НДС.

В 1999-2003 гг. депутат НС (избирательный округ N 11). Председатель Постоянной комиссии по вопросам науки, образования, культуры и молодежи НС. Член фракции НДС, затем во фракциях и депутатских группах не состоял, впоследствии член депутатской группы “Глас народа”.

25 мая 2003 г. избран депутатом НС по пропорциональному избирательному списку блока “Справедливость”. Член Постоянной комиссии по социальным вопросам, по вопросам здравоохранения и охраны природы НС. Член фракции “Справедливость”. Председатель-учредитель НДП.

Женат, имеет двоих детей. Шаварш Микаелович Кочарян

Временная комиссия по вопросам интеграции в европейские структуры



