Церковь Месропа Маштоца (Ошакан, Армения) — различия между версиями

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Mesrop Mashtots Church
Mesrop Mashtots Church
Founding Century: V
Region: Aragatsotn
Region: Aragatsotn
Location: Oshakan village
Mesrop Mashtots church in Oshakan village dates to 5-19th centuries. The creator of the Armenian alphabet Mesrop Mashtots died in 444 and was buried here, then a small chapel was created on his grave. In the second half of 19th century the chapel was replaced by a basilica type church.
Mesrop Mashtots church in Oshakan village dates to 5-19th centuries. The creator of the Armenian alphabet Mesrop Mashtots died in 444 and was buried here, then a small chapel was created on his grave. In the second half of 19th century the chapel was replaced by a basilica type church.

Версия 09:52, 5 августа 2011

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Церковь Месропа Маштоца (Ошакан, Армения)
St. Mesrop Mashtots Church (Oshakan, Armenia)
C8797 1.png
Дата основания: V век
Конфессии: Армянская апостольская церковь


Маленькая церковь, крестообразная в плане, центрально-купольной композиции, построенная в VII веке. Находится в садах села Ошакан Аштаракского района.

Возведена в 1875 году католикосом Георком IV на старом фундаменте церкови, стоявшей на усыпальнице св. Месропа Маштоца. По композиции представляет собой сводчатый зал.

Oshakan, St. Mesrop Mashtots Church, 19th century Photo by Sergey Chatrchyan Mesrop Mashtots Church

Region: Aragatsotn

Mesrop Mashtots church in Oshakan village dates to 5-19th centuries. The creator of the Armenian alphabet Mesrop Mashtots died in 444 and was buried here, then a small chapel was created on his grave. In the second half of 19th century the chapel was replaced by a basilica type church.
