Агамян Карен Гургенович — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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м AGHAMYAN KAREN i» переименована в «Агамян Карен»)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{persont|ID=4828|dcreate=18.07.2006 16:41:08|dmodify=16.10.2006 22:50:26}}
{{persont|ID=4828|img=no|dcreate=18.07.2006 16:41:08|dmodify=16.10.2006 22:50:26}}
| name-ru-main  = Агамян Карен
| name-ru-01    =
| name-ru-02    =
| name-ru-03    =
| name-lat =
| name-en      = Aghamyan Karen
| name-am      =
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| состояние поиска    = 1
| состояние тэгов      = 5
| состояние ссылок    = 1
| флаг чистовик        = ё7
| портрет              = 4828 2.png
| дата рождения        = 1946
| место рождения      = Ереван
| дата смерти          =
| место смерти        =
| краткая информация = Художник, дизайнер, педагог
| тэг01 = Художник
| тэг02 = Член Союза художников СССР
| тэг03 = Дизайнер
| тэг04 = Педагог
| тэг05 =
Родился в 1946 г. в Ереване.
1964 - окончил Ереванское художественное училище им. Терлемезяна.
1969 - Ереванский художественно-театральный институт.
Агамян Карен
С 1970 - преподаватель Ереванского художественно-театрального института.
Агамян Карен
Karen Aghamyan
С 1974 - член Союза художников СССР.
с 1994 - член Международной федерации художников, Международной ассоциации дизайнеров.
1946 Born in Yerevan 1964 Finished Fine-Art College after Terlemezian 1969 Graduated from Fine-Art and Theatre institute 1970 Teacher at Yerevan Fine - Arts and Theatre Institute 1974 Member of the USSR Union of Painters 1981-83 Chief Artist-Painter of the Artists Fund of Armenia 1983 Diploma of the USSR Union of Artists 1988 Member of the USSR Union of Designers 1988-93 Head of the Design department of the Yerevan Fine Arts and Theatre Institute 1994 Professor 1998 President of the Artists Union of Armenia
1946 Born in Yerevan 1964 Finished Fine-Art College after Terlemezian 1969 Graduated from Fine-Art and Theatre institute 1970 Teacher at Yerevan Fine - Arts and Theatre Institute 1974 Member of the USSR Union of Painters 1981-83 Chief Artist-Painter of the Artists Fund of Armenia 1983 Diploma of the USSR Union of Artists 1988 Member of the USSR Union of Designers 1988-93 Head of the Design department of the Yerevan Fine Arts and Theatre Institute 1994 Professor 1998 President of the Artists Union of Armenia
Строка 20: Строка 45:
PERMANENT EXHIBITION - Modern Art Museum, Yerevan, Armenia - Museum in Magnitagorsk, Russia - Museum in Elista, Russia - Museum in Vanadzor, Armenia - Museum in Novi Urengoy - Contemporary Art Museum, Toulouse, France Since 1970 has participated in more than 60 group exhibitions.
PERMANENT EXHIBITION - Modern Art Museum, Yerevan, Armenia - Museum in Magnitagorsk, Russia - Museum in Elista, Russia - Museum in Vanadzor, Armenia - Museum in Novi Urengoy - Contemporary Art Museum, Toulouse, France Since 1970 has participated in more than 60 group exhibitions.
*1946 born in Yeravan
*1964 finished Fine-Arts college after Terlemezyan
*1969 graduated from Fine-Arts and Theatre Institute
1946                 born in Yeravan
*1970 Teacher at Yerevan Fine-Arts and Theare Institutete
1964                 finished Fine-Arts college after Terlemezyan
*1974 Member if the USSR Union of painters
1969                 graduated from Fine-Arts and Theatre Institute
*1977-1982 Member of the revision board of the Artists Union of Armenia
1970                 Teacher at Yerevan Fine-Arts and Theare Institutete
*1980 Prize of Comsomol of Armenia fort the best creativ work the year
1974                 Member if the USSR Union of painters
*1981-1983 Chief artist-painter of the Artists Fund of Armeniae
1977-82            Member of the revision board of the Artists Union of Armenia
*1982-1988 Member of the USSR Decoration Art and Design board.
1980                 Prize of Comsomol of Armenia fort the best creativ work the year
*1983 Diploma of the USSR Union of Artists for the best work of the year.  
1981-83            Chief artist-painter of the Artists Fund of Armeniae
*1988 Professor
1982-88              Member of the USSR Decoration Art and Design board.
*1988 Memberof the USSR Union of Designers
1983                 Diploma of the USSR Union of Artists for the best work of the year.  
*1988 Head of board of the Armenian Union of Designer
1988                 Professor
*1988 Head of the Design department of the Yerevan Fine-Arts and Theat Institute
1988                   Memberof the USSR Union of Designers
*1993 Member of international Federation of Artists
1988                   Head of board of the Armenian Union of Designer
*1994 Member of International Association of Designers
1988                   Head of the Design department of the Yerevan
                          Fine-Arts and Theat Institute
1993                   Member of international Federation of Artists
1994                   Member of International Association of Designers
*1990 Gallery "Villa Ikhon" Breman German
1990                   Gallery "Villa Ikhon" Breman German
*1991 Artist's House" Yerevan, Armenia  
1991                     Artist's House" Yerevan, Armenia  
*1992 "Gallery- 100" Paris, France  
1992                     "Gallery- 100" Paris, France  
*1992 "ABF", Marseilles, France  
1992                     "ABF", Marseilles, France  
*1993 "Ex-point Gallery" Praha, Checkia
1993                     "Ex-point Gallery" Praha, Checkia
*1994 Gallery "Osteuropa-forderung", Berlin,Germany
1994                     Gallery "Osteuropa-forderung", Berlin,Germany
*1995 Hotel "Holiday Inn" Toulouse, France
1995                     Hotel "Holiday Inn" Toulouse, France
*1994 Gallery "Osteuropa-forderung", Berlin,Germany
1994                     Gallery "Osteuropa-forderung", Berlin,Germany
*1995 Hotel "Regina Palace" Bearits, France.
1995                     Hotel "Regina Palace" Bearits, France.
*1995 Gallery "Novetel" Toulouse, France  
1995                     Gallery "Novetel" Toulouse, France  
  Karen Aghamyan  Карен Агамян
Was born in 1946 in Yerevan. In 1969, he graduated from the Yerevan Fine Arts and Theatre Institute and has been a member of the Artists' Union of the USSR since 197g. Since 1970 he has participated in more than 70 exhibitors, 11 of which were one-man shows. His pictures are property of museums of Armenia, Russia, Ukraine, France and private collections in many countries of the world. Since 1970, be has been teaching in the Yerevan Institute of Arts. From 1988 to 1993 he was the Head of the Design Department. Has be rank of professor. Since 1998, he has been the Chairman of the Artists' Union of Armenia.
Was born in 1946 in Yerevan. In 1969, he graduated from the Yerevan Fine Arts and Theatre Institute and has been a member of the Artists' Union of the USSR since 197g. Since 1970 he has participated in more than 70 exhibitors, 11 of which were one-man shows. His pictures are property of museums of Armenia, Russia, Ukraine, France and private collections in many countries of the world. Since 1970, be has been teaching in the Yerevan Institute of Arts. From 1988 to 1993 he was the Head of the Design Department. Has be rank of professor. Since 1998, he has been the Chairman of the Artists' Union of Armenia.
Mini Biography: Karen Aghamian is a painter and designer, whose works manifest biz skillful hand of a professional designer and re-constructor" of the environment. Peculiar attitude towards the surroundings enables him to find his own field of activity and create an individual conceptual world. The artist's perception of the reality as well as his works are alien to outside intrusion: they are so original, whole - hearted and complete. All this is a result of hard intensive work, his longing for perfection and deep emotional experience. It is difficult to attribute the artist's paintings to a certain school. He represents his "own" realism, somewhat different from the conventional one, rather restrained and, at times, rigid. Karen Aghamian works quickly, all in the same breath, and this manner of his is a means to an end. He manages to paint in one color range - pink, red or green, and chaotically dividing the color by a great number of small strokes, makes his pictures "to breathe". An expressively graceful silhouette of a woman is a frequent "visitor" in his compositions. Faces are of no importance here, but figures, nevertheless, have definite individuality. Amalgamation of intellect and sensuality, thorough calculation and unusual chiaroscuro solutions are peculiar to his works. By logically dividing and "freezing" space, Aghamian succeeds in creating motion in the very picture. His pictures are looked over from principal to minor details which are just outlined. The artist has proved to be capable of finding "neutral-active" background that acquires its independent sounding and integrity. Having created his own world, Karen Aghamian keeps touch with the existing reality and strengthens himself as a definite link in the chain of the whole.
Mini Biography: Karen Aghamian is a painter and designer, whose works manifest biz skillful hand of a professional designer and re-constructor" of the environment. Peculiar attitude towards the surroundings enables him to find his own field of activity and create an individual conceptual world. The artist's perception of the reality as well as his works are alien to outside intrusion: they are so original, whole - hearted and complete. All this is a result of hard intensive work, his longing for perfection and deep emotional experience. It is difficult to attribute the artist's paintings to a certain school. He represents his "own" realism, somewhat different from the conventional one, rather restrained and, at times, rigid. Karen Aghamian works quickly, all in the same breath, and this manner of his is a means to an end. He manages to paint in one color range - pink, red or green, and chaotically dividing the color by a great number of small strokes, makes his pictures "to breathe". An expressively graceful silhouette of a woman is a frequent "visitor" in his compositions. Faces are of no importance here, but figures, nevertheless, have definite individuality. Amalgamation of intellect and sensuality, thorough calculation and unusual chiaroscuro solutions are peculiar to his works. By logically dividing and "freezing" space, Aghamian succeeds in creating motion in the very picture. His pictures are looked over from principal to minor details which are just outlined. The artist has proved to be capable of finding "neutral-active" background that acquires its independent sounding and integrity. Having created his own world, Karen Aghamian keeps touch with the existing reality and strengthens himself as a definite link in the chain of the whole.
Изображение:4828 1.png
1946                  born in Yeravan
1964                  finished Fine-Arts college after Terlemezyan
1969                  graduated from Fine-Arts and Theatre Institute
1970                  Teacher at Yerevan Fine-Arts and Theare Institutete
1974                  Member if the USSR Union of painters
1977-82            Member of the revision board of the Artists Union of Armenia
1980                  Prize of Comsomol of Armenia fort the best creativ work the year
1981-83            Chief artist-painter of the Artists Fund of Armeniae
1982-88              Member of the USSR Decoration Art and Design board.
1983                  Diploma of the USSR Union of Artists for the best work of the year.
1988                  Professor
1988                  Memberof the USSR Union of Designers
1988                  Head of board of the Armenian Union of Designer
1988                  Head of the Design department of the Yerevan
                          Fine-Arts and Theat Institute
1993                  Member of international Federation of Artists
1994                  Member of International Association of Designers
1990                    Gallery "Villa Ikhon" Breman German
1991                    Artist's House" Yerevan, Armenia
1992                    "Gallery- 100" Paris, France
1992                    "ABF", Marseilles, France
1993                    "Ex-point Gallery" Praha, Checkia
1994                      Gallery "Osteuropa-forderung", Berlin,Germany
1995                      Hotel "Holiday Inn" Toulouse, France
1994                      Gallery "Osteuropa-forderung", Berlin,Germany
1995                      Hotel "Regina Palace" Bearits, France.
1995                      Gallery "Novetel" Toulouse, France
Комментарии для АГАМЯН Карен
Биография АГАМЯН Карен
Родился в 1946 г. в Ереване.
Окончил Ереванское художественное училище им. Терлемезяна (1964г.),
Ереванский художественно-театральный институт (1969 г.)
Преподаватель Ереванского художественно-театрального института с1970 г.
Член Союза художников СССР с 1974 г.
Член Международной федерации художников, Международной ассоциации дизайнеров с 1994 г.
В каких собраниях работы

Версия 11:43, 2 января 2008


Дополните информацию о персоне
Агамян Карен
Aghamyan Karen
4828 2.png
На английском: Aghamyan Karen
Дата рождения: 1946
Место рождения: Ереван
Краткая информация:
Художник, дизайнер, педагог


Родился в 1946 г. в Ереване.

1964 - окончил Ереванское художественное училище им. Терлемезяна.

1969 - Ереванский художественно-театральный институт.

С 1970 - преподаватель Ереванского художественно-театрального института.

С 1974 - член Союза художников СССР.

с 1994 - член Международной федерации художников, Международной ассоциации дизайнеров.

1946 Born in Yerevan 1964 Finished Fine-Art College after Terlemezian 1969 Graduated from Fine-Art and Theatre institute 1970 Teacher at Yerevan Fine - Arts and Theatre Institute 1974 Member of the USSR Union of Painters 1981-83 Chief Artist-Painter of the Artists Fund of Armenia 1983 Diploma of the USSR Union of Artists 1988 Member of the USSR Union of Designers 1988-93 Head of the Design department of the Yerevan Fine Arts and Theatre Institute 1994 Professor 1998 President of the Artists Union of Armenia

PERSONAL EXHIBITION 1990 Gallery "Villa Ikhon", Bremen, Germany 1991 "Artist's House", Yerevan, Armenia 1992 "Gallery - 100", Paris, France 1992 "ABF", Marseilles, France 1993 "Ex-point Gallery", Praha, Checkia 1994 Gallery "Arthena", Toulouse, France 1994 Gallery "Osteuropa-forderung", Berlin, Germany 1995 Hotel "Holiday Inn", Toulouse, France 1995 Hotel "Regina Palace", Bearits, France 1995 Gallery "Novetel", Toulouse, France

PERMANENT EXHIBITION - Modern Art Museum, Yerevan, Armenia - Museum in Magnitagorsk, Russia - Museum in Elista, Russia - Museum in Vanadzor, Armenia - Museum in Novi Urengoy - Contemporary Art Museum, Toulouse, France Since 1970 has participated in more than 60 group exhibitions.


  • 1946 born in Yeravan
  • 1964 finished Fine-Arts college after Terlemezyan
  • 1969 graduated from Fine-Arts and Theatre Institute
  • 1970 Teacher at Yerevan Fine-Arts and Theare Institutete
  • 1974 Member if the USSR Union of painters
  • 1977-1982 Member of the revision board of the Artists Union of Armenia
  • 1980 Prize of Comsomol of Armenia fort the best creativ work the year
  • 1981-1983 Chief artist-painter of the Artists Fund of Armeniae
  • 1982-1988 Member of the USSR Decoration Art and Design board.
  • 1983 Diploma of the USSR Union of Artists for the best work of the year.
  • 1988 Professor
  • 1988 Memberof the USSR Union of Designers
  • 1988 Head of board of the Armenian Union of Designer
  • 1988 Head of the Design department of the Yerevan Fine-Arts and Theat Institute
  • 1993 Member of international Federation of Artists
  • 1994 Member of International Association of Designers


  • 1990 Gallery "Villa Ikhon" Breman German
  • 1991 Artist's House" Yerevan, Armenia
  • 1992 "Gallery- 100" Paris, France
  • 1992 "ABF", Marseilles, France
  • 1993 "Ex-point Gallery" Praha, Checkia
  • 1994 Gallery "Osteuropa-forderung", Berlin,Germany
  • 1995 Hotel "Holiday Inn" Toulouse, France
  • 1994 Gallery "Osteuropa-forderung", Berlin,Germany
  • 1995 Hotel "Regina Palace" Bearits, France.
  • 1995 Gallery "Novetel" Toulouse, France

Was born in 1946 in Yerevan. In 1969, he graduated from the Yerevan Fine Arts and Theatre Institute and has been a member of the Artists' Union of the USSR since 197g. Since 1970 he has participated in more than 70 exhibitors, 11 of which were one-man shows. His pictures are property of museums of Armenia, Russia, Ukraine, France and private collections in many countries of the world. Since 1970, be has been teaching in the Yerevan Institute of Arts. From 1988 to 1993 he was the Head of the Design Department. Has be rank of professor. Since 1998, he has been the Chairman of the Artists' Union of Armenia. Mini Biography: Karen Aghamian is a painter and designer, whose works manifest biz skillful hand of a professional designer and re-constructor" of the environment. Peculiar attitude towards the surroundings enables him to find his own field of activity and create an individual conceptual world. The artist's perception of the reality as well as his works are alien to outside intrusion: they are so original, whole - hearted and complete. All this is a result of hard intensive work, his longing for perfection and deep emotional experience. It is difficult to attribute the artist's paintings to a certain school. He represents his "own" realism, somewhat different from the conventional one, rather restrained and, at times, rigid. Karen Aghamian works quickly, all in the same breath, and this manner of his is a means to an end. He manages to paint in one color range - pink, red or green, and chaotically dividing the color by a great number of small strokes, makes his pictures "to breathe". An expressively graceful silhouette of a woman is a frequent "visitor" in his compositions. Faces are of no importance here, but figures, nevertheless, have definite individuality. Amalgamation of intellect and sensuality, thorough calculation and unusual chiaroscuro solutions are peculiar to his works. By logically dividing and "freezing" space, Aghamian succeeds in creating motion in the very picture. His pictures are looked over from principal to minor details which are just outlined. The artist has proved to be capable of finding "neutral-active" background that acquires its independent sounding and integrity. Having created his own world, Karen Aghamian keeps touch with the existing reality and strengthens himself as a definite link in the chain of the whole.

