Сарухан Александр

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Сарухан Александр
Saroukhan Alexandre
Александр Сарухан.jpg
На английском: Saroukhan Alexandre
На армянском: Աղեքսանդր Սարուխան
Дата рождения: 1898
Место рождения: Россия
Дата смерти: 1977
Место смерти: Каир, Египет
Краткая информация:
Армянский карикатурист, чьи рисунки публиковались в ряде арабских и международных газет и журналов


Родился 1898 году в России умерло в в 1977 году) была египетская - . Содержание [show]

Александр Сарухан (1898 - 1977) — армяно-египетский карикатурист.

Родился в г. Батуми. Начальное образование получил в Батуми, позже- в стамбульском колледже Мхитарян. В 1920-1923 гг. сотрудничал с юмористическим журналом "Гаврош" (Стамбул).

Считается основателем Египетской карикатурной школы, среди его последователей — арабские графики Рахт, Абдэль Сагим и др.

Был удостоен международных наград.

Автор ряда юмористических произведений, комедии «Мы не знаем армянский язык». [править] Источник

Журнал "Нор Оризон" (Швеция), №1, 2004, стр. 33.

В 1908 году в возрасте десяти, он переехал в Турцию, где он учился Языки. Вместе со своим братом Левоном Сарухан, он опубликовал еженедельник. Позже Сарухан работал в качестве переводчика русского, турецком и английском языках Языки в британской армии. В то же время, его карикатуры были опубликованы в армянских газетах и журналах, в частности, в сатирической статье "Javroush". В 1922 году он выехал из Турции в Европу и учился в графики Brussel академию, где он преуспел и закончили свое обучение в 2 года вместо обычного 4. [Править] Карьера

В 1924 году Сарухан отправился в Египет с более чем 125 штук своих художественных работ. Его рисунки были опубликованы в сатирический журнал под названием "Армянское кино".

Сарухан представил некоторые из своих работ на выставке в Каире, а затем в Александрии в Египте. Через эти выставки, он встретил египетского журналиста Мохаммеда Эль-Tabii. Сотрудничая друг с другом, они стали наиболее важными и влиятельными журналистами в Египте на 20 лет. Сарухан работал карикатуристом для широко распространены "Роз эль-Юсуф" статью, где Эль-Tabii был редактором. Первый рисунок Сарухан о том, что появился на обложке журнала в том, что Роз эль-Юсуф марта 1928. С тех пор, Сарухан стала известна как "политическое" карикатурист.

Его слава была также создана через его характер "Эль-Масри Эфенди" (то есть египетская Эфенди المصري أقندي по-арабски). Однако из-за спора между Rose (AKA Фатима) эль-Юсуф и Мохаммед эль-Tabii, Сарухан оставил журнал и был зачислен в штат другой египетский известной статье под названием "Akher Sa'a" (последний час), Эль - Tabii опубликованные до 1946 года.

Когда Мохамед Эль-Tabii продал "Akher Saa" до "Акбар эль Йом" Новости (Сегодня в арабском), Сарухан переехала в новую газету и работал до самой смерти в 1977 году.

Он установил, египетские французском языке журнал юмора "La Караван" в 1942 г. до его закрытия в 1945 году. Он также внес вклад в иностранной прессе язык Египта, с карикатурами в "La Presse Egyptienne", "имидж" и армянских ежедневных Арев. У него было много выставок в Египте, Ливане, Сирии, Румынии. [1] [Править] Публикации

Среди публикаций Сарухан является "Это война", в котором он предупредил о наступлении второй мировой войны. Он считается лучшим его книги, как это определено его таланты обнаружить юмора в критике.

Стиль Сарухан занимал видное место, независимой и известной как он привлек более чем 20000 различные карикатуры - политические, социальные или юмористические. Другие публикации включают "политического года 1938", сборник политической карикатуры, книга в Армянский по искусству карикатуры, пять сатирического играет в Армении, "Наши" Семь смертных грехов ", и статья" Как я пришел в Египет ".

Он также обратил на republications армянской юморист Акоп Baronian Classic "Почетный нищих" ( "Medzabadiv Muratsganner" на армянском языке) и армянский юморист Ерванда Odian Classic "Товарищ Panchoonie" ( "Enger Pantchouni" на армянском языке).




  • Он считается одним из лучших и самых знаменитых карикатуристов в арабском мире.


Saroukhan Alexandre

Сарухан Александр*


Alexandre Saroukhan(Александр Сарухан) By Fayza Hassan

Alexandre Saroukhan (1898-1977) was born in the city of Batoum by the Black Sea. He spent his adolescence in Istanbul; after the massacres of the Caucasus, he escaped to Vienna, where he studied drawing. He was lured to Egypt with false promises of a good job.

Arriving in Alexandria in 1924, he survived with the help of the Armenian community and later moved to Cairo in search of employment. He was hired to teach drawing at the Armenian school of arts in Bulaq. During that period, he met Mustafa Amin and El-Tab'i in the atelier of an Armenian friend, the engraver Barbarian. El-Tab'i, then editor-in-chief of Rose El-Youssef, was struck by Saroukhan's talent and eventually hired him.

Al-Kashkoul, Rose El-Youssef's greatest competitor, owed its success to the collaboration of the famous caricaturist Sintes. El-Tab'i reckoned that Saroukhan could become his worthy contender. There was a slight problem at first, however: Saroukhan spoke no Arabic; nor was he acquainted with the ins and outs of Egyptian politics. The editors had to explain to him the message which each caricature was expected to convey. Saroukhan penned in various characters, amended according to instructions, erasing and starting once more from scratch until El-Tab'i was finally satisfied and ready to compose the text and the punch line.

The character of El-Masri Effendi, born on 7 March 1932, was the result of this collective effort, Rose El-Youssef's apt rebuttal of Sintes's Goha, who appeared in Al-Kashkoul.

When Mustafa Amin left Rose El-Youssef, taking El-Tab'i with him, Saroukhan followed and attended to the creation of Akher Sa'a, then Akhbar Al-Yom. He had dreamed of going back to Armenia one day, but the country was by this time under communist rule. He applied for Egyptian nationality, which was granted to him after the 1952 Revolution. By then he was 60. He died in Egypt in 1977.

Years later, commenting on the history of Egyptian caricature, another famous Egyptian caricaturist, Mohieddin El-Labbad, was prompt to acknowledge Saroukhan's Egyptianness : "We can acclaim Saroukhan, an Egyptian after all," he said, "but maybe we, the Egyptian caricaturists, should have celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of the Suez War, which allowed us to rid ourselves of the stupid foreigners (khawagat), who took up, in our newspapers and in our minds, more space than they deserved."

Charles Vidal: Cairicature, IFAO, 1997.


Alexander Saroukhan

Al-Fineeq (The Phoenix) -- Jordanian Cultural Magazine in Arabic June 2000 Vol. 56

Translated from Arabic exclusively for ANN/Groong by Katia M. Peltekian

Book: Alexander Saroukhan: Biography and Works By Hrant Keshishian and Rashed Issa

Alexander Saroukhan is an Egyptian-Armenian caricaturist whose drawings have appeared in a number of Arabic and international newspapers and magazines. The Egyptian minister of Educations said, "Saroukhan as well as thousands of Armenians arrived in Egypt to have a better life of peace and equal opportunity. Saroukhan became well-known in the printed media for his distinguishing style in caricature. He settled in Cairo and became a 'jealous' nationalist and established his place as one of the foremost caricaturists in the Arab world."

This book is a "memorial" album that includes a biography of the artist with references to his art, style and achievements in the world of caricatures as described by other artists and caricaturists.

This is not a complete album of Saroukhan's drawings. Neither is it an academic study of his art and style. It is simply an album that provides a quick glance to his diverse artwork. The features of his drawings are realistic, but at the same time exaggerated.

This book was published with the support of the Cairo Armenian General Benevolent Union (Satenig Shaker Fund). It includes chapters written by the Egyptian minister of education Farouq Hussni, the artist Hussein Bikar, the artist Jumaa Farhat, in addition to the biography written by Hrant Keshishian.

Alexander Saroukhan was born in 1898 in a district "beyond the Caucasus" in the Russian Empire. However, his family later moved to Batumi, where Saroukhan and his brother showed interest in drawing at an early age both encouraged by their father and a Russian teacher at school. During that time, the Ottoman Empire promised an atmosphere of freedom of expression (1908), so Saroukhan's family of seven moved to Turkey.

Saroukhan studied languages at the Catholic schools, and with his brother Levon published a weekly magazine to practice journalism. Soon, his parents left him and Levon at the school in Turkey and went back to Batum Their fate was never to see their parents again.

Later, tragedy struck the Armenians during the first World War, when 2.2 million Armenians were displaced and deported, and 1.5 million perished in barbaric methods. Many escaped to Syria and Egypt. However, Saroukhan and his brother remained at their school until the end of the war with respect to Turkey in 1918. Saroukhan worked as a translator of the Russian, Turkish and English languages in the British army. At the same time, his caricatures were published in Armenian newspapers and magazines, such as the satiric "Javroush" paper. However, Saroukhan and his brother left Turkey in 1922 and went to Austria where he received $50 dollars from a paper published in Boston in return for some of his drawings. The two brothers then went to Brussels where his uncle helped him study at the Graphic Art Academy where he finished his studies in 2 years instead of the usual four because he excelled. In 1924, Saroukhan left for Egypt with more than 125 pieces of his work that he had accomplished while at school.

Among his drawings were the very accurate anatomies of the male and female bodies. Also, there were some sketches of the different types of human beings drawn in coal and pencil.

Thus, he came to Egypt with an artistic maturity and his drawings were published in a satiric magazine called "Armenian Cinema". In addition, he gained fame through another magazine published by Rose el-Yusuf until the magazine went bankrupt.

Saroukhan first taught art at the Calouste Goulbenkian Armenian School in Bulak where he met other Armenian artists as the Zincographist Aram Berberian who is well-known for preparing the cliches for books and magazines in many languages.

Saroukhan later met another Armenian with whom he published the weekly "Armenian Cinema" in 1925. Through this magazine, Saroukhan's sketches and drawings became known for their sarcasm and humor that relied on the grotesque.

When the paper stopped publication, Saroukhan presented 95 of his works at an exhibition in Cairo and then in Alexandria. Through these exhibition, he met an Egyptian journalist Mohamad el-Tabii. Cooperating with each other, the two became the most important and influential journalists in Egypt for 20 years. Saroukhan worked as a caricaturist for the widely circulated "Rose el-Yusuf" paper the editor of which was el-Tabii. The newspaper then became a political magazine with some interest in culture and literature. Saroukhan's first drawing that appeared on the cover of the magazine was that of Rose el-Yusuf in March 1928, number 118. From then on, Saroukhan became known as a 'political' caricaturist.

His fame was also established through his character "Efendi el-Masri" (Egyptian Efendi). However, because of a dispute between Fatima (aka Rose) el-Yusuf and Mohamad el-Tabii, Saroukhan left the magazine and joined the staff of another Egyptian well-known paper called "Akher Sa'a" (Last Hour) which el-Tabii published until 1946 when he sold it to another magazine "Akhbar el-Yom" (Today's News). Of course, Saroukhan moved to "Akhbar el-Yom" and worked for it until his death in 1977.

Among Saroukhan's publications is the book "This War" in which he predicted the coming of World War Two. It is considered to be his finest book as it defined his talents to discover humor in criticism. The Saroukhan style was prominent, independent and famous as he drew more than 20,000 different caricatures - political, social or humorous. In addition to "This War" he published another book on political caricatures called "The Political Year 1938". He has also written a book in Armenian on the art of caricature, five satirical plays also in Armenian, "Our Seven Deadly Sins", and an article "How I Came to Egypt."

This is how life ended for a world-renowned artist of Armenian origin and Egyptian upbringing: Alexander Saroukhan. Establishing a special art school for generations to come, he is considered one of the best and most famous caricaturists in the world.

Amman, Jordan [edit] See also ??? ???????

Categories: Armenian Individuals
