Монастырь Санаин (село Санаин, Армения)

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Шаблон:Churcht Sanahin MonasteryСанаинский монастырь (Санаин) Sanahin Monastery, 10-13th century, Alaverdi Photo by Sergey Chatrchyan

Конвенция ЮНЕСКО об охране всемирного культурного и природного наследия, по данным на конец 2004 года, наделяет статусом объекта Всемирного наследия (англ. World Heritage) 788 объектов (в том числе 611 культурных, 154 природных и 23 смешанных) из 134 стран.Санаин

Санаин [править] Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

Храм святого Георгия

Санаин (арм. ???????) — деревня на севере Армении.

В настоящее время входит в состав города Алаверди, с которые его соединяет канатная дорога. В Санаине родились братья Анастас и Артём Микоян.

Всемирную известность приобрёл монастырский комплекс, основанный в X веке. Sanahin Monastery Constructed during the X century, and is well known as a great center of literature and writing.Sanahin Monastery

Founding Century: X Founding Date : 967 Region: Lori Location: Sanahin village

Sanahin village is connected to the main highway by a footbridge built in 1192, the oldest well-preserved bridge in Armenia. Erected near the town of Alaverdi, Sanahin ranks amongst the most celebrated monasteries of medieval Armenia and is comprised of several churches and chapels. In the reign of Queen Khosrovanoush in 967 Amenaprkich Church was built, which later became the cathedral of the monastery. In 1185 a gavit was added to the cathedral. Prince Vache Vachoutian built a nakhagavit in 1211. The bell-tower, dating from the 13th century, overlooks the whole monastic complex. The library was built in 1063. Niches in the thick walls were used for storing books, and the semi-columns are covered with fine carvings depicting reptiles and birds. It is believed that great poet troubadour Sayat-Nova was born in Sanahin, the birthplace of his mother. After his life in Tiflis and his fame as a court minstrel, he became a monk and moved to Haghpat to serve the monastery, where he continued to play his favorite stringed instrument, the saz, in his monastic cell.Санаин Средневековый монастырь в селе Санаин (ныне г. Алаверди). Один из главных культурных центров Сев. Армении. При Санаине имелись скрипторий, где производилась переписка книг и академия (чемаран). Санаин владел обширными земельными угодиями, численность братии в X - XIII вв. Доходила до 300-500 чел., среди которых были ученые и деятели культуры. Основная группа его построек включает: церкви типа крестово - купольного зала св. Аствацацин (934 г.) и Аменапркич (957-962 гг.) - главная церковь монастыря. Между церквями - сводчатая галерея-школа (X-XI в.). На территории монастыря , близ основной группы зданий имеется ряд других сооружений (усыпальница князей Захаридов и князей Аргутинских - Долгоруких, 1189 г.; часовня св. Саркиса, церковь св. Карапета и др.).

Sanahin Monastery Alaverdi Region, Republic of Armenia 966 AD-13th Century

AA Vol. 4, Fiche # 023-027.

The Monastery of Sanahin is situated on the wooded mountain slope of Mt. Tchantinler above the village of Sanahin, in the region of Alaverdi, Republic of Armenia (approx. coord. 41-42 / 44-02). The monastery is also 2 km southeast of the town of Alaverdi. The oldest references to the monastery were found in early 10th century Armenian manuscripts and relate that the monastery was constructed over the ruins of a 4th or 5th century church. The complex consists of several buildings which date from different periods: the larger church of S.Amenaprkitch (Holy Redeemer), the smaller, adjacent church of S.Astvatsatsin and its gavit, the round chapel of S.Gregory, an academy, a bell tower and a library.

An invasion by the Mongolians in 1235 is cited as a cause for the general decline of monastic life and the subsequent decay of the monastery itself. It was during this and other invasions that much of the monastery was destroyed, including the living quarters of the monks, the church of S. James, a 10th century gavit, a caravanserai and the Tomb of the Kiurikian.


Type: Monastic complex Location: Region of Lori on the basin of the Dzoraget river Date: Xth-XIIIth c Evidence for date: Important details: Associated with nearby Haghpat Monastery State of preservation: Very good Reconstruction: Some Summary: Located in the region of Lori this monastic complex stands on the edge of the basin of the Dzoraget River, southwest of Haghpat manastery. Sanahin monastery was probably erected on the site of a pre-Christian temple. It comprises three churches, two gavits, an academy, a library, and a bell tower, the whole encircled by a fortified wall. It was established as a monastery in 966.

In the center stands the church of them Mother of God begun on 930. It is of the domed hall type with four corner rooms. The drum and cupola are of later date (XVIIIth century). The original squinches are unusual because of their shape and of the four sculptured animals whose symbolism is doubtful (it is interesting to compare them with similar motifs at Gndevant). The small model of the church placed under the entrance arch of one of the sacristies is very unusual.

Next to this church of relatively modest proportions, Queen Khosrovanuysh with the help of her husband King Ashot III Bagratuni began in 966 the construction of the Church of the Savior which she dedicated to her sons Smbat and Gurgen who are shown on a bas relief of the tympanum on the east façade. This church has the same general lines as the preceding ones but is considerably larger in size. Two-stories sacristies are set in the four corners. The cupola was completely rebuilt in 1184. The elegant series of blind arcades on the east and south facades are among the earliest examples of this type of decoration, which is also found on the cathedral of Ani. The chapel of St. Gregory with a quadrilobed plan inscribed in a circle was rebuilt in 1061. It is a small-circular-shaped chapel on the east end of the monastery grouping. It has a circular dome on the middle rests on the wedgelike projection at the meeting points of the niches. The library, which is one of the most interesting buildings, was erected in 1063. It has a square plan and a roof supported by diagonal arches which rest on four half columns placed in the middle of the sides of the square.

The building, which links the two churches, is of the same period. It served as an academy, a real university where famous masters such as Gregory Magistros taught. The building activity slowed down in the XIth century as a result of the Seljuq invasions, but it resumed at the end of the XIIth century with the construction of the gavit placed in front of the church of the Savior which is the work of the abbot John.

The four monolithic columns, which support the roof, are noteworthy. The second large gavit placed in front of the church of the Virgin and having a triple barrel vault carried on a double row of pillars was built in 1211. The west facades pierced by an arcade under which are placed two very previous Khach'k'ars dating from 1187 and 1215. The three-stored campanile standing to the left of the gavit dates from the XVIIIth century.

Bibliography: Brosset 1863, monograph Konstaniants 1886 Haroutiounian 1888 Ališan 1890, 193 Harutyunean 1898, monograph Yerznkiants vol.3 1898 Lalaian 1901 Kirakos 1909 Strzygowski 1918, 99e segg, 392 e segg, 822 e segg Movsissian 1923 Baltrusaitis 1929 Amatouni 1940 Thoramanian 1942 Iakobson 1950, 84-85 Aghababian 1950 Harutyunean 1951, 55-56 Mnatsakanian 1952, 43 Eghiazarian 1952 Yeghiazarian 1952 Ghalpakhtchian 1953 Khatchikian 1955 Kafadarian 1957, monograph Arakelian 1958 Haroutiounian 1960 Tokarski 1961, 280 Utudjian 1962 Barkhoudarian 1963, 41-43 Mécérian 1964, 272-275 Hovhannisian 1964 Ghalpakhtchian 1965 Ghalpakhtchian 1966 Sarkisian 1966, 270 Utudjian 1967 Ghalpakhtchian 1967, 145-160 Leo 1967 Mnatsakanian 1967 Ghalpakhtchian 1968 Architettura Medievale Armena 1968, 143-135 Documents of Armenian Architecture vol.3 1968 Mnaizakanyan and N. Stepanyan 1970, 100 Khlpakhchyan 1973 (Russian) Cone 1974, 121-124 Der Nersessian 1977-1978, 106 Armenian Architecture 1981, 27-28 Soviet Armenian Encyclopedia vol.10 1984, 173-175 The Armenians 1986, 198 1997-1999, Armenian Enlightenment Chronicle Cuneo 1988, 290-298 J-M Thierry and P. Donabedian 1989, 568-569 1999, Majarian