Американский Университет Армении Ассоциация Выпускников

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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AUA Alumni Association (Yerevan)
AUA Alumni Association (Yerevan)
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Руководитель при регистрации: Vahan Danielyan Chairman of the Board
Адрес: #40, Baghramyan Ave., VI floor, room #60e, Yerevan, 375019, Republic of Armenia
Телефон/Факс: (+374 10) 51 25 53
Эл. почта: aassociation@aua.am
Ссылки: http://www.aua.am/alumni

Fenya Yepremyan - Associate Executive

The American University of Armenia Alumni Association (AUA AA) non-governmental organization was founded in 2003. Based on the principle of voluntary participation and common interests of members, the AUA AA initiates various projects that contribute to the professional development of AUA alumni and fosters cooperation aimed at the advancement of the American University of Armenia (AUA) in Armenia and beyond.


Support to the fulfillment of the professional and academic potential of the AUA alumni to contribute to prosperity and broader development of the Republic of Armenia.


Several types of activities initiated by the organization include: Enhancement of networking among AUA alumni; Professional development training programs, workshops and seminars; Public discussions on important topics of alumni's interest; Charity; Cultural and sport events; Partnerships with local private sector and civil society for the benefit of the alumni; Support to AUA advancement and progress through special initiatives and alumni feedback; Represent and protect interests of the alumni.

Projects/ Initiatives

The Alumni Association members can propose various projects and initiatives to the attention of the AUA AA Board. The Board may then provide or seek for assistance from its partner organizations.

The Association is in close co-operation with the AUA Alumni Career Development Office (ACDO), AUA Administration and representatives of a number of local and international organizations.

A key to success of such cooperation is the active participation of our alumni - both as staff of these organizations and active members of the Association.

For more information on projects/initiatives:

Fenya Yepremyan Associate Executive