Церковь Сурб Григор Лусаворич (Дсех, Армения)

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Шаблон:Churcht St. Gregory the Illuminator Church (Dsegh) Церковь св. Григория Просветителя (Дзех) St. Gregory the Illuminator Church of Dsegh Originally built in 1900, reconstructed in 1999

Lousavorich (The Illuminator) Church (Dsegh)

Dsegh village is one of the ancient and famous villages of the region of Tumanyan. Lousavorich Church is located in the area of the central medeival cemetry of Dsegh village and is surrounded by the stone-built gate. The building is totally renewed and is very much modified from its previous state.

The first reconstruction is bind with the name of Mamikonyan. On the eastern frountier of the church, above the window coronet one can see the symbol of Mamikonyan's tribe: the two-headed eagle holding a lamb in its claws. The present view of the building is the result of the second reconstruction done in 1900, during which all the walls were entirely renewed. This is testified by the manuscript written on the arch of the front part. This reconstruction is connected with the name of "the most Armenian poet" H. Tumanyan's father -Ter-Tatevos the priest, who is buried on the yard of the church.

The third reconstruction was done in 1969 for the purpose of organizing a meuseum. During this reconstruction the wooden ramshackled roof was changed, the walls were highered and the floor was paved. Last time it was reconstucted in 1999 by the contribution of an American-Armenian well-doer - Harout Simonyan.

The monument is attrective with its various synthetic reconstructions of different centuries, especially with the typical features of those centuries.
