Обсуждение:Григорян Галуст Вараздатович

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Galust Grigoryan Greзаголовок ссылки • Galust Grigoryan was born and lives in Armenia. Grigoryan is self-schooled by the traditional study of Leonardo de Vinci and Old Masters’ work at museums. He presented himself to the art lover society with his first personal exhibition in 1991. After 13 years of exhibitions and commissioned works in the most prominent European cities including Rome and Paris, he was engaged by Sausalito Art Collection for the exclusive representation of his landscapes paintings in United States. • • Grigoryan works are exhibited both in the Museum of Modern Art and the Museum of the People in Moscow, Russia as well as Center of Jimmie Carter. He has had solo exhibitions in Rome, Paris, Nice, La Canada, Germany, USA and other countries. • • Galust Grigoryan resides in Armenia where he continues capturing the eternal delight of those moments of absolute reality that we are able to feel only rarely, and never so clearly, strongly and permanently as in his work. The most obvious feature of the artist’s works is the fact, that each composition seems to be an exceptional harmonious synthesis of the invented imaginary events and the fragments gathered from the real life. In this way he is creating his own enigmatical world which is considered to be on the borderline of reality. It is full of motives and means of expression which are more peculiar to abstract and surreal art. In these dramatic and highly expressive compositions the mankind and the nature are deeply fused reflecting the philosophy of cosmic infinity and eternal march of the time. Being a person, who has always believed and still believes in fairytales and inspired by them, Galust is creating admirable works which are worth being appreciated. Полужирное начертание