Карине Армен

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Armen Karine

Армен Карина


Karine Armen is a freelance photographer based in Los Angeles who has traveled extensively to many European countries, Iran and Armenia. In October of 2000, Karine attended a photography workshop in China. In October of 1999, she participated in another photography workshop in Portugal, organized by the American Photo Magazine.

Karine Armen (Kurkjian) has an M.A. in Educational Administration from California State University, Los Angeles. She has a B.A. in Photography and Social Work from University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

Karine was in Armenia in June of 1999, where she photographed a variety of subjects in Karabagh and other cities. Her first trip to Armenia was in March of 1990, where she worked as a mental health counselor with the earthquake survivors of Gumri. Both times she was touched by the hospitality and kindness of the Armenian people.

Karine's recent photographs were published in View from Yerevan [Hayatsk Yerevanits]. Her work has been published in AIM (Armenian International Magazine), Ararat Quarterly, The Guardian, Glendale News Press, and The Best of College Photography Annual 1985. She has exhibited her photographs on several occasions and has contibuted her work to many nonprofit fundraising events. Karine has a rare ability to empathize with her subjects. "I respect the people I photograph, I see a dignified person in each one of them. It is so rewarding when they trust me and allow me to take their pictures. I like to get a sense of their condition and emotions before I can capture them so that the viewer will also sense who they are." Karine has also taken her camera to the streets of Los Angeles, New York, and Washington, D.C. to capture the plight of homeless people on film. As a result, she produced a documentary slide show. Karine's portfolio includes travel pictures, documentary photos and portraits. Her recent trips include to Iran, Portugal, the Netherlands, Germany, London, Paris, Turkey, Italy and Greece.