Арсланян Анаит

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Arslanian Anahid

Арсланян Анаит

Anahid Arslanian

Anahid Arslanian, Iranian born to an Armenian family, has lived in San Francisco on and off since 1969. Shown and published on the West Coast, she embraces a style that can be called magical realism -- art that comes from the spirit, exploring the dream universe of the soul.

Anahid's other talents include Henna Body Art, Astrology, and Tarot reading.

To contact her view www.anahid.com

Anahid Arslanian is a San Francisco-based artist. She was born in Iran of Armenian origin. Her family emigrated to the United States in 1968. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the San Francisco Art Institute.

Her work has been shown and published since 1978. She embraces a style that can be called magical realism. This is art that comes from the spirit, exploring the dream universe of the soul.

Artist's Statement:

In my art I attempt to access the depths of my being where a knowingness resides, and let the images flow spontaneously. In this way art becomes an exciting process of discovery and self-knowledge.

I see the painting as a living entity which paints itself. I try to relax and listen to the small voice within; thus the mysteries of nature and my own psyche are explored and revealed to me in this intuitive manner.
