Армянский экологический благотворительный фонд

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Armenian Ecological Charity Foundation (Yerevan. Armenia)
Armenian Ecological Charity Foundation (Yerevan. Armenia)
Руководитель при регистрации: Head Person Armen Dovlatyan (Chairman)
Адрес: 4/4 Kievian Str.,apt. 29, 375033 Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
Телефон/Факс: 3741-530552; 3741-580131
Эл. почта: armeco@rambler.ru, dovlatian@yahoo.com
Ссылки: http://www.hra.am/eng/?page=organization&id=44 http://www.armeniadiaspora.com/projects/noncom/armeco_f.html

Armenian Ecological Charity Foundation (Yerevan. Armenia)


Assist in the development of science and culture Assist in maintenance and efficient use of natural resources, namely flora and fauna, Assist in reproduction of disappearing biological diversities of the nature (flora and fauna) Assist in the replenishment of towns and green territories and forests in industrial areas Assist in the improvement of sanitary hygienic situation of the surrounding environment and urbanized territories Assist in the development of economy and culture on the territory of the RA Implementation of the public, social and economic activities, construction of cultural and other objects, reconstruction and renovation works, support new technologies