Церковь Арич (Ширак, Армения)

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Церковь Арич (Ширак, Армения)
Arich Church (Shirak. Armenia)
C9471 1.png
Ссылки: http://www.armeniainfo.am/sites/?section=religious

Founding Century: XIII Founding Date : 1201 Region: Shirak Location: Artik

The earliest part of this site is a cross-domed church, similar to St John Cathedral in Mastara (7th century), with an unusual sub-dome pendentive transition and a multifacet drum of the dome. The ball-shaped roof is from the 19th century. The main church was founded by Armenian rulers, brothers Zakhar and Ivan Zakharid, in 1201. Their portraits are displayed on the church’s eastern wall. In the 19th century a model of the church in their hands was replaced by an image of the Virgin when the original lay in ruins. On the western side of the church is a large four-column gavit (built before 1224) with an exquisite stalactite floor and vaulted ceilings laden with mosaic designs. Remains of another gavit and chapels were found some distance south of a 7th century church, along with spectacular, relief-covered 5th-7th century steles, now deposited at the State Museum of Armenian History.