Церковь Сурб Григор (Меримарк-Валей, Северный Андовер)

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Шаблон:Churcht St. Gregory Armenian Apostolic Church of Merrimack (Valley North. Andover) Армянская Апостольская Церковь св.Григория (Меримарк-Валей. Северный Андовер) St. Gregory Armenian Apostolic Church of Merrimack Valley 158 Main Street, North Andover, MA 01845 http://www.soorpstepanos.org/

Tel: (978) 685-5038 Fax: (978) 685-6157 E-mail: dervartan@verizon.net

Pastor: Rev. Father Vartan Kassabian Tel: (978) 258-0536


About Saint Gregory Church

Mission Statement of St. Gregory Church:

The mission of our Church is to above all preach the life giving Gospel of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ in accordance with the faith of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church.

Following the commands of our Lord the Church seeks to bring the faithful into a closer relationship with God through the celebration of the Divine Liturgy and the Holy Sacraments and to become a faith centered community nurtured in the virtues of Christian love, charity, and mercy for glory of God and the Holy Mother Church.

St. Gregory Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church is a parish of the Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America under the Spiritual Administration of our presiding Hierarch & Prelate His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan and under the jurisdiction of His Holiness Aram I Catholicos / Patriarch of the Armenian Orthodox Church in Antelias Lebanon.

Requests for Hokehankist

Requiems and Prayers should be submitted to the Church Office no later than Thursday at 12:00 noon for publication in the Sunday Church Bulletin for that week.

All requests recieved after that will be published in the Sunday Bulletin for the following week.

Anyone wishing to donate Altar Flowers for a particular occasion or in memory of a loved one should kindly contact the Church Office by Wednesday of that week.

Aghavni Newsletter

Organizations: Board of Trustees:

John Kulungian, Chairman Avedis Garavanian, Vice Chair

 Greg Minasian, Treasurer

Andrea Frounjian, Corresponding Secretary

 Arthur Barberian, Recording Secretary

Jane Kublbeck

John Dagdigian

Steve Mahlebjian

 Sossy Jeknavorian 

Martha Hananian, Alternate

Sunday School:

Jane Kublbeck - Director

Armenian School:

Sossy Jeknavorian - Director

Building Committee:

Rich Shahtanian, Joe Almasian,

Jim Apovian, Armena Bizios,

Michael Boloian, John Dagdigian,

Paul Demoorjian, Armen Jeknavorian,

Sossy Jeknavorian, Armen Kourkounian,

Sarkis Sarkisian, Rose Soghigian

Building Fundraising Committee:

Greg Afarian, Alicia Barberian,

John Kulungian, Susan Kulungian,

Christine Kourkounian

Ladies Guild - Executive Committee:

Rose Soghigian - Chairman

Yeretsgeen Pauline Kassabian - Vice Chairman

  Ann Apovian - Treasurer

Pam Nicolosi - Secretary

Lisa Apovian - Advisor

Men’s Club:

Karekin Soghigian - Chairman


Armen Oozoonian


Violet Dagdigian - Editor


Martha Hananian - Director


John Boloian

Kim Almasian

Avo Jeknavorian

Kara Soghigian

Sunday and Armenian School

Email Us: soorpkrikor@verizon.net

About the site : webmaster@saintgregory.org

Telephone: (978) 685-5038

Fax: (978) 685-6157

Directions to Saint Gregory Church