Церковь Сурб Геворг (Мугни, Армения)

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Шаблон:Churcht Surp Gevorg Church (Mughni. Armenia) Церковь Сурб Геворг (Мугни. Армения) МОНАСТЫРЬ В СЕЛЕ МУГНИ

Церковь св. Геворка (типа купольной базилики) была построена в селе Мугуни Аштаракского района в 1661 г. Mughni Monastery

Founding Century: XVII Founding Date : 1661 Region: Aragatsotn Location: Mughni village

The main church of St. George represents a domed hall dating from 1661-1669, with a three-arch gallery-belfry in the western section. The church was built by the architects Sahak Khizanetzi and Murat.The dome drum is faced with alternating rows of orange and black tufa, and on the exterior surface there are reliefs representing the Evangelists. The portals are generously carved.
