Забота о семье ( Ереван)

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Забота о семье(Ереван)
Family Care (Yerevan)
S9016 1.png
Дата основания: Июнь 22, 1998
Руководитель при регистрации: Директор- Антонио Монтальто
Адрес: пр.Маршала Баграмяна20 , кв.4, Ереван, 375010,Почт.ящик 586,Республика Армения
Телефон/Факс: (374 1) 58 16 07 Факс: (374 1) 58 16 07
Эл. почта: family@arminco.com

Ms.Nelli Khachatryan - Office Manager

Main areas of activity include:

  • health programs implementation including rehabilitation,
  • medical staff training,
  • provision of medical equipment mainly in the filed of mother and child health care,
  • interchange scientific research activities,
  • small income generating projects: honey, pot production,
  • art school for the children of Spitak.

Current activities Primary health care and mother and child care in Karabagh, Art School project for the children of Spitak.

Major Projects Primary health care and mother and child care in Armenia and Karabagh. Expected the follow up of the above-mentioned project in Armenia and Karabagh.

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