Коледж Маштоц (Грендейл. США)

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Коледж Маштоц (Грендейл. США)
Mashdots College (Glendale)
Руководитель при регистрации: Dr.Garbis Der Yeghiayan
Адрес: 1545 N.Verdugo Rd, #204, Glendale, CA 91208, USA
Телефон/Факс: (1 818) 548 93 45; Fax: (1 818) 548 93 42
Эл. почта: mashdots@aol.com
Ссылки: http://www.mashdotscollege.org/

Mashdots College is Approved by the State of California Bureau of Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education as a Degree-Granting Institution of Higher Education.


MASHDOTS COLLEGE, an independent non-sectarian institution of higher education founded in 1992 in California, offers quality undergraduate education in selected fields and career-related certificate programs. Through its academic and co curricular programs, the College provides rich educational opportunities which relate to both the academic and personal development of its students.

Mashdots College has been established in honor of Saint Mesrob Mashdots, founder of the first Armenian school, inventor of the Armenian alphabet, and original translator of the Bible into Armenian. Among the aims of the College is the commitment to propagate the rich Armenian heritage through the preparation of teachers, as well as leaders for community organizations.

The basic intention of the Board of Trustees of Mashdots College is to offer quality education in the centuries old tradition of Armenian higher education. Within this tradition, the Board is dedicated to assisting faculty and administrators to facilitate the discovery, advancement and dissemination of knowledge, as well as developing good character and effective citizenship. In this perspective, the Board is committed to academic programs which meet the needs of the Armenian community in the United States. The Board has identified those needed programs as being Armenian studies, teacher education, computer education and other career-related programs.