Исмаилян Гагик — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Версия 16:17, 26 марта 2007


Исмаилян Г.

Г. Исмаилян (Португалия) Известный португальский артист балета. Звезда португальского балета 70-80 гг. XX века. Исполнитель главных партий в балетных спектаклях. Мамулов С.С. Удивительный народ из страны чудес. Книга 4. М., 2005

Gagik Ismailian Гагик Исмаильян


March 17, 2005

"Veronika Decides...". Contemporary full piece, performed by Slovenian National Theater Opera and Ballet, Ljubljana. Music by Silence.

October 15 and 16, 2004

"Citadela" was performed in Ludwigshafen, Germany by the Croatian National Ballet (Split). Both performances were great successes and received with enthusiasm.

July 14 through 22, 2004

Mr. Ismailian's works were simultaneously performed in two corners of the globe. In Israel by the Croatian National Ballet and in Austria by the Balé da Cidade de São Paulo. All performances received a very enthusiastic public and critic responses.

July 2004

Mr. Ismailian was invited to revise "Adeus e Nem Voltei" with the Croatian National Theater Ballet in Split for their international tour to Israel for five performances in Karmiel and Tel Aviv.

June 2004

"Chat....Love", a creation for the Superior Dance Course of Lisbon's graduating class. A piece created for five female dancers; music by Delirium.

May 2004

Wolfsberg Festival - Germany

Accompanied Balé da Cidade de São Paulo for their world tour.

June 20, 2003

"C'est Amour" was premiered at Sintra International Festival (in Sintra/Lisbon, Portugal) by Eslovenian National Ballet. This three piece program had the best reviews by the critics in Lubljana the year before.

May 29, 2003

Premier of "An other Musical" at CCB (Centro Cultural de Belém) in Lisbon, Portugal.

April 11, 2003

"Citadela" was performed and received enthusiastically at Teatro de Madrid, in Madrid, Spain.

March 23, 2003

Due to public demand "Citadela" staged in Split, Croatia.

March 28, 2003

"Citadela" was performed with great success at Teatro Fabricone, in Prato (Florence) Italy.

December 2002

Created "An Other Musical": music ABBA, Mr. Bungle, Julie London, Robert Miles. The piece will be officially premiered in May 2003, in Lisbon at Centro Cultural de Belém.

August 2002

"From Tango to Fado", project for the Split Summer Open Air Festival.

June 2002

Created first part of "Lenda de Hiram", a Masonic tale for the CeDeCe production, music: Satie and Delerium, performed in Centro Cultural de Belém.

April 2002

A week of dance at The Croatian National Theatre in Split, Croatia, dedicated to Gagik Ismailian´s creations. "Citadela" and “Casino Paradis” were staged by high public demand.

March 2002

“C'est Amour” for the Slovenian National Opera Ballet Theatre. A program consisting of three pieces, new versions of,

 “La Vie en Rose, Satie et Moi” (a piece for four female dancers, music by Malcolm McLaren and Satie) 

“Suddenly across the room” (a duet on point, music by Vivaldi and Piazolla), “Duality” (a piece for ten dancers, consisting of duets and trios, music by Torgue & Hoppin and three Fado songs by Amalia Rodrigues) 

February 2002

“Echoes of Passion” (Fado Strasti)" for The Croatian National Ballet. A program consisting of three ballets.

1: Golden Streams (piece for five female dancers; music by Delirium and Philip Glass),

2: Yellow was the colour (solo; music by Philip Glass string quartet, Torgue & Hoppin),

3: Adeus (piece for three couples; music by Madredeus and Delirium).

November 2001

Premier of "La vie en rose, Satie et moi" in Almada, Portugal by Compahnia da Dança da Almada. A piece for 4 female dancers. Music created and edited by choreographer, including; Malcolm McLaren and Erike Satie.

August 2001

A remake of "Mascaras do Tempo" with the Balé da Cidade, São Paulo, Brazil. Was premiered in 1996 in São Paulo, Brazil and, was received with great enthusiasm. The piece consists between 12 and 16 dancers. It is an extremely demanding work for the dancers, individually and as a group. Music by; Dead Can Dance.

June 2001

World premier of "Dualidade@.br" for Bale' da Cidade, Saõ Paulo, Brazil. A piece created for ten dancers that also consists two duets, two trios and two separate solos. Music: Henry Torgue, Amalia and Delerium specially recorded and engineered by Miguel Ramos.

June 2001

"Tribal...Urbano" for the Companhia de Dança de Diadema, São Paulo, Brazil. A dance for seven dancers. Music: Delerium, Silent Poets, Mr. Bungle, Wim Mertens and Muslimgauze.

April 2001

Premier of "Golden Streams" for CeDeCe. A piece created for six female dancers. Music: Delerium, Philip Glass specially recorded and edited by Miguel Ramos.

November 2000

Created "Across the Room" - a duet on point with the music of Vivaldi and Astor Piazzola - and "Momentum" (new version) a solo for a male dancer with the music of Queen.

April 2000

Created a full length piece “Casino Paradis” for CeDeCe. Music: Mr. Bungle, Julie London and Dusty Springfield specially recorded and edited by Miguel Ramos.

November 1999

“Citadela” a full length piece for Croatian National Theater; music Muslimgauze, Dead Can Dance, Komitas, Lisa Gerrard.

May 1999

Created “Nadir” a piece for three women for Companhia de Dança de Almada with the music of Lisa Gerrard and Muslimgauze.

May 1999

“Yellow Was The Color”; music Philip Glass, for CeDeCe a piece for seven dancers.

April 1999

“Faces of Destiny” consists solos for five women with the music by Rachmaninoff and Muslimgauze, for Companhia Portuguesa de Bailado Contemporânea.


“Dream In the Palm of The Hand”, premiered in Brazil; music Osvaldo Golijov for Companhia Portuguesa de Bailado Contemporânea.


“Trilogy”, for CeDeCe.


“The Veil”, for CeDeCe; music Muslimgauze.

“Indifference”, for CeDeCe; music Dead Can Dance.

“Blue Rose”, for CeDeCe; music Muslimgauze.

“Shattered”, for Groupo de Courso Superior de Dança; music Lisa Gerrard and Rodrigo Leal.


“Masquerade”, for CeDeCe; music Khachaturian.

“Suite No. 1” for Ballet Gulbenkian; music Rachmaninoff.

“Voyagers en Parallele” for Croatian National Theater (Zagreb); music Leimotiv.

“Mask of Time” for Balé de Cidade do Sao Paulo (Brazil); music Dead Can Dance.


“Mechanic” for CeDeCe; music Leitmotiv.

“Rules of the Game” for Group de Courso Superior de Dança; music Leitmotiv.


“Passion” for Ballet Gulbenkian; music Schubert.

“Cry of Angels” for Ballet Gulbenkian; music Leitmotiv.

“Tiranna Saudade” for CeDeCe; music Jose Afonso.


“Adeus… E Nem Voltei” for Ballet Gulbenkian; music Madredeus.

“Mask of Tenderness” for CeDeCe; music Philip Glass.

“Tempo in Silence” for CeDeCe; music Nouvelle Lecture.


“Convivaldi” for Ballet Gulbenkian; music Vivaldi.

“Momentum” for Ballet Gulbenkian; music Queen.

“Dis-Figure-Action” for CeDeCe; music Dead Can Dance.


“Voyages in Black and Marble” for Ballet Gulbenkian; music Rachmaninoff (Preludes).


“Dimanche 29 Novembre” for Ballet Gulbenkian; music Vivaldi and Deadly Weapons.


“Gahvoreh” for Ballet Gulbenkian; music Antonio Emiliano.


“Mirage” workshop of Ballet Gulbenkian; music Saint-Säens.


“The Day After” workshop of Ballet Gulbenkian; music Webern.

Professional Experience:

October 2001 - October 2002

Artistic Director - Croatian National Ballet

Professional Dance Experiences:

1987 – 1995

Rejoined Ballet Gulbenkian as principal dancer

1985 – 1986

Joined Netherlands Dance Theater, worked with Jiri Kilian and Nacho Duato


Promoted to Principal Dancer at Ballet Gulbenkian

1978 – 1985

Joined Ballet Gulbenkian

Choreographers Worked With:

Barry Moreland, Hanz Spoerli, Peter Sparling, Elisa Monte, Christopher Bruce, Milko Sparembleck, Jonathon Lann, Carlos Trincheiras, Lar Lubovitch, Hans Van Manen, Louis Falco, Nacho Duato, Jiri Kilian, Vasco Wellenkamp, Joseph Rousillio, Olga Roriz.

Ballet Masters and Mistresses:

Jorge Salavisa, Jorge Garcia, Denise Shultze, Maryon Lane, John Gilpin, Hans Brenaa, Jorge Siqueira, Tery Etheridge, David Sutherland, Ivan Krammer, Irene Milovan.

Exclusive Pieces Created for Mr. Ismailian:

Milko Sparemblek: Triumph of Aphrodite (new version), Symphony of Psalms

Barry Morland: Pagannini Variations

Joseph Rousillio: Rite of Spring

Peter Sparling: Swing Serenade

Louis Falco: Reunion in Portugal

Christopher Bruce: Les Noces

Nacho Duato: Synaphai

Vasco Wellenkamp: Dances for A Guitar, Five Poems of Love, Labyrinth, Ludica, Autono, Exultate Jubilate, Benediction de Dieu en Solitude, In Memory of Piaf, Amaramalia

Olga Roriz: Two Voices, Seres Imaginarios, Three Songs of Nina Hagen, Violoncello not Accompanied in Luxury, Suite, 13 Gestures, Idmen B, Cavaleiros da Noite, Empty Space

"In Memory of Piaf" chor:V.Wallenkemp   

"Violoncello" chor:O.Roriz "13 Gestures" chor:O.Roriz

"Momentum" chor:Ismailian

Guest Appearances:


Invited to dance Albrecht in Giselle at Teatro Municipal in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)


Invited to dance the principal role of The Nutcracker in Florida (USA)

Guest Teacher:

Balé de Cidade in 1996

Olga Roriz Dance Company in 1994

CeDeCe (Companhia Dança Contemporânea de Setúbal) since 1993

Companhia Portuguesa de Bailado Contemporâneo (V. Wallenkemp)

Ballet Gulbenkian since 1991

Pre-Professional Course at Ballet Gulbenkian since 1985


Early dance training at The National Ballet of Iran by invited Russian and English teachers, later at the age of 16 moved to Surrey – England and trained at the Legat School of Dance and Royal Ballet School

Teachers: Piers Beaumont, Terry Westmoreland, Walter Trevor, David Drew, Ruben Echeverria, Nancy Kilgore, Lynn Symoure and Lavern Mayer

Recent Project Citadela

 Casino Paradis
 Casino Paradis Split 2001
 C'est Amour 
 Echoes of Passion (Fado Strati)
 Citadela 2003
 Veronika Decides...

Pascale Mosselmans

Upcoming Projects

Critics Comments

Captured Moments

Feedback http://www.gagikismailian.com/Gagik_Ismailian.htm