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{{unitedt|ID=9041|img=no|dmodify=22.12.2006 15:49:17}}Center of Ethnosociological Studies Akunk (Yerevan)Center of Ethnosociological Studies Akunk {{ОрганизацияAddress: 15 Charents Street,| имя-ру-01 = Центр этносоциологических исследований "Акунк"Yerevan, 375025, Republic of Armenia| имя-ориг = «Ակունք» էթնոսոցիոլոգիական հետազոտությունների կենտրոնPhone: (374 1) 55 67 97| имя-анг = AKUNK Center for Ethno-Sociological Studies| имя-арм = «Ակունք» էթնոսոցիոլոգիական հետազոտությունների կենտրոնMr. Mihran Galstyan| имя-фра =Chairman, PhD in History| состояние текста = 2| состояние поиска = 1Mr. Samvel Mkrtchyan | состояние тэгов = 1Vice-Chairman| состояние ссылок = 1| флаг чистовик = 1 The Mission: Promotion in solution of contemporary ethnocultural, social<!-economic and moral-psychological problemsКод организации: 1 – Учебное заведение, assistance in reduction of poverty2 – Общественная организация, unemployment3 – Библиотека, decrease of immigration and demographic tension4 – Музей, participation in prospective development programmes of the recently formed regions5 – театр, promotion of contacts and development of interrelations between Armenia and Diaspora through its main researches (ethnic6 - СМИ, interethnic7 - Церковь, social8 -occupationalКоммерческая организация, neighborhood structures, etc.). These all is being realized by means of ethnosociological investigations, scientific sessions, seminars, public advocacy, mass media and through cooperation with state and non9 - Спортивные организации ---state structures.>| код организации 1=2Main Directions of Researches:| сокращение =| изображение =Social polarization of the population (poverty, begging, unemployment);| девиз =Migration processes, labor immigration;| вид заведения =Ethnodemographic processes;| основание дата =Deportation, refugees;| основатель =Religion issues;| руководитель = [[Галстян Мигран (Yerevan)|Галстян Мигран]] - президентSects and sectarianism;| местонахождение= АрменияChanges in festive structure and behavior;| филиалы =Family, kin and residential relationships;Social<!-- Общественная организация --normative and moral-psychological value changes (morality, hopelessness, stresses);Role of ethnic and social factors in the process of civil society and democratic state formation in Armenia;Study of the current descriptions of various groups in contemporary Armenian Diaspora, pointing out the ways of development in Armenia-Diaspora interrelations;>Contemporary cultural living description of ethnic minorities living in the Republic of Armenia;Cooperation with local and foreign NGOs and state structures| колич. чел. = The Founding Members of Akunk CES NGO:Mihran Vardges Galstyan (born in 1958) - ethnosociologist| адрес = РА, candidate of historical sciences, RA NAS AEI research associateг. Ереван, lecturer of the "Agricultural Academy", director of Akunk CES NGOул. The main scope of scientific interests: migration processes of the populationЧаренца 15, immigration, deportation, and refugees. He is author of two monographs and about 30 scientific articles and publications;2-ой этажSamvel Souren Mkrtchyan | телефон-факс = (born in 1959+374 10) - ethnosociologist552700, candidate of historical sciences556797, RA NAS AEI research associate, head of thematic group, deputy director of Akunk CES NGO657583| эл.The ma in scope of scientific interests: festivities system, religiousness, sects and sectarianismпочта = akunk@web. He is author of 25 scientific articles and publications;amLilia Martin Vardanyan (born in 1942) - ethnosociologist, candidate of historical sciences, RA NAS AEI proceeding research associate and head of ethnosociology department, Akunk CES NGO committee member| ссылка 1 = [http://www. The main scope of scientific interests: social-family worship and traditions (birth, Mkrtchyan, wedding, funeral, etcngo.)am/arm/index. She is author of one monograph and about 50 scientific articles and publications;asp?page=ecnl_ngo_details&NID=46]| ссылка 2 =| тэг 1 =| тэг 2 =| тэг 3 =| тэг 4 =| тэг 5 =}}Ruben Samvel Ohanjanyan (born in 1951) - ethnosociologist, candidate Center of historical sciences, RA NAS AEI research associate, lecturer of State Engineering Ohanjanyan of Armenia, Ethnosociological Studies Akunk CES NGO committee member. The scope of scientific interests: ethnic psychology, ethnic stereotypes and values. He is author of more than 30 scientific articles and publications;Tamara Zakar Zakaryan (born in1950Yerevan) - ethnosociologist, RA NAS AEI proceeding research associate Akunk CES NGO committee member. The main scope of scientific interests: family, kin and residential relations. She is author of 11 scientific articles and publications.
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