Общество по культуре "Вагана Текеяна (Австралия) — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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| имя-ру-01      =Общество по культуре "Вагана Текеяна (Австралия)
| имя-ру-01      =Общество по культуре "Вагана Текеяна (Австралия)

Текущая версия на 12:24, 4 июня 2011

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Общество по культуре "Вагана Текеяна (Австралия)
Vahan Tekeyan Cultural Association (Australia)
Ссылки: http://www.tekeyanusca.org - Official US and Canada site http://www.tekeyan.org - site about Vahan Tekeyan

Tekeyan Cultural Association

The Association was founded in 1947 in Beirut, Lebanon and is named after the famous Armenian poet Vahan Tekeyan. The TCA operates in 17 countries with chapters, cultural and social Centers, schools, weekly and periodical newspapers, radio and TV programs.

In 1991, during the first days of the Independence of Armenia, the TCA established itself in the Motherland, and in a short time intellectuals and dedicated Armenians joined the new organization.

The Tekeyan Cultural Association Inc. of USA and Canada was formed in 1969 and is located in Watertown, Massachusetts, USA.

The Organization is a non profit (501) (C) 3 tax-exempt Corporation. Any gifts to the Organization are deductible for income, gift and estate tax purposes.