Благотворительная общественная организация «Араза» (Ереван) — различия между версиями

(не показано 12 промежуточных версий 2 участников)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{unitedt|ID=9127|img=no|dmodify=04.01.2007 11:59:54}}
| имя-ру-01      =«Араза» Благотворительная Общественная Организация
| имя-ру-01      = Благотворительная общественная организация «Араза» (Ереван)
| имя-ориг      =
| имя-ориг      =
| имя-анг        =Araza BNGO
| имя-анг        = Araza BNGO
| имя-арм        =
| имя-арм        =
| имя-фра        =
| имя-фра        =
Строка 16: Строка 15:
6 - СМИ, 7 - Церковь, 8 - Коммерческая организация, 9 - Спортивные организации --->
6 - СМИ, 7 - Церковь, 8 - Коммерческая организация, 9 - Спортивные организации --->
| код организации 1=2
| код организации 1=2
| сокращение    =
| сокращение    = Араза
| изображение    =
| изображение    =
| девиз          =
| девиз          =
Строка 22: Строка 21:
| основание дата =
| основание дата =
| основатель    =
| основатель    =
| руководитель  =Abrahamyan Tamara
| руководитель  = Абрамян Тамара
| местонахождение=Армения
| местонахождение= Ереван, Армения
| филиалы        =
| филиалы        =
| адрес          =Yerevan, Kievyan 3 apt. 30
| адрес          = Киевян, 3, кв. 30, Ереван, Армения
| телефон-факс  =27-06-88, 22-70-97; Fax 27-06-88
| телефон-факс  = 27-06-88, 22-70-97; Факс: 27-06-88
| эл. почта      =araza@arminco.com
| эл. почта      = araza@arminco.com
| ссылка 1      =http://www.hra.am/eng/?page=organization&id=75
| ссылка 1      = http://www.arazango.narod.ru
| ссылка 2      =http://www.arazango.narod.ru
| ссылка 2      =
| тэг 1          =
| тэг 1          =
| тэг 2          =
| тэг 2          =
Строка 36: Строка 35:
| тэг 5          =
| тэг 5          =
Araza BNGO (Yerevan)
{{На английском|“Araza” is working at socialization and rights protection of jobless, refugee and special needy families by means of free legal services, informational and mediatory services, educational and specialized trainings, creation of new workplaces, legal improvements, as well as humanitarian programs.
“Araza” is working at socialization and rights protection of jobless, refugee and special needy families by means of free legal services, informational and mediatory services, educational and specialized trainings, creation of new workplaces, legal improvements, as well as humanitarian programs.
*“Small business creation project” business management skills, activity assistance and control trainings for 15 unemployed people.
*“Small business creation project” business management skills, activity assistance and control trainings for 15 unemployed people.
*“Summer camp” in Bulgaria and Gorgia for 20 refugee children.  
*“Summer camp” in Bulgaria and Gorgia for 20 refugee children.  
Строка 59: Строка 54:
*Monitoring of reconstruction of roads in village Solak
*Monitoring of reconstruction of roads in village Solak
*“Involvement of people in decision making process”
*“Involvement of people in decision making process”
*Training for NGOs
*Training for NGOs}}
{{На английском|Activity of the Organization beginning from the first day of its foundation is directed to implementation of legal and social programs, reflected not only by means of various services offered, but also participating to legislation improvement programs.
Activity of the Organization beginning from the first day of its foundation is directed to implementation of legal and social programs, reflected not only by means of various services offered, but also participating to legislation improvement programs.
The free legal consultation, informational and mediatory services offered by the Organization are presented to needy families by professionally highly-qualified specialists.
The free legal consultation, informational and mediatory services offered by the Organization are presented to needy families by professionally highly-qualified specialists.
Строка 70: Строка 63:
The Organization has participated to a number of legislation improvement programs.
The Organization has participated to a number of legislation improvement programs.
Contact Person: Gohar Nalbandyan}}
Head Person Tamara Abrahamyan
Contact Person  Gohar Nalbandyan

Текущая версия на 04:20, 4 августа 2011

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Благотворительная общественная организация «Араза» (Ереван)
Araza BNGO
Руководитель при регистрации: Абрамян Тамара
Адрес: Киевян, 3, кв. 30, Ереван, Армения
Телефон/Факс: 27-06-88, 22-70-97; Факс: 27-06-88
Эл. почта: araza@arminco.com
Ссылки: http://www.arazango.narod.ru


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