Казаз Эмиль — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Строка 1: Строка 1:
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| name-ru-main  = Казаз Эмиль
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| дата рождения        =
| дата рождения        = 1953
| место рождения      =  
| место рождения      = Гюмри, Армения
| дата смерти          =  
| дата смерти          =  
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| краткая информация = Художник
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Emil Kazaz  Эмиль Казаз
Эмиль Казаз родился в 1953 году в Гюмри, в семье сапожника.
Armenian born artist Emil Kazaz creates mythologically grounded figures within a realm of half-light. His themes are a blend of sensual mysticism and provocative introspection --beauty, love and valor prevail. Kazaz's characters are original, acutely observed, and marvelously refreshing --especially considering how well worn this territory is. Although often obscured by the appearance of conformity to western classical figurative tradition, his sophisticated and culturally diverse aesthetic psychology produces a living rather than mummified iconography, not from frozen in time but archetype dancing to our collective internal rhythms. Once you recognize his anti-formal dances, the classicism becomes transparent.
В 1953 - 1980гг. проживал в Ереване. В 1980 - 1981гг. проживал в Риме, Италия.  
Kazaz straddles the creative philosophies of two world cultures, East and West, bodies in constant flux. He twists conventions together. Iridescent Arabic manuscript illuminations romp with Western compositional restraints -- emotion and color confronting line and form. These myth shrouded figures push us around, disturb our choices and decisions, without slick faddism. They attach themselves to something deep within each of us, and, like cartographers, provide maps for our humanity
Early on, Kazaz abandoned the stiff realist paradise of his academic Soviet-styled Art School training, as well as the West's formalized penchant for abstraction and conceptualism. He sees both systems as obsolete and not helpful to the human catharsis within society. He also disclaims any connections to the self-centered political appropriateness advocated by much of today's criticism.
To paraphrase the poet John Dryden, Art is the "image of nature". All theories of Art have made some allowance for both terms: image, a thing in itself, a construct; and nature, what the Art addresses or imitates. Kazaz imitates nothing and creates everything, leaving nothing to chance. In his work, nature is more ontological than semantic. He moves people from the center of the contemporary universe and reconnects them to metaphysics of our collective past. Pushing the viewer into a thoroughly personal macrocosm, Kazaz does not subordinate his mythic and "supernatural" beings to anything. Not the fuming of a malevolent Old Testament God or the godhaunted demiurge of Greek thought. His characters and situations exist in their present, always trying to meddle with their destiny, and like the adventurers of Homer, moving through unreal worlds of appearances where nothing is what it seems.
Kazaz's approach to Art brings us to the fringe of human nature. Masked by rich color, pattern and texture, attached to brilliant forms, Kazaz's attention to detail is never for its own sake. They are links that connect us to his reconstruced nature, philosophical fragments burning with supernatural potency, that set boundaries and make rules. Kazaz's powers of imitation and aesthetic judgment fool us into thinking we know his terrain. However, upon closer inspection, we find ourselves questioning our very nature while tightly holding on to what we believe, and accepting flux as stability.
There are countless gods, heroes, and demons in our world. You can find them everywhere. They are in Art, literature, and religion. Kazaz's vigilance catches these ethereal beings overseeing the normal routine of everyday people.
Emil Kazaz has been living in Los Angeles, California, since the 80's, where he has been developing very successful international career.
Adapted from "Emil Kazaz" and "Nature and the Art of Emil Kazaz" by Joe Lewis.
Biography: BIRTHPLACE  Gyumri, Armenia -- 1953
С 1981 - проживает в Лос-Анджелесе, Калифорния.
*1965 - 1968 Mercurove Художественная школа
*1968 - 1972 Ереван, [[Ереванское государственное художественное училище им. П. Терлемезяна|колледж искусств  «Терлемезян»]]
*1972 - 1979 [[Ереванский университет изящных искусств]]
EDUCATION  1965 - 1968 Mercurove Art School
1968 - 1972  Yerevan Terlemezian Art College
1972 - 1979 Yerevan University of Fine Art
*Olympic Art Festival, Moscow, Russia
*Wine Street Gallery, Hollywood, CA
*Orosco Gallery, Hollywood, CA
*AGBU Art Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
*Kathleen Spiegleman Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
*Gallery Verona, Beverly Hills, CA
*Morosstudio Art Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
*L.A. Art Associations, Los Angeles, CA
*Morosstudio Art Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
*L.A. Art Associations, Los Angeles, CA
*Whitney Gallery, Palos Verdes, CA
*Morosstudio Art Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
*International Art Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
*Rosovsky Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
*New Trend Art, Hong Kong
*Lerner Gallery, Beverly Hills, CA
*Rosovsky Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
*Morosstudio Art Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
*C.F.M. Gallery, New York, NY
*Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
*C.F.M. Gallery, New York, NY
*Morosstudio Art Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
*Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
*Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
*Igitian Modern Art Gallery, Las Vegas, NV
*Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
*Ashkenazy Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
*Herbert Palmer Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
*Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
*L.A. Central Library, Los Angeles, CA
*Ashkenazy Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
*Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
*Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
*Igitian Modern Art Gallery, Las Vegas, NV
*Downey Museum of Art, Downey
*Herbert Palmer Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
*Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
*Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
*Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
*Art Territory, Los Angeles, CA
*Brand Library and Art Center, Glendale, CA
*Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
*Herbert Palmer Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
*Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
*Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
*Downey Museum of Art, Downey
*Brand Library and Art Center, Glendale, CA
*Fletcher Gallery, Woodstock, NY
*Art Territory, Los Angeles, CA
*Galerie 224, Laguna Beach, CA
*Levernissage Gallery, Carmel, CA
*Galerie 224, Laguna Beach, CA
*Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
*Herbert Palmer Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
*Fletcher Gallery, Woodstock, NY
*Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
*Palm Springs International Art Fair, Palm Springs, CA
*Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
*Central Library and Art Center, Glendale, CA
*Art Territory, Los Angeles, CA
*Gallery Vinizki, Munic, Germany
*Denise Roberge Gallery, Palm Desert, CA
*Svit Ozor Fine Arts, Santa Barbara, CA
*Galerie 224, Laguna Beach, CA
*Levernissage Gallery, Carmel, CA
*Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
*Fletcher Gallery, Woodstock, NY
*Gallery Vinizki, Munic, Germany
*Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
*Palm Springs International Art Fair, Palm Springs, CA
*Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
*Art Santa Fe 2001, Santa Fe, NM
*Brand Library and Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
*L.A. International Art Fair, Los Angeles, CA
*Michael Levy Gallery, Long Beach
*James Yaroush Gallery, New Jersey
*Art Territory, Los Angeles, CA
*Denise Roberge Gallery, Palm Desert, CA
*Levernisage Gallery, Carmel, CA
*Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
*Stephanies Art Gallery, La Canada, CA
*Gallery Vinizki, Munic, Germany
*Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
*Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
*Forest Lawn Museum, Glendale, CA
*Michael Levy Gallery, Long Beach
*James Yaroush Gallery, New Jersey
*Arame Art Gallery, Yerevan, Armenia
*Art Territory, Los Angeles, CA
*Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
*Gallery Vinizki, Munic, Germany
*Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
*Stephanies Art Gallery, La Canada, CA
*Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
*Museum of National Architecture & Urban Life, Gyumri, Armenia
*Museum of Modern Art, Yerevan, Armenia
*Florence Biennale, Florence, Italy
*Premio Grande, Lorenzo IL Magnifico (2007, Medici)
*Премия в скульптуре (биеннале во Флоренции)
RESIDENCE   1953 - 1980 Yerevan, Armenia
1980 - 1981 Rome, Italy
<gallery>Изображение:Казаз Эмиль10.JPG|Саят-Нова    
1981 - Present  Los Angeles, California
Изображение:Казаз Эмиль8.jpg
Изображение:Казаз Эмиль2.jpg
Изображение:Казаз Эмиль3.jpg
Изображение:Казаз Эмиль4.jpg
Изображение:Казаз Эмиль6.jpg|Автопортрет
Изображение:Казаз Эмиль7.JPG|Золотая птица Альбано
Изображение:Казаз Эмиль9.jpg|Emil Kazaz, Grande Lorenzo il Magnifico (Medici) Prize and the Cup of Moon
EXHIBITION    1980  Olympic Art Festival, Moscow, Russia
1983  Wine Street Gallery, Hollywood, CA
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PevwVZcpK-s Emil Kazaz Oil Paintings]
1985  Orosco Gallery, Hollywood, CA
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c42er6QOMB4 Emil Kazaz Self Portrait Requiem for a Forgotten World]
1986  AGBU Art Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1scv8ARvVRU Emil Kazaz Recent Bronze Sculptures]
1989  Kathleen Spiegleman Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfwstoV11Rw Emil Kazaz - Los Angeles Exhibition]
1991    Gallery Verona, Beverly Hills, CA
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMu5rLjp_gw Emil Kazaz Exhibition]
Morosstudio Art Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
L.A. Art Associations, Los Angeles, CA
1992    Morosstudio Art Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
L.A. Art Associations, Los Angeles, CA
*[http://www.stephaniesartgallery.com/FINE_ART/Emil_Kazaz/emil_kazaz.html STEPHANIE’S ART GALLERY]
*[http://www.reporter.am/go/article/2009-05-09-agbu-to-exhibit-emil-kazaz-s-work-in-the-fall AGBU to exhibit Emil Kazaz’s work in the fall]
*[http://www.asbarez.com/2009/11/25/emil-karaz-honored-at-agbu-reception/ Emil Kazaz Honored at AGBU Reception]
*[http://www.mooradianfineart.com/emilkazaz.asp BIOGRAPHY]
*[http://www.armtown.com/news/ru/pan/20090813/35305/ В ЕРЕВАНЕ БУДУТ ВЫСТАВЛЕНЫ ПОСЛЕДНИЕ РАБОТЫ ЭМИЛЯ ГАЗАЗА]
*[http://www.sarinfo.org/archive/14-08-09.shtml САР]
*[http://www.miacum.am/gazeta/2009/08/13/1250168415575 miacum]
1993    Whitney Gallery, Palos Verdes, CA
Morosstudio Art Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
International Art Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
Rosovsky Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
1994    New Trend Art, Hong Kong
Lerner Gallery, Beverly Hills, CA
Rosovsky Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
Morosstudio Art Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
C.F.M. Gallery, New York, NY
1995    Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
В последний раз Эмиль Газаз был на своей родине, в Гюмри в 1986 году. После чего, он боялся вернуться туда и увидеть изменившийся после землетрясения 1988 года родной город.
C.F.M. Gallery, New York, NY
Morosstudio Art Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
1996    Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
*Супруга - [[Манэ Айрян]].
Igitian Modern Art Gallery, Las Vegas, NV
*В городе Гюмри планируется построить дом-музей скульптора и художника Эмиля Газаза.
Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
Ashkenazy Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
1997    Herbert Palmer Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
L.A. Central Library, Los Angeles, CA
Ashkenazy Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
Igitian Modern Art Gallery, Las Vegas, NV
1998    Downey Museum of Art, Downey
Herbert Palmer Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
Art Territory, Los Angeles, CA
Brand Library and Art Center, Glendale, CA
1999    Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
Herbert Palmer Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
Downey Museum of Art, Downey
Brand Library and Art Center, Glendale, CA
Fletcher Gallery, Woodstock, NY
Art Territory, Los Angeles, CA
Galerie 224, Laguna Beach, CA
2000    Levernissage Gallery, Carmel, CA
Galerie 224, Laguna Beach, CA
Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
Herbert Palmer Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
Fletcher Gallery, Woodstock, NY
Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
Palm Springs International Art Fair, Palm Springs, CA
Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
Central Library and Art Center, Glendale, CA
Art Territory, Los Angeles, CA
Gallery Vinizki, Munic, Germany
2001    Denise Roberge Gallery, Palm Desert, CA
Svit Ozor Fine Arts, Santa Barbara, CA
Galerie 224, Laguna Beach, CA
Levernissage Gallery, Carmel, CA
Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
Fletcher Gallery, Woodstock, NY
Gallery Vinizki, Munic, Germany
Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
Palm Springs International Art Fair, Palm Springs, CA
Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
Art Santa Fe 2001, Santa Fe, NM
Brand Library and Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
L.A. International Art Fair, Los Angeles, CA
2002    Michael Levy Gallery, Long Beach
James Yaroush Gallery, New Jersey
Art Territory, Los Angeles, CA
Denise Roberge Gallery, Palm Desert, CA
Levernisage Gallery, Carmel, CA
Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
Stephanies Art Gallery, La Canada, CA
Gallery Vinizki, Munic, Germany
Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
2003    Forest Lawn Museum, Glendale, CA
Michael Levy Gallery, Long Beach
James Yaroush Gallery, New Jersey
Arame Art Gallery, Yerevan, Armenia
Art Territory, Los Angeles, CA
Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
Gallery Vinizki, Munic, Germany
Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
Stephanies Art Gallery, La Canada, CA
Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
Museum of National Architecture & Urban Life, Gyumri, Armenia
Museum of Modern Art, Yerevan, Armenia
Florence Biennale, Florence, Italy
Emil Kazaz
Armenian born artist Emil Kazaz creates mythologically grounded figures within a realm of half-light. His themes are a blend of sensual mysticism and provocative introspection - beauty, love and valor prevail. Kazaz's characters are original, acutely observed, and marvelously refreshing - especially considering how well worn this territory is. Although often obscured by the appearance of conformity to western classical figurative tradition, his sophisticated and culturally diverse aesthetic psychology produces a living rather than mummified iconography, not from frozen in time but archetype dancing to our collective internal rhythms. Once you recognize his anti-formal dances, the classicism becomes transparent.
    Kazaz straddles the creative philosophies of two world cultures, East and West, bodies in constant flux. He twists conventions together. Iridescent Arabic manuscript illuminations romp with Western compositional restraints - emotion and color confronting line and form. These myth shrouded figures push around, disturb our choices and decisions, without slick faddism. They attach themselves to something deep within each of us, and, like cartographers, provide maps for our humanity.
    Early on, Kazaz abandoned the stiff realist paradise of his academic Soviet-styled Art School training, as well as the West's formalized penchant for abstraction and conceptualism. He sees both systems as obsolete and not helpful to the human catharsis within society. He also disclaims any connections to the self-centered political appropriateness advocated by much of today's criticism.
    To paraphrase the poet John Dryden, Art is the "image of nature". All theories of Art have made some allowance for both terms: image, a thing in itself, a construct; and nature, what the Art addresses or imitates. Kazaz imitates nothing to chance. In his work, nature is more ontological than semantic. He moves people from the center of the contemporary universe and reconnects them to the metaphysics of our collective past. Pushing the viewer into a thoroughly personal macrocosm, Kazaz does not subordinate his mythic and "supernatural" beings to anything. Not the fuming of a malevolent Old Testament God or the godhaunted demiurge of Greek though. His characters and situations exist in their present, always trying to meddle with their destiny, and like the adventurers of Homer, moving through unreal worlds of appearances where nothing is what it seems.
    Kazaz's approach to art brings us to the fringe of human nature. Masked by rich color, pattern and texture, attached to brilliant forms, Kazaz's attention to detail is never for its own sake. They are links that connect us to his reconstructed nature, philosophical fragments burning with supernatural potency, that set boundaries and make rules. Kazaz's powers of imitation and aesthetic judgment fool us into thinking we know his terrain. However, upon closer inspection, we find ourselves questioning our very nature while tightly holding on to what we believe, and accepting flux as stability.
    There are countless gods, heroes, and demons in our world. You can find them everywhere. They are in Art, literature, and religion. Kazaz's vigilance catches these ethereal beings overseeing the normal routine of everyday people.
    Emil Kazaz has been living in Los Angeles, California, since the 80's, where he has been developing a very successful international career.

Текущая версия на 18:11, 29 мая 2023

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Казаз Эмиль
Kazaz Emil
Казаз Эмиль1.jpg
Другие имена: Газаз Эмиль,
Газазян Манвел
На английском: Kazaz Emil
Дата рождения: 1953
Место рождения: Гюмри, Армения
Краткая информация:


Эмиль Казаз родился в 1953 году в Гюмри, в семье сапожника.

В 1953 - 1980гг. проживал в Ереване. В 1980 - 1981гг. проживал в Риме, Италия.

С 1981 - проживает в Лос-Анджелесе, Калифорния.




  • Olympic Art Festival, Moscow, Russia


  • Wine Street Gallery, Hollywood, CA


  • Orosco Gallery, Hollywood, CA


  • AGBU Art Gallery, Los Angeles, CA


  • Kathleen Spiegleman Gallery, West Hollywood, CA


  • Gallery Verona, Beverly Hills, CA
  • Morosstudio Art Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
  • L.A. Art Associations, Los Angeles, CA


  • Morosstudio Art Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
  • L.A. Art Associations, Los Angeles, CA


  • Whitney Gallery, Palos Verdes, CA
  • Morosstudio Art Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
  • International Art Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
  • Rosovsky Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA


  • New Trend Art, Hong Kong
  • Lerner Gallery, Beverly Hills, CA
  • Rosovsky Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
  • Morosstudio Art Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
  • C.F.M. Gallery, New York, NY


  • Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
  • C.F.M. Gallery, New York, NY
  • Morosstudio Art Gallery, Santa Monica, CA


  • Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
  • Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
  • Igitian Modern Art Gallery, Las Vegas, NV
  • Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
  • Ashkenazy Gallery, West Hollywood, CA


  • Herbert Palmer Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
  • Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
  • L.A. Central Library, Los Angeles, CA
  • Ashkenazy Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
  • Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
  • Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
  • Igitian Modern Art Gallery, Las Vegas, NV


  • Downey Museum of Art, Downey
  • Herbert Palmer Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
  • Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
  • Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
  • Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
  • Art Territory, Los Angeles, CA
  • Brand Library and Art Center, Glendale, CA


  • Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
  • Herbert Palmer Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
  • Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
  • Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
  • Downey Museum of Art, Downey
  • Brand Library and Art Center, Glendale, CA
  • Fletcher Gallery, Woodstock, NY
  • Art Territory, Los Angeles, CA
  • Galerie 224, Laguna Beach, CA


  • Levernissage Gallery, Carmel, CA
  • Galerie 224, Laguna Beach, CA
  • Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
  • Herbert Palmer Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
  • Fletcher Gallery, Woodstock, NY
  • Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
  • Palm Springs International Art Fair, Palm Springs, CA
  • Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
  • Central Library and Art Center, Glendale, CA
  • Art Territory, Los Angeles, CA
  • Gallery Vinizki, Munic, Germany


  • Denise Roberge Gallery, Palm Desert, CA
  • Svit Ozor Fine Arts, Santa Barbara, CA
  • Galerie 224, Laguna Beach, CA
  • Levernissage Gallery, Carmel, CA
  • Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
  • Fletcher Gallery, Woodstock, NY
  • Gallery Vinizki, Munic, Germany
  • Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
  • Palm Springs International Art Fair, Palm Springs, CA
  • Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
  • Art Santa Fe 2001, Santa Fe, NM
  • Brand Library and Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
  • L.A. International Art Fair, Los Angeles, CA


  • Michael Levy Gallery, Long Beach
  • James Yaroush Gallery, New Jersey
  • Art Territory, Los Angeles, CA
  • Denise Roberge Gallery, Palm Desert, CA
  • Levernisage Gallery, Carmel, CA
  • Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
  • Stephanies Art Gallery, La Canada, CA
  • Gallery Vinizki, Munic, Germany
  • Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
  • Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI


  • Forest Lawn Museum, Glendale, CA
  • Michael Levy Gallery, Long Beach
  • James Yaroush Gallery, New Jersey
  • Arame Art Gallery, Yerevan, Armenia
  • Art Territory, Los Angeles, CA
  • Tina Zapoli Gallery, Porto Allegre, Brazil
  • Gallery Vinizki, Munic, Germany
  • Roslin Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
  • Stephanies Art Gallery, La Canada, CA
  • Belian Art Center, Detroit, MI
  • Museum of National Architecture & Urban Life, Gyumri, Armenia
  • Museum of Modern Art, Yerevan, Armenia
  • Florence Biennale, Florence, Italy


  • Premio Grande, Lorenzo IL Magnifico (2007, Medici)
  • Премия в скульптуре (биеннале во Флоренции)





В последний раз Эмиль Газаз был на своей родине, в Гюмри в 1986 году. После чего, он боялся вернуться туда и увидеть изменившийся после землетрясения 1988 года родной город.


  • Супруга - Манэ Айрян.
  • В городе Гюмри планируется построить дом-музей скульптора и художника Эмиля Газаза.
