Дарчиньян Вахтанг Рубенович — различия между версиями

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{{persont|ID=8626|dcreate=27.10.2006 15:29:06|dmodify=19.12.2006 16:34:29}}
| name-ru-main  = Дарчиньян Вахтанг Рубенович
| name-ru-01    = Дарчиньян Вик
| name-ru-02    = «Неистовый бык» («Raging Bull» - прозв.)
| name-ru-03    = Дарчинян Вахтанг
| name-lat = Darchinyan Vic
| name-en      = Darchinyan Vakhtang
| name-am      = Վախթանգ Դարչինյան
| name-fr      =
| состояние текста    = 7
| состояние поиска    = 7
| состояние тэгов      = 7
| состояние ссылок    = 7
| флаг чистовик        = 7
| автокартинки        =
| портрет              = 8626_3.png
| дата рождения        = 07.01.1976
| место рождения      = Ванадзор, Армения
| дата смерти          =
| место смерти        =
| место деятельности  =
| краткая информация = Боксёр-профессионал
| тэг01 =
| тэг02 = призёр чемпионата Европы
| тэг03 = Медаль «За заслуги перед Отечеством» I степени
| тэг04 =
| тэг05 =
| тэг06 =
| тэг07 =
Родился 7 января 1976, Кировакан (ныне Ванадзор), Армянская ССР.
Darchinyan Vic
==Любительская карьера==
Начал заниматься боксом в 1983 году под руководством [[Вазгена Бадаляна]].
Дарчиньян Вик
В 1997-2000 годах входил в состав национальной сборной Армении, становился бронзовым призёром чемпионата Европы в Минске и Игр Доброй Воли в Нью-Йорке, был участником чемпионатов мира и Олимпийских игр в Сиднее. После олимпийского турнира принял решение завершить любительскую карьеру и, переехав в Австралию, начать профессиональную карьеру.
===Чемпионат Европы по боксу 1998 года===
На чемпионате Европы 1998 года в Минске Вахтанг Дарчинян провёл три поединка:
*1/8 финала: победа над итальянским боксёром Кармине Моларо по очкам (9:8)
*1/4 финала: победа над македонским боксёром Мухамедом Алиёй по очкам (8:2)
*1/2 финала: поражение от российского боксёра Ильфата Разяпова по очкам (2:6)
===Олимпийские игры 2000 года===
На летних Олимпийских играх в Сиднее Вахтанг Дарчинян провёл два поединка:
*1/8 финала: победа над российским боксёром Ильфатом Разяповым по очкам (20:11)
*1/4 финала: поражение от казахстанского боксёра Булата Джумадилова по очкам (8:15)
==Профессиональная карьера==
Дебютировал на профессиональном ринге в ноябре 2000 года.  
Vic Darchinyan  Вик Дарчиньян
17 декабря 2004 года получил право оспорить титул чемпиона мира в наилегчайшем весе (до 50,8 кг.) по версии IBF в бою против непобежденного обладателя этого титула колумбийца Ирене Пачеко. В конце десятого и в начале одиннадцатого раунда Дарчинян дважды отправил Пачеко в нокдаун после чего рефери остановил бой и претенденту была присуждена победа техническим нокаутом.
Darchinyan wants flyweight world domination
В 2005-2007 годах Вахтанг Дарчинян успешно защищал завоёванный титул 6 раз. Наибольший резонанс в боксёрском мире вызвали его бои с мексиканцами Луисом Мальдонадо и Виктором Бургосом. Прошедший в июне 2006 года в Лас-Вегасе поединок с непобежденным Мальдонадо многими был признан очень красивым и зрелищным. Он завершился техническим нокаутом претендента в восьмом раунде.
SecondsOut Aug 16 2005
3 марта 2007 года состоялся бой Вахтанга Дарчиняна с экс-чемпионом мира по версии IBF в первом наилегчайшем весе (до 49 кг.) Виктором Бургосом. Уже во втором раунде претендент побывал в нокдауне. Несмотря на полное преимущество Дарчиняна Бургос и его команда не желали прекращения поединка, а рефери остановил превратившийся в избиение претендента бой лишь в двенадцатом раунде. В результате Бургосу потребовалась госпитализация для проведения операции по удалению внутричерепной гематомы.
"Raging Bull" Vic Darchinyan
Чемпионский бой за титул IBF в наилегчайшем весе (7-я защита Дарчиняна); чемпионский бой за титул IBO в наилегчайшем весе (6-я защита Дарчиняна) - 7 июля 2007  Вик Дарчинян -  Нонито Донэр - Дарчинян проиграл техническим нокаутом в 5-ом раунде в 12-раундовом бою.
By Paul Upham: IBF/IBO flyweight world champion Vic Darchinyan defends his titles against Colombian Jair Jimenez on August 24 at the Sydney Entertainment Centre in Australia. It is another step towards what the "Raging Bull" truly believes will be his crowning one day, as undisputed world champion.  
В июле 2007 года Дарчинян проводил седьмую защиту своего титула, а его соперником был филиппинский боксёр Нонито Донэр. В октябре 2006 года Дарчинян уже побеждал старшего брата Нонито Глена Донэра и считался явным фаворитом и в этом бою. Однако филиппинцу удалось с начала боя захватить инициативу, заставить чемпиона защищаться, а в середине пятого раунда левым встречным хуком сбить его с ног. Впервые в своей карьере оказавшийся на канвасе Дарчинян попытался подняться, но его повело, и он свалился на канаты. После этого рефери остановил бой. <ref>Поединок получил статусы "апсет года" и "нокаут года" по версии журнала "Ринг".</ref>
"I am starting a collection. I want all the world titles at flyweight," Darchinyan 23-0 (18) told SecondsOut.  
После поражения от Донэра Дарчинян заявил о желании провести матч-реванш, но не получив согласия филиппинца решил перейти в более тяжёлую весовую категорию. В августе 2008 года он получил право оспорить титул чемпиона по версии IBF уже во втором наилегчайшем весе (до 52,2 кг.) у россиянина Дмитрия Кириллова. Этот титульный бой состоялся 2 августа в американском городе Такома и прошёл при полном преимуществе претендента. <ref>В начале пятого раунда после серии пропущенных ударов в голову чемпион первый раз упал на канвас, но смог подняться на счёт 3. Он попытался отбегаться, но до конца раунда продержаться не смог и, пропустив ещё один мощный удар в голову, опять оказался на полу. Подняться до того как судьи зафиксировали нокаут он уже не смог.</ref>
Against Jimenez, the 29 year-old will be making the second defence of his IBF title that he won by stopping long-reigning former world champion Irene Pacheco last December in the USA. In his next fight, Darchinyan added the IBO title around his waist with an 8th round TKO stoppage of South African Mzukisi Sikali on March 27. "I was not happy because I made some mistakes, but he was a smart boxer," Darchinyan said of his 18th career knockout.  
Завоевав звание чемпиона мира по версии IBF, Вахтанг Дарчинян дал согласие на объединение поясов. 1 ноября 2008 года в Карсоне (Калифорния) состоялся его бой за звание абсолютного чемпиона мира во втором наилегчайшем весе с чемпионом мира во версиям WBA и WBC Кристианом Михаресом (Мексика). Уже в конце первого раунда Дарчинян провёл левый апперкот в челюсть и Михарес, рухнув на канвас, смог поднялся лишь на счёт 8. В дальнейшем мексиканский боксёр пытался выравнить бой, но инициатива оставалась у Дарчиняна, и в девятом раунде последнему удалось провести решающую атаку. Левый хук в челюсть снова сбил Михареса с ног. Рефери досчитал до 5-ти, и видя, что мексиканец не предпринимает попыток встать, прекратил бой и зафиксировал нокаут.
The southpaw takes awesome power and a fierce determination into the ring with him. He came to Australia for the first time in 2000 to represent his home nation of Armenia at the Sydney Olympic Games. While he did not win a medal, he impressed trainer Jeff Fenech to the point where he arranged for him to stay full time and join his Team Fenech stable. The three-time world champion and Hall of Famer was very impressed with what he saw. A dynamic power puncher in the lighter weight classes who possessed a steely resolve to totally dominate his opponents from the opening bell.  
Завладев тремя чемпионскими поясами во втором легчайшем весе, Вахтанг Дарчинян попытался оспорить чемпионский титул по версии IBF в легчайшем весе (до 53,5 кг.). 11 июля 2009 года в Санрайзе (Флорида) состоялся его бой с обладателем этого титула ганцем Джозефом Агбеко. Поединок продлился все двенадцать раундов и прошел в упорной и равной борьбе. В результате судьи отдали предпочтение ганскому боксёру по очкам.
Upon turning professional, Darchinyan set himself a goal of winning a world title within four years. Only a hurricane in Florida, which postponed his fight with Pacheco, saw him miss the target by only six weeks.  
Несмотря на поражение от Агбеко Вахтанг Дарчинян не лишился своих чемпионских поясов, завоёванных в рамках второго наилегчайшего веса, но из-за полученных в бою с Агбеко и требующих длительного заживления рассечений бровей не смог в назначенные IBF сроки провести обязательную защиту своего пояса по этой версии, поэтому в конце июля был вынужден оставить этот пояс вакантным.  
Next Wednesday night Darchinyan faces 26 year-old Jimenez 22-4-1 (16). "He is a strong fighter and a good puncher. I will win," says Darchinyan. "He is a tough guy, but I have been training hard and I will knock him out. This will be a good fight for the fans to see. I am getting focused for each fight. I will be ready."
Свои чемпионские титулы по версиям WBA и WBC Дарчинян успешно защитил в декабре 2009 года в бою с Томасом Рохасом и марте 2010 года в поединке с Родриго Герреро.
Darchinyan believes he can beat anyone in the world at flyweight or junior bantamweight, but it is not a cocky over-confidence. The other members of Team Fenech marvel as Darchinyan talks about future opponents and nonchalantly says, "Yes, I fight him. I beat him," with not a hint of arrogance. With the power he possesses in either hand, he believes that if he catches you just once, you will fall.
С февраля 2001 года Вика проживает в Австралии.
*чемпион Армении (1997—2000)
*Бронзовый призёр чемпионата Европы (1998)
*Бронзовый призёр Кубка мира (1998)
*Бронзовый призёр Игр доброй воли (1998) среди любителей
*чемпион мира в наилегчайшей весовой категории по версии IBF (2004—2007)
*абсолютный чемпион мира во 2-ой наилегчайшей весовой категории (2008—2009) среди профессионалов
*чемпион мира во 2-ой наилегчайшей весовой категории по версиям WBA и WBC (2008)
For those who are not familiar with Darchinyan's lethal power in the ring, there is a body pad hanging on the side of the Team Fenech gymnasium in Marrickville, Sydney with the hand written inscription - "Everyone must wear a body protector when sparring Vic."
*Медаль «За заслуги перед Отечеством» I степени (2011)
"Vic just goes into the ring on a mission to destroy his opponent whether it is in sparring or a fight," says Team Fenech co-trainer Billy Hussein.  
Изображение:Дарчинян Вик 55.jpg
To become undisputed flyweight world champion, Darchinyan has WBA champion Lorenzo Parra, WBC champion Pongsaklek Wonjongkam and WBO champion Omar Narvaez in his sights.  
* Best Jorge Arce vs. Vic Darchinyan Teaser Full Fight - Analysis - Liverpuncher.com!
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_fRvqdyVt4&feature=fvst Vic Darchinyan UNPLUGGED]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zL5oIL4y54&feature=fvst Vic Darchinyan Sparring for Arce]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7s951N1tWw Vic Darchinyan KO ' s]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pav3yWQP9IE ВИК ДАРЧИНЯН -АРМЕНИЯ---РОССИЯ.flv]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t69HKx2e7TA Boxing - Christian Mijares vs Vic Darchinyan]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t69HKx2e7TA Boxing - Christian Mijares vs Vic Darchinyan]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmvA29n5Nh0 Вик Дарчинян.mpg]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ig60rve5Ckg The Best Of Vic Darchinyan]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_fRvqdyVt4 Vic Darchinyan UNPLUGGED]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD0AmVVdsHQ Vic Darchinyan beat Tomas Rojas, TKO 2 round]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dg9xa10WGSg Vic Darchinyan vs. Eric Barcelona Highlight]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGgbxYg42Ms Z Gorres - Vic Darchinyan - Round 3]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ko67Cf-ujGI VIC DARCHINYAN]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIcDdcyzrAc Vic Darchinyan vs Nonito Donaire]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6ZH2AAtZQ0&feature=PlayList&p=8E220FB962215A3D&index=0&playnext=1 Vic Darchinyan- Joseph Agbeko Press Conference]
"I want the fight with Parra soon," he says. "I have seen him fight and he is a very good and smart fighter. He moves very well. But I know I can beat him."
*Армяне-народ созидатель чужих цивилизаций: 1000 известных армян в мировой истории/С.Ширинян.-Ер.: Авт. изд., 2014, стр.399, ISBN 978-9939-0-1120-2
*[http://www.vicdarchinyan.com/ Официальный веб-сайт]
*[http://www.boxrec.com/list_bouts.php?human_id=042089&cat=boxer Послужной список боксёра]
*[http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php?title=Vic_Darchinyan armeniapedia]
*[http://www.smh.com.au/news/Sport/Goodnight-Irene-Darchinyan-victorious-in-title-bid/2004/12/17/1102787280252.html?oneclick=true Goodnight, Irene: Darchinyan victorious in title bid]
*[http://www.noev-kovcheg.ru/mag/2006-16/499.html «Разъяренный бык» из Ванадзора]
*[http://www.sports.ru/tribuna/blogs/probetproboxing/63951.html Отчаянные «малыши»: Вик Дарчинян – Нонито Донэр]
*[http://www.sports.ru/tribuna/blogs/bazdrev/87668.html Дарчинян: когда ничего, кроме воли]
Darchinyan was ringside when fellow Team Fenech member Hussein Hussein lost a tough twelve round decision to Wonjongkam in Bangkok in November 2003.
<references />
"Yes, I have seen him up close," he said. "I will beat him."
[[Категория:Абсолютные чемпионы]]
Because of the politics and monetary demands in boxing, it is not always possible to arrange unification bouts between world title-holders. Darchinyan is not concerned though and believes that he will just keep calling out for the fights to be made.
[[Категория:Призёры Игр доброй воли]]
[[Категория:Призёры Кубка мира]]
"If I can get the fight with Parra next and win the WBA title, I will fight in the USA with three world title belts," he explained. "I will put the pressure on Wonjongkam and Narvaez. If there is enough money on the table for them, I think they will come to fight me. I just have to keep pushing for the fights. We have not had an undisputed champion at flyweight for a long time. I want to be the first with all the belts."
[[Категория:Чемпионы Армении]]
Having flyweights the quality of Darchinyan and 29 year-old Hussein working together in the same gym has no doubt helped both of their careers. Hussein rematches WBC No.1 Jorge Arce on the Diego Corrales-Jose Castillo card on October 8 in Las Vegas. A win by Hussein will see him get a rematch with Wonjongkam. If he were to become WBC champion, what would Darchinyan do then? Could he fight his team mate and friend?
"Maybe he will win the WBC title and I will be happy for him to win," smiled Darchinyan. "We will see what happens. I told Hussy that he can beat Arce. He will fight smarter this time and he will win. If I can, I want to be there in Las Vegas for that fight."
Now an Australian citizen, Darchinyan calls himself an "Armenian Aussie" and is gathering quite a following in his adopted country. "Each day I am becoming more popular," he said. "Everywhere I go people are recognising me and telling me how much they enjoy my fights."
But while he loves living in Australia, there is no place like Darchinyan's native home. After the fight with Jimenez, he will travel back to Armenia for the first time as world champion for a three-week holiday. "It is going to be beautiful going to Armenia," he said. "The fans there have been waiting for me to celebrate."
Paul Upham Contributing Editor
* Darchinyan wins IBF flyweight title with TKO of Pacheco
* Box: Darchinyan becomes Australia's newest world champ
* Vic hooks a world crown
* Darchinyan destroys Pacheco, wins flyweight world title
* Goodnight, Irene: Darchinyan victorious in title bid
* Vic's a knock-out
* Armenian takes IBF flyweight title
* Darchinyan wins IBF flyweight title with TKO of Pacheco
* Darchinyan stops Pacheco to win IBF flyweight title
Darchinyan wins IBF flyweight title with TKO of Pacheco
Jacksonville.com Thursday, December 16, 2004 Story last updated at 11:30 p.m. on Thursday, December 16, 2004
HOLLYWOOD, Fla. - Vic Darchinyan scored an 11th-round technical knockout of defending champion Irene Pacheco to win the IBF flyweight title Thursday night.
Darchinyan, a native of Armenia now living in Australia, controlled the pace for most of the bout fought outdoors at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood.
Darchinyan's gradual dominance began to take its toll on Pacheco in the 10th round, when Darchinyan sent him to the canvas with a right to the head.
With a weary Pacheco returning to his corner at the end of the round, Darchinyan didn't let up his assault at the beginning of the 11th. He unloaded a series of unanswered shots near the ropes and then dropped Pacheco a second time with another right to the head.
Pacheco's cornermen had seen enough, asking referee Jorge Alonso to stop the fight at 44 seconds of the round.
For Pacheco, of Colombia, it was his first career loss in 31 professional fights and seventh title defense.
Darchinyan (22-0, 17 KOs) was the busier fighter from the opening round and didn't let Pacheco build much of an offense. Pacheco's frustrations prompted repeated warnings from Alonso for hitting below the belt.
The low blows eventually cost Pacheco a point deduction in the ninth and another two points removed in the 10th.
To add to Pacheco's miseries, he suffered a deep gash to his right eyebrow after colliding heads with Darchinyan in the fifth.
The fight was delayed seven minutes before the ninth round because of a loud fireworks display during a festival adjacent to the fight facility.
Darchinyan weighed 111 pounds for the bout, while Pacheco weighed 112.
Copyright Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Box: Darchinyan becomes Australia's newest world champ By Adrian Warren
AAP NEWSFEED, Australia December 17, 2004, Friday 7:30 AM Eastern Time
SYDNEY, Dec 17
Vic Darchinyan turned on the punching pyrotechnics after the real life fireworks had finished in Florida today, to give Australia another eastern European-bred boxing world champion.
Darchinyan, who represented his birth country of Armenia at the Sydney 2000 Olympics, maintained his own unbeaten record and shattered the one belonging to International Boxing Federation flyweight champion Irene Pacheco stopping the champ in the eleventh round of their championship bout at the Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood.
He moved alongside Australia's only other currently universally recognised world champion, IBF super lightweight title holder Kostya Tszyu, who was born in Russia.
He knocked Pacheco down in the tenth and eleventh rounds before the out-going champion's corner stepped in to save their stricken fighter from further punishment.
Darchinyan won despite an interruption of several minutes caused by fireworks exploding nearby and numerous low blows from a desperate Pacheco, who was deducted a point in both the ninth and tenth rounds.
"They had to stop the fight for several minutes and we were going crazy because we knew Vic was getting on top and when the tenth round started, Vic just jumped on him," Darchinyan's trainer Jeff Fenech said from Florida.
"He was hitting Vic in the balls because he was getting beaten."
It was 28-year-old Darchinyan's 22nd straight win and Pacheco's first defeat in 31 bouts.
The victory also gave three-division world champion Fenech his first fully-fledged world titleholder as a trainer.
"The monkey is finally off my back," yelled a jubilant Fenech.
The threat of a hurricane moving toward Florida forced the fight to be delayed three months, but it was Darchinyan's force of will rather than a force of nature which terminated Pacheco's reign.
"I think I destroyed him because I stopped him," said Darchinyan, who registered his 17th KO win.
He had vowed before the fight to destroy 33-year-old Pacheco, who had made six successful defences since 1999 but had not fought for 15 months.
Darchinyan followed the advice offered by Fenech when the fight resumed following the break, between the eighth and ninth rounds, ordered by referee Hoge Alonso.
"Jeff asked me to throw more punches and miss his right jab and throw my straight left and I did exactly what Jeff told me," Darchinyan said.
"I started the fight good, but in a few of the middle rounds, I started waiting for him because I just wanted to catch him with one big punch and it wasn't the right way, Jeff reminded me to throw more punches.
"Jeff started pushing me and reminded me about Nedal Hussein, because Nedal waited."
Darchinyan was referring to his stablemate's unsuccessful challenge last month for the World Boxing Council super bantamweight world title when the Sydneysider failed to force the issue and dropped an unanimous points decision to Mexican Oscar Larios.
Fenech was determined not to see another of his fighters squander a precious world title opportunity and made it clear in no uncertain terms what he wanted from Darchinyan.
"After three rounds he was so tired because he's had such a long preparation and I was pushing him hard. I got stuck in between a couple of rounds and said to him if you don't listen to me, I'm going to walk out'," Fenech said.
"There was some close rounds. Vic hit him with many better punches, I thought Vic was just in front, but I didn't want to say to him.
"I kept telling him C'mon Vic, we're behind'. I just wanted him to finish all over Pacheco because I know what happens in these places."
Fenech was probably thinking back to his controversial draw with Azumah Nelson in Las Vegas where many good judges felt he was robbed of a victory, while some of his other fighters have also suffered from controversial officiating in overseas fights.
Vic hooks a world crown by Grantlee Kieza
Herald Sun (Melbourne, Australia) December 18, 2004 Saturday
VIC Darchinyan, the mighty atom of Australian boxing, unleashed some big blows to win the IBF world flyweight title in Hollywood, Florida, yesterday.
The Sydney Olympian, who stands just 166cm tall, knocked out Colombia's previously unbeaten Irene Pacheco in the 11th round before a stunned crowd at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel.
The 51kg Darchinyan, whose father ran a petrol station in Armenia, fought as though propelled by rocket fuel, decking the world titleholder with a left hook in round 10 and finishing him off with a similar punch in the next round.
The 28-year-old joins interim WBC super-middleweight champ Danny Green as world titleholders trained by all-time great Jeff Fenech.
The fight had been halted for 10 minutes between rounds eight and nine because of exploding fireworks near the venue and the bout was a cracker from round one.
"This is the greatest moment of my life," said Darchinyan, who had dreamed of becoming world champion since he started boxing in Armenia at the age of eight when he still went by his real first name, Vakhtang.
"I always believed I could beat Pacheco and now I plan to be world champion for many years.
"My plan is to unify the title and beat the WBC and WBA champions."
Darchinyan, who became an Australian citizen in July, is unbeaten in 22 fights with 17 knockouts.
Pacheco, 33, the world champion since 1999, lost for the first time in 31 fights.
ArmenPress Dec 17 2004
  YEREVAN, DECEMBER 17, ARMENPRESS: Vic Darchinyan scored an
11th-round technical knockout of defending champion Irene Pacheco to win the IBF flyweight title Thursday night. Darchinyan (22-0, 17 KOs), a native of Armenia now living in Australia, controlled the pace for most of the bout and finally knocked down Pacheco in the 10th round with a right to the head.
  Darchinyan didn't let up in the 11th. He unloaded a series of
unanswered shots near the ropes and then dropped Pacheco a second time with another right to the head 44 seconds into the round.
  Pacheco's cornermen had seen enough, asking referee Jorge Alonso
to stop the fight. For Pacheco, of Colombia, it was his first career loss in 31 professional fights and seventh title defense.
Darchinyan destroys Pacheco, wins flyweight world title
By Anthony Cocks, DHB Site Editor (December 17, 2004)
Doghouse Boxing, Canada Dec 18 2004
Vic 'Raging Bull' Darchinyan
Australian-based Armenian Vic 'Raging Bull' Darchinyan became the first Jeff Fenech trained fighter to win a world title when he knocked out long reigning champion Irene 'Mambaco' Pacheco in the 11th round to annex the IBF flyweight title on Thursday night at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Florida.
The 33-year-old Columbian southpaw was knocked down twice in the fight, once in the tenth and again in the fatal eleventh round. Both times right hooks did the damage. Pacheco was also deducted a point for a low blow in round nine and another two points in round ten for the same infraction.
Darchinyan, an accomplished amateur who relocated to Australia after competing in the Sydney Olympics, took the fight to Pacheco from the opening bell and never took his foot off the gas.
Pacheco, who was making the 7th defense of the title he won in 1999 with a 9th round stoppage of Luis Cox Coronado, enjoyed some success with a body attack in the middle rounds but overall had little answer to the 28-year-old's relentless pressure.
Referee Jorge Alonso called a halt to the bout at 0:44 of round 11 after Pacheco was knocked down for a second time.
The fight was originally scheduled to take place on September 3 in Florida before Hurricane Frances scuttled those plans.
The win is of particular significance to former three division champion and Hall of Famer Fenech, who despite having trained some of Australia's best fighters to world title shots has until today been unable to win the big one.
With the win Darchinyan moves to 22-0 (17) and joins the illustrious ranks of Jimmy Carruthers, Rocky Mattioli, Lionel Rose, Johnny Famechon, Lester Ellis, Barry Michael, Jeff Fenech, Jeff Harding, Kostya Tszyu and Anthony Mundine as Australians who have won world titles.
Pacheco suffers his first loss and falls to 30-1 (23).
Australian fight fans can watch a replay of the fight on Fox Sports 2 on Christmas Eve, 24th December 2004 from 7:30pm AEDT.
Goodnight, Irene: Darchinyan victorious in title bid December 18, 2004
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia Dec 18 2004
Vic Darchinyan turned on the pugilistic pyrotechnics after the real life fireworks had finished to give Australia another eastern European-bred boxing world champion in Florida on Thursday.
Darchinyan, who represented Armenia at the Sydney Olympics, maintained his own unbeaten record and shattered the one belonging to International Boxing Federation flyweight champion Irene Pacheco, stopping the champion in the 11th round of their championship bout at the Hard Rock Casino in Tampa.
Darchinyan knocked Pacheco down in the 10th and 11th rounds before the Colombian's corner stepped in.
The Australian won the encounter despite an interruption of several minutes caused by fireworks exploding nearby and numerous low blows from a desperate Pacheco, who was deducted a point in both the ninth and 10th rounds.
"They had to stop the fight for several minutes and we were going crazy because we knew Vic was getting on top. And when the 10th round started, Vic just jumped on him," Darchinyan's trainer, Jeff Fenech, said from Florida. "He was hitting Vic in the balls because he was getting beaten."
It was 28-year-old Darchinyan's 22nd consecutive win and Pacheco's first defeat in 31 bouts.
The victory also gave three-division world champion Fenech his first world titleholder as a trainer. "The monkey is finally off my back," yelled a jubilant Fenech.
Darchinyan, who registered his 17th KO win, joins IBF super-lightweight titleholder Kostya Tszyu as Australia's only top-level world champions.
"I think I destroyed him because I stopped him," said Darchinyan, who registered his 17th KO win. He had vowed before the fight to destroy 33-year-old Pacheco, who had made six successful defences since 1999 but had not fought for 15 months.
Darchinyan followed the advice of Fenech when the fight resumed following the break between the eighth and ninth rounds.
"Jeff asked me to throw more punches and miss his right jab and throw my straight left, and I did exactly what Jeff told me," Darchinyan said. "I started the fight good, but in a few of the middle rounds, I started waiting for him because I just wanted to catch him with one big punch. It wasn't the right way. Jeff reminded me to throw more punches."
Fenech had made it clear what he wanted from Darchinyan.
"After three rounds he was so tired because he's had such a long preparation and I was pushing him hard. I got stuck in between a couple of rounds and said to him: 'If you don't listen to me, I'm going to walk out'," Fenech said.
"There was some close rounds. Vic hit him with many better punches, I thought Vic was just in front, but I didn't want to say to him. I kept telling him 'C'mon Vic, we're behind'."
Vic's a knock-out By GRANTLEE KIEZA
Daily Telegraph, Australia Dec 18 2004
VIC Darchinyan, the mighty atom of Australian boxing, unleashed some furious fission to win the IBF world flyweight title in Hollywood, Florida yesterday.
The Sydney Olympian knocked out Colombia's previously unbeaten Irene Pacheco in the 11th round before a stunned crowd at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel.
The 51kg Darchinyan, 28, whose father ran a petrol station in Armenia, fought as though propelled by rocket fuel, decking the world titleholder with a southpaw left hook in round 10 and then finishing him off with the same punch in the 11th.
He now joins interim WBC super-middleweight champ Danny Green as two world titleholders trained by all-time great Jeff Fenech.
The fight had been halted for 10 minutes between rounds eight and nine because of exploding fireworks near the venue and the bout was a cracker from round one.
"This is the greatest moment of my life," said Darchinyan, who had dreamed of becoming world champion since he started boxing in Armenia at the age of eight when he still went by his real first name, Vakhtang.
"I always believed I could beat Pacheco and now I plan to be world champion for many years.
"My plan is to unify the title and beat the WBC and WBA champions."
Darchinyan, who became an Australian citizen in July, is now unbeaten in 22 fights with 17 knockouts. Pacheco, 33, the world champ since 1999, lost for the first time in 31 fights.
Darchinyan started the bout between the two left-handers in whirlwind style but the lanky Pacheco, enjoying a 5cm height advantage, fought back in the middle rounds using long-armed body shots.
Referee Jorge Alonso took a point off Pacheco in round nine for a low blow and penalised him two more points in round 10 for the same offence.
But Darchinyan had no intention of winning on points.
The bout, postponed from September 3 as Hurricane Frances struck the Florida coast, will be telecast on Fox Sports on Christmas Eve.
Armenian takes IBF flyweight title
ESPN Dec 17 2004
HOLLYWOOD, Fla. -- Vic Darchinyan scored an 11th-round technical knockout of defending champion Irene Pacheco to win the IBF flyweight title Thursday night.
Darchinyan (22-0, 17 KOs), a native of Armenia now living in Australia, controlled the pace for most of the bout and finally knocked down Pacheco in the 10th round with a right to the head.
Darchinyan didn't let up in the 11th. He unloaded a series of unanswered shots near the ropes and then dropped Pacheco a second time with another right to the head 44 seconds into the round.
Pacheco's cornermen had seen enough, asking referee Jorge Alonso to stop the fight.
For Pacheco, of Colombia, it was his first career loss in 31 professional fights and seventh title defense.
Darchinyan wins IBF flyweight title with TKO of Pacheco
Associated Press Dec 17 2004
HOLLYWOOD, Fla. - Vic Darchinyan scored an 11th-round technical knockout of defending champion Irene Pacheco to win the IBF flyweight title Thursday night.
Darchinyan, a native of Armenia now living in Australia, controlled the pace for most of the bout fought outdoors at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood.
Darchinyan's gradual dominance began to take its toll on Pacheco in the 10th round, when Darchinyan sent him to the canvas with a right to the head.
With a weary Pacheco returning to his corner at the end of the round, Darchinyan didn't let up his assault at the beginning of the 11th. He unloaded a series of unanswered shots near the ropes and then dropped Pacheco a second time with another right to the head.
Pacheco's cornermen had seen enough, asking referee Jorge Alonso to stop the fight at 44 seconds of the round.
For Pacheco, of Colombia, it was his first career loss in 31 professional fights and seventh title defense.
Darchinyan (22-0, 17 KOs) was the busier fighter from the opening round and didn't let Pacheco build much of an offense. Pacheco's frustrations prompted repeated warnings from Alonso for hitting below the belt.
The low blows eventually cost Pacheco a point deduction in the ninth and another two points removed in the 10th.
To add to Pacheco's miseries, he suffered a deep gash to his right eyebrow after colliding heads with Darchinyan in the fifth.
The fight was delayed seven minutes before the ninth round because of a loud fireworks display during a festival adjacent to the fight facility.
Darchinyan weighed 111 pounds for the bout, while Pacheco weighed 112.
Darchinyan stops Pacheco to win IBF flyweight title by Paul Upham:
SecondsOut Dec 17 2004
Australian based Armenian "Raging Bull" Vic Darchinyan 22-0 (17) won the IBF flyweight title on Thursday night at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Florida, USA with an 11th round knockout over Colombian Irene Pacheco 30-1 (23). Darchinyan dropped Pacheco with a left hand in round 10 and again in round 11, before the corner of 33 year-old Pacheco stopped the fight.
"I am very happy," Darchinyan told SecondsOut. "Jeff (Fenech) came into the ring when they stopped the fight and he picked me up. After much hard work, finally I have become world champion."
28 year-old Darchinyan first joined Jeff Fenech's Team Fenech in 2000 after representing his native Armenia at the Sydney Olympic Games. The three-time world champion and Hall of Famer was very impressed with what he saw and encouraged him to stay in Australia and turn professional.
"He went exactly how I thought he would go," said Fenech. "I thought that he was going to be a little off. He had been training for so long. I knew he would go through this tired period and then he just came back strong as ever."
The first six rounds of the fight were very close and Fenech reminded Darchinyan between rounds of what was at stake.
"I thought it was close," said Fenech. "I thought Vic might have been in front by one round after nine. It was close and afterwards they told me that after nine rounds it was even. I had some serious words to Vic at the end of round eight and nine. I told him a few home truths and he went out and did the job."
"It was my fault," admitted Darchinyan, in describing some slow work from himself in the middle rounds. "I stopped a bit and Jeff reminded me to keep punching again."
In rounds 9 and 10 Pacheco was twice penalised for intentional low blows. "When he knew that Vic was going to finishing him, he was punching low on purpose," said Fenech.
"Pacheco was a good champion," said Darchinyan. "He had some good punches to the body. But he was a dirty fighter too. He hit me low when we were in close."
After the 9th round, there was an unusual ten-minute delay for safety reasons due to a large fireworks display next door at the Hard Rock Hotel. "It was crazy," said Fenech. "We weren't worried about the fireworks. I told the referee to just let them fight. We were there to win."
Darchinyan, who arrives back home in Sydney at 8am on Sunday morning, has no promotional options on him and will not have to make a mandatory defence until September 2005. Unification bouts with WBC flyweight champion Pongsaklek Wonjongkam and WBA champion Lorenzo Parra are a priority.
"I want to stay at flyweight and win the WBC and WBA titles," said Darchinyan. "I'll talk to Jeff and after that, we may move up in weight."
If those fights are not possible straight away, Darchinyan has his eyes fixed on a USA 2000 Olympian.
"I want to fight Brian Viloria," he said. "I have sparred him before. I win, no problem."
This compilation was contributed to by:
  Sebouh Tashjian
  Katia Peltekian
Australian expects early spurt from Colombian challenger
AP Worldstream; Aug 23, 2005 X-Sender: Asbed Bedrossian <asbed@usc.edu> X-Listprocessor-Version: 8.1 -- ListProcessor(tm) by CREN
International Boxing Federation flyweight champion Vic Darchinyan of Australia expects an early assault from Colombian challenger Jair Jiminez in their 12-round fight Wednesday.
The Armenian-born Darchinyan, 29, is making the second defense of the world title he won from another Colombian, Irene Pacheco, in Florida in December. The fight is at the Sydney Entertainment Center, where his trainer Jeff Fenech won two of his world titles and compiled a 6-0 record, including victories over Victor Callejas, Carlos Zarate and Steve McCrory.
"It's a great venue," said Fenech, who last fought there 16 years ago against Callejas, when he won his third world title.
Darchinyan will be trying to restore some pride to Australian boxing. Since Darchinyan's first successful title defense against South African Mzukisi Sikali in March, Anthony Mundine, Paul Briggs, Kostya Tszyu and Tommy Browne have all lost, leaving Australians with 2-6 record in world title fights this year.
The other success was Robbie Peden's February victory over Nate Campbell for the IBF super-featherweight title.
Jiminez is being ranked an outsider, but Fenech is cautious.
"I expect him to try and blast Vic out in the first few rounds, he's a very skillful kid, he's got a very precise punch," Fenech said.
"This kid is a little pocket dynamo. I've watched him win some fights and he's pretty talented. To be honest, we've got reason to be very cautious and we've got to be ready for a hard fight."
Darchinyan has 18 knockouts in his 23-0 record, while Jiminez has 16 in his record of 22-4-1.
Jiminez lost his last two fights, both to Gerson Guerrero, but each was at the heavier super flyweight.
Jiminez's trainer, Roberto Quesada, has trained nine world champions. "When Jiminez wins on Wednesday, it's no surprise (to me), it's possible Australian people will be surprised," said Quesada. "Jiminez has come to Australia in good condition. He has been training three months and has done 120 rounds of sparring."
This article contains text from a source with a copyright. Please help us by extracting the factual information and eliminating the rest in order to keep the site in accordance to fair use standards. You can help Armeniapedia by editing it. 
YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 20, ARMENPRESS: An Australia-based Armenian boxer Vic Darchinyan, who retained his 2004 International Boxing Federation and 2005 International Boxing Organization flyweight titles, told during a rare visit to his homeland he was preparing to defend one of his titles versus Damian Kelly from Ireland.
  Vic Darchinyan retained his International Boxing Federation flyweight
title with a fifth-round technical knockout on August 24 over Jair Jimenez at the Sydney Entertainment Center.
  This is his first visit to homeland in two year time. Darchinyan who is
from Vanadzor said he will be present at a September 21 opening of a boxing school in his native town. Darchinyan won all 24 fights, 19 by knock outs. He also said he may move from Australia to US where professional box is more developed.
This article contains text from a source with a copyright. Please help us by extracting the factual information and eliminating the rest in order to keep the site in accordance to fair use standards. You can help Armeniapedia by editing it. 
Вик Дарчинян  Vic Darchinyan
Personal Info
Home Town
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Birth Place
Date of Birth
January 7, 1976
5' 5?
Jeff Fenech
Vic commenced boxing training from the age of 8 within the community in Vanadzor where boxing was very popular. His only trainer was a very experienced armenian trainer Vazgen Badalyan. He participated in the Armenia Junior Amateur Boxing circuit in the 48 kilograms (108 lbs) class and was Age Champion from the of 12, 13,14, 15 and 16.
1993 - Based on Vic's successes in the Junior Amateur Championships, the Armenian Amateur Boxing Association selected Vic to represent Armenia in the World Title junior amateur boxing tournament which was held in Istanbul, Turkey. Vic comfortably won 5th place.
1994 - In order to pursue his amateur boxing career internationally Vic left Armenia in 1994 and commenced training in Russia, city of Sochi. Vic represented Russia in over 10 tournaments.
1996 - Vic was invited by Ukraine to represent Ukraine in the Amateur Boxing Tournaments and he did so by participating in over 8 tournaments up to mid 1997.
1997 - The Armeninan Amateur Boxing Federation, having observed Vic's successful progress in Russia and Ukraine invited Vic back to Armenia to represent Armenia in the Armenian and International Amateur Boxing circuit.
During 1997 Vic represented Armenia in the world title tournament defeating amongst others title holders representing Hungary and Australia. Vic has become 5th. Vic was called by the Armenian Government to a two year National Service and joined the Armenian Army. Recognizing his excellent amateur boxing credentials the Armenian Army allowed Vic to continue his vigorous boxing training during his two year National Service.
1998 - Vic represented Armenia in the following international amateur tournaments:
Goodwill Games - New York (Note that Vic was the only one representing Armenis. Vic has become 3rd at this tournament).
European Cup - Greece (Vic confidently has taken the first place)
World Cup - Chong Ching, China (Vic has become 3rd)
Accordingly, Vic was honored by the President of Armenia, Mr Kocharian, as one of Armenia's top 10 sporting heroes (he was number 3 to be precise). This is a very prestigious annual award within Armenia. Vic was also awarded the Armenia "Sporting Masters in Boxing" status.
1999 - Vic completed his commitments to the Armenian Army and represented Armenia as an Amateur Boxing Champion in the following tournaments:
European Cup - Ukraine 51 kilograms (112 lbs) class (Vic has become a European Champion for the second time in a row).
World Amateur Championships - Huston, U.S.A. (reached quarter finals)
Vic again was selected by the President of Armenia as one of the Armenia's Top 10 Sporting Heroes for the second year in a row. However, this time he was a hero number 7.
While in the U.S. Vic was approached by American managers and promoters to become a professional boxer. However Vic did not accept these invitations as his dream was to represent Armenia in the 2000 Olympics which was to be held in Sydney, Australia.
2000 - During September 2000 Vic represented Armenia in the Sydney Olympic Games and reached the quarter finals. Vic was approached by Jeff Fenech who observed Vic's progress during the preliminary bouts at the Olympics and asked Vic to become a professional boxer. Vic accepted to be trained by Jeff Fenech and obtained sponsorship from Mr Henry Hacobian, a well respected Armenian businessman living in Sydney.
Vic's first professional fight was televised by Foxtel during October 2000, which he won convincingly.
Vic having entered Australia on a temporary visa for the Olympics, returned to Armenia with the expectation of returning to Australia to pursue his professional boxing career.
2001 - In February 2001 Vic arrived back to Australia with the appropriate visa and to date has had 25 professional fights and remains undefeated with 20 wins by knockout.
Vic's current world titles include:
IBF World Champion - Belt
IBO Champion -Belt
Oceania Title
Australian Title
IBF Pan Pacific Title
Vic Darchinian. He is a boxer in Australia
Чемпион мира по боксу в суперлегком весе по версии IBF Вахтанг Дарчинян.

Текущая версия на 20:00, 8 октября 2015

Дополните информацию о персоне
Дарчиньян Вахтанг Рубенович
Darchinyan Vakhtang
8626 3.png
Другие имена: Дарчиньян Вик,
«Неистовый бык» («Raging Bull» - прозв.),
Дарчинян Вахтанг
Латиницей: Darchinyan Vic
На английском: Darchinyan Vakhtang
На армянском: Վախթանգ Դարչինյան
Дата рождения: 07.01.1976
Место рождения: Ванадзор, Армения
Краткая информация:


Родился 7 января 1976, Кировакан (ныне Ванадзор), Армянская ССР.

Любительская карьера

Начал заниматься боксом в 1983 году под руководством Вазгена Бадаляна.

В 1997-2000 годах входил в состав национальной сборной Армении, становился бронзовым призёром чемпионата Европы в Минске и Игр Доброй Воли в Нью-Йорке, был участником чемпионатов мира и Олимпийских игр в Сиднее. После олимпийского турнира принял решение завершить любительскую карьеру и, переехав в Австралию, начать профессиональную карьеру.

Чемпионат Европы по боксу 1998 года

На чемпионате Европы 1998 года в Минске Вахтанг Дарчинян провёл три поединка:

  • 1/8 финала: победа над итальянским боксёром Кармине Моларо по очкам (9:8)
  • 1/4 финала: победа над македонским боксёром Мухамедом Алиёй по очкам (8:2)
  • 1/2 финала: поражение от российского боксёра Ильфата Разяпова по очкам (2:6)

Олимпийские игры 2000 года

На летних Олимпийских играх в Сиднее Вахтанг Дарчинян провёл два поединка:

  • 1/8 финала: победа над российским боксёром Ильфатом Разяповым по очкам (20:11)
  • 1/4 финала: поражение от казахстанского боксёра Булата Джумадилова по очкам (8:15)

Профессиональная карьера

Дебютировал на профессиональном ринге в ноябре 2000 года.

17 декабря 2004 года получил право оспорить титул чемпиона мира в наилегчайшем весе (до 50,8 кг.) по версии IBF в бою против непобежденного обладателя этого титула колумбийца Ирене Пачеко. В конце десятого и в начале одиннадцатого раунда Дарчинян дважды отправил Пачеко в нокдаун после чего рефери остановил бой и претенденту была присуждена победа техническим нокаутом.

В 2005-2007 годах Вахтанг Дарчинян успешно защищал завоёванный титул 6 раз. Наибольший резонанс в боксёрском мире вызвали его бои с мексиканцами Луисом Мальдонадо и Виктором Бургосом. Прошедший в июне 2006 года в Лас-Вегасе поединок с непобежденным Мальдонадо многими был признан очень красивым и зрелищным. Он завершился техническим нокаутом претендента в восьмом раунде.

3 марта 2007 года состоялся бой Вахтанга Дарчиняна с экс-чемпионом мира по версии IBF в первом наилегчайшем весе (до 49 кг.) Виктором Бургосом. Уже во втором раунде претендент побывал в нокдауне. Несмотря на полное преимущество Дарчиняна Бургос и его команда не желали прекращения поединка, а рефери остановил превратившийся в избиение претендента бой лишь в двенадцатом раунде. В результате Бургосу потребовалась госпитализация для проведения операции по удалению внутричерепной гематомы.

Чемпионский бой за титул IBF в наилегчайшем весе (7-я защита Дарчиняна); чемпионский бой за титул IBO в наилегчайшем весе (6-я защита Дарчиняна) - 7 июля 2007 Вик Дарчинян - Нонито Донэр - Дарчинян проиграл техническим нокаутом в 5-ом раунде в 12-раундовом бою.

В июле 2007 года Дарчинян проводил седьмую защиту своего титула, а его соперником был филиппинский боксёр Нонито Донэр. В октябре 2006 года Дарчинян уже побеждал старшего брата Нонито Глена Донэра и считался явным фаворитом и в этом бою. Однако филиппинцу удалось с начала боя захватить инициативу, заставить чемпиона защищаться, а в середине пятого раунда левым встречным хуком сбить его с ног. Впервые в своей карьере оказавшийся на канвасе Дарчинян попытался подняться, но его повело, и он свалился на канаты. После этого рефери остановил бой. [1]

После поражения от Донэра Дарчинян заявил о желании провести матч-реванш, но не получив согласия филиппинца решил перейти в более тяжёлую весовую категорию. В августе 2008 года он получил право оспорить титул чемпиона по версии IBF уже во втором наилегчайшем весе (до 52,2 кг.) у россиянина Дмитрия Кириллова. Этот титульный бой состоялся 2 августа в американском городе Такома и прошёл при полном преимуществе претендента. [2]

Завоевав звание чемпиона мира по версии IBF, Вахтанг Дарчинян дал согласие на объединение поясов. 1 ноября 2008 года в Карсоне (Калифорния) состоялся его бой за звание абсолютного чемпиона мира во втором наилегчайшем весе с чемпионом мира во версиям WBA и WBC Кристианом Михаресом (Мексика). Уже в конце первого раунда Дарчинян провёл левый апперкот в челюсть и Михарес, рухнув на канвас, смог поднялся лишь на счёт 8. В дальнейшем мексиканский боксёр пытался выравнить бой, но инициатива оставалась у Дарчиняна, и в девятом раунде последнему удалось провести решающую атаку. Левый хук в челюсть снова сбил Михареса с ног. Рефери досчитал до 5-ти, и видя, что мексиканец не предпринимает попыток встать, прекратил бой и зафиксировал нокаут.

Завладев тремя чемпионскими поясами во втором легчайшем весе, Вахтанг Дарчинян попытался оспорить чемпионский титул по версии IBF в легчайшем весе (до 53,5 кг.). 11 июля 2009 года в Санрайзе (Флорида) состоялся его бой с обладателем этого титула ганцем Джозефом Агбеко. Поединок продлился все двенадцать раундов и прошел в упорной и равной борьбе. В результате судьи отдали предпочтение ганскому боксёру по очкам.

Несмотря на поражение от Агбеко Вахтанг Дарчинян не лишился своих чемпионских поясов, завоёванных в рамках второго наилегчайшего веса, но из-за полученных в бою с Агбеко и требующих длительного заживления рассечений бровей не смог в назначенные IBF сроки провести обязательную защиту своего пояса по этой версии, поэтому в конце июля был вынужден оставить этот пояс вакантным.

Свои чемпионские титулы по версиям WBA и WBC Дарчинян успешно защитил в декабре 2009 года в бою с Томасом Рохасом и марте 2010 года в поединке с Родриго Герреро.

С февраля 2001 года Вика проживает в Австралии.


  • чемпион Армении (1997—2000)
  • Бронзовый призёр чемпионата Европы (1998)
  • Бронзовый призёр Кубка мира (1998)
  • Бронзовый призёр Игр доброй воли (1998) среди любителей
  • чемпион мира в наилегчайшей весовой категории по версии IBF (2004—2007)
  • абсолютный чемпион мира во 2-ой наилегчайшей весовой категории (2008—2009) среди профессионалов
  • чемпион мира во 2-ой наилегчайшей весовой категории по версиям WBA и WBC (2008)


  • Медаль «За заслуги перед Отечеством» I степени (2011)



  • Best Jorge Arce vs. Vic Darchinyan Teaser Full Fight - Analysis - Liverpuncher.com!




  1. Поединок получил статусы "апсет года" и "нокаут года" по версии журнала "Ринг".
  2. В начале пятого раунда после серии пропущенных ударов в голову чемпион первый раз упал на канвас, но смог подняться на счёт 3. Он попытался отбегаться, но до конца раунда продержаться не смог и, пропустив ещё один мощный удар в голову, опять оказался на полу. Подняться до того как судьи зафиксировали нокаут он уже не смог.