Авакян Кнарик — различия между версиями

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Строка 1: Строка 1:
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| дата рождения        = 26.04.1968
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| краткая информация = Доктор Института истории Национальной академии наук Армении
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Авакьян Кнарик
Изучала происхождение и развитие наиболее больших и организованных Армянских диаспор в США.
*1975-1985 Eghishe Charents High School (No. 67) with English bias, Yerevan
*1985-1990 Yerevan State University, Department of History, MA, 1990. Speciality: Universal History, Social Sciences
*1991-1995 Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan, Ph.D. (Doctor of History), 1995
*Speciality: Armenian History, Diaspora and American Ethnic Studies
*1997-1998 American University of Armenia, Intensive English Program, Yerevan
*1998 American University of Armenia, Graduate School of Political Science & International Affairs, Yerevan
*1981, 1982, 1983, 1984 Testimonials of the Ministry of Education of the Armenian SSR for Excellent Successes and Exemplary Behavior, on the occasion of Graduating from VI, VII, VIII, IX classes at Eghishe Charents High School (No. 67) with English bias, Yerevan
*1985 Honorary Certificate from the Board of Directors of Eghishe Charents High School (No. 67) for Excellent Indices in Elementary Military Training, Personal Discipline and Active Public Work, Yerevan
*1985 Gold Medal for Excellent Study and Behavior from Eghishe Charents High School (No. 67) with English bias, Yerevan. 2000 Certificate from the Institute of Oriental Studies, National Academy of Sciences for having reported at the XXI Conference of Young Orientalists of Armenia (June 1-2), Yerevan
*2001 Certificate: The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia and the Galoust Gulbenkian Foundation award to Knarik Avakian the title "The Best Young Scientist of 2001" for her Outstanding Research Achievements, Yerevan
*2002 Certificate of Successful Completion of "Elements and Applications of Web Design" Training (May 6-17), organized by the Public Affairs Section of the US Embassy, Armenia, Yerevan
==Сфера исследований==
*Armenian-American Ethnic and Community Studies
*Armenian Diaspora Studies
*History of Armenia and the United States of America
*History of the Armenian Protestant Church
*Universal History
*Social Sciences
KNARIK R. AVAKIAN Кнарик Авакьян
*1990-1992 Teacher of History at High School (No. 39), Yerevan
*1992-1994 Assistant of Professor of History at Gladzor University, Yerevan
*1995-1997 Junior Researcher at the Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan
*1998-2001 Senior Editor at the Armenian Encyclopedia, Yerevan
*1998-Present Senior Researcher at the Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan
36 M. Saryan St., Apt. 23
*1997-Present Head of the Young Scientists' Council, Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan
Yerevan 375002
*1998-Present Member of the Young Scientists' All-Academic Council, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan
*1999-Present Member of the Academic Council of the Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan
Telephone: (374-1) 53-60-06
E-mail: lira@hragir.aua.am, lira777@yahoo.com
Web: http://www.geocities.com/lira777/
==Сочинения (аннотированная библиография)==
24g M. Baghramian St., 7th Floor
Yerevan 375019
*"The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924)." Hayastani Hanrapetutian Gitutiunneri Azgain Akademiayi "Gitutiun" Hratarakchutiun ("Science" Publishing House of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia). Dedicated to the 180th and the 80th Anniversaries of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (1819) and of the Near East Relief (1919). Yerevan, 2000, 240 pages (in Armenian, with English & Russian Summaries).
Telephone: (374-1) 52-92-63
===Научные статьи===
April 26, 1968, Yerevan, Armenia
*Armenians During the Colonial Period of America. Banber Yerevani Hamalsarani. Hasarakakan Gitutiunner (Yerevan University Herald. Humanitarian Sciences). Yerevan, 1994, No. 2 (83), pp. 129-133 [reprinted in Ararat, Beirut] (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
*The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). Thesis. Yerevan, 1995, 21 pages (in Armenian, with English & Russian Summaries).
*Participation of the Armenian-Americans to the World War II. Lraber Hasarakakan Gitutiunneri. HH GAA Handes (Herald of Humanitarian Sciences. Journal of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 1995, No. 1 (589), pp. 176-188 [reprinted in Ararat, Beirut] (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
*Distribution and Social-Economic Condition of Armenians in the United States of America (1834-1924). Banber Yerevani Hamalsarani. Hasarakakan Gitutiunner (Yerevan University Herald. Humanitarian Sciences). Yerevan, 1995, No. 1 (85), pp. 54-66 [reprinted in Ararat, Beirut, and Lraber Stanbuli Hayots Patriarkutean (Herald of Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul), Istanbul] (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
*Armenian Spiritual, Educational and Cultural Life in the United States of America (1888-1924). Banber Yerevani Hamalsarani. Hasarakakan Gitutiunner (Yerevan University Herald. Humanitarian Sciences). Yerevan, 1995, No. 3 (87), pp. 189-196 [reprinted in Ararat Yearbook, Beirut, and Lraber Stanbuli Hayots Patriarkutean (Herald of Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul), Istanbul] (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
*The Emigration of the Armenians to the United States of America (1834-1924). Lraber Hasarakakan Gitutiunneri. HH GAA Handes (Herald of Humanitarian Sciences. Journal of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 1996, No. 1 (591), pp. 92-101 [reprinted in Ararat, Beirut] (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
*Public-Political Life of the Armenians in the United States of America (1886-1924). Banber Yerevani Hamalsarani. Hasarakakan Gitutiunner (Yerevan University Herald. Humanitarian Sciences). Yerevan, 1996, No. 3 (90), pp. 174-185 (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
*From the History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America. Bnorran. Handes Hayastani Hayrenaktsakan Miutiunneri Khorhrdi (Cradle. Journal of the Council of the Compatriotic Unions of Armenia). Yerevan, 1997, No. 2 (6), pp. 23-27 (in Armenian).
*Armenians of Turkey During the Colonial Period of America. Lraber Stanbuli Hayots Patriarkutean (Herald of Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul). Istanbul, 1997, September 16, No. II/18 (51), pp. 24-26 (in Armenian).
*The Emigration of the Armenians of Turkey to the United States of America (1834-1894). (a). Lraber Stanbuli Hayots Patriarkutean (Herald of Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul). Istanbul, 1997, December 3, No. II/22 (55), pp. 15-16 (in Armenian) (to be continued).
*The Emigration of the Armenians of Turkey to the United States of America (1834-1894). (b). Lraber Bolsahay Patriarkutean (Herald of Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul). Istanbul, 1997, December 10, No. II/23 (56), pp. 12-14 (in Armenian) (to be continued).
*The Exodus of the Armenians to the United States of America (1618-1924). Baikar. Ramgavar-Azatakan Gitatesakan, Hasarakakan, Kaghakakan, Mshakutayin Amsagir (Struggle. Democratic-Liberal Scientificotheoretical, Public, Political, Cultural Journal). Yerevan, 1998, No. 1, pp. 26-30 (in Armenian).
*Henry Morgenthau and the Armenian-Americans. Henry Morgenthaun ev Hay Zhoghovurde (Henry Morgenthau and the Armenian People). Yerevan, 1999, pp. 38-49 (in Armenian).
*Some Documents of Archive of the Armenian Patriarchate of Turkey Concerning the Armenian Community of the United States of America. Banber Yerevani Hamalsarani. Hasarakakan Gitutiunner (Yerevan University Herald. Humanitarian Sciences). Yerevan, 1999, No. 2 (98), pp. 126-138 (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
*The Exodus of the Armenians to the United States of America. Droshak. Pashtonatert Hay Yeghapokhakan Dashnaktsutean (Banner. Official Magazine of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation). Yerevan, 1999, December, 30th (63rd) Year, No. 18 (1562), pp. 55-58 [to be printed in Haykakan Spiurk Hanragitaran (Encyclopedia of Armenian Diaspora). Yerevan] (in Armenian).
*Henry Morgenthau and the Armenians. Armenian Mind. Journal of the Armenian Philosophical Academy (Hay Mitk. Hayots Pilisopayakan Akademiayi Handes). Yerevan, 2000, Vol. IV, No. 2, pp. 257-276 [to be printed in Nationalities Papers. New York (23 pages)] (in English).
*The Archival Documents of the Armenian Patriarchate of Turkey Concerning the Armenian Community of the USA (End of the XIX - Beginning of the XX Centuries). Merdzavor ev Midjin Arevelki Erkrner ev Zhoghovurdner (The Countries and Peoples of the Near and Middle East). Yerevan, 2000, Vol. XIX, pp. 7-15 (in Armenian, with English Summary).
*The Documents of Archive of the Armenian Patriarchate of Turkey Concerning the Armenian Emigrants of the USA (End of the 19th Century - Beginning of the 20th Century). Lraber Hasarakakan Gitutiunneri. HH GAA Handes (Herald of Humanitarian Sciences. Journal of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 2000, No. 2 (602), pp. 211-220 (in Armenian).
*The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). Avetaber Verelk. Kronakan, Azgayin, Mshakutayin Parberatert Sb. Gregory Hay Katolik Ekeghetsu (Precursor Ascent. Religious, Spiritual, Cultural Periodical of St. Gregory Armenian Catholic Church). Glendale, 2001, No. 1, pp. 35-38 (in English).
*The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). Navasart Amsagir. Grakan, Mshakutayin, Azgayin Amsagir (Navasart Monthly. Literary, Cultural, National Monthly). Glendale, 2001, Vol. XIXI, Second Quarter, No. 221-222, pp. 30-32 (in Armenian).
*The Emigration of the Armenians to the America (1834-1924). Surp Prgich. Amsatert Surp Prgich Hayots Hivandanotsi (Saint Savior. Monthly of the Saint Savior Armenian Hospital). Istanbul, 2001, Year 51, April, No. 618, pp. 38-44 (in Armenian).
*Burdensome Labor Conditions for the First Armenians Emigrated to the America. Surp Prgich. Amsatert Surp Prgich Hayots Hivandanotsi (Saint Savior. Monthly of the Saint Savior Armenian Hospital). Istanbul, 2001, Year 51, June-July, No. 620-621, pp. 37-40 (in Armenian).
*The Emigration of the Armenians to the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). Eritasard Gitashkhatoghneri Hodvadsneri Zhoghovadsu. HH GAA Handes (Collection of Articles of the Young Researchers. Journal of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 2001, No. 1 (2), pp. 152-156 (in Armenian, with Armenian, English & Russian Summaries).
*The Armenian-American Periodicals and Printing Houses (1888-First Half of the 1920s). Handes Hayagitutian. Erevani Kh. Aboviani Anvan Haykakan Petakan Mankavarzhakan Hamalsarani Gitakan Hodvadsneri ev Hraparakumneri Zhoghovadsu (Journal of Armenology. Collection of Scientific Articles and Publications of Yerevan Kh. Abovian Armenian State Pedagogical University). Yerevan, 2001, No. IV, pp. 83-86 (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
*From the History of the Armenian-American Compatriotic Unions (End of the 19th Century - Beginning of the 20th Century). Droshak. Pashtonatert Hay Yeghapokhakan Dashnaktsutean (Banner. Official Magazine of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation). Yerevan, 2002, January, 33rd (66th) Year, No. 1 (1573), pp. 151-160 (in Armenian).
*From the History of the Armenian-American Compatriotic Unions. Bnorran. Handes Hayastani Hayrenaktsakan Miutiunneri Khorhrdi (Cradle. Journal of the Council of the Compatriotic Unions of Armenia). Yerevan, 2001, No. 1-2 (), pp. (in Armenian) (in progress).
*The Armenian-Americans During the Years of the Armenian Genocide. Hayots Tseghaspanutian Patmutian ev Patmagrutian Hartser. Gitakan Ashkhatutiunner (Cases on the History and Historiography of the Armenian Genocide. Scientific Researches). Yerevan, 2001, No. , pp. (in Armenian, with English & Russian Summaries) (in progress).
*Armenian Educational and Research Institutions of the United States of America (From the Beginning to Our Times). Haykakan Spiurk Hanragitaran (Encyclopedia of Armenian Diaspora). Yerevan (in Armenian) (in progress).
*Evangelizm in the Armenian Reality. Banber. Pashtonatert Fransahay Avetaranakan Miutean ([Panpere. Revue Mensuelle Evangelique]. Herald. Review of the Armenian Evangelical Union of France). Marseilles (in Armenian) (in progress).
===Журнальные статьи===
*The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). Hayastani Hanrapetutiun. Oratert (Republic of Armenia. Daily). Yerevan, 1996, August 28, No. 169 (1608), p. 2 (in Armenian).
*The First Armenians in America. Gitutiun. HH GAA Erkshabatatert (Science. Semi-Monthly of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 1996, November 16-30, No. 20 (84), pp. 2, 4 (in Armenian).
*On the Case of the Article "Pennsylvania." Gitutiun. HH GAA Erkshabatatert (Science. Semi-Monthly of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 1997, January 1-15, No. 1 (87), p. 2 (in Armenian).
*The Community Values are Higher than Personal Ambitions. (a). - "Marmara" is Making Dissolution. Jamanak. Kaghakakan, Zhoghovrdakan Oratert (Time. Political, Popular Daily). Istanbul, 1997, September 5, No. 6091, p. 2 (in Armenian) (to be continued).
*The Community Values are Higher than Personal Ambitions. (b). - Armenian Church is Not Being Built Everyday. Jamanak. Kaghakakan, Zhoghovrdakan Oratert (Time. Political, Popular Daily). Istanbul, 1997, September 6, No. 6092, p. 2 (in Armenian) (to be continued).
*The Community Values are Higher than Personal Ambitions. (c). - The Patriarchate is Sacred. Jamanak. Kaghakakan, Zhoghovrdakan Oratert (Time. Political, Popular Daily). Istanbul, 1997, September 8, No. 6093, p. 2 (in Armenian).
*The Armenian-American Apostolic Church and the 100 Years Old Diocese. Hayastani Hanrapetutiun. Oratert (Republic of Armenia. Daily). Yerevan, 1998, May 19, No. 96 (2053), p. 5 (in Armenian).
*The Armenian Evangelical Church and the 80 Years Old Missionary Association. Hayastani Hanrapetutiun. Oratert (Republic of Armenia. Daily). Yerevan, 1998, July 11, No. 135 (2092), p. 5 (in Armenian).
*Evangelizm in the Armenian Reality. Hayastani Hanrapetutiun. Oratert (Republic of Armenia. Daily). Yerevan, 1998, September 9, No. 177 (2134), p. 7 (in Armenian).
*The Humanist: Henry Morgenthau. Azg. Oratert (Nation. Daily). Yerevan, 1999, April 21, No. 71 (1816), p. 4 (in Armenian).
*The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). Nakhijevan. "Nakhijevan" Hayrenaktsakan Miutean Pashtonatert (Nakhijevan. Newspaper of "Nakhijevan" Compatriotic Union). Yerevan, 2000, B Year, June-July, No. 15, p. 16 (in Armenian).
*The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). Nayiri. Erkshabatatert (Nairi. Semi-Monthly). Beirut, 2000, F Year, September 5, No. 132, pp. 8-9 (in Armenian).
*225 Years Old Independence of the United States of America and the Armenian-Americans. Azg. Oratert (Nation. Daily). Yerevan, 2001, July 4, No. 123 (2327), p. 5 (in Armenian).
*The Armenian Community of the USA. From the Beginning to 1924. Golos Armenii. Obshchestvenno-Politicheskaia Gazeta (Voice of Armenia. Social-Political Newspaper). Yerevan, 2001, July 5, No. 72 (18724), p. 5 (in Russian).
===Статьи и выступления на конференциях===
1975-1985 Eghishe Charents High School (No. 67) with English bias, Yerevan
*23rd Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, November 23-24, 1992. Participation of the Armenian-Americans to the World War II. (Abstracts: pp. 28-29) (in Armenian).
1985-1990 Yerevan State University, Department of History, MA, 1990
*24th Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, November 2-3, 1993. The Emigration of the Armenians to the United States of America (Beginning of the 17th Century-1920) (in Armenian).
Speciality: Universal History, Social Sciences
*Economic Education and Policy Analysis During a Time of National Transition. International Conference. Institute of International Economic Relations and Control. Yerevan, June 19-22, 1995. Emigration of the Armenians to the United States of America (1618-1924). (Abstracts: p. 24) (in English).
1991-1995 Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan, Ph.D.
*25th Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, May 12-13, 1997. The Exodus of the Armenians to the United States of America (1618-1924). (Abstracts: pp. 9-10) (in Armenian).
(Doctor of History), 1995
*Armenian Historical and Cultural Issues. Conference. State Museum of History of Armenia. Dedicated to the Memory of Alex Manugian, the Great Philanthropist and Supporter of Armenology, National Hero of Armenia. Yerevan, October 15-16, 1997. The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). (Abstracts: pp. 30-31) (in Armenian).
Speciality: Armenian History, Diaspora and American Ethnic Studies
*Diaspora Structures. Conference. Student's Scientific Society of the Philological Department of the Yerevan State University. Dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of Establishment of the Student's Scientific Society of the Yerevan State University. Yerevan, December 12, 1997. The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) (in Armenian).
1997-1998 American University of Armenia, Intensive English Program, Yerevan
*Christianity and the Armenian Reality. Conference. "Hayk" Foundation, Artsakh and Aragadsotn Dioceses of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Dedicated to the 1700th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Christianity in Armenia. Yerevan, Oshakan, Gandzasar, November 12-15, 1998. Evangelizm in the Armenian Reality. (Abstracts: pp. 12-13) (in Armenian).
1998 American University of Armenia, Graduate School of Political Science & International Affairs, Yerevan
*The Armenian Genocide. Ambassador Henry Morgenthau and the American Responses (1914-1923). International Conference. National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (NAS) (Yerevan), Armenian National Institute (ANI) (Washington). Dedicated to the Memory of Henry Morgenthau, the American Diplomat, Friend of the Armenian People. Yerevan, April 22, 1999. Henry Morgenthau and the Armenian-Americans (in English & in Armenian).
*26th Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, June 29-30, 1999. The Documents of Archive of the Armenian Patriarchate of Turkey Concerning the Condition of the Armenian Emigrants of the USA (End of the 19th Century - Beginning of the 20th Century). (Abstracts: pp. 16-17) (in Armenian).
*The Armenian National Culture. Republican Conference. No. X. Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Dedicated to the 40th Anniversary of Establishment of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, NAS RA. Yerevan, November 30 - December 2, 1999. Formation of the Armenian-Americans' Nation-Preserving Basis. (Abstracts: pp. 7-9) (in Armenian).
*The 21st Century without Genocides. Conference. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Museum-Institute of the Armenian Genocide, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Foundation of the Armenian Cases, Munich. Dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide (1915-2000). Yerevan, April 18-21, 2000. The Armenian-Americans During the Years of the Armenian Genocide (in Armenian).
*XXI Republican Conference of Young Orientalists of Armenia. Institute of Oriental Studies, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, June 1-2, 2000. The Archival Documents of the Armenian Patriarchate of Turkey Concerning the Armenian Community of the USA (End of the XIX - Beginning of the XX Centuries). (Abstracts: pp. 4-5) (in Armenian).
*27th Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, November 2-3, 2000. Organization and Development of the Armenian Church Community in the USA. (Abstracts: pp. 12-13) (in Armenian).
*The Armenian National Culture. Republican Conference. No. XI. Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, November 13-14, 2001. The Armenian-American Family. Mode of Life and Customs (End of the XIX Century - Beginning of the XX Century). (Abstracts: pp. 8-10) (in Armenian).
===Редактированные книги===
1981, 1982, 1983, 1984 Testimonials of the Ministry of Education of the Armenian SSR for Excellent Successes and Exemplary Behavior, on the occasion of Graduating from VI, VII, VIII, IX classes at Eghishe Charents High School (No. 67) with English bias, Yerevan
*Abstracts of the 25th Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, May 12-13, 1997 (in Armenian).
1985 Honorary Certificate from the Board of Directors of Eghishe Charents High School (No. 67) for Excellent Indices in Elementary Military Training, Personal Discipline and Active Public Work, Yerevan
*Abstracts of the 26th Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, June 29-30, 1999 (in Armenian).
1985 Gold Medal for Excellent Study and Behavior from Eghishe Charents High School (No. 67) with English bias, Yerevan
*Abstracts of the 27th Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, November 2-3, 2000 (in Armenian).
2000 Certificate from the Institute of Oriental Studies, National Academy of Sciences for having reported at the XXI Conference of Young Orientalists of Armenia (June 1-2), Yerevan
2001 Certificate: The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia and the Galoust Gulbenkian Foundation award to Knarik Avakian the title "The Best Young Scientist of 2001" for her Outstanding Research Achievements, Yerevan
2002 Certificate of Successful Completion of "Elements and Applications of Web Design" Training (May 6-17), organized by the Public Affairs Section of the US Embassy, Armenia, Yerevan
*доктор исторических наук
Armenian-American Ethnic and Community Studies
*Проект, созданный доктором исторических наук Кнарик Авакян освещает несколько этапов истории армянского народа. Сайт явился результатом многолетних исследований самой Кнарик, а также ее матери - профессора филологии Верджине Свазлян.
Armenian Diaspora Studies
History of Armenia and the United States of America
History of the Armenian Protestant Church
Universal History
Social Sciences
Проект состоит из 4 частей:  
1990-1992 Teacher of History at High School (No. 39), Yerevan
*истории армянской колонии США
1992-1994 Assistant of Professor of History at Gladzor University, Yerevan
*фольклорных традиций Западной Армении
1995-1997 Junior Researcher at the Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan
*истории армянской евангелистской церкви
1998-2001 Senior Editor at the Armenian Encyclopedia, Yerevan
*раздела о Генри Моргентау
1998-Present Senior Researcher at the Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan
Проект представлен на армянском и английском языках.
1997-Present Head of the Young Scientists' Council, Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan
1998-Present Member of the Young Scientists' All-Academic Council, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan
1999-Present Member of the Academic Council of the Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan
1990s Participation in organizing Local, National Assembly & Presidential elections, Yerevan 1997-Present Participation to the activities of Graduate Women's Association, Yerevan
*Tamar Hovhannisian. Knarik Avakian. The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). "Gitutiun" Publishing House of the NAS RA. Yerevan, 2000, 240 pages. Lraber Hasarakakan Gitutiunneri. HH GAA Handes (Herald of Humanitarian Sciences. Journal of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 2001, No. 2 (602), pp. (in Armenian)s)
*[http://www.armenians.com/links/History/ Armenian Links]
*[http://www.geocities.com/lira777/CV.html Knarik Avakian]
*[http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php?title=Knarik_Avakian Armeniapedia]
Armenian - native tongue
[[Категория:Доктора исторических наук]]
English - fluent
Russian - fluent
Norton Commander
Microsoft DOS
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Access
Microsoft Power Point
Macromedia Dreamweaver
Macromedia Flash
Adobe Photoshop
"The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924)." Hayastani Hanrapetutian Gitutiunneri Azgain Akademiayi "Gitutiun" Hratarakchutiun ("Science" Publishing House of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia). Dedicated to the 180th and the 80th Anniversaries of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (1819) and of the Near East Relief (1919). Yerevan, 2000, 240 pages (in Armenian, with English & Russian Summaries).
Scientific Articles:
Armenians During the Colonial Period of America. Banber Yerevani Hamalsarani. Hasarakakan Gitutiunner (Yerevan University Herald. Humanitarian Sciences). Yerevan, 1994, No. 2 (83), pp. 129-133 [reprinted in Ararat, Beirut] (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). Thesis. Yerevan, 1995, 21 pages (in Armenian, with English & Russian Summaries).
Participation of the Armenian-Americans to the World War II. Lraber Hasarakakan Gitutiunneri. HH GAA Handes (Herald of Humanitarian Sciences. Journal of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 1995, No. 1 (589), pp. 176-188 [reprinted in Ararat, Beirut] (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
Distribution and Social-Economic Condition of Armenians in the United States of America (1834-1924). Banber Yerevani Hamalsarani. Hasarakakan Gitutiunner (Yerevan University Herald. Humanitarian Sciences). Yerevan, 1995, No. 1 (85), pp. 54-66 [reprinted in Ararat, Beirut, and Lraber Stanbuli Hayots Patriarkutean (Herald of Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul), Istanbul] (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
Armenian Spiritual, Educational and Cultural Life in the United States of America (1888-1924). Banber Yerevani Hamalsarani. Hasarakakan Gitutiunner (Yerevan University Herald. Humanitarian Sciences). Yerevan, 1995, No. 3 (87), pp. 189-196 [reprinted in Ararat Yearbook, Beirut, and Lraber Stanbuli Hayots Patriarkutean (Herald of Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul), Istanbul] (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
The Emigration of the Armenians to the United States of America (1834-1924). Lraber Hasarakakan Gitutiunneri. HH GAA Handes (Herald of Humanitarian Sciences. Journal of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 1996, No. 1 (591), pp. 92-101 [reprinted in Ararat, Beirut] (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
Public-Political Life of the Armenians in the United States of America (1886-1924). Banber Yerevani Hamalsarani. Hasarakakan Gitutiunner (Yerevan University Herald. Humanitarian Sciences). Yerevan, 1996, No. 3 (90), pp. 174-185 (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
From the History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America. Bnorran. Handes Hayastani Hayrenaktsakan Miutiunneri Khorhrdi (Cradle. Journal of the Council of the Compatriotic Unions of Armenia). Yerevan, 1997, No. 2 (6), pp. 23-27 (in Armenian).
Armenians of Turkey During the Colonial Period of America. Lraber Stanbuli Hayots Patriarkutean (Herald of Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul). Istanbul, 1997, September 16, No. II/18 (51), pp. 24-26 (in Armenian).
The Emigration of the Armenians of Turkey to the United States of America (1834-1894). (a). Lraber Stanbuli Hayots Patriarkutean (Herald of Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul). Istanbul, 1997, December 3, No. II/22 (55), pp. 15-16 (in Armenian) (to be continued).
The Emigration of the Armenians of Turkey to the United States of America (1834-1894). (b). Lraber Bolsahay Patriarkutean (Herald of Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul). Istanbul, 1997, December 10, No. II/23 (56), pp. 12-14 (in Armenian) (to be continued).
The Exodus of the Armenians to the United States of America (1618-1924). Baikar. Ramgavar-Azatakan Gitatesakan, Hasarakakan, Kaghakakan, Mshakutayin Amsagir (Struggle. Democratic-Liberal Scientificotheoretical, Public, Political, Cultural Journal). Yerevan, 1998, No. 1, pp. 26-30 (in Armenian).
Henry Morgenthau and the Armenian-Americans. Henry Morgenthaun ev Hay Zhoghovurde (Henry Morgenthau and the Armenian People). Yerevan, 1999, pp. 38-49 (in Armenian).
Some Documents of Archive of the Armenian Patriarchate of Turkey Concerning the Armenian Community of the United States of America. Banber Yerevani Hamalsarani. Hasarakakan Gitutiunner (Yerevan University Herald. Humanitarian Sciences). Yerevan, 1999, No. 2 (98), pp. 126-138 (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
The Exodus of the Armenians to the United States of America. Droshak. Pashtonatert Hay Yeghapokhakan Dashnaktsutean (Banner. Official Magazine of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation). Yerevan, 1999, December, 30th (63rd) Year, No. 18 (1562), pp. 55-58 [to be printed in Haykakan Spiurk Hanragitaran (Encyclopedia of Armenian Diaspora). Yerevan] (in Armenian).
Henry Morgenthau and the Armenians. Armenian Mind. Journal of the Armenian Philosophical Academy (Hay Mitk. Hayots Pilisopayakan Akademiayi Handes). Yerevan, 2000, Vol. IV, No. 2, pp. 257-276 [to be printed in Nationalities Papers. New York (23 pages)] (in English).
The Archival Documents of the Armenian Patriarchate of Turkey Concerning the Armenian Community of the USA (End of the XIX - Beginning of the XX Centuries). Merdzavor ev Midjin Arevelki Erkrner ev Zhoghovurdner (The Countries and Peoples of the Near and Middle East). Yerevan, 2000, Vol. XIX, pp. 7-15 (in Armenian, with English Summary).
The Documents of Archive of the Armenian Patriarchate of Turkey Concerning the Armenian Emigrants of the USA (End of the 19th Century - Beginning of the 20th Century). Lraber Hasarakakan Gitutiunneri. HH GAA Handes (Herald of Humanitarian Sciences. Journal of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 2000, No. 2 (602), pp. 211-220 (in Armenian).
The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). Avetaber Verelk. Kronakan, Azgayin, Mshakutayin Parberatert Sb. Gregory Hay Katolik Ekeghetsu (Precursor Ascent. Religious, Spiritual, Cultural Periodical of St. Gregory Armenian Catholic Church). Glendale, 2001, No. 1, pp. 35-38 (in English).
The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). Navasart Amsagir. Grakan, Mshakutayin, Azgayin Amsagir (Navasart Monthly. Literary, Cultural, National Monthly). Glendale, 2001, Vol. XIXI, Second Quarter, No. 221-222, pp. 30-32 (in Armenian).
The Emigration of the Armenians to the America (1834-1924). Surp Prgich. Amsatert Surp Prgich Hayots Hivandanotsi (Saint Savior. Monthly of the Saint Savior Armenian Hospital). Istanbul, 2001, Year 51, April, No. 618, pp. 38-44 (in Armenian).
Burdensome Labor Conditions for the First Armenians Emigrated to the America. Surp Prgich. Amsatert Surp Prgich Hayots Hivandanotsi (Saint Savior. Monthly of the Saint Savior Armenian Hospital). Istanbul, 2001, Year 51, June-July, No. 620-621, pp. 37-40 (in Armenian).
The Emigration of the Armenians to the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). Eritasard Gitashkhatoghneri Hodvadsneri Zhoghovadsu. HH GAA Handes (Collection of Articles of the Young Researchers. Journal of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 2001, No. 1 (2), pp. 152-156 (in Armenian, with Armenian, English & Russian Summaries).
The Armenian-American Periodicals and Printing Houses (1888-First Half of the 1920s). Handes Hayagitutian. Erevani Kh. Aboviani Anvan Haykakan Petakan Mankavarzhakan Hamalsarani Gitakan Hodvadsneri ev Hraparakumneri Zhoghovadsu (Journal of Armenology. Collection of Scientific Articles and Publications of Yerevan Kh. Abovian Armenian State Pedagogical University). Yerevan, 2001, No. IV, pp. 83-86 (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
From the History of the Armenian-American Compatriotic Unions (End of the 19th Century - Beginning of the 20th Century). Droshak. Pashtonatert Hay Yeghapokhakan Dashnaktsutean (Banner. Official Magazine of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation). Yerevan, 2002, January, 33rd (66th) Year, No. 1 (1573), pp. 151-160 (in Armenian).
From the History of the Armenian-American Compatriotic Unions. Bnorran. Handes Hayastani Hayrenaktsakan Miutiunneri Khorhrdi (Cradle. Journal of the Council of the Compatriotic Unions of Armenia). Yerevan, 2001, No. 1-2 (), pp. (in Armenian) (in progress).
The Armenian-Americans During the Years of the Armenian Genocide. Hayots Tseghaspanutian Patmutian ev Patmagrutian Hartser. Gitakan Ashkhatutiunner (Cases on the History and Historiography of the Armenian Genocide. Scientific Researches). Yerevan, 2001, No. , pp. (in Armenian, with English & Russian Summaries) (in progress).
Armenian Educational and Research Institutions of the United States of America (From the Beginning to Our Times). Haykakan Spiurk Hanragitaran (Encyclopedia of Armenian Diaspora). Yerevan (in Armenian) (in progress).
Evangelizm in the Armenian Reality. Banber. Pashtonatert Fransahay Avetaranakan Miutean ([Panpere. Revue Mensuelle Evangelique]. Herald. Review of the Armenian Evangelical Union of France). Marseilles (in Armenian) (in progress).
Magazine Articles:
The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). Hayastani Hanrapetutiun. Oratert (Republic of Armenia. Daily). Yerevan, 1996, August 28, No. 169 (1608), p. 2 (in Armenian).
The First Armenians in America. Gitutiun. HH GAA Erkshabatatert (Science. Semi-Monthly of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 1996, November 16-30, No. 20 (84), pp. 2, 4 (in Armenian).
On the Case of the Article "Pennsylvania." Gitutiun. HH GAA Erkshabatatert (Science. Semi-Monthly of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 1997, January 1-15, No. 1 (87), p. 2 (in Armenian).
The Community Values are Higher than Personal Ambitions. (a). - "Marmara" is Making Dissolution. Jamanak. Kaghakakan, Zhoghovrdakan Oratert (Time. Political, Popular Daily). Istanbul, 1997, September 5, No. 6091, p. 2 (in Armenian) (to be continued).
The Community Values are Higher than Personal Ambitions. (b). - Armenian Church is Not Being Built Everyday. Jamanak. Kaghakakan, Zhoghovrdakan Oratert (Time. Political, Popular Daily). Istanbul, 1997, September 6, No. 6092, p. 2 (in Armenian) (to be continued).
The Community Values are Higher than Personal Ambitions. (c). - The Patriarchate is Sacred. Jamanak. Kaghakakan, Zhoghovrdakan Oratert (Time. Political, Popular Daily). Istanbul, 1997, September 8, No. 6093, p. 2 (in Armenian).
The Armenian-American Apostolic Church and the 100 Years Old Diocese. Hayastani Hanrapetutiun. Oratert (Republic of Armenia. Daily). Yerevan, 1998, May 19, No. 96 (2053), p. 5 (in Armenian).
The Armenian Evangelical Church and the 80 Years Old Missionary Association. Hayastani Hanrapetutiun. Oratert (Republic of Armenia. Daily). Yerevan, 1998, July 11, No. 135 (2092), p. 5 (in Armenian).
Evangelizm in the Armenian Reality. Hayastani Hanrapetutiun. Oratert (Republic of Armenia. Daily). Yerevan, 1998, September 9, No. 177 (2134), p. 7 (in Armenian).
The Humanist: Henry Morgenthau. Azg. Oratert (Nation. Daily). Yerevan, 1999, April 21, No. 71 (1816), p. 4 (in Armenian).
The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). Nakhijevan. "Nakhijevan" Hayrenaktsakan Miutean Pashtonatert (Nakhijevan. Newspaper of "Nakhijevan" Compatriotic Union). Yerevan, 2000, B Year, June-July, No. 15, p. 16 (in Armenian).
The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). Nayiri. Erkshabatatert (Nairi. Semi-Monthly). Beirut, 2000, F Year, September 5, No. 132, pp. 8-9 (in Armenian).
225 Years Old Independence of the United States of America and the Armenian-Americans. Azg. Oratert (Nation. Daily). Yerevan, 2001, July 4, No. 123 (2327), p. 5 (in Armenian).
The Armenian Community of the USA. From the Beginning to 1924. Golos Armenii. Obshchestvenno-Politicheskaia Gazeta (Voice of Armenia. Social-Political Newspaper). Yerevan, 2001, July 5, No. 72 (18724), p. 5 (in Russian).
23rd Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, November 23-24, 1992. Participation of the Armenian-Americans to the World War II. (Abstracts: pp. 28-29) (in Armenian).
24th Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, November 2-3, 1993. The Emigration of the Armenians to the United States of America (Beginning of the 17th Century-1920) (in Armenian).
Economic Education and Policy Analysis During a Time of National Transition. International Conference. Institute of International Economic Relations and Control. Yerevan, June 19-22, 1995. Emigration of the Armenians to the United States of America (1618-1924). (Abstracts: p. 24) (in English).
25th Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, May 12-13, 1997. The Exodus of the Armenians to the United States of America (1618-1924). (Abstracts: pp. 9-10) (in Armenian).
Armenian Historical and Cultural Issues. Conference. State Museum of History of Armenia. Dedicated to the Memory of Alex Manugian, the Great Philanthropist and Supporter of Armenology, National Hero of Armenia. Yerevan, October 15-16, 1997. The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). (Abstracts: pp. 30-31) (in Armenian).
Diaspora Structures. Conference. Student's Scientific Society of the Philological Department of the Yerevan State University. Dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of Establishment of the Student's Scientific Society of the Yerevan State University. Yerevan, December 12, 1997. The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) (in Armenian).
Christianity and the Armenian Reality. Conference. "Hayk" Foundation, Artsakh and Aragadsotn Dioceses of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Dedicated to the 1700th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Christianity in Armenia. Yerevan, Oshakan, Gandzasar, November 12-15, 1998. Evangelizm in the Armenian Reality. (Abstracts: pp. 12-13) (in Armenian).
The Armenian Genocide. Ambassador Henry Morgenthau and the American Responses (1914-1923). International Conference. National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (NAS) (Yerevan), Armenian National Institute (ANI) (Washington). Dedicated to the Memory of Henry Morgenthau, the American Diplomat, Friend of the Armenian People. Yerevan, April 22, 1999. Henry Morgenthau and the Armenian-Americans (in English & in Armenian).
26th Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, June 29-30, 1999. The Documents of Archive of the Armenian Patriarchate of Turkey Concerning the Condition of the Armenian Emigrants of the USA (End of the 19th Century - Beginning of the 20th Century). (Abstracts: pp. 16-17) (in Armenian).
The Armenian National Culture. Republican Conference. No. X. Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Dedicated to the 40th Anniversary of Establishment of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, NAS RA. Yerevan, November 30 - December 2, 1999. Formation of the Armenian-Americans' Nation-Preserving Basis. (Abstracts: pp. 7-9) (in Armenian).
The 21st Century without Genocides. Conference. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Museum-Institute of the Armenian Genocide, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Foundation of the Armenian Cases, Munich. Dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide (1915-2000). Yerevan, April 18-21, 2000. The Armenian-Americans During the Years of the Armenian Genocide (in Armenian).
XXI Republican Conference of Young Orientalists of Armenia. Institute of Oriental Studies, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, June 1-2, 2000. The Archival Documents of the Armenian Patriarchate of Turkey Concerning the Armenian Community of the USA (End of the XIX - Beginning of the XX Centuries). (Abstracts: pp. 4-5) (in Armenian).
27th Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, November 2-3, 2000. Organization and Development of the Armenian Church Community in the USA. (Abstracts: pp. 12-13) (in Armenian).
The Armenian National Culture. Republican Conference. No. XI. Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, November 13-14, 2001. The Armenian-American Family. Mode of Life and Customs (End of the XIX Century - Beginning of the XX Century). (Abstracts: pp. 8-10) (in Armenian).
Abstracts of the 25th Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, May 12-13, 1997 (in Armenian).
Abstracts of the 26th Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, June 29-30, 1999 (in Armenian).
Abstracts of the 27th Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, November 2-3, 2000 (in Armenian).
Nelli Sahakian. XXIII Conference of Young Researchers. Erevani Hamalsaran. Gitainformatsion Handes (Yerevan University. Scientific-Informative Journal). Yerevan, 1992, No. 3 (74), pp. 15-17 (in Armenian).
Ruben Gasparian, Ruben Sahakian. 24th Conference of Young Researchers of the Institute of History NAS RA. Lraber Hasarakakan Gitutiunneri. HH GAA Handes (Herald of Humanitarian Sciences. Journal of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 1994, No. 1 (588), pp. 170-171 (in Armenian).
Nelli Arakelian. The Sources of the Armenian-American Community. Azg. Oratert (Nation. Daily). Yerevan, 1996, March 15, No. 49 (1055), p. 4 (in Armenian) (interview).
New Scientific Degree Conferment. Hayastani Hanrapetutiun. Oratert (Republic of Armenia. Daily). Yerevan, 1996, April 4, No. 64 (1503), p. 2 (in Armenian).
Round Table at the National Academy of Sciences on "Woman and Science". Hayastani Hanrapetutiun. Oratert (Republic of Armenia. Daily). Yerevan, 1997, July 4, No. 125 (1830), p. 2 (in Armenian).
Rafik Hovhannisian. Pleasant Meetings are Expected for the Reader. Azg. Oratert (Nation. Daily). Yerevan, 1998, September 15, No. 171 (1674), p. 6 (in Armenian).
Hrachia Martirosian. The Premiere As An Alarm. Noratert. Ankakh Oratert (New Newspaper. Independent Daily). Yerevan, 1999, December 10, No. 123, p. 13 (in Armenian).
Gevorg Yazejian. The History of the Armenian Community of the USA. Azg. Oratert (Nation. Daily). Yerevan, 2000, May 4, No. 81 (2049), p. 5 (in Armenian) (book review).
Hrachia Martirosian. Valuable Work. Zhamanak. Oratert (Time. Daily). Yerevan, 2000, B Year, June 21, No. 111 (191), p. 6 (in Armenian) (book review).
Tamar Hovhannisian. Valuable Contribution to the Armenian Community Studies. Hayastani Hanrapetutiun. Oratert (Republic of Armenia. Daily). Yerevan, 2000, June 21, No. 114 (2584), p. 7 (in Armenian) (book review).
Grach'ia Grach'ian. Research on the Armenian Community of the USA. Golos Armenii. Obshchestvenno-Politicheskaia Gazeta (Voice of Armenia. Social-Political Newspaper). Yerevan, 2000, November 28, No. 134 (18639), p. 8 (in Russian) (book review).
Narine Serobian. "The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America." Yerkir. HYD Hayastani GM Pashtonatert (Yerkir. Daily). Yerevan, 2000, December 15, No. 155 (1409), p. 5 (in Armenian) (book review).
Institute of History. Hashvetvutiun. HH GAA 2000 t. gitakan ev gitakazmakerpakan gordsuneutian himnakan ardiunkner (Account. The Main Results of Scientific and Scientific-Organizational Activities of the NAS RA for the Year 2000). Yerevan, 2001, pp. 77, 115, 118, 224, 259, 262 (in Armenian & Russian).
Haik Khachatrian. Avakian Knarik R. Hayuhiner (Armenian Women). Yerevan, 2001, Part A, p. 41 (in Armenian).
Hrand Ajemian. Knarik Avakian's book on "The History of the Armenian Community of the USA." Haradj. Oratert (Forward. Daily). Paris, 2001, 76th Year, April 7-8, No. 20.142, pp. 2-3 (in Armenian) (book review) (to be continued).
Hrand Ajemian. Knarik Avakian's book on "The History of the Armenian Community of the USA." Haradj. Oratert (Forward. Daily). Paris, 2001, 76th Year, April 10, No. 20.143, pp. 2-3 (in Armenian) (book review).
Hrand Ajemian. Knarik Avakian's book on "The History of the Armenian Community of the USA." Nor Gyank. Hayeren, Angleren, Franseren Ankakh Shapatatert (New Life. Armenian, English, French Independent Weekly). Glendale, 2001, Vol. XXIII, April 26, No. 19, pp. 2, 37 (in Armenian) (book review).
All-Academic Council of the Young Scientists' of the NAS RA. Young Pricewinners of Gulbenkian Foundation. Gitutiun. HH GAA Tert (Science. Newspaper of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 2001, December, No. 3 (154), p. 1 (in Armenian).
Publications of the "Science" Publishing House of the National Academy of Sciences. 1999-2001. Armenian Mind. Journal of the Armenian Philosophical Academy (Hay Mitk. Hayots Pilisopayakan Akademiayi Handes). Yerevan, 2001, Vol. V, No. 1-2, p. 183 (in English).
Armen Karapetian. Knarik Avakian. The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). "Gitutiun" Publishing House of the NAS RA. Yerevan, 2000, 240 pages. Patma-Banasirakan Handes. HH GAA Handes (Historico-Philological Journal. Journal of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 2001, No. 3 (158), pp. 297-299 (in Armenian) (book review).
Tamar Hovhannisian. Knarik Avakian. The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). "Gitutiun" Publishing House of the NAS RA. Yerevan, 2000, 240 pages. Lraber Hasarakakan Gitutiunneri. HH GAA Handes (Herald of Humanitarian Sciences. Journal of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 2001, No. 2 (602), pp. (in Armenian) (book review) (in progress).

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Авакян Кнарик
9687 1.png
Дата рождения: 26.04.1968
Место рождения: Ереван, Армения
Краткая информация:
Доктор Института истории Национальной академии наук Армении


Изучала происхождение и развитие наиболее больших и организованных Армянских диаспор в США.


  • 1975-1985 Eghishe Charents High School (No. 67) with English bias, Yerevan
  • 1985-1990 Yerevan State University, Department of History, MA, 1990. Speciality: Universal History, Social Sciences
  • 1991-1995 Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan, Ph.D. (Doctor of History), 1995
  • Speciality: Armenian History, Diaspora and American Ethnic Studies
  • 1997-1998 American University of Armenia, Intensive English Program, Yerevan
  • 1998 American University of Armenia, Graduate School of Political Science & International Affairs, Yerevan


  • 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984 Testimonials of the Ministry of Education of the Armenian SSR for Excellent Successes and Exemplary Behavior, on the occasion of Graduating from VI, VII, VIII, IX classes at Eghishe Charents High School (No. 67) with English bias, Yerevan
  • 1985 Honorary Certificate from the Board of Directors of Eghishe Charents High School (No. 67) for Excellent Indices in Elementary Military Training, Personal Discipline and Active Public Work, Yerevan
  • 1985 Gold Medal for Excellent Study and Behavior from Eghishe Charents High School (No. 67) with English bias, Yerevan. 2000 Certificate from the Institute of Oriental Studies, National Academy of Sciences for having reported at the XXI Conference of Young Orientalists of Armenia (June 1-2), Yerevan
  • 2001 Certificate: The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia and the Galoust Gulbenkian Foundation award to Knarik Avakian the title "The Best Young Scientist of 2001" for her Outstanding Research Achievements, Yerevan
  • 2002 Certificate of Successful Completion of "Elements and Applications of Web Design" Training (May 6-17), organized by the Public Affairs Section of the US Embassy, Armenia, Yerevan

Сфера исследований

  • Armenian-American Ethnic and Community Studies
  • Armenian Diaspora Studies
  • History of Armenia and the United States of America
  • History of the Armenian Protestant Church
  • Universal History
  • Social Sciences


  • 1990-1992 Teacher of History at High School (No. 39), Yerevan
  • 1992-1994 Assistant of Professor of History at Gladzor University, Yerevan
  • 1995-1997 Junior Researcher at the Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan
  • 1998-2001 Senior Editor at the Armenian Encyclopedia, Yerevan
  • 1998-Present Senior Researcher at the Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan


  • 1997-Present Head of the Young Scientists' Council, Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan
  • 1998-Present Member of the Young Scientists' All-Academic Council, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan
  • 1999-Present Member of the Academic Council of the Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan

Сочинения (аннотированная библиография)


  • "The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924)." Hayastani Hanrapetutian Gitutiunneri Azgain Akademiayi "Gitutiun" Hratarakchutiun ("Science" Publishing House of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia). Dedicated to the 180th and the 80th Anniversaries of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (1819) and of the Near East Relief (1919). Yerevan, 2000, 240 pages (in Armenian, with English & Russian Summaries).

Научные статьи

  • Armenians During the Colonial Period of America. Banber Yerevani Hamalsarani. Hasarakakan Gitutiunner (Yerevan University Herald. Humanitarian Sciences). Yerevan, 1994, No. 2 (83), pp. 129-133 [reprinted in Ararat, Beirut] (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
  • The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). Thesis. Yerevan, 1995, 21 pages (in Armenian, with English & Russian Summaries).
  • Participation of the Armenian-Americans to the World War II. Lraber Hasarakakan Gitutiunneri. HH GAA Handes (Herald of Humanitarian Sciences. Journal of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 1995, No. 1 (589), pp. 176-188 [reprinted in Ararat, Beirut] (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
  • Distribution and Social-Economic Condition of Armenians in the United States of America (1834-1924). Banber Yerevani Hamalsarani. Hasarakakan Gitutiunner (Yerevan University Herald. Humanitarian Sciences). Yerevan, 1995, No. 1 (85), pp. 54-66 [reprinted in Ararat, Beirut, and Lraber Stanbuli Hayots Patriarkutean (Herald of Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul), Istanbul] (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
  • Armenian Spiritual, Educational and Cultural Life in the United States of America (1888-1924). Banber Yerevani Hamalsarani. Hasarakakan Gitutiunner (Yerevan University Herald. Humanitarian Sciences). Yerevan, 1995, No. 3 (87), pp. 189-196 [reprinted in Ararat Yearbook, Beirut, and Lraber Stanbuli Hayots Patriarkutean (Herald of Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul), Istanbul] (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
  • The Emigration of the Armenians to the United States of America (1834-1924). Lraber Hasarakakan Gitutiunneri. HH GAA Handes (Herald of Humanitarian Sciences. Journal of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 1996, No. 1 (591), pp. 92-101 [reprinted in Ararat, Beirut] (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
  • Public-Political Life of the Armenians in the United States of America (1886-1924). Banber Yerevani Hamalsarani. Hasarakakan Gitutiunner (Yerevan University Herald. Humanitarian Sciences). Yerevan, 1996, No. 3 (90), pp. 174-185 (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
  • From the History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America. Bnorran. Handes Hayastani Hayrenaktsakan Miutiunneri Khorhrdi (Cradle. Journal of the Council of the Compatriotic Unions of Armenia). Yerevan, 1997, No. 2 (6), pp. 23-27 (in Armenian).
  • Armenians of Turkey During the Colonial Period of America. Lraber Stanbuli Hayots Patriarkutean (Herald of Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul). Istanbul, 1997, September 16, No. II/18 (51), pp. 24-26 (in Armenian).
  • The Emigration of the Armenians of Turkey to the United States of America (1834-1894). (a). Lraber Stanbuli Hayots Patriarkutean (Herald of Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul). Istanbul, 1997, December 3, No. II/22 (55), pp. 15-16 (in Armenian) (to be continued).
  • The Emigration of the Armenians of Turkey to the United States of America (1834-1894). (b). Lraber Bolsahay Patriarkutean (Herald of Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul). Istanbul, 1997, December 10, No. II/23 (56), pp. 12-14 (in Armenian) (to be continued).
  • The Exodus of the Armenians to the United States of America (1618-1924). Baikar. Ramgavar-Azatakan Gitatesakan, Hasarakakan, Kaghakakan, Mshakutayin Amsagir (Struggle. Democratic-Liberal Scientificotheoretical, Public, Political, Cultural Journal). Yerevan, 1998, No. 1, pp. 26-30 (in Armenian).
  • Henry Morgenthau and the Armenian-Americans. Henry Morgenthaun ev Hay Zhoghovurde (Henry Morgenthau and the Armenian People). Yerevan, 1999, pp. 38-49 (in Armenian).
  • Some Documents of Archive of the Armenian Patriarchate of Turkey Concerning the Armenian Community of the United States of America. Banber Yerevani Hamalsarani. Hasarakakan Gitutiunner (Yerevan University Herald. Humanitarian Sciences). Yerevan, 1999, No. 2 (98), pp. 126-138 (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
  • The Exodus of the Armenians to the United States of America. Droshak. Pashtonatert Hay Yeghapokhakan Dashnaktsutean (Banner. Official Magazine of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation). Yerevan, 1999, December, 30th (63rd) Year, No. 18 (1562), pp. 55-58 [to be printed in Haykakan Spiurk Hanragitaran (Encyclopedia of Armenian Diaspora). Yerevan] (in Armenian).
  • Henry Morgenthau and the Armenians. Armenian Mind. Journal of the Armenian Philosophical Academy (Hay Mitk. Hayots Pilisopayakan Akademiayi Handes). Yerevan, 2000, Vol. IV, No. 2, pp. 257-276 [to be printed in Nationalities Papers. New York (23 pages)] (in English).
  • The Archival Documents of the Armenian Patriarchate of Turkey Concerning the Armenian Community of the USA (End of the XIX - Beginning of the XX Centuries). Merdzavor ev Midjin Arevelki Erkrner ev Zhoghovurdner (The Countries and Peoples of the Near and Middle East). Yerevan, 2000, Vol. XIX, pp. 7-15 (in Armenian, with English Summary).
  • The Documents of Archive of the Armenian Patriarchate of Turkey Concerning the Armenian Emigrants of the USA (End of the 19th Century - Beginning of the 20th Century). Lraber Hasarakakan Gitutiunneri. HH GAA Handes (Herald of Humanitarian Sciences. Journal of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 2000, No. 2 (602), pp. 211-220 (in Armenian).
  • The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). Avetaber Verelk. Kronakan, Azgayin, Mshakutayin Parberatert Sb. Gregory Hay Katolik Ekeghetsu (Precursor Ascent. Religious, Spiritual, Cultural Periodical of St. Gregory Armenian Catholic Church). Glendale, 2001, No. 1, pp. 35-38 (in English).
  • The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). Navasart Amsagir. Grakan, Mshakutayin, Azgayin Amsagir (Navasart Monthly. Literary, Cultural, National Monthly). Glendale, 2001, Vol. XIXI, Second Quarter, No. 221-222, pp. 30-32 (in Armenian).
  • The Emigration of the Armenians to the America (1834-1924). Surp Prgich. Amsatert Surp Prgich Hayots Hivandanotsi (Saint Savior. Monthly of the Saint Savior Armenian Hospital). Istanbul, 2001, Year 51, April, No. 618, pp. 38-44 (in Armenian).
  • Burdensome Labor Conditions for the First Armenians Emigrated to the America. Surp Prgich. Amsatert Surp Prgich Hayots Hivandanotsi (Saint Savior. Monthly of the Saint Savior Armenian Hospital). Istanbul, 2001, Year 51, June-July, No. 620-621, pp. 37-40 (in Armenian).
  • The Emigration of the Armenians to the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). Eritasard Gitashkhatoghneri Hodvadsneri Zhoghovadsu. HH GAA Handes (Collection of Articles of the Young Researchers. Journal of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 2001, No. 1 (2), pp. 152-156 (in Armenian, with Armenian, English & Russian Summaries).
  • The Armenian-American Periodicals and Printing Houses (1888-First Half of the 1920s). Handes Hayagitutian. Erevani Kh. Aboviani Anvan Haykakan Petakan Mankavarzhakan Hamalsarani Gitakan Hodvadsneri ev Hraparakumneri Zhoghovadsu (Journal of Armenology. Collection of Scientific Articles and Publications of Yerevan Kh. Abovian Armenian State Pedagogical University). Yerevan, 2001, No. IV, pp. 83-86 (in Armenian, with Russian Summary).
  • From the History of the Armenian-American Compatriotic Unions (End of the 19th Century - Beginning of the 20th Century). Droshak. Pashtonatert Hay Yeghapokhakan Dashnaktsutean (Banner. Official Magazine of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation). Yerevan, 2002, January, 33rd (66th) Year, No. 1 (1573), pp. 151-160 (in Armenian).
  • From the History of the Armenian-American Compatriotic Unions. Bnorran. Handes Hayastani Hayrenaktsakan Miutiunneri Khorhrdi (Cradle. Journal of the Council of the Compatriotic Unions of Armenia). Yerevan, 2001, No. 1-2 (), pp. (in Armenian) (in progress).
  • The Armenian-Americans During the Years of the Armenian Genocide. Hayots Tseghaspanutian Patmutian ev Patmagrutian Hartser. Gitakan Ashkhatutiunner (Cases on the History and Historiography of the Armenian Genocide. Scientific Researches). Yerevan, 2001, No. , pp. (in Armenian, with English & Russian Summaries) (in progress).
  • Armenian Educational and Research Institutions of the United States of America (From the Beginning to Our Times). Haykakan Spiurk Hanragitaran (Encyclopedia of Armenian Diaspora). Yerevan (in Armenian) (in progress).
  • Evangelizm in the Armenian Reality. Banber. Pashtonatert Fransahay Avetaranakan Miutean ([Panpere. Revue Mensuelle Evangelique]. Herald. Review of the Armenian Evangelical Union of France). Marseilles (in Armenian) (in progress).

Журнальные статьи

  • The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). Hayastani Hanrapetutiun. Oratert (Republic of Armenia. Daily). Yerevan, 1996, August 28, No. 169 (1608), p. 2 (in Armenian).
  • The First Armenians in America. Gitutiun. HH GAA Erkshabatatert (Science. Semi-Monthly of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 1996, November 16-30, No. 20 (84), pp. 2, 4 (in Armenian).
  • On the Case of the Article "Pennsylvania." Gitutiun. HH GAA Erkshabatatert (Science. Semi-Monthly of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 1997, January 1-15, No. 1 (87), p. 2 (in Armenian).
  • The Community Values are Higher than Personal Ambitions. (a). - "Marmara" is Making Dissolution. Jamanak. Kaghakakan, Zhoghovrdakan Oratert (Time. Political, Popular Daily). Istanbul, 1997, September 5, No. 6091, p. 2 (in Armenian) (to be continued).
  • The Community Values are Higher than Personal Ambitions. (b). - Armenian Church is Not Being Built Everyday. Jamanak. Kaghakakan, Zhoghovrdakan Oratert (Time. Political, Popular Daily). Istanbul, 1997, September 6, No. 6092, p. 2 (in Armenian) (to be continued).
  • The Community Values are Higher than Personal Ambitions. (c). - The Patriarchate is Sacred. Jamanak. Kaghakakan, Zhoghovrdakan Oratert (Time. Political, Popular Daily). Istanbul, 1997, September 8, No. 6093, p. 2 (in Armenian).
  • The Armenian-American Apostolic Church and the 100 Years Old Diocese. Hayastani Hanrapetutiun. Oratert (Republic of Armenia. Daily). Yerevan, 1998, May 19, No. 96 (2053), p. 5 (in Armenian).
  • The Armenian Evangelical Church and the 80 Years Old Missionary Association. Hayastani Hanrapetutiun. Oratert (Republic of Armenia. Daily). Yerevan, 1998, July 11, No. 135 (2092), p. 5 (in Armenian).
  • Evangelizm in the Armenian Reality. Hayastani Hanrapetutiun. Oratert (Republic of Armenia. Daily). Yerevan, 1998, September 9, No. 177 (2134), p. 7 (in Armenian).
  • The Humanist: Henry Morgenthau. Azg. Oratert (Nation. Daily). Yerevan, 1999, April 21, No. 71 (1816), p. 4 (in Armenian).
  • The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). Nakhijevan. "Nakhijevan" Hayrenaktsakan Miutean Pashtonatert (Nakhijevan. Newspaper of "Nakhijevan" Compatriotic Union). Yerevan, 2000, B Year, June-July, No. 15, p. 16 (in Armenian).
  • The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). Nayiri. Erkshabatatert (Nairi. Semi-Monthly). Beirut, 2000, F Year, September 5, No. 132, pp. 8-9 (in Armenian).
  • 225 Years Old Independence of the United States of America and the Armenian-Americans. Azg. Oratert (Nation. Daily). Yerevan, 2001, July 4, No. 123 (2327), p. 5 (in Armenian).
  • The Armenian Community of the USA. From the Beginning to 1924. Golos Armenii. Obshchestvenno-Politicheskaia Gazeta (Voice of Armenia. Social-Political Newspaper). Yerevan, 2001, July 5, No. 72 (18724), p. 5 (in Russian).

Статьи и выступления на конференциях

  • 23rd Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, November 23-24, 1992. Participation of the Armenian-Americans to the World War II. (Abstracts: pp. 28-29) (in Armenian).
  • 24th Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, November 2-3, 1993. The Emigration of the Armenians to the United States of America (Beginning of the 17th Century-1920) (in Armenian).
  • Economic Education and Policy Analysis During a Time of National Transition. International Conference. Institute of International Economic Relations and Control. Yerevan, June 19-22, 1995. Emigration of the Armenians to the United States of America (1618-1924). (Abstracts: p. 24) (in English).
  • 25th Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, May 12-13, 1997. The Exodus of the Armenians to the United States of America (1618-1924). (Abstracts: pp. 9-10) (in Armenian).
  • Armenian Historical and Cultural Issues. Conference. State Museum of History of Armenia. Dedicated to the Memory of Alex Manugian, the Great Philanthropist and Supporter of Armenology, National Hero of Armenia. Yerevan, October 15-16, 1997. The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). (Abstracts: pp. 30-31) (in Armenian).
  • Diaspora Structures. Conference. Student's Scientific Society of the Philological Department of the Yerevan State University. Dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of Establishment of the Student's Scientific Society of the Yerevan State University. Yerevan, December 12, 1997. The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) (in Armenian).
  • Christianity and the Armenian Reality. Conference. "Hayk" Foundation, Artsakh and Aragadsotn Dioceses of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Dedicated to the 1700th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Christianity in Armenia. Yerevan, Oshakan, Gandzasar, November 12-15, 1998. Evangelizm in the Armenian Reality. (Abstracts: pp. 12-13) (in Armenian).
  • The Armenian Genocide. Ambassador Henry Morgenthau and the American Responses (1914-1923). International Conference. National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (NAS) (Yerevan), Armenian National Institute (ANI) (Washington). Dedicated to the Memory of Henry Morgenthau, the American Diplomat, Friend of the Armenian People. Yerevan, April 22, 1999. Henry Morgenthau and the Armenian-Americans (in English & in Armenian).
  • 26th Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, June 29-30, 1999. The Documents of Archive of the Armenian Patriarchate of Turkey Concerning the Condition of the Armenian Emigrants of the USA (End of the 19th Century - Beginning of the 20th Century). (Abstracts: pp. 16-17) (in Armenian).
  • The Armenian National Culture. Republican Conference. No. X. Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Dedicated to the 40th Anniversary of Establishment of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, NAS RA. Yerevan, November 30 - December 2, 1999. Formation of the Armenian-Americans' Nation-Preserving Basis. (Abstracts: pp. 7-9) (in Armenian).
  • The 21st Century without Genocides. Conference. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Museum-Institute of the Armenian Genocide, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Foundation of the Armenian Cases, Munich. Dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide (1915-2000). Yerevan, April 18-21, 2000. The Armenian-Americans During the Years of the Armenian Genocide (in Armenian).
  • XXI Republican Conference of Young Orientalists of Armenia. Institute of Oriental Studies, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, June 1-2, 2000. The Archival Documents of the Armenian Patriarchate of Turkey Concerning the Armenian Community of the USA (End of the XIX - Beginning of the XX Centuries). (Abstracts: pp. 4-5) (in Armenian).
  • 27th Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, November 2-3, 2000. Organization and Development of the Armenian Church Community in the USA. (Abstracts: pp. 12-13) (in Armenian).
  • The Armenian National Culture. Republican Conference. No. XI. Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, November 13-14, 2001. The Armenian-American Family. Mode of Life and Customs (End of the XIX Century - Beginning of the XX Century). (Abstracts: pp. 8-10) (in Armenian).

Редактированные книги

  • Abstracts of the 25th Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, May 12-13, 1997 (in Armenian).
  • Abstracts of the 26th Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, June 29-30, 1999 (in Armenian).
  • Abstracts of the 27th Conference of Young Researchers. Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, November 2-3, 2000 (in Armenian).


  • доктор исторических наук


  • Проект, созданный доктором исторических наук Кнарик Авакян освещает несколько этапов истории армянского народа. Сайт явился результатом многолетних исследований самой Кнарик, а также ее матери - профессора филологии Верджине Свазлян.

Проект состоит из 4 частей:

  • истории армянской колонии США
  • фольклорных традиций Западной Армении
  • истории армянской евангелистской церкви
  • раздела о Генри Моргентау

Проект представлен на армянском и английском языках.


  • Tamar Hovhannisian. Knarik Avakian. The History of the Armenian Community of the United States of America (From the Beginning to 1924). "Gitutiun" Publishing House of the NAS RA. Yerevan, 2000, 240 pages. Lraber Hasarakakan Gitutiunneri. HH GAA Handes (Herald of Humanitarian Sciences. Journal of the NAS RA). Yerevan, 2001, No. 2 (602), pp. (in Armenian)s)
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