Эчмиадзин (журнал) — различия между версиями

(не показано 15 промежуточных версий 6 участников)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
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Etchmiadzin (Monthly)Etchmiadzin Monthly
| имя-рус-1 = Эчмиадзин
| имя-ориг  = Էջմիածին
| имя-анг-1 =
| имя-арм-1 = Էջմիածին
| имя-фра-1 =
| состояние текста = 1
| состояние поиска = 1
| состояние тэгов = 1
| состояние ссылок = 1
| флаг чистовик = 7
| изображение    =Эчмиадзин.jpg
| тип = журнал
| периодичность  = 12 раз в год
| учредитель = Первопрестольный Святой Эчмиадзин
| главный редактор =
| редакция = Эчмиадзин, Армения
| первый номер = 1944
| последний номер =
| язык = армянский
| тираж =
| телефон =
| эл. почта =
| сайт =
| тэг 1          =
| тэг 2          =
| тэг 3          =
| тэг 4          =
| тэг 5          =
“Etchmiadzin” monthly is the official record of the Catholicosate of all Armenians.  It is printed in the Publishing House of the Mother See.  It reflects and reports all of the activities of the Catholicosate on a monthly basis.  Generally, each volume is roughly 130 to 140 pages, including photos.  At times of extensive activity, two volumes are produced.  
“Etchmiadzin” monthly is the official record of the Catholicosate of all Armenians.  It is printed in the Publishing House of the Mother See.  It reflects and reports all of the activities of the Catholicosate on a monthly basis.  Generally, each volume is roughly 130 to 140 pages, including photos.  At times of extensive activity, two volumes are produced.  
“Etchmiadzin” has been in production since 1944 and is the continuation of the “Ararat” monthly, which was established by the Catholicos Gevorg IV in 1868.  “Ararat” ceased publication in 1919 due to lack of financial means brought about by the wartime conditions. In 1920 “Etchmiadzin” weekly was created as a publication of the Brotherhood of the Mother See and was published bi-monthly. However, from the time of Armenia’s change to a Soviet Republic up to 1944 the Catholicosates attempts to recommence publication of “Ararat” were in vain, as the Soviet Union refused the requests for republication.
“Etchmiadzin” has been in production since 1944 and is the continuation of the “Ararat” monthly, which was established by the Catholicos Gevorg IV in 1868.  “Ararat” ceased publication in 1919 due to lack of financial means brought about by the wartime conditions. In 1920 “Etchmiadzin” weekly was created as a publication of the Brotherhood of the Mother See and was published bi-monthly. However, from the time of Armenia’s change to a Soviet Republic up to 1944 the Catholicosates attempts to recommence publication of “Ararat” were in vain, as the Soviet Union refused the requests for republication.
During an historical meeting at the Kremlin between Catholicos Gevorg VII and Joseph Stalin, the Catholicos made an appeal to allow the republication of an official monthly newsletter for the Mother See. Shortly after the meeting the approval was given and the monthly was republished, now titled “Etchmiadzin”.
During an historical meeting at the Kremlin between Catholicos Gevorg VII and Joseph Stalin, the Catholicos made an appeal to allow the republication of an official monthly newsletter for the Mother See. Shortly after the meeting the approval was given and the monthly was republished, now titled “Etchmiadzin”.
Over the year, several editors have been in charge of the periodical:  Mr. A. Arakelian, Mr. L. Kisibekian, Mr. A. Abrahamian, Mr. A. Hatitian, Mr. Y. Melkonian, Bishop Asoghik Aristakesian, Reverend Father Bagrat Galstian (now Bishop), Reverend Father Arshak Khachatrian (now Archimandrite), M. Vardanian, and A. Zeytunian. At present the editor is Mr. Vardan Devrikian.   
Over the year, several editors have been in charge of the periodical:  Mr. A. Arakelian, Mr. L. Kisibekian, Mr. A. Abrahamian, Mr. A. Hatitian, Mr. Y. Melkonian, Bishop Asoghik Aristakesian, Reverend Father Bagrat Galstian (now Bishop), Reverend Father Arshak Khachatrian (now Archimandrite), M. Vardanian, and A. Zeytunian. At present the editor is Mr. Vardan Devrikian.   
From the very first volume of the periodical, the Chief Editor has been the Catholicos of all Armenians, according to the traditions of the Mother See.
From the very first volume of the periodical, the Chief Editor has been the Catholicos of all Armenians, according to the traditions of the Mother See.
The contents of the first volumes of the monthly reflected the activities of the Armenian Church both in Armenia and the Diaspora.  The topic of the elimination of fascism was discussed. Serious steps were towards advocating the organization of immigration and strengthening the homeland-Diaspora ties, and bringing the life within the homeland to the Diaspora.   
The contents of the first volumes of the monthly reflected the activities of the Armenian Church both in Armenia and the Diaspora.  The topic of the elimination of fascism was discussed. Serious steps were towards advocating the organization of immigration and strengthening the homeland-Diaspora ties, and bringing the life within the homeland to the Diaspora.   
During the first decade of publication, spiritual and cultural articles of a general cognitive nature were printed in addition to articles specifically on Armenian Study, as in Soviet Armenia it was impossible to publish materials on such topics in any other periodical.
During the first decade of publication, spiritual and cultural articles of a general cognitive nature were printed in addition to articles specifically on Armenian Study, as in Soviet Armenia it was impossible to publish materials on such topics in any other periodical.
Through the first years of the reign of the Supreme Patriarch Vazgen I, the political situation in the mid 50s of the 20th century changed, and the publication featured more emphasis on spiritual, literary and armenological articles as cultural articles became possible in other periodicals and publications.
Through the first years of the reign of the Supreme Patriarch Vazgen I, the political situation in the mid 50s of the 20th century changed, and the publication featured more emphasis on spiritual, literary and armenological articles as cultural articles became possible in other periodicals and publications.
Until the end of the 1980s “Etchmiadzin” was the only periodical where works of religious and theological nature could be published, and different problems concerning Armenian Study could be referred to from that standpoint.
Until the end of the 1980s “Etchmiadzin” was the only periodical where works of religious and theological nature could be published, and different problems concerning Armenian Study could be referred to from that standpoint.
At present the periodical covers all of the following topics:
At present the periodical covers all of the following topics:
Reports on all of the Patriarchal monthly visits and trips made by the Catholicos of all Armenians, as well as visits to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin by leaders of the sister churches, high-ranking clergy and leaders of different countries and state officials.
Reports on all of the Patriarchal monthly visits and trips made by the Catholicos of all Armenians, as well as visits to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin by leaders of the sister churches, high-ranking clergy and leaders of different countries and state officials.
The Pontifical encyclicals and letters of blessings issued
The Pontifical encyclicals and letters of blessings issued
Important events that have taken place in the Mother See and in the Armenian Church in general
Important events that have taken place in the Mother See and in the Armenian Church in general
Sermons delivered in the church
Sermons delivered in the church
Records the sermons delivered during the celebration of Divine Liturgy in the Mother Cathedral as well as other sermons delivered in different Armenian churches during the current month.
Records the sermons delivered during the celebration of Divine Liturgy in the Mother Cathedral as well as other sermons delivered in different Armenian churches during the current month.
Religious Study
Religious Study
Contains the patristic literatures of the Armenian Church and churches in general, and theological and church study works presented by Armenian clergy. It also includes the core spiritual problems of the modern world translated or restated in articles related to theology and church life in general.
Contains the patristic literatures of the Armenian Church and churches in general, and theological and church study works presented by Armenian clergy. It also includes the core spiritual problems of the modern world translated or restated in articles related to theology and church life in general.
Armenian Study
Armenian Study
The articles concerning all aspects of Armenian study are published here. Though a wide range of works related to Armenian studies is published here, the focus is chiefly connected with Church history. The monthly reflects the spiritual and religious aspect of the subject or the problem.
The articles concerning all aspects of Armenian study are published here. Though a wide range of works related to Armenian studies is published here, the focus is chiefly connected with Church history. The monthly reflects the spiritual and religious aspect of the subject or the problem.
Under the Subtitle “Armenian Studies abroad” the activities of the past and present foreign armenologists are represented and evaluated. Their works are also published.
Under the Subtitle “Armenian Studies abroad” the activities of the past and present foreign armenologists are represented and evaluated. Their works are also published.
The subtitle “Publications” covers the various religious and scientific publications of past armenologists, as well as information about major events in scientific life.
The subtitle “Publications” covers the various religious and scientific publications of past armenologists, as well as information about major events in scientific life.
Critical Reviews
Critical Reviews
This section reviews religious and Armenian Study books published both in Armenia and abroad.  
This section reviews religious and Armenian Study books published both in Armenia and abroad.  
This section presents biographies and scientific work of various scientists on their anniversaries. Clergy works are presented in the church section, with their spiritual activities and the publications.
This section presents biographies and scientific work of various scientists on their anniversaries. Clergy works are presented in the church section, with their spiritual activities and the publications.
The same is true for the monographs, which evaluate the life and scientific literary inheritance left by departed clergy and armenologists.
The same is true for the monographs, which evaluate the life and scientific literary inheritance left by departed clergy and armenologists.
Mother See and Dioceses  
Mother See and Dioceses  
This section covers all the events, arrangements and ceremonies taking place in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and in the Dioceses of Armenia and abroad.  
This section covers all the events, arrangements and ceremonies taking place in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and in the Dioceses of Armenia and abroad.  
Receptions in the Mother See and Dioceses.
Receptions in the Mother See and Dioceses.
This section reports the greetings issued by the Catholicos of All Armenians at the Mother See.
This section reports the greetings issued by the Catholicos of All Armenians at the Mother See.
Church news
Church news
This section reports on all the feasts, fasts and Saint Days for which Divine Liturgy has been celebrated.
This section reports on all the feasts, fasts and Saint Days for which Divine Liturgy has been celebrated.
=Указатель содержания=
*Մատենագիտություն «Էջմիածին» ամսագրի՝ 1944–1973 / կազմ.՝ Ս. Կոծինյան: Էջմիածին՝ Մայր Աթոռ Ս. Էջմիածին, 1975: 293 էջ:

Текущая версия на 17:33, 18 апреля 2012

Дополните информацию об организации

Тип журнал
Периодичность 12 раз в год
Учредитель Первопрестольный Святой Эчмиадзин
Редакция Эчмиадзин, Армения
Первый номер 1944
Язык армянский

“Etchmiadzin” monthly is the official record of the Catholicosate of all Armenians. It is printed in the Publishing House of the Mother See. It reflects and reports all of the activities of the Catholicosate on a monthly basis. Generally, each volume is roughly 130 to 140 pages, including photos. At times of extensive activity, two volumes are produced.

“Etchmiadzin” has been in production since 1944 and is the continuation of the “Ararat” monthly, which was established by the Catholicos Gevorg IV in 1868. “Ararat” ceased publication in 1919 due to lack of financial means brought about by the wartime conditions. In 1920 “Etchmiadzin” weekly was created as a publication of the Brotherhood of the Mother See and was published bi-monthly. However, from the time of Armenia’s change to a Soviet Republic up to 1944 the Catholicosates attempts to recommence publication of “Ararat” were in vain, as the Soviet Union refused the requests for republication.

During an historical meeting at the Kremlin between Catholicos Gevorg VII and Joseph Stalin, the Catholicos made an appeal to allow the republication of an official monthly newsletter for the Mother See. Shortly after the meeting the approval was given and the monthly was republished, now titled “Etchmiadzin”.

Over the year, several editors have been in charge of the periodical: Mr. A. Arakelian, Mr. L. Kisibekian, Mr. A. Abrahamian, Mr. A. Hatitian, Mr. Y. Melkonian, Bishop Asoghik Aristakesian, Reverend Father Bagrat Galstian (now Bishop), Reverend Father Arshak Khachatrian (now Archimandrite), M. Vardanian, and A. Zeytunian. At present the editor is Mr. Vardan Devrikian.

From the very first volume of the periodical, the Chief Editor has been the Catholicos of all Armenians, according to the traditions of the Mother See.

The contents of the first volumes of the monthly reflected the activities of the Armenian Church both in Armenia and the Diaspora. The topic of the elimination of fascism was discussed. Serious steps were towards advocating the organization of immigration and strengthening the homeland-Diaspora ties, and bringing the life within the homeland to the Diaspora.

During the first decade of publication, spiritual and cultural articles of a general cognitive nature were printed in addition to articles specifically on Armenian Study, as in Soviet Armenia it was impossible to publish materials on such topics in any other periodical.

Through the first years of the reign of the Supreme Patriarch Vazgen I, the political situation in the mid 50s of the 20th century changed, and the publication featured more emphasis on spiritual, literary and armenological articles as cultural articles became possible in other periodicals and publications.

Until the end of the 1980s “Etchmiadzin” was the only periodical where works of religious and theological nature could be published, and different problems concerning Armenian Study could be referred to from that standpoint.

At present the periodical covers all of the following topics:


Reports on all of the Patriarchal monthly visits and trips made by the Catholicos of all Armenians, as well as visits to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin by leaders of the sister churches, high-ranking clergy and leaders of different countries and state officials.

The Pontifical encyclicals and letters of blessings issued Important events that have taken place in the Mother See and in the Armenian Church in general

Sermons delivered in the church

Records the sermons delivered during the celebration of Divine Liturgy in the Mother Cathedral as well as other sermons delivered in different Armenian churches during the current month.

Religious Study

Contains the patristic literatures of the Armenian Church and churches in general, and theological and church study works presented by Armenian clergy. It also includes the core spiritual problems of the modern world translated or restated in articles related to theology and church life in general.

Armenian Study

The articles concerning all aspects of Armenian study are published here. Though a wide range of works related to Armenian studies is published here, the focus is chiefly connected with Church history. The monthly reflects the spiritual and religious aspect of the subject or the problem.

Under the Subtitle “Armenian Studies abroad” the activities of the past and present foreign armenologists are represented and evaluated. Their works are also published.

The subtitle “Publications” covers the various religious and scientific publications of past armenologists, as well as information about major events in scientific life.

Critical Reviews

This section reviews religious and Armenian Study books published both in Armenia and abroad.


This section presents biographies and scientific work of various scientists on their anniversaries. Clergy works are presented in the church section, with their spiritual activities and the publications.

The same is true for the monographs, which evaluate the life and scientific literary inheritance left by departed clergy and armenologists.

Mother See and Dioceses

This section covers all the events, arrangements and ceremonies taking place in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and in the Dioceses of Armenia and abroad.

Receptions in the Mother See and Dioceses.

This section reports the greetings issued by the Catholicos of All Armenians at the Mother See.

Church news

This section reports on all the feasts, fasts and Saint Days for which Divine Liturgy has been celebrated.

Указатель содержания

  • Մատենագիտություն «Էջմիածին» ամսագրի՝ 1944–1973 / կազմ.՝ Ս. Կոծինյան: Էջմիածին՝ Մայր Աթոռ Ս. Էջմիածին, 1975: 293 էջ: