Циранавор (Аштарак) — различия между версиями

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Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{churcht|ID=8419|dmodify=21.11.2006 23:40:01}}
Tsiranavor (Ashtarak)Циранавор (Аштарак)http://armenianstudies.csufresno.edu/iaa_architecture/ciranowor.htm
| имя-ру-01      =Циранавор (Аштарак)
| имя-ориг      =
| имя-анг        =Tsiranavor (Ashtarak)
| имя-арм        =
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| состояние поиска    = 1
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| состояние ссылок    = 1
| флаг чистовик        =ё7
<!-- Код организации: 1 – Учебное заведение, 2 – Общественная организация,
3 – Библиотека, 4 – Музей, 5 – театр,
6 - СМИ, 7 - Церковь, 8 - Коммерческая организация, 9 - Спортивные организации --->
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<!-- Церковь --->
<!-- Конфессии: 1 – Армянская апостольская церковь, 2 – Армянская католическая церковь, 3 – другие церкви --->
| конфессии      =1
<!-- Состояние: 1 – действующая церковь, 2 – церковь-памятник ,3 – несохранившиеся церкви --->
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| епархия, приход =
| адрес          =
| телефон-факс  =
| эл. почта      =
| ссылка 1      =http://armenianstudies.csufresno.edu/iaa_architecture/ciranowor.htm
| ссылка 2      =
| тэг 1          =
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| тэг 4          =
| тэг 5          =
Type: Three aisled basilica
Type: Three aisled basilica
Location: Astarak, Armenia
Location: Astarak, Armenia
Date: V-VI c.
Evidence for date: Sahinian considers it to be a 5th to 6th century structure, but there are traces of an earlier 5th century structure in the constructional details (Sahinian, 1955). No foundation inscription, probably during the reign of Nerses of Ashtarak (540-557).
Date: V-VI c. Evidence for date: Sahinian considers it to be a 5th to 6th century structure, but there are traces of an earlier 5th century structure in the constructional details (Sahinian, 1955). No foundation inscription, probably during the reign of Nerses of Ashtarak (540-557).
Important details: Horseshoe apse flanked by two rectangular chambers contained within a rectilinear wall. The roof of the central nave was supported by three pairs of T-shaped piers, which was characteristic of 5th century Armenian architecture. Hidden apse, two side chambers, two no functioning pilasters.  
Important details: Horseshoe apse flanked by two rectangular chambers contained within a rectilinear wall. The roof of the central nave was supported by three pairs of T-shaped piers, which was characteristic of 5th century Armenian architecture. Hidden apse, two side chambers, two no functioning pilasters.  
State of preservation: Ruins, exterior walls and apse, no roof.
State of preservation: Ruins, exterior walls and apse, no roof.
Summary: In the 17th century the church was fortified by doubling the north and west walls. Apparently the south facade was also rebuilt. The church was ruined in 1815. Restoration work, undertaken in 1963, (Hovhannisian, 1978) revealed walls, piers, arches, fragments of vaults, and a Xac'k'ar. At present, only the exterior walls, the apse area, two of the massive southern piers, and the south aisle are preserved. Near the west end, there are traces of the beginnings of the central vault.
Summary: In the 17th century the church was fortified by doubling the north and west walls. Apparently the south facade was also rebuilt. The church was ruined in 1815. Restoration work, undertaken in 1963, (Hovhannisian, 1978) revealed walls, piers, arches, fragments of vaults, and a Xac'k'ar. At present, only the exterior walls, the apse area, two of the massive southern piers, and the south aisle are preserved. Near the west end, there are traces of the beginnings of the central vault.
Строка 15: Строка 57:
Ciranawor is one of the several examples of Armenian basilicas with three aisles. Evidence indicating different construction dates for parts of the church include the two pilasters preserved on the north side (which do not correspond to those on the south wall), as well as the arches of the nave, and the archaic T-shaped piers.  
Ciranawor is one of the several examples of Armenian basilicas with three aisles. Evidence indicating different construction dates for parts of the church include the two pilasters preserved on the north side (which do not correspond to those on the south wall), as well as the arches of the nave, and the archaic T-shaped piers.  
*ALISHAN, GH'. Ayrarat, Venice, 1890, 185-188.
ALISHAN, GH'. Ayrarat, Venice, 1890, 185-188.
*EP'RIKIAN, H. Bnashxarhik Bararan (Topographical Dictionary). Venice, 1900-1905, 228.
EP'RIKIAN, H. Bnashxarhik Bararan (Topographical Dictionary). Venice, 1900-1905, 228.
*STRZYGOWSKI, J. Die Baukunst der Armenier und Europa. 2 vols. Vienna, 1918, 146-148.
STRZYGOWSKI, J. Die Baukunst der Armenier und Europa. 2 vols. Vienna, 1918, 146-148.
*LARALOV, I. Achtarak. Moscow, 1947.
LARALOV, I. Achtarak. Moscow, 1947.
*T'ORAMANYAN, T'. Nyut'er Haykakan Chartarpetut'yan Patmut'yan. 2 vols. , 1942-1948. I, 289-290.
T'ORAMANYAN, T'. Nyut'er Haykakan Chartarpetut'yan Patmut'yan. 2 vols. , 1942-1948. I, 289-290.
*SAHINYAN, A. K'asaghi Bazilikayi Chartarapetut'yune. Erevan, 1955, 114-116.
SAHINYAN, A. K'asaghi Bazilikayi Chartarapetut'yune. Erevan, 1955, 114-116.
*TOKARSKII, N.M. Architektura Armenii IV-XIV VV. Erevan, 1961, 87-89.
TOKARSKII, N.M. Architektura Armenii IV-XIV VV. Erevan, 1961, 87-89.
*SARKISIAN, G.A. AND VLASOV, A.V. "Architektura Armenii", in Architectural History, Leningrad and Moscow, 1966. III, 208-211.
SARKISIAN, G.A. AND VLASOV, A.V. "Architektura Armenii", in Architectural History, Leningrad and Moscow, 1966. III, 208-211.
*Architettura Medievale Armenia, Roma-Palazzo Venezia 10-30 Giugno 1968. Rome, 1968, 79.
Architettura Medievale Armenia, Roma-Palazzo Venezia 10-30 Giugno 1968. Rome, 1968, 79.
*DER NERSESSIAN, SERARPIE. The Armenians, Praeger Series Ancient Peoples and Places No. 68, New York, 1970, 104.
DER NERSESSIAN, SERARPIE. The Armenians, Praeger Series Ancient Peoples and Places No. 68, New York, 1970, 104.
*DER NERSESSIAN, SIRARPIE. Armenian Art. Paris, 1977 and 1978, 32
DER NERSESSIAN, SIRARPIE. Armenian Art. Paris, 1977 and 1978, 32
*HOVHANNISIAN, K. Chartarapetaken Husharts'anneri Veranorogume Sovetakan Hayastanum, Erevan, 1978, 245.
HOVHANNISIAN, K. Chartarapetaken Husharts'anneri Veranorogume Sovetakan Hayastanum, Erevan, 1978, 245.

Текущая версия на 20:14, 4 июня 2011

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Циранавор (Аштарак)
Tsiranavor (Ashtarak)
C8419 1.png
Конфессии: Армянская апостольская церковь
Ссылки: http://armenianstudies.csufresno.edu/iaa_architecture/ciranowor.htm


Type: Three aisled basilica

Location: Astarak, Armenia

Date: V-VI c. Evidence for date: Sahinian considers it to be a 5th to 6th century structure, but there are traces of an earlier 5th century structure in the constructional details (Sahinian, 1955). No foundation inscription, probably during the reign of Nerses of Ashtarak (540-557). Important details: Horseshoe apse flanked by two rectangular chambers contained within a rectilinear wall. The roof of the central nave was supported by three pairs of T-shaped piers, which was characteristic of 5th century Armenian architecture. Hidden apse, two side chambers, two no functioning pilasters.

State of preservation: Ruins, exterior walls and apse, no roof.

Reconstruction: Summary: In the 17th century the church was fortified by doubling the north and west walls. Apparently the south facade was also rebuilt. The church was ruined in 1815. Restoration work, undertaken in 1963, (Hovhannisian, 1978) revealed walls, piers, arches, fragments of vaults, and a Xac'k'ar. At present, only the exterior walls, the apse area, two of the massive southern piers, and the south aisle are preserved. Near the west end, there are traces of the beginnings of the central vault.

Ciranawor is one of the several examples of Armenian basilicas with three aisles. Evidence indicating different construction dates for parts of the church include the two pilasters preserved on the north side (which do not correspond to those on the south wall), as well as the arches of the nave, and the archaic T-shaped piers.


  • ALISHAN, GH'. Ayrarat, Venice, 1890, 185-188.
  • EP'RIKIAN, H. Bnashxarhik Bararan (Topographical Dictionary). Venice, 1900-1905, 228.
  • STRZYGOWSKI, J. Die Baukunst der Armenier und Europa. 2 vols. Vienna, 1918, 146-148.
  • LARALOV, I. Achtarak. Moscow, 1947.
  • T'ORAMANYAN, T'. Nyut'er Haykakan Chartarpetut'yan Patmut'yan. 2 vols. , 1942-1948. I, 289-290.
  • SAHINYAN, A. K'asaghi Bazilikayi Chartarapetut'yune. Erevan, 1955, 114-116.
  • TOKARSKII, N.M. Architektura Armenii IV-XIV VV. Erevan, 1961, 87-89.
  • SARKISIAN, G.A. AND VLASOV, A.V. "Architektura Armenii", in Architectural History, Leningrad and Moscow, 1966. III, 208-211.
  • Architettura Medievale Armenia, Roma-Palazzo Venezia 10-30 Giugno 1968. Rome, 1968, 79.
  • DER NERSESSIAN, SERARPIE. The Armenians, Praeger Series Ancient Peoples and Places No. 68, New York, 1970, 104.
  • DER NERSESSIAN, SIRARPIE. Armenian Art. Paris, 1977 and 1978, 32
  • HOVHANNISIAN, K. Chartarapetaken Husharts'anneri Veranorogume Sovetakan Hayastanum, Erevan, 1978, 245.