(не показано 6 промежуточных версий 2 участников) |
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| {{Персона | | {{Персона |
| | name-ru-main = Памбукян Акоп С. | | | name-ru-main = Памбукян Акоп С. |
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| | name-am = | | | name-am = |
| | name-fr = | | | name-fr = |
− | | состояние текста = 0 | + | | состояние текста = 1 |
− | | состояние поиска = 0 | + | | состояние поиска = 1 |
− | | состояние тэгов = 0 | + | | состояние тэгов = 1 |
− | | состояние ссылок = 0 | + | | состояние ссылок = 1 |
− | | флаг чистовик = | + | | флаг чистовик = 7 |
− | | портрет = | + | | портрет = Памбукян Акоп С.8.jpg |
− | | дата рождения = | + | | дата рождения =1932 |
| | место рождения = | | | место рождения = |
| | дата смерти = | | | дата смерти = |
| | место смерти = | | | место смерти = |
− | | краткая информация = | + | | краткая информация = Почетный профессор психологии "Shawnee State University" в Портсмуте (штат Огайо) |
− | | тэг01 = | + | | тэг01 = профессор |
− | | тэг02 = | + | | тэг02 = психолог |
− | | тэг03 = | + | | тэг03 = общественный деятель |
− | | тэг04 = | + | | тэг04 = доктор философии |
| | тэг05 = | | | тэг05 = |
| }} | | }} |
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| =Биография= | | =Биография= |
− | Hagop S.Pambookian
| + | Родился в 1931 году. |
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− | Dr. Hagop S.Pambookian - Professor Emeritus
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− | Dr. Hagop Pambookian has served with distinction for over 38 years in higher education and has been recognized internationally for his contributions to the field of psychology.
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− | Dr. Pambookian helped to establish the psychology degree at Shawnee State University and developed many of the course currently used for that major.
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− | Dr. Pambookian served as the campus representative for the Fulbright program and was instrumental in forging a cooperation and exchange agreement with Russia's Novgorad State University.
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− | For these reason and many more, Shawnee State University in Resolution ASA02-05 bestowed the title of Professor Emeritus on Dr. Hagop S. Pambookian.
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− | Prof. Hagop S. Pambookian Lectures in Indonesia
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− | By Sarlito W. Sarwono
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− | PORTSMOUTH, OH - Dr. Hagop S. Pambookian, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology at Shawnee State University, here, and member of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the International Council of Psychologists (ICP), recently gave several lectures in Jakarta, Indonesia. He was invited to Indonesia by the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia. While in Jakarta, Professor Pambookian gave a lecture to graduate and post-graduate students of psychology on the campus of the University of Indonesia at Depok (south of Jakarta). The lecture that took place on November 21, 2000 was on recent developments of psychology and psychology education in the U.S. He also gave useful information on psychology, psychologists, and research and training in Russia.
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− | Another lecture, which was organized by the Association of Parents, Students and Alumni (POMDA) of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia, took place on November 18, 2000, in a convention hall in downtown Kebayoran, suburb of Jakarta, before around 80 psychologists (academic and practicing) and psychology students. The title of Dr. Pambookian's very interesting lecture was "The International Dimensions of Psychology for a New Century." He made an interesting analysis of psychology's international dimensions, and he also expressed some new ideas on psychology's universality transcending national and geographic boundaries.
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− | And, last but not least, his third lecture in Jakarta was organized by PERTAMINA Company, the National Oil Company. The lecture, titled "Intercultural Etiquette for Better Interaction and communication," was attended by 20 enthusiastic HRD Officers of several international oil companies (e.g., Caltex, Conoco, Total Indonesia, BP, etc.) operating in Indonesia. Dr. Pambookian also used several examples from real-life situations, highlighting the points he made regarding intercultural communication and characteristics of effective multinational managers.
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− | Professor Pambookian's visit to Indonesia has been very fruitful not only for the Indonesian academic community but also for the practicing psychologists, and even for people outside psychology in Indonesia (at least in Jakarta). He also donated some newly published books on psychology to the library of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia. Psychology students and instructors will make good use of the books. The University of Indonesia is certainly appreciative of Professor Pambookian's presence and contributions.
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− | Dr. Pambookian is a widely known scholar for his many contributions worldwide. Besides teaching in several institutions of higher education in the US., he has also taught in Lebanon, in Cyprus, in Armenia (former republic of the USSR) as a Senior Fulbright Fellow, and was a Visiting Professor at the University of Nizhny Novgorod, in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, Professor Pambookian has been honored worldwide. On a recent visit to Moscow as the guest of the Institute of Psychology, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Pambookian was honored by being elected an Honorary Member of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences in Yaroslavl, Russia. He was also awarded recently the "Paul Swaddling Award" by the Ohio Education Association (OEA) for "his contributions to international understanding and peace." Dr. Pambookian is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and has served a three-year term on the APA "Committee on International Relations in Psychology." His B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in psychology are from the American University of Beirut (Lebanon), Columbia University Teachers College (in New York City), and the University of Michigan (in Ann Arbor), respectively.
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− | Although an international scholar, Dr. Pambookian's heritage is Armenian. He completed his secondary education in Cyprus where he attended the AGBU's (Armenian General Benevolent Union) Melkonian Educational Institute in Nicosia. Since then he has also been active in American-Armenian civic and cultural organizations. And while teaching at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, prior to his Senior Fulbright Fellowship in Armenia, he had been the president of the Milwaukee AGBU Chapter for several years. Incidentally, he has enriched the library of the Armenian Academy of Sciences by donating many hundreds and invaluable psychology journals and books in the English language. In fact, under the presidency of the renowned, late astrophysicist, Victor Hampartzoomian, the Academy honored him by naming the room of his psychology books/ journals collection "Pambookian Room." It is indeed an honor for the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia to be the host of Professor Hagop S. Pambookian.
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− | Prof. Dr. Sarlito W. Sarwono is the Dean of Faculty of Psychology, the University of Indonesia, in Jakarta, Indonesia
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| + | Памбукян приехал в США в 1961 году после того, как получил степень бакалавра в Американском университете в Бейруте. |
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− | Global Needs
| + | В США он получил степень магистра в области психологии из Колумбийского университета педагогического колледжа и докторскую степень в области психологии из Университета штата Мичиган. |
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− | Hagop S. Pambookian, PhD
| + | Памбукян стал первым американцем научным сотрудником программы Фулбрайт, направленным в Советский Союз. Преподавал психологию в [[Ереванский государственный университет|Ереванском государственном университете]] в от 1978-1979гг. |
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− | Portsmouth, Ohio
| + | Основал [["Фонд Памбукяна"]] в Академии наук Армянской ССР в Ереване и пожертвовал более 3000 учебников и журналов по психологии на английском языке для Фундаментальной библиотеки Академии наук Армянской ССР. |
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− | How timely it was to read the March Monitor’s 'Ethno-political warfare' and 'Quelling ethnopolitical strife is the goal of new initiative,' which emphasize psychologists’ involvement in and contributions resolving ethno-political conflicts. I agree with APA President Martin E.P. Seligman, PhD, that 'American psychology can no longer remain insular, preoccupied only with domestic problems.'
| + | Памбукян был избран иностранным членом Армянской Философской Академии и Академии педагогических наук в Армении. |
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− | Surely, psychologists can also contribute toward the improvement of interethnic relations, have a positive impact on the successful resolution of ethnic conflicts and on the prevention of ethnopolitical warfare.
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− | Already, a conference has been organized, and an institute to train 'scientist-practitioners' is being planned. The need is indeed global.
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− | As APA will not have any affiliation with the training institute(s) and psychologists from other countries and cultures will also be involved with the new initiative, I would like to suggest that:
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− | • A center be established to coordinate the activities of the new specialists and those who have the necessary contextual experiences, cultural knowledge and sensitivity, and special skills (i.e., consultants, advisers).
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− | • A directory of cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary community of scholars (interested in ethnopolitical conflict and warfare) from around the world be prepared.
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− | • Up-to-date information be disseminated through efficient means of communication to all those with necessary training and area expertise who are affiliated with the center.
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− | • Occasional regional roundtable discussions and conferences be held with the participation of scientist-practitioners and experts from different governmental agencies and humanitarian organizations.
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− | Categories: Armenian Individuals
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− | ==Сочинения==
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| + | Почетный профессор психологии "Shawnee State University" в Портсмуте (штат Огайо). |
| ==Достижения== | | ==Достижения== |
| + | *Ph.D. (from the American University of Beirut, Lebanon; Columbia University Teachers College, in New York City; the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor) |
| + | *Professor of Psychology (at Shawnee State University) |
| + | ===Награды=== |
| + | *the "Paul Swaddling Award" by the Ohio Education Association (OEA) |
| + | ==Членство в научных обществах и организациях== |
| + | *Иностранный член [[Армянская Философская Академия|Армянской Философской Академии]] |
| + | *Иностранный член [[Академия педагогических наук в Армении|Академии педагогических наук в Армении]] |
| + | *Член Ассоциации психологов Америки |
| + | *Член Международного Совета психологов |
| + | *Почетный член Международной академии психологов в Ярославле, Россия |
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| ==Изображения== | | ==Изображения== |
− | | + | <gallery> |
| + | Файл:Памбукян Акоп С..jpg |
| + | Файл:Памбукян Акоп С.1.jpg |
| + | </gallery> |
| + | ==Видео== |
| + | *[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCUakREV7E4 Hagop Pambookian urges care in citing facts & references] |
| + | ==Разное== |
| + | *Сын переживших геноцид родителей. |
| =Библиография= | | =Библиография= |
− | *http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php?title=Hagop_S.Pambookian | + | *[http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php?title=Hagop_S.Pambookian Dr. Hagop S.Pambookian - Professor Emeritus] |
| + | *[http://armenianweekly.com/2010/06/30/pambookian-receives-award/ Pambookian Receives Award] |
Родился в 1931 году.
Памбукян приехал в США в 1961 году после того, как получил степень бакалавра в Американском университете в Бейруте.
В США он получил степень магистра в области психологии из Колумбийского университета педагогического колледжа и докторскую степень в области психологии из Университета штата Мичиган.
Памбукян стал первым американцем научным сотрудником программы Фулбрайт, направленным в Советский Союз. Преподавал психологию в Ереванском государственном университете в от 1978-1979гг.
Памбукян был избран иностранным членом Армянской Философской Академии и Академии педагогических наук в Армении.
Почетный профессор психологии "Shawnee State University" в Портсмуте (штат Огайо).