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Contact Person Stepan Grigoryan (Board Member) Mr. Babken Ararktsian Chairman of the Board  Mr. Karapet Rubinyan Founding Member   {{На английском|Armat was founded in 21st May, 1999 by the Founders Meeting.
The objectives of the organization are:
The organization implements its objectives through the meetings, scientific conferences, exhibitions, publications and visiting, as well as through the cooperation with International, Regional, local Non-Governmental organizations, parties, state agencies and individuals. The organization collaborates with local NGOs (Helsinki Association, Helsinki Civil Assembly, etc) and with International Organizations (France, Russia, USA), especially with them, who target such issues as Human Rights Protection and the creation of the open Civil Society. The organization also actively cooperates with the International Organizations represented in Armenia (UN, OSCE, EU, IFES (International Fund of Electorate System), Pro Media /IREX/, World Learning, American Armenian Assembly).
The supreme governance body of the organization is the General Meeting, which elects the Board members consisted of 5 people and the Audit Commission consisted of 3 people. The staff of the organization operates on public principles.}} ===Контактные лица===* Степан Григорян, член правления* Г-н Бабкен Араркцян, председатель правления* Г-н Карапет Рубинян, член-учредитель
Editor, nsBadRO, nsBadRW, nsDraftRO, nsDraftRW, reviewer
