Фонд "Армения" (США) — различия между версиями

(не показаны 2 промежуточные версии 1 участника)
Строка 21: Строка 21:
| основатель    = Лос-Анжелес, США
| основатель    = Лос-Анжелес, США
| руководитель  = Ханджян Завен, президент (Zaven Khanjian)
| руководитель  = Ханджян Завен, президент (Zaven Khanjian)
| местонахождение= Глендейл, Калифорния, США
| местонахождение= Глендейл, США
| адрес          = 360 бул. В. Гленокс, 302, Глендейл, Калифорния 90202, США
| адрес          = 360 бул. В. Гленокс, 302, Глендейл, Калифорния 90202, США
| филиалы        =
| филиалы        =
Строка 36: Строка 36:
{{На английском|Established in 1994 in Los Angeles, California, Armenia Fund, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-governmental, non-political corporation. Serving as the United States’ Western Region affiliate of the “Hayastan” All-Armenian Fund along with its nineteen affiliates around the world, Armenia Fund, Inc. has implemented over $120 million of infrastructure development assistance and humanitarian aid for Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.
{{На английском|Established in 1994 in Los Angeles, California, Armenia Fund, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-governmental, non-political corporation. Serving as the United States’ Western Region affiliate of the “Hayastan” All-Armenian Fund along with its nineteen affiliates around the world, Armenia Fund, Inc. has implemented over $120 million of infrastructure development assistance and humanitarian aid for Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.
Строка 90: Строка 89:
==Корпоративный совет==
==Корпоративный совет==
{{На английском|Maria Mehranian
{{На английском|
*Maria Mehranian
Ara Aghishian, Esq.
*Ara Aghishian, Esq.
Armen Liloyan
*Armen Liloyan
Honorary Board Member
Honorary Board Member
Consul General of the Republic of Armenia of Los Angeles
Consul General of the Republic of Armenia of Los Angeles
Richard Mushegain
*Richard Mushegain
Armenian Assembly of America
Armenian Assembly of America
Avedik Izmirlian
*Avedik Izmirlian
Armenian Cultural Foundation
Armenian Cultural Foundation
Fr. Anton Saroyan
*Fr. Anton Saroyan
Armenian Catholic Exarchate of North America
Armenian Catholic Exarchate of North America
Rev. Joseph Matossian
*Rev. Joseph Matossian
Armenian Evangelical Union of North America
Armenian Evangelical Union of North America
Vahe Imasdounian
*Vahe Imasdounian
Armenian General Benevolent Union  
Armenian General Benevolent Union  
Sonia Peltekian
*Sonia Peltekian
Armenian Relief Society – Western Region  
Armenian Relief Society – Western Region  
Gabriel Moloyan
*Gabriel Moloyan
Nor Serount Cultural Association
Nor Serount Cultural Association
Ara Aharonian
*Ara Aharonian
Tekeyan Cultural Association of America
Tekeyan Cultural Association of America
Archbishop Hovnan Derderian
*Archbishop Hovnan Derderian
Western Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
Western Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian
*Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian
Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of North America
Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of North America
Armenia Fund, Inc., is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation established in 1994 to facilitate large-scale humanitarian and infrastructure development assistance to Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. Armenia Fund, Inc. is the U.S. Western Region affiliate of “Hayastan” All-Armenian Fund.  
Armenia Fund, Inc., is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation established in 1994 to facilitate large-scale humanitarian and infrastructure development assistance to Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. Armenia Fund, Inc. is the U.S. Western Region affiliate of “Hayastan” All-Armenian Fund.  

Текущая версия на 06:14, 2 сентября 2011

Дополните информацию об организации

Фонд "Армения" (США)
Armenia Fund (USA)
Дата основания: 1994
Основатель: Лос-Анжелес, США
Руководитель при регистрации: Ханджян Завен, президент (Zaven Khanjian)
Адрес: 360 бул. В. Гленокс, 302, Глендейл, Калифорния 90202, США
Телефон/Факс: 1 (818) 2436222; Факс: (1 818) 243 7222
Эл. почта: armeniafund@itgateway.com
Ссылки: http://www.armeniafund.org/about_us/overview.php



Великобритания Текст на английском языке

Корпоративный совет

Великобритания Текст на английском языке


Armenia Fund USA

152 Madison Avenue, Suite 803 New York , 10016 , United States

ph: (212) 689-5307

toll free: (866) HIMNADRAM or (866) 446-6237 fax: (212) 689-5317 email: info@ArmeniaFundUSA.org

website: www.ArmeniaFundUSA.org

creation date: 1992

Armenien Fond Osterreich - Komitee

Kolonitzgasse 11 Vienna , A-1030 , Austria

ph: (43-1) 505 - 41 - 47 email: di_b.hartunian@chello.at

Fund Hayastan - Bulgaria

11 August St. 29 Sofia , 1000 , Bulgaria

ph: (35-92) 54 - 79 - 70 fax: (35 92) 52 - 60 - 46

Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Cyprus

47 Armenias Street Acropolis Nicosia , CY - 1515 , Cyprus

ph: (357-22) 33 - 83 - 14 fax: (357-22) 49 - 27 - 50

Fonds Armenien de France

B.P.12, 75660 Paris, Cedex 14 , France

ph: (33-1) 48 83 51 06 fax: (33-1) 48 83 53 86 email: info@fondsarmenien.net website: www.fondsarmenien.net

Armenien-Fonds e.V.

Forststrasse - 10 Riemerling , 85521 , Germany

ph: (49-89) 63 - 62 - 52 - 82 fax: (49-89) 66 - 08 - 65 - 28 email: gilbert.moumdjian@gmx.de

Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Great Britain

23 Norman Way West Action , W3 OAS , Great Britain

ph: (44-17) 842 - 52 - 619 fax: (44-17) 842 - 40 - 213

Fondo Armeno Hayastan Komitato Italiano

Corte Zappa Dorsoduro Venezia , 1602-30123 , Italy

ph: (39-041) 522 - 50 - 56 fax: (39-041) 522 - 42 - 25

Armenie Fonds Nederland

Het Schol 17 Almelo , 7608 DT , Netherlands

ph: (31-546) 86 - 01 - 23 fax: (31-546) 86 - 31 - 90 email: nsepojans@hetnet.nl

Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Sweden

P.O. Box 25107 Uppsala , 75025 , Sweden ph: (46-18) 40 - 46 - 79 fax: (46-18) 24 - 58 - 69 email: k_ohanjanian@hotmail.com

Comite Suisse Du Fonds Armenie

2 Chemin Luilin Troinex , 1256 , Switzerland

ph: (41-21) 728 - 51 - 61 email: avedis_kizirian@hotmail.com

Fundo Nacional Armenia

Armenia 1353 Buenos Aires , 1414 , Argentina

ph: (54-114) 545 - 10 - 05 fax: (54-114) 508 - 64 - 25 email: Jvartparonian@tipoiti.com

Fundo Armenia do Brazil

Rua Sao Luiz, 192 - 18th And. Sao Paulo , 01046-000 , Brazil

ph: (55-11) 3107 - 01 - 31 fax: (55-11) 3105 - 54 - 22 email: fundoarmenia@uol.com.br

Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Chile

Santiago , Chile

ph: (5632) 61 - 21 - 42 fax: (5632 ) 61 - 21 - 80

Fondo Nacional Armenia "Hayastan"

Casilla de Correo 13157, Distrito 13 Montevideo , Uruguay

ph: (598-2) 208 12 47 fax: (598-2) 209 78 88

Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Venezuela

Caracas , Venezuela

ph: (58 02) 561 - 25 - 86 fax: (58 02) 563 - 93 - 09

Fund Hayastan - Australia

P.O. Box 694 Chatswood NSW , 2067 , Australia

ph: (02) 9419-8056 fax: (02) 9413-1709 email: armenian@idx.com.au

Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Lebanon

P.O.Box 11-0769 Riad El-Solh, Beirut , Lebanon

ph: (9611) 26 - 50 - 40 fax: (9615) 26 - 05 - 16 email: chart@cyberia.net.lb