Армянская конгрегационалистская церковь Арарат (Салем) — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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(Биография преп. Ara Heghinian)
Строка 41: Строка 41:
==История - краткая версия==
{{На английском|Long before the humble beginnings of the Ararat Armenian Congregational Church, events and circumstances in Armenian communities worldwide worked together to bring about its establishment.   
{{На английском|Long before the humble beginnings of the Ararat Armenian Congregational Church, events and circumstances in Armenian communities worldwide worked together to bring about its establishment.   
Строка 84: Строка 84:
In August of 2001, Rev. Ara Heghinian was called to serve our church.  In preparation for the arrival of Rev. Heghinian and his young family, a major renovation was carried out at the parsonage.  During his time, the youth group has once again been established and the worship service has once again incorporated occasional Armenian scripture readings.  Ministry in the community, in partnership with the Salem Clergy Association has been strengthened as well as connections with other Armenian Evangelical churches in the Boston area.  A church growth and membership campaign has been the latest emphasis of the congregation and hopes are high that with the grace of God, the Gospel will continue to spread wide through the ministry of the Ararat Armenian Congregational Church.}}
In August of 2001, Rev. Ara Heghinian was called to serve our church.  In preparation for the arrival of Rev. Heghinian and his young family, a major renovation was carried out at the parsonage.  During his time, the youth group has once again been established and the worship service has once again incorporated occasional Armenian scripture readings.  Ministry in the community, in partnership with the Salem Clergy Association has been strengthened as well as connections with other Armenian Evangelical churches in the Boston area.  A church growth and membership campaign has been the latest emphasis of the congregation and hopes are high that with the grace of God, the Gospel will continue to spread wide through the ministry of the Ararat Armenian Congregational Church.}}
==История - длинная версия==
{{На английском|On October 25, 1912, nineteen individuals in the Salem, New Hampshire area, met to make known their aspirations in the establishment of a church wherein they could worship God and nurture their faith and still maintain and preserve their Armenian culture and traditions. In these humble beginnings, they strove to keep alive their religious traditions and expose their children and grandchildren to their unique heritage and customs.
{{На английском|On October 25, 1912, nineteen individuals in the Salem, New Hampshire area, met to make known their aspirations in the establishment of a church wherein they could worship God and nurture their faith and still maintain and preserve their Armenian culture and traditions. In these humble beginnings, they strove to keep alive their religious traditions and expose their children and grandchildren to their unique heritage and customs.

Текущая версия на 10:05, 18 июля 2011

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Армянская конгрегационалистская церковь Арарат (Салем)
Ararat Armenian Congregational Church (Salem)
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Вид заведения: Объединенная церковь Христа - Армянский евангелический союз Северной Америки
Дата основания: 1912
Руководитель при регистрации: Пастор: преп. Ара Heghinian
Конфессии: Баптистские церкви
Состояние: Действующая церковь
Адрес: улица Салем, 4 Салем, штат Нью-Гемпшир 03079, США
Телефон/Факс: 603.898.7042, Факс: (603) 898-1822
Эл. почта: Heghinian@comcast.net
Ссылки: http://www.araratchurch.org/


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Биография преп. Ara Heghinian

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