(не показано 11 промежуточных версий 6 участников) |
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Строка 1: |
− | {{unitedt|ID=8998|dmodify=22.12.2006 12:14:38}} | + | {{Организация |
− | ARCS (Armenian Red Cross Society)АРЦС (Общество Красного Креста Армении)ARCS (Armenian Red Cross Society) | + | | имя-ру-01 = Общество Красного Креста Армении (ARCS) |
− | Address: 21 Paronian Street,
| + | | имя-ориг = ARCS(Общество Красного Креста Армении) |
− | Yerevan, 375015, Republic of Armenia
| + | | имя-анг = ARCS (Armenian Red Cross Society) |
− | Phone: (374 1) 53 83 67, 53 84 91
| + | | имя-арм = |
− | Fax: (374 1) 58 36 30
| + | | имя-фра = |
− | E-mail: redcross@redcross.am
| + | | состояние текста = 7 |
− | URL: http://www.redcross.am
| + | | состояние поиска = 7 |
− | | + | | состояние тэгов = 7 |
− | Dr.Mkhitar Mnatsakanyan
| + | | состояние ссылок = 7 |
− | President
| + | | флаг чистовик = 7 |
− | | + | <!-- Код организации: 1 - учебное заведение, 2 - общественная организация, |
− | Ms.Arus Mkrtumyan
| + | 3 - Библиотека, 4 - музей, 5 - театр, |
− | Head of International Affairs Department
| + | 6 - СМИ, 7 - Церковь, 8 - Коммерческая организация ---> |
− | | + | | код организации 1=2 |
− | | + | | сокращение = ARCS |
− | The Armenian Red Cross Society (acronym: ARCS) was founded on 19 March 1920. The first president of the ARCS was Spandarat Kamsarakan.
| + | | изображение = S8998_1.png |
− | | + | | девиз = |
− | The Armenian Red Cross Society is the largest humanitarian organization in Armenia with a countrywide network. The Armenian Red Cross Society has 12 Regional and 60 Community Branches; 295 employees and 11000 members and volunteers. ARCS is a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Crescent Societies since 1995.
| + | | вид заведения = |
− | | + | | основание дата = 1920 |
− | The mission of ARC is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity through:
| + | | основатель = Спандарат Камсаракан |
− | preventing sufferings by helping people , prepare for and avoid exposure to situations that can increase their vulnerability,
| + | | руководитель = Г-жа Поток Мкртумян, доктор Мхитар Мнацаканян |
− | assisting people who suffer a dramatic increase in their vulnerability due to a sudden disasters and crisis,
| + | | местонахождение= Ереван, Армения |
− | alleviating sufferings by reducing vulnerability and improving the capacity of people who live constantly in situation where their social-economic security and their dignity are threatened, situation that have been referred as "structural vulnerability".
| + | | адрес = ул. Пароняна, 21, Ереван, 375015, Армения |
− | Current activities
| + | | филиалы = |
− | | + | <!-- Общественная организация ----> |
− | Through 23 ARCS various services have been provided to 62 511 vulnerable people and have been distributed 14 000 food parcels.
| + | | колич. чел. = |
− | | + | | телефон-факс = (374 1) 53 83 67, 53 84 91; Факс:(374 1) 58 36 30 |
− | ARCS conducts activities in the following fields:
| + | | эл. почта = redcross@redcross.am |
− | Rehabilitation;
| + | | ссылка 1 = http://www.redcross.am |
− | Social service;
| + | | ссылка 2 = |
− | Institutional and resource development;
| + | | тэг 1 = |
− | Disaster management;
| + | | тэг 2 = |
− | Health;
| + | | тэг 3 = |
− | Youth;
| + | | тэг 4 = |
− | Tracing;
| + | | тэг 5 = |
− | Other.
| + | }} |
− | Charity kitchens: The traditional "Soup Kitchens" project running with the support of the Banden-Wuerttemberg Branch of GRC has restarted its activities providing daily hot meals to 640 vulnerable lonely elderly and handicapped people.
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− | Health: Within the framework of the "Anti-Pediculosis Campaign" around 200 000 children and 52 medical institutions countrywide received medicine.
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− | International Post-Trauma Rehabilitation Center:
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− | Throughout the year have undergone rehabilitation 217 patients, among them 123 with spinal cord injuries. Services were also provided to 306 out-patients
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− | Home visits were paid to 170 patients
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− | Has been put into functioning the new Physiotherapy Department.
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− | December 22, 2006
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− | Friday
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− | News
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− | Armenia becomes partner of European Committee for Standardization
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− | Armenia ranks 124th for number of internet users in rating of International Telecommunication Union
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− | Armenia one of few CIS countries having large foreign trade turnover with EU
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− | EBRD gives support to Armenian Inecobank
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− | Armenian National security strategy assigns special role to relations with diaspora
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− | BBC names Armenian pop singer global talent finalist
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− | Armenian Prime Minister leave for Minsk to participate in CIS member countries 'prime ministers' ...
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− | Country Gateways
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