Международный институт демократии и содействия выборам (Ереван) — различия между версиями

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{{unitedt|ID=9012|dmodify=22.12.2006 12:52:04}}
| имя-ру-01      = Международный институт демократии и содействия выборам (Ереван)
Address: 18/2 Baghramyan Avenue
| имя-ориг      = International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA)
Yerevan, 375019
| имя-анг        = International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
Phone: (374 1) 58 14 89, 58 16 04
| имя-арм        = Ժողովրդավարության և ընտրությունների աջակցության միջազգային ինստիտուտ
Fax: (374 1) 58 14 89
| имя-фра        =
E-mail: idea@arminco.com
| состояние текста    =
URL:  http://www.idea.int/southcaucasus
| состояние поиска    = 1
| состояние тэгов      = 1
Ms. Armineh Arakelian
| состояние ссылок    = 1
Rerpesentative of International Idea in the South Caucasus and Head of Programme International Civil Servant, (French and Iranian)
| флаг чистовик        = 7
<!-- Код организации: 1 – Учебное заведение, 2 – Общественная организация,
Ms. Amalia Stepanyan
3 – Библиотека, 4 – Музей, 5 – театр,
Assistant to the Head of Programme
6 - СМИ, 7 - Церковь, 8 - Коммерческая организация, 9 - Спортивные организации --->
Phone: (374 1) 58 14 89
| код организации 1=10
E-mail: asidea@arminco.com
| сокращение    = IDEA
| изображение    = Idea_logo.png
| девиз          =
Support democratic development mainly democracy assessment, support in the areas of Constitution, election, local governance, political parties, conflict management and women in politics
| вид заведения = межправительственная организация
| основание дата =
The programme office in Armenia has been registered in 2003. The agreement with Armenian Government was signed on 4th of April 2003.
| основатель    =
| руководитель  =
International IDEA ( the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance  ) based in Stockholm, Sweden,  created in 1995, is an intergovernmental organization with 21 member states across all continents. IDEA plays a crucial role in supporting and advocating home-bred, participatory democratic processes in the South Caucasus. Being an international, inter-governmental organization, it has proven to be impartial and was able to engage in a short period of time a wide network of reform oriented thinkers and practitioners from different regions of the South Caucasus in a dialogue process about the challenges facing in the region. This process-oriented and participatory assessment of the challenges of democracy constitutes an important tool for domestic actors to put their concerns on the political agenda and advocate political change.
| местонахождение= Ереван, Армения
| филиалы        = Армения, США, ЮАР, Гана, Судан, Коста-Рика, Перу, Ла-Пас, Кито, Катманду
Beyond fostering participation and debates, International IDEA’s intervention in the South Caucasus addresses the needs of political institutions, in particular at local level. IDEA’s services focus on building the capacities of relevant state administration, non-governmental organizations and political institutions. Assistance to institutional reform is being  supplied as the outcome of the assessment in particular at election administration area through “ Bridge South Caucasus “ Project , as well as,  local government area through “ Democracy at the Local Level: A Guide for South Caucasus” Project since mid 2002. On the regional level, relevant people from the three countries increasingly participate in IDEA activities, thereby exchanging lessons learned between them and creating more solid regional co-operation among democracy actors.
| адрес          = просп. Баграмяна, 18/2, Ереван, армения
| телефон-факс  = +37410 581489; Факс: +37410 581604
The “Pomegranate – Journal of Democracy for the South Caucasus” has been initiated and supported by International IDEA in November 2002 with its partners in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia as a platform of refection and exchange between the thinkers, activists and policy makers within a regional cooperation development perspective.
| эл. почта      = rbi@arminco.com
| ссылка 1      = http://www.idea.int/
In September 2003 International IDEA has launched a democracy assessment debate – “Building Democracy in Georgia” through advocacy and discussion of its recently published 12 Discussion Papers and Agenda for Debate. The publication is the outcome of the first stage of the Democracy Assessment Process, initiated and implemented since autumn 2001 in Georgia, which is going to be concluded with a series of policy papers on constitutional reform, civil society and policy agenda for Georgia in 2005.  
| ссылка 2      =
| тэг 1          =
Building on the successful completion of the first phase especially on the outcomes of assessment process in Georgia and initial reflection process at the South Caucasus, IDEA will continue to work closely with Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, as well as, the other regional and international partners.
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For more information on the programme and its activities, please contact Ms. Armineh Arakelian, IDEA Representative in the South Caucasus and Head of Programme at a.arakelian@idea.int, the IDEA South Caucasus  Programme team and  consult the programme’s information  website, which provides an overview and up-to-date information on the programme as well as a library of links to relevant documents and resources:  www.idea.int/southcaucasus/.
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Headquarters Sweden:
SE-103 34 Stockholm
Tel: (468) 6983700
Fax: (468)202422
Email: info@idea.int
Website: http://www.idea.int/  
Liaison Team in Georgia:
20 G. Tabidze Street
Tbilisi 0105
Tel: (995 32) 997261
Mobile: (995 93) 362838
E mail: idea@caucasus.net

Текущая версия на 17:18, 12 апреля 2014

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Международный институт демократии и содействия выборам (Ереван)
International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA)
International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
Ժողովրդավարության և ընտրությունների աջակցության միջազգային ինստիտուտ
Idea logo.png
Вид заведения: межправительственная организация
Филиалы: Армения, США, ЮАР, Гана, Судан, Коста-Рика, Перу, Ла-Пас, Кито, Катманду
Адрес: просп. Баграмяна, 18/2, Ереван, армения
Телефон/Факс: +37410 581489; Факс: +37410 581604
Эл. почта: rbi@arminco.com
Ссылки: http://www.idea.int/