НПО "Центр прав женщин" (Ереван, Армения) — различия между версиями

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Women's Rights Center
| имя-ру-01      =НПО "Центр прав женщин" (Ереван, Армения)
| имя-ориг      =Women's Rights Center
| имя-анг        =Women's Rights Center NGO
| имя-арм        =Կանանց իրավունքների կենտրոն
Women's Rights Center
| имя-фра        =
| состояние текста    = 1
| состояние поиска    = 1
| состояние тэгов      = 1
| состояние ссылок    = 1
Since 1997 Women’s Rights Center has been involved in the problem of violence against women carrying out activities in 3 areas: domestic violence, trafficking in women, reproductive and sexual health and rights.
| флаг чистовик        =1
<!-- Код организации: 1 – Учебное заведение, 2 – Общественная организация,
3 – Библиотека, 4 – Музей, 5 – театр,
National Hot Line Service - since 1997 WRC operates the first Hot Line telephone trust service in Armenia, the aim of which is to reveal the cases of violence and to provide women subjected to violence with peer counselling and psychological and juridical assistance.
6 - СМИ, 7 - Церковь, 8 - Коммерческая организация, 9 - Спортивные организации --->
Crisis Center - here victims of violence are provided with free face-to-face legal and psychological consulting, social and medical assistance.
| код организации 1=2
Women’s Support Group (WSG) involves women subjected to violence. The aim of WSG is to gather women and render them group psychotherapy including elements of Art and Drama therapy.
| сокращение    =WRC
Job Skills Trainings conducts certified courses of English language, computer skills, accounting, cooking, hairdressing for the victims of violence.
| изображение    =
Emergency Shelter and Transitional Rooming - WRC operates the first Emergency Shelter and Transitional Rooming in Armenia, the aim of which is to empower women and their children who became victims of domestic violence by providing assistance to stop the cycle of violence and achieve independence and safety, self-sufficiency and a lifestyle free from violence. This also includes organization of Family Days, Parenting Days, Women’s Support Group, Job Skills Trainings, provision of food and shelter.
| девиз          =
Education and Outreach Programs are conducted in Libraries, Police Stations, Polyclinics, Universities, Schools, Agencies both in Yerevan and marzes.
| вид заведения  = НПО
Multidisciplinary Trainings and Seminars are organized on domestic violence and trafficking in women with the representatives of Law Enforcement agencies, Mass Media, health care bodies, NGOs. Multidisciplinary trainings are conducted both in Yerevan and the regions of Armenia.
| основание дата =
Trainings of Trainers (TOT) addressed to the subject of women’s human rights, domestic violence and trafficking in women and reproductive rights and health and the right of decision making.
| основатель    =
Attorney’s Service - in case of necessity victims are provided with attorney’s service in the Court to protect their rights and interests.
| руководитель  =
The National page of “Stop Violence Against Women” Website is updated by the WRC as a National Monitor in four issues: domestic violence, trafficking in women, sexual harassment and sexual abuse.
| местонахождение= Ереван, Армения
Virtual Information and Training Center – The WRC collaborates with the NGOs of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Kirghizstan to create a joint a web site and e-newsletters on trafficking in women in the CIS.
| филиалы        =
Gender Analysis of the Legislation of the RA – The WRC has conducted a gender analysis of the Legislation of the RA in three issues: abortion, contraception means and methods, HIV/AIDS positive person’s rights.
| адрес          =
16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence – The WRC annually takes part in the actions of “16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence”. On 25 November, 2004 – International Day for Elimination of violence against Women - the WRC took an initiative to establish a National Coalition against Violence against Women.
| телефон-факс  =+374 10 518751; Факс: +374 10 532281
Radio and TV programs on women’s issues particularly on violence against women and reproductive rights and health. The organization established a Press Club where trainings with journalists are organized.
| эл. почта      =info@wrcorg.am, wrcarm@arminco.com
| ссылка 1      =http://www.wrcorg.am/
| ссылка 2      =
| доп. ссылка 1      =
| доп. ссылка 2      =
to prevent violence against women and their children;
| тэг 1          =
to protect women’s reproductive and sexual health and rights;
| тэг 2          =
to support women’s participation in decision-making processes and to promote women’s leadership.
| тэг 3          =
| тэг 4          =
| тэг 5          =
Women’s Rights Center (WRC) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization. It is a voluntary union of people that have joined their efforts for the sake of fulfilling their shared goals. WRC has its representatives and branches in 10 marzes of Armenia.
“National Coalition on Violence Against Women”, “Astra – Central and Eastern European Women’s Networks for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights”, “ Network of East-West Women”, “Karat Coalition of Women’s NGOs of CEE and CIS”, “ANgel Coalition”, “International Consortium for Medical Abortion”. The WRC is the focal point of “Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE) the Network”.
On the basis of Women’s Club, which has been operating since 1987, “Hayouhi” Women’s Association was founded in November 1990 and registered in the Ministry of Justice in January 1991. This was the first registered non-governmental organization in Armenia.
In 1997 “Hayouhi” Women’s Association reconsidered its mission and goals. Therefore the organization was renamed Women’s Rights Center and registered with the Ministry of Justice in November 1997.
contact information
Address 17 Aboyan St., Apr. 20, Yerevan, Armenia
Phone (+ 374 10) 58 36 18
Fax (+ 374 10) 58 36 18
Website  http://www.wrcorg.am
E-Mail  wrcarm@arminco.com
Head Person Susanna Vartanyan (President)
Contact Person  Susanna Vardanyan

Текущая версия на 06:10, 10 августа 2011

Дополните информацию об организации

НПО "Центр прав женщин" (Ереван, Армения)
Women's Rights Center
Women's Rights Center NGO
Կանանց իրավունքների կենտրոն
Вид заведения: НПО
Телефон/Факс: +374 10 518751; Факс: +374 10 532281
Эл. почта: info@wrcorg.am, wrcarm@arminco.com
Ссылки: http://www.wrcorg.am/