Институт Современных Арменоведческих Исследований и Документирования Зорян — различия между версиями

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Строка 25: Строка 25:
| филиалы        = Лос-Анджелес (США), Торонто (Канада), Париж (Франция)
| филиалы        = Лос-Анджелес (США), Торонто (Канада), Париж (Франция)
| адрес          = 2286 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02140  U.S.A.; 255 Duncan Mill Rd., Suite 310 Toronto, ON M3B 3H9 Canada   
| адрес          = 2286 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02140  U.S.A.; 255 Duncan Mill Rd., Suite 310 Toronto, ON M3B 3H9 Canada   
| телефон-факс  = USA: 1-617-497-6713 Fax: 1-617-441-0906; Canada: 1-416-250-9807 Fax: 1-416-512-1736  
| телефон-факс  = USA: 1-617-497-6713; Факс: 1-617-441-0906; Canada: 1-416-250-9807 Fax: 1-416-512-1736  
| эл. почта      = zoryanusa@aol.com, zoryan@zoryaninstitute.org
| эл. почта      = zoryanusa@aol.com, zoryan@zoryaninstitute.org
| ссылка 1      = http://www.zoryaninstitute.org/
| ссылка 1      = http://www.zoryaninstitute.org/
Строка 36: Строка 36:
The Zoryan Institute for Contemporary Armenian Research and Documentation was established in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1982, and The Zoryan Institute of Canada, Inc., was incorporated in Toronto in 1984, as a non-profit research institute. They combine to form an international academic and scholarly center devoted to the documentation, study, and dissemination of material related to the life of the Armenian people in the recent past and the present, and within the context of larger world affairs.  
{{На английском|The Zoryan Institute for Contemporary Armenian Research and Documentation was established in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1982, and The Zoryan Institute of Canada, Inc., was incorporated in Toronto in 1984, as a non-profit research institute. They combine to form an international academic and scholarly center devoted to the documentation, study, and dissemination of material related to the life of the Armenian people in the recent past and the present, and within the context of larger world affairs.  
There are three broad fields of research in which the Institute is involved: genocide studies, diaspora studies, and studies dealing with Armenia. To accomplish this, the Institute sponsors, supports, and encourages multi-disciplinary scholarly research, documentation, conferences, and publications.  
There are three broad fields of research in which the Institute is involved: genocide studies, diaspora studies, and studies dealing with Armenia. To accomplish this, the Institute sponsors, supports, and encourages multi-disciplinary scholarly research, documentation, conferences, and publications.  
The Zoryan Institute is an international center devoted to the research and documentation of contemporary issues related to the history, politics, society, and culture of Armenia and Armenians around the world. Research is conducted both to document past and current events, and to analyze their impact on individuals and institutions in Armenia and the Diaspora. The Institute strives to develop a framework within which people can understand and participate in conceptualizing the critical and fundamental issues dealing with current and future challenges within a global context.   
The Zoryan Institute is an international center devoted to the research and documentation of contemporary issues related to the history, politics, society, and culture of Armenia and Armenians around the world. Research is conducted both to document past and current events, and to analyze their impact on individuals and institutions in Armenia and the Diaspora. The Institute strives to develop a framework within which people can understand and participate in conceptualizing the critical and fundamental issues dealing with current and future challenges within a global context.   
Строка 49: Строка 47:
Functioning as a resource for facts, ideas and images, the Institute promotes the application of scholarly research on relevant issues to the activities of individuals and organizations, for whom such shared information can be a catalyst.   
Functioning as a resource for facts, ideas and images, the Institute promotes the application of scholarly research on relevant issues to the activities of individuals and organizations, for whom such shared information can be a catalyst.   
In one of its earliest undertakings, the Zoryan Institute helped sponsor "The Permanent Peoples' Tribunal on the Armenian Genocide" in 1984, which brought together some of the world's top jurists and Nobel Prize winners to review the legal case for the Armenian Genocide. The Institute published the proceedings of the Tribunal as A Crime of Silence: The Armenian Genocide. It also co-sponsored in 1995 "Problems of Genocide," a major international conference on comparative genocide, in which 30 of the world's leading authorities on the Jewish Holocaust, Armenian, Cambodian, Gypsy and Ukrainian Genocides participated. The proceedings were published by the Zoryan Institute in 1997, and a revised version, Studies in Comparative Genocide, by Macmillan Publishers in 1999. In addition to such conference proceedings, the Institute has published a number of key monographs on genocide, such as Hitler and the Armenian Genocide, and Key Elements in the Turkish Denial of the Armenian Genocide: A Case Study of Distortion and Falsification.   
In one of its earliest undertakings, the Zoryan Institute helped sponsor "The Permanent Peoples' Tribunal on the Armenian Genocide" in 1984, which brought together some of the world's top jurists and Nobel Prize winners to review the legal case for the Armenian Genocide. The Institute published the proceedings of the Tribunal as A Crime of Silence: The Armenian Genocide. It also co-sponsored in 1995 "Problems of Genocide," a major international conference on comparative genocide, in which 30 of the world's leading authorities on the Jewish Holocaust, Armenian, Cambodian, Gypsy and Ukrainian Genocides participated. The proceedings were published by the Zoryan Institute in 1997, and a revised version, Studies in Comparative Genocide, by Macmillan Publishers in 1999. In addition to such conference proceedings, the Institute has published a number of key monographs on genocide, such as Hitler and the Armenian Genocide, and Key Elements in the Turkish Denial of the Armenian Genocide: A Case Study of Distortion and Falsification.   
In March 1999, the Institute was asked by a specially appointed subcommittee of the Canadian Parliament to prepare a background report on the Armenian Genocide. The mandate of this subcommittee was to make a recommendation to the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the policy of the Canadian Government with respect to recognizing the Armenian Genocide. In June 1999, the Institute was asked by a member of the U.S. House of Representatives to prepare a report to address allegations made by the Turkish Ambassador in Washington that there was no genocide against the Armenians.   
In March 1999, the Institute was asked by a specially appointed subcommittee of the Canadian Parliament to prepare a background report on the Armenian Genocide. The mandate of this subcommittee was to make a recommendation to the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the policy of the Canadian Government with respect to recognizing the Armenian Genocide. In June 1999, the Institute was asked by a member of the U.S. House of Representatives to prepare a report to address allegations made by the Turkish Ambassador in Washington that there was no genocide against the Armenians.   
Diaspora studies deal with the mass movement of peoples and seek to analyze and understand the cultural, social, political, and economic issues that arise when different national groups intermingle within a single country or across several states. As its primary forum for these studies, the Zoryan Institute co-publishes, with the University of Toronto Press (www.utpjournals.com/diaspora), the award-winning periodical, Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies. Within its pages, this journal has looked at Mexicans, Italians, Jews, Indians, Africans, Greeks, Chinese, Iranians, Armenians, Filipinos, and Palestinians, and their impact, as well as how they are affected, in various communities around the world.   
Diaspora studies deal with the mass movement of peoples and seek to analyze and understand the cultural, social, political, and economic issues that arise when different national groups intermingle within a single country or across several states. As its primary forum for these studies, the Zoryan Institute co-publishes, with the University of Toronto Press (www.utpjournals.com/diaspora), the award-winning periodical, Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies. Within its pages, this journal has looked at Mexicans, Italians, Jews, Indians, Africans, Greeks, Chinese, Iranians, Armenians, Filipinos, and Palestinians, and their impact, as well as how they are affected, in various communities around the world.   
Armenia studies refers to the history, politics, culture, and sociology of the Armenian people in their nation-state, from Sovietization in 1920 to today. The Institute has addressed such issues as the 1988 earthquake, its effects, relief efforts, and reconstruction; and the impact of the development of Karabagh as a political entity on the Transcaucasus and the surrounding region. One outstanding Zoryan publication in this area is The Karabagh File: Documents and Facts on the Question of Mountainous Karabagh 1918-1988, which was published simultaneously in both English and French and was practically the only information available in the West on the subject, at the beginning of the Karabagh movement in Armenia. Another noteworthy book is The Sumgait Tragedy: Pogroms Against Armenians in Soviet Azerbaijan, which documented through eye-witness testimonies the massacres that took place against the Armenians in Azerbaijan in 1988, and whose introduction was written by noted human rights advocate Yelena Bonner. In May 1998, the Zoryan Institute organized a conference "The Karabagh Movement: Ten Years After” bringing together some of the leading analysts of the region to assess the Karabagh Question in the decade since the eruption of the historic protests that saw hundreds of thousands of Armenians march in support of Karabagh.  The proceedings of this conference were published in The Making of Nagorno-Karabagh: From Secession to Republic.  In 1991, with the advent of independence, the Institute was asked to provide research materials to help the new Armenian government develop a new constitution.   
Armenia studies refers to the history, politics, culture, and sociology of the Armenian people in their nation-state, from Sovietization in 1920 to today. The Institute has addressed such issues as the 1988 earthquake, its effects, relief efforts, and reconstruction; and the impact of the development of Karabagh as a political entity on the Transcaucasus and the surrounding region. One outstanding Zoryan publication in this area is The Karabagh File: Documents and Facts on the Question of Mountainous Karabagh 1918-1988, which was published simultaneously in both English and French and was practically the only information available in the West on the subject, at the beginning of the Karabagh movement in Armenia. Another noteworthy book is The Sumgait Tragedy: Pogroms Against Armenians in Soviet Azerbaijan, which documented through eye-witness testimonies the massacres that took place against the Armenians in Azerbaijan in 1988, and whose introduction was written by noted human rights advocate Yelena Bonner. In May 1998, the Zoryan Institute organized a conference "The Karabagh Movement: Ten Years After” bringing together some of the leading analysts of the region to assess the Karabagh Question in the decade since the eruption of the historic protests that saw hundreds of thousands of Armenians march in support of Karabagh.  The proceedings of this conference were published in The Making of Nagorno-Karabagh: From Secession to Republic.  In 1991, with the advent of independence, the Institute was asked to provide research materials to help the new Armenian government develop a new constitution.   
To make its information approachable to the general public, the Institute has held numerous "Open University" seminars at the University of Toronto, York University, McGill University, Université de Montréal, and Columbia University, in which experts discussed their research and engaged the participants in debate. The Institute has participated in joint programs with such academic organizations as the Centre for Russian and East Europan Studies at the University of Toronto and the Multicultural Historical Society of Ontario.  
To make its information approachable to the general public, the Institute has held numerous "Open University" seminars at the University of Toronto, York University, McGill University, Université de Montréal, and Columbia University, in which experts discussed their research and engaged the participants in debate. The Institute has participated in joint programs with such academic organizations as the Centre for Russian and East Europan Studies at the University of Toronto and the Multicultural Historical Society of Ontario.  
The Institute holds a large quantity of reference and archival material, including monographs, periodicals, microfilm, photographs, memoirs, personal correspondence, official documents, etc. There is also a collection of audio and video tapes containing carefully prepared oral history interviews with over 600 survivors of the Armenian Genocide.   
The Institute holds a large quantity of reference and archival material, including monographs, periodicals, microfilm, photographs, memoirs, personal correspondence, official documents, etc. There is also a collection of audio and video tapes containing carefully prepared oral history interviews with over 600 survivors of the Armenian Genocide.   
The Institute makes its collections available and provides research assistance to scholars, writers, journalists, film-makers, government agencies, and other responsible organizations by special arrangement.   
The Institute makes its collections available and provides research assistance to scholars, writers, journalists, film-makers, government agencies, and other responsible organizations by special arrangement.   
"Abel Aganbegyan: Glasnost and the Global Village," September 14, 1990, York University in cooperation with Canada-Russia Business Council.   
"Abel Aganbegyan: Glasnost and the Global Village," September 14, 1990, York University in cooperation with Canada-Russia Business Council.   
Строка 89: Строка 73:
"The Karabagh Movement 1988-1998," May 2-3, 1998, Cambridge, MA. [This important conference brought together experts from North America, Europe, and Armenia to examine issues relating to Nagorno Karabagh. The papers from this conference will be published by Macmillan in 2000.]   
"The Karabagh Movement 1988-1998," May 2-3, 1998, Cambridge, MA. [This important conference brought together experts from North America, Europe, and Armenia to examine issues relating to Nagorno Karabagh. The papers from this conference will be published by Macmillan in 2000.]   
A Corporate Board of Directors governs the Zoryan Institute. This body administers the legal and financial affairs of the organization. The academic program is overseen by an Academic Board of Directors.   
A Corporate Board of Directors governs the Zoryan Institute. This body administers the legal and financial affairs of the organization. The academic program is overseen by an Academic Board of Directors.   
Строка 116: Строка 98:
Lisa Siraganian, Assistant Professor of English, Southern Methodist University, Dallas.  
Lisa Siraganian, Assistant Professor of English, Southern Methodist University, Dallas.  
Khachig Tölölyan, Professor of English Literature, Wesleyan University.  
Khachig Tölölyan, Professor of English Literature, Wesleyan University.  
In addition to these officials of the Zoryan Institute, there is a wide-spread, international network of scholars and specialists in a variety of fields, who work with the Institute on specific projects.  
In addition to these officials of the Zoryan Institute, there is a wide-spread, international network of scholars and specialists in a variety of fields, who work with the Institute on specific projects.  
I am most impressed by the work of the Zoryan Institute regarding the study of the Genocide. The research and documentation being conducted there is of utmost importance to the entire Armenian community....This must be done not only for ourselves but as a humanitarian service for the benefit of the world, to ensure that crimes of this magnitude and severity are never repeated.  
I am most impressed by the work of the Zoryan Institute regarding the study of the Genocide. The research and documentation being conducted there is of utmost importance to the entire Armenian community....This must be done not only for ourselves but as a humanitarian service for the benefit of the world, to ensure that crimes of this magnitude and severity are never repeated.  
George Deukmejian  
George Deukmejian  
Former Governor of the State of California
Former Governor of the State of California
We have the highest regard for the work that's being done at Zoryan. Some of their work is extraordinary.  
We have the highest regard for the work that's being done at Zoryan. Some of their work is extraordinary.  
Aram Kaloosdian  
Aram Kaloosdian  
President, Armenian National Institute
President, Armenian National Institute
The Genocide has been the single most fundamental issue defining the Armenians' identity in this century. Its importance for Armenia and the Diaspora cannot be understated.  
The Genocide has been the single most fundamental issue defining the Armenians' identity in this century. Its importance for Armenia and the Diaspora cannot be understated.  
Строка 137: Строка 113:
Minister for Foreign Affairs, Republic of Armenia  
Minister for Foreign Affairs, Republic of Armenia  
May 1999
May 1999
The Zoryan Institute has been a unique center for the development of contemporary Armenian studies, dedicated to objective analysis and intellectual integrity in service of our people.We have particularly appreciated the scope, depth, and prescience of its endeavors.  
The Zoryan Institute has been a unique center for the development of contemporary Armenian studies, dedicated to objective analysis and intellectual integrity in service of our people.We have particularly appreciated the scope, depth, and prescience of its endeavors.  
Levon Ter Petrossian  
Levon Ter Petrossian  
President, Republic of Armenia  
President, Republic of Armenia  
March 1991  
March 1991}}

Текущая версия на 11:56, 16 августа 2011

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Институт Современных Арменоведческих Исследований и Документирования Зорян
Институт «Зорян»
Zoryan Institute for Contemporary Armenian Research and Documentation
Zoryan Institute.gif
Дата основания: 1984
Филиалы: Лос-Анджелес (США), Торонто (Канада), Париж (Франция)
Адрес: 2286 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02140 U.S.A.; 255 Duncan Mill Rd., Suite 310 Toronto, ON M3B 3H9 Canada
Телефон/Факс: USA: 1-617-497-6713; Факс: 1-617-441-0906; Canada: 1-416-250-9807 Fax: 1-416-512-1736
Эл. почта: zoryanusa@aol.com, zoryan@zoryaninstitute.org
Ссылки: http://www.zoryaninstitute.org/


Великобритания Текст на английском языке

UNITED STATES: Zoryan Institute for Contemporary Armenian Documentation and Research 2286 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02140 U.S.A.

Tel: 1-617-497-6713 Fax: 1-617-441-0906 E-mail: zoryanusa@aol.com

CANADA: Zoryan Institute of Canada, Inc. 255 Duncan Mill Rd., Suite 310 Toronto, ON M3B 3H9 Canada

Tel: 1-416-250-9807 Fax: 1-416-512-1736 E-mail: zoryan@zoryaninstitute.org