Лазарян Алекс — различия между версиями
Ssayadov (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «{{Персона | name-ru-main =Лазарян Алекс | name-ru-01 =Лазарян Александр | name-ru-02 = | name-ru-03 = | name-lat = | nam...») |
Ssayadov (обсуждение | вклад) |
(не показаны 4 промежуточные версии этого же участника) | |||
Строка 5: | Строка 5: | ||
| name-ru-03 = | | name-ru-03 = | ||
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− | | портрет =Лазарян | + | | портрет =Лазарян Алекс11.jpg |
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| место смерти = | | место смерти = | ||
− | | краткая информация = | + | | краткая информация =Американский астроном армянского происхождения |
− | | тэг01 = | + | | тэг01 =астроном |
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− | | тэг05 = | + | | тэг05 =профессор |
}} | }} | ||
=Биография= | =Биография= | ||
− | + | В 1986 г. Лазарян окончил факультет астрофизики Московского физико-технического института, в 1988 г. в том же институте окончил магистратуру кафедры теоретической физики. | |
− | В | + | В 1990-1991 учебном году Лазарян был стажёром в Оксфордском Университете, а в 1991 - 1994 годах учился в аспирантуре Кембриджского университета. По получении докторской степени из оного, работал постдоком в университете Техаса в городе Остине, постдоком в Принстонском Университете, старшим научным сотрудником в Канадском Институте Теоретической Астрофизики (Торонто), после чего стал профессором в Университете штата Висконсин в городе Медисоне. |
+ | |||
+ | Член Американского астрономического общества, Международного астрономического союза, Европейского астрономического союза, Американского физического общества. | ||
− | |||
==Сочинения== | ==Сочинения== | ||
+ | Автор 449 научных работ, и статей, которые посвящены теоретической физике и астрофизике. | ||
+ | |||
+ | ===Выборочно=== | ||
+ | * Lazarian A. & Beresnyak, A. 2006, Cosmic Ray Scattering by Compressible Turbulence, MNRAS | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. & Pogosyan, D. 2006, Studying Turbulence using Doppler-broadened Lines: Velocity Coordinate | ||
+ | * Yan, H. & Lazarian, A. 2006, Polarization of Absorption Lines as a Diagnostics of Interstellar and Intergalactic Magnetic Fields: Fine Structure Atoms, ApJ, | ||
+ | * Esquivel, A., Benjamin R., Lazarian, A., Cho, J., & Leitner, S. 2006, MHD Turbulent Mixing Layers:Equilibrium Cooling Models, ApJ | ||
+ | * Lazarian A. 2006, Enhancement and Suppression of Heat Transfer by MHD Turbulence, ApJL, 645, L25-L28 | ||
+ | * Beresnyak, A. & Lazarian, A. 2006, Polarization Intermittency in MHD and its In uence on MHD Turbulent Cascade, ApJL, 640, L175-L178 | ||
+ | * Petrosian, V., Yan, H., & Lazarian, A. 2006, Damping of MHD Turbulence in Solar Flares, ApJ, 644, 603-612 | ||
+ | * Ossenkopf, V., Esquivel, A., Lazarian, A., & Stutzki, J. 2006, Interstellar Cloud Structure: The Statistics of Centroids of Velocities, A& A, 452, 223-236 | ||
+ | * Suzuki, T., Yan, H., Lazarian, A., & Cassinelli, J. 2006, Collisionless Damping of Fast MHD Waves in Magneto-rotational Winds, ApJ, 640, 1005-1017 | ||
+ | * Cho, J. & Lazarian, A. 2006, Particle Acceleration by MHD Turbulence, ApJ, 638, 811-826 | ||
+ | * Cho, J., & Lazarian, A. 2006, Grain Alignment by Radiation in Dark Clouds and Cores, ApJ, 631, 361-370 | ||
+ | * Esquivel, A., & Lazarian, A. 2005, Velocity Centroids as Tracers of the Turbulent Velocity, ApJ, 631, 320-350 | ||
+ | * de Gouveia Dal Pino, E. & Lazarian, A. 2005, A simple model for the superluminal ejecta of GRS 1915+105 by violent magnetic reconnection, A& A, 441, 845-853 | ||
+ | * Beresnyak, A., Lazarian, A., & Cho, J. 2005, Density Scaling and Anisotropy in Supersonic Magnetohydro-dynamic Turbulence, ApJ, 624, L93-L96 | ||
+ | * Pohl, M., Yan, H., & Lazarian, A. 2005, Magnetically Limited X-Ray Filaments in Young SNR, ApJL, 626,101-103 | ||
+ | * Cho, J. & Lazarian, A. 2005, Generation of Compressible Modes in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence, Theor. and Comput. Fluid Dynamics, 19, 127-157 | ||
+ | * Shalchi, A., Yan, H., Lazarian, A. 2005, Spurious contribution to cosmic ray scattering calculations,MNRAS, 356, 1064-1070 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. 2004, Turbulence Statistics from Spectral Line Observations, JKAS, 37, 563-570 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. & Pogosyan D. 2004, Velocity Modication of the Power Spectrum of an Absorbing Medium, ApJ, 616, 943-965 | ||
+ | * Yan, H., Lazarian, A., & Draine, B. 2004, Grain Dynamics in Magnetized Compressible Interstellar Medium, ApJ, 616, 895-911 | ||
+ | * Cho, J. & Lazarian, A. 2004, The Anisotropy of Electron MHD Turbulence, ApJ, 615, L41-L44 | ||
+ | * Yan, H. & Lazarian, A. 2004, Cosmic Rays Scattering and Streaming in Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence, ApJ, 614, 757-769 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A., Vishniac, E., & Cho, J. 2004, Magnetic Field Structure and Stochastic Reconnection in a Partially Ionized Gas, ApJ, 603, 180-197 | ||
+ | * Cho, J. & Lazarian, A. 2003, Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence: mode coupling, scaling | ||
+ | * relations, anisotropy, new regime and astrophysical implications, MNRAS, 345, 325-339 | ||
+ | * Cho, J., Lazarian, A., & Vishniac, E. 2003, Ordinary and Viscosity-Dampted MHD Turbulence, ApJ, 595, 812-823 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. & Esquivel, A. 2003, Statistics of Velocity from Spectral Data: Modied Velocity Centroids, ApJ, 592, L37-L40 627. Yan, H. & Lazarian, A. 2003, Grain Acceleration by MHD Turbulence: Gyroresonance Mechanism, ApJ, 592, L33-L37 | ||
+ | * Groves, B., Cho, J., Dopita, M.& Lazarian, A. 2003, The Radio-FIR correlation: Is MHD Turbulence the Cause?, Publ. of Astronomical Soc. of Australia, 20, issue 3, 252-256 | ||
+ | * Esquivel, A., Lazarian, A., Pogosyan, D., & Cho, J. 2003, Velocity statistics from spectral line data: eects of density-velocity correlations, magnetic eld, and shear, MNRAS, 342, 325 | ||
+ | * Cho, J., Lazarian, A., Honein, A., Knaepen, B., Kassinos, S., & Moin, P. 2003, Thermal Conduction in Magnetized Turbulent Gas, ApJ, 589, L77-L80 | ||
+ | * Cho, J., & Lazarian, A. 2003, Compressible MHD Turbulence: Mode Coupling, Anisotropies and Scalings, Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrosica, 15, 293-298 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. 2003, Magnetic Fields from Polarimetry: Progress of Grain Alignment Theory, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 79-80, 881-902 | ||
+ | * Yan, H. & Lazarian, A. 2002, Scattering of Cosmic Rays by Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence, Phys. Rev. Lett., 89, number 28, 1102-(1-4) | ||
+ | * Cho, J. & Lazarian, A. 2002, Compressible Sub-Alfvenic Turbulence in Low- Plasmas, Phys. Rev. Lett., 88, number 24, 5001-(1-4) | ||
+ | * Cho, J., Lazarian, A. 2002, Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence as a Foreground for Cosmic Microwave Back-ground Studies, ApJ, 575, L63-L66 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A., & Yan, H. 2002 Grain Dynamics in Magnetized Interstellar Gas, ApJ, 566, L105-L108 | ||
+ | * Cho, J., Lazarian, A., Vishniac, E. 2002 New Regime of MHD Turbulence: Cascade Below Viscous Cuto, ApJ, 566, L49-L52 | ||
+ | * Cho, J., Lazarian, A., & Vishniac, E. 2002, Simulations of MHD Turbulence in a Strongly Magnetized Medium, ApJ, 564, pgs 291-301 | ||
+ | * Fosalba, P., Lazarian, A., Tauber, J., & Prunet, S. 2002 Statistical Properties of Galactic Starlight Polarization, ApJ, 564, pgs 262-272 | ||
+ | * de Gouveia Dal Pino, E., & Lazarian, A. 2001, Constraints on Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Ray Acceleration in Accretion-Induced Collapse Pulsars, ApJ, 560, pgs 358-364 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A., & Pogosyan, D., Vazquez-Semadeni, E., Pichardo, B. 2001, Emissivity Statistics in Turbulent Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic Flows and the Density-Velocity Correlation, ApJ, 555, pgs 130-138 | ||
+ | * Stanimirovic, S., & Lazarian, A. 2001, Velocity and Density Spectra of the Small Magellanic Cloud, ApJ, 551, pgs L53-L56 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A., & Pogosyan, D. 2000, Velocity Modication of HI Power Spectrum, ApJ, 537, pgs 720-748 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. & Draine, B.T. 2000, Resonance Paramagnetic Relaxation and Alignment of Small Grains, ApJL, 536, pgs 15-18 | ||
+ | * de Gouveia Dal Pino, E. & Lazarian, A. 2000, Ultra-high-Energy Cosmic-Ray Acceleration by Magnetic Reconnection in Newborn Accretion-Induced Collapse Pulsars, ApJ, 536, pgs L31-L34 | ||
+ | * Efroimsky, M., Lazarian, A. 2000, Inelastic Relaxation in Tumbling Asteroids and Comets, MNRAS, 311, pgs 269-278 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. & Draine, B. 1999, Nuclear internal relaxation within interstellar grains, ApJL, 520, pgs 67-70 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A., & Draine, B. 1999, Thermal Flipping and Thermal Trapping- New Elements of Dust Grain Dynamics, ApJL, 516, pgs 37-40 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A., & Vishniac, E., 1999, Reconnection in Weakly Stochastic Field, ApJ, 517, pgs 700-718 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A., & Efroimsky, M., 1999, Inelastic Relaxation in a Rotating Body. Application to Cosmic Dust, MNRAS, 303, pgs 673-685 | ||
+ | * Roberge, W., & Lazarian, A. 1999, Davis-Greenstein Alignment of Oblate Spheroidal Grains, MNRAS, 305, pgs 615-630 | ||
+ | * Myers, P., & Lazarian, A. 1998, Turbulent Cooling Flows in Molecular Clouds, ApJL, 507, L157-L160 | ||
+ | * Draine, B., & Lazarian, A. 1998, Electric Dipole Radiation from Spinning Dust Grains ApJ, 508, pgs 157-179 | ||
+ | * Draine, B., & Lazarian, A. 1998, Diuse Galactic Emission from Spinning Dust Grains ApJL, 494, L19-L22 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A., & Pogosyan, D. 1997, Interstellar Filaments and the Statistics of Galactic HI, ApJ, 491, pgs 200-209 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A., Goodman, A., & Myers, P. 1997, Grain Alignment in Dark Clouds, ApJ, 490, pgs 273-280 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. & Draine, B. 1997, Disorientation of Suprathermally Rotating Grains and the Grain Alignment Problem, ApJ, 487, pgs 248-258 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A., & Roberge, W. 1997, Internal Relaxation in Thermally-Rotating Oblate Grains, ApJ 484, pgs 230-237 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A., & Roberge, W. 1997, Cosmic Rays and Grain Alignment, MNRAS, 287, pgs 941-946 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. 1997, Paramagnetic Alignment of Thermally-Rotating Grains, MNRAS, 288, pgs 609-617 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. 1997, Gold Alignment & Internal dissipation, ApJ, 483, pgs 296-308 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A., Efroimsky, M., & Ozik, J. 1996, Mechanical Alignment of Prolate Cosmic-Dust Grains. Cross-Section Alignment, ApJ, 472, pgs 240-244 | ||
+ | * Chrysostomou, A., Hough, J. H., Whittet, D.C.B, Aitken, D.K., Roche, P.F., & Lazarian, A. 1996, Interstellar Polarization from CO and XCN Mantled Grains: A Severe Test for Grain Alignment Mechanisms, ApJ, 465, pgs L61-L64 | ||
+ | * Scalo, J., & Lazarian, A. 1996, Occlusion Eects and the Distribution of Interstellar Cloud Sizes and Masses, ApJ, 469, pgs 189-193 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A., & Efroimsky, M. 1996, Cross-Section Alignment of Oblate Grains, ApJ, 466, pgs 274-281 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. 1995, Alignment of Suprathermally Rotating Grains, MNRAS, 277, pgs 1235-1242 | ||
+ | * Gerakines, P.A., Whittet, D.C.B., & Lazarian, A. 1995, Grain Alignment in the Taurus Dark Cloud, ApJ, 455, pgs L171-175 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. 1995, Davis - Greenstein Alignment of Non-Spherical Grains, ApJ, 453, pgs 229-237 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. 1995, Mechanical Alignment of Suprathermally Rotating Grains, ApJ, 451, pgs 660-674 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. 1995, Physics and Chemistry of the Purcell's Alignment, MNRAS, 274, pgs 679-688 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. 1995, Paramagnetic Alignment of Fractal Grains, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 293, pgs 859-870 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. 1995, Study of HI Using Radiointerferometers, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 293, pgs 507-520 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. 1994, Hierarchical Galactic Dynamo and Seed Field Magnetic Field Problem, Astrophysics and Space Science, 1994, 216, pgs 207-208 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. 1994, A Statistical Description of Astrophysical Turbulence, Astrophysics and Space Science, 1994, 216, pgs 219-228 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. 1994, Alfven Waves and Alignment of Large Grains, Astrophysics and Space Science, 216, pgs 235-237 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. 1994, The Inverse Problem for the Refractometry Diagnostics of Electromagnetic Turbulence Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 36, pgs 1013-1025 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. 1994, Gold-type Mechanism of Grain Alignment, MNRAS, 268, pgs 713-721 | ||
+ | * Efroimsky M., & Lazarian, A. 1993, What is Observable in the Perturbative Approach to General Relativity, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 10, pgs 2723-2727 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. 1993, Filamentary structure of the ISM at High Galactic Latitudes, Astrophysics and Space Science, 206, pgs 37-51 | ||
+ | * Lazarian, A. 1993, Experimental Study of 3D Turbulence by Solving an Inverse Problem Applied Scientic Research. An International Journal of Mechanical and Thermal Continua, 51, pgs 191-195 | ||
==Достижения== | ==Достижения== | ||
− | + | *профессор | |
− | == | + | ==Разное== |
− | + | *Сегодня Лазарян является одним из самых результативных астрономов армянской национальности, живущих и работающих в разных странах мира. | |
+ | *Лазарян является одним из ведущих в мире специалистов в области магнитной гидродинамики, турбулентности и их астрофизических приложений. | ||
=Библиография= | =Библиография= | ||
+ | *[http://www.astro.wisc.edu/~lazarian/ Персональный сайт] | ||
+ | *[http://www.journalogy.net/Detail?entitytype=2&searchtype=2&id=12551089 Alex Lazarian] | ||
+ | ==Контакты== | ||
+ | *E-mail: lazarian@astro.wisc.edu |
Текущая версия на 19:30, 1 июля 2015
Лазарян Алекс | |
Alex Lazarian | |
![]() | |
Другие имена: | Лазарян Александр |
На английском: | Alex Lazarian |
Краткая информация: Американский астроном армянского происхождения |
В 1986 г. Лазарян окончил факультет астрофизики Московского физико-технического института, в 1988 г. в том же институте окончил магистратуру кафедры теоретической физики.
В 1990-1991 учебном году Лазарян был стажёром в Оксфордском Университете, а в 1991 - 1994 годах учился в аспирантуре Кембриджского университета. По получении докторской степени из оного, работал постдоком в университете Техаса в городе Остине, постдоком в Принстонском Университете, старшим научным сотрудником в Канадском Институте Теоретической Астрофизики (Торонто), после чего стал профессором в Университете штата Висконсин в городе Медисоне.
Член Американского астрономического общества, Международного астрономического союза, Европейского астрономического союза, Американского физического общества.
Автор 449 научных работ, и статей, которые посвящены теоретической физике и астрофизике.
- Lazarian A. & Beresnyak, A. 2006, Cosmic Ray Scattering by Compressible Turbulence, MNRAS
- Lazarian, A. & Pogosyan, D. 2006, Studying Turbulence using Doppler-broadened Lines: Velocity Coordinate
- Yan, H. & Lazarian, A. 2006, Polarization of Absorption Lines as a Diagnostics of Interstellar and Intergalactic Magnetic Fields: Fine Structure Atoms, ApJ,
- Esquivel, A., Benjamin R., Lazarian, A., Cho, J., & Leitner, S. 2006, MHD Turbulent Mixing Layers:Equilibrium Cooling Models, ApJ
- Lazarian A. 2006, Enhancement and Suppression of Heat Transfer by MHD Turbulence, ApJL, 645, L25-L28
- Beresnyak, A. & Lazarian, A. 2006, Polarization Intermittency in MHD and its In uence on MHD Turbulent Cascade, ApJL, 640, L175-L178
- Petrosian, V., Yan, H., & Lazarian, A. 2006, Damping of MHD Turbulence in Solar Flares, ApJ, 644, 603-612
- Ossenkopf, V., Esquivel, A., Lazarian, A., & Stutzki, J. 2006, Interstellar Cloud Structure: The Statistics of Centroids of Velocities, A& A, 452, 223-236
- Suzuki, T., Yan, H., Lazarian, A., & Cassinelli, J. 2006, Collisionless Damping of Fast MHD Waves in Magneto-rotational Winds, ApJ, 640, 1005-1017
- Cho, J. & Lazarian, A. 2006, Particle Acceleration by MHD Turbulence, ApJ, 638, 811-826
- Cho, J., & Lazarian, A. 2006, Grain Alignment by Radiation in Dark Clouds and Cores, ApJ, 631, 361-370
- Esquivel, A., & Lazarian, A. 2005, Velocity Centroids as Tracers of the Turbulent Velocity, ApJ, 631, 320-350
- de Gouveia Dal Pino, E. & Lazarian, A. 2005, A simple model for the superluminal ejecta of GRS 1915+105 by violent magnetic reconnection, A& A, 441, 845-853
- Beresnyak, A., Lazarian, A., & Cho, J. 2005, Density Scaling and Anisotropy in Supersonic Magnetohydro-dynamic Turbulence, ApJ, 624, L93-L96
- Pohl, M., Yan, H., & Lazarian, A. 2005, Magnetically Limited X-Ray Filaments in Young SNR, ApJL, 626,101-103
- Cho, J. & Lazarian, A. 2005, Generation of Compressible Modes in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence, Theor. and Comput. Fluid Dynamics, 19, 127-157
- Shalchi, A., Yan, H., Lazarian, A. 2005, Spurious contribution to cosmic ray scattering calculations,MNRAS, 356, 1064-1070
- Lazarian, A. 2004, Turbulence Statistics from Spectral Line Observations, JKAS, 37, 563-570
- Lazarian, A. & Pogosyan D. 2004, Velocity Modication of the Power Spectrum of an Absorbing Medium, ApJ, 616, 943-965
- Yan, H., Lazarian, A., & Draine, B. 2004, Grain Dynamics in Magnetized Compressible Interstellar Medium, ApJ, 616, 895-911
- Cho, J. & Lazarian, A. 2004, The Anisotropy of Electron MHD Turbulence, ApJ, 615, L41-L44
- Yan, H. & Lazarian, A. 2004, Cosmic Rays Scattering and Streaming in Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence, ApJ, 614, 757-769
- Lazarian, A., Vishniac, E., & Cho, J. 2004, Magnetic Field Structure and Stochastic Reconnection in a Partially Ionized Gas, ApJ, 603, 180-197
- Cho, J. & Lazarian, A. 2003, Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence: mode coupling, scaling
- relations, anisotropy, new regime and astrophysical implications, MNRAS, 345, 325-339
- Cho, J., Lazarian, A., & Vishniac, E. 2003, Ordinary and Viscosity-Dampted MHD Turbulence, ApJ, 595, 812-823
- Lazarian, A. & Esquivel, A. 2003, Statistics of Velocity from Spectral Data: Modied Velocity Centroids, ApJ, 592, L37-L40 627. Yan, H. & Lazarian, A. 2003, Grain Acceleration by MHD Turbulence: Gyroresonance Mechanism, ApJ, 592, L33-L37
- Groves, B., Cho, J., Dopita, M.& Lazarian, A. 2003, The Radio-FIR correlation: Is MHD Turbulence the Cause?, Publ. of Astronomical Soc. of Australia, 20, issue 3, 252-256
- Esquivel, A., Lazarian, A., Pogosyan, D., & Cho, J. 2003, Velocity statistics from spectral line data: eects of density-velocity correlations, magnetic eld, and shear, MNRAS, 342, 325
- Cho, J., Lazarian, A., Honein, A., Knaepen, B., Kassinos, S., & Moin, P. 2003, Thermal Conduction in Magnetized Turbulent Gas, ApJ, 589, L77-L80
- Cho, J., & Lazarian, A. 2003, Compressible MHD Turbulence: Mode Coupling, Anisotropies and Scalings, Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrosica, 15, 293-298
- Lazarian, A. 2003, Magnetic Fields from Polarimetry: Progress of Grain Alignment Theory, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 79-80, 881-902
- Yan, H. & Lazarian, A. 2002, Scattering of Cosmic Rays by Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence, Phys. Rev. Lett., 89, number 28, 1102-(1-4)
- Cho, J. & Lazarian, A. 2002, Compressible Sub-Alfvenic Turbulence in Low- Plasmas, Phys. Rev. Lett., 88, number 24, 5001-(1-4)
- Cho, J., Lazarian, A. 2002, Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence as a Foreground for Cosmic Microwave Back-ground Studies, ApJ, 575, L63-L66
- Lazarian, A., & Yan, H. 2002 Grain Dynamics in Magnetized Interstellar Gas, ApJ, 566, L105-L108
- Cho, J., Lazarian, A., Vishniac, E. 2002 New Regime of MHD Turbulence: Cascade Below Viscous Cuto, ApJ, 566, L49-L52
- Cho, J., Lazarian, A., & Vishniac, E. 2002, Simulations of MHD Turbulence in a Strongly Magnetized Medium, ApJ, 564, pgs 291-301
- Fosalba, P., Lazarian, A., Tauber, J., & Prunet, S. 2002 Statistical Properties of Galactic Starlight Polarization, ApJ, 564, pgs 262-272
- de Gouveia Dal Pino, E., & Lazarian, A. 2001, Constraints on Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Ray Acceleration in Accretion-Induced Collapse Pulsars, ApJ, 560, pgs 358-364
- Lazarian, A., & Pogosyan, D., Vazquez-Semadeni, E., Pichardo, B. 2001, Emissivity Statistics in Turbulent Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic Flows and the Density-Velocity Correlation, ApJ, 555, pgs 130-138
- Stanimirovic, S., & Lazarian, A. 2001, Velocity and Density Spectra of the Small Magellanic Cloud, ApJ, 551, pgs L53-L56
- Lazarian, A., & Pogosyan, D. 2000, Velocity Modication of HI Power Spectrum, ApJ, 537, pgs 720-748
- Lazarian, A. & Draine, B.T. 2000, Resonance Paramagnetic Relaxation and Alignment of Small Grains, ApJL, 536, pgs 15-18
- de Gouveia Dal Pino, E. & Lazarian, A. 2000, Ultra-high-Energy Cosmic-Ray Acceleration by Magnetic Reconnection in Newborn Accretion-Induced Collapse Pulsars, ApJ, 536, pgs L31-L34
- Efroimsky, M., Lazarian, A. 2000, Inelastic Relaxation in Tumbling Asteroids and Comets, MNRAS, 311, pgs 269-278
- Lazarian, A. & Draine, B. 1999, Nuclear internal relaxation within interstellar grains, ApJL, 520, pgs 67-70
- Lazarian, A., & Draine, B. 1999, Thermal Flipping and Thermal Trapping- New Elements of Dust Grain Dynamics, ApJL, 516, pgs 37-40
- Lazarian, A., & Vishniac, E., 1999, Reconnection in Weakly Stochastic Field, ApJ, 517, pgs 700-718
- Lazarian, A., & Efroimsky, M., 1999, Inelastic Relaxation in a Rotating Body. Application to Cosmic Dust, MNRAS, 303, pgs 673-685
- Roberge, W., & Lazarian, A. 1999, Davis-Greenstein Alignment of Oblate Spheroidal Grains, MNRAS, 305, pgs 615-630
- Myers, P., & Lazarian, A. 1998, Turbulent Cooling Flows in Molecular Clouds, ApJL, 507, L157-L160
- Draine, B., & Lazarian, A. 1998, Electric Dipole Radiation from Spinning Dust Grains ApJ, 508, pgs 157-179
- Draine, B., & Lazarian, A. 1998, Diuse Galactic Emission from Spinning Dust Grains ApJL, 494, L19-L22
- Lazarian, A., & Pogosyan, D. 1997, Interstellar Filaments and the Statistics of Galactic HI, ApJ, 491, pgs 200-209
- Lazarian, A., Goodman, A., & Myers, P. 1997, Grain Alignment in Dark Clouds, ApJ, 490, pgs 273-280
- Lazarian, A. & Draine, B. 1997, Disorientation of Suprathermally Rotating Grains and the Grain Alignment Problem, ApJ, 487, pgs 248-258
- Lazarian, A., & Roberge, W. 1997, Internal Relaxation in Thermally-Rotating Oblate Grains, ApJ 484, pgs 230-237
- Lazarian, A., & Roberge, W. 1997, Cosmic Rays and Grain Alignment, MNRAS, 287, pgs 941-946
- Lazarian, A. 1997, Paramagnetic Alignment of Thermally-Rotating Grains, MNRAS, 288, pgs 609-617
- Lazarian, A. 1997, Gold Alignment & Internal dissipation, ApJ, 483, pgs 296-308
- Lazarian, A., Efroimsky, M., & Ozik, J. 1996, Mechanical Alignment of Prolate Cosmic-Dust Grains. Cross-Section Alignment, ApJ, 472, pgs 240-244
- Chrysostomou, A., Hough, J. H., Whittet, D.C.B, Aitken, D.K., Roche, P.F., & Lazarian, A. 1996, Interstellar Polarization from CO and XCN Mantled Grains: A Severe Test for Grain Alignment Mechanisms, ApJ, 465, pgs L61-L64
- Scalo, J., & Lazarian, A. 1996, Occlusion Eects and the Distribution of Interstellar Cloud Sizes and Masses, ApJ, 469, pgs 189-193
- Lazarian, A., & Efroimsky, M. 1996, Cross-Section Alignment of Oblate Grains, ApJ, 466, pgs 274-281
- Lazarian, A. 1995, Alignment of Suprathermally Rotating Grains, MNRAS, 277, pgs 1235-1242
- Gerakines, P.A., Whittet, D.C.B., & Lazarian, A. 1995, Grain Alignment in the Taurus Dark Cloud, ApJ, 455, pgs L171-175
- Lazarian, A. 1995, Davis - Greenstein Alignment of Non-Spherical Grains, ApJ, 453, pgs 229-237
- Lazarian, A. 1995, Mechanical Alignment of Suprathermally Rotating Grains, ApJ, 451, pgs 660-674
- Lazarian, A. 1995, Physics and Chemistry of the Purcell's Alignment, MNRAS, 274, pgs 679-688
- Lazarian, A. 1995, Paramagnetic Alignment of Fractal Grains, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 293, pgs 859-870
- Lazarian, A. 1995, Study of HI Using Radiointerferometers, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 293, pgs 507-520
- Lazarian, A. 1994, Hierarchical Galactic Dynamo and Seed Field Magnetic Field Problem, Astrophysics and Space Science, 1994, 216, pgs 207-208
- Lazarian, A. 1994, A Statistical Description of Astrophysical Turbulence, Astrophysics and Space Science, 1994, 216, pgs 219-228
- Lazarian, A. 1994, Alfven Waves and Alignment of Large Grains, Astrophysics and Space Science, 216, pgs 235-237
- Lazarian, A. 1994, The Inverse Problem for the Refractometry Diagnostics of Electromagnetic Turbulence Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 36, pgs 1013-1025
- Lazarian, A. 1994, Gold-type Mechanism of Grain Alignment, MNRAS, 268, pgs 713-721
- Efroimsky M., & Lazarian, A. 1993, What is Observable in the Perturbative Approach to General Relativity, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 10, pgs 2723-2727
- Lazarian, A. 1993, Filamentary structure of the ISM at High Galactic Latitudes, Astrophysics and Space Science, 206, pgs 37-51
- Lazarian, A. 1993, Experimental Study of 3D Turbulence by Solving an Inverse Problem Applied Scientic Research. An International Journal of Mechanical and Thermal Continua, 51, pgs 191-195
- профессор
- Сегодня Лазарян является одним из самых результативных астрономов армянской национальности, живущих и работающих в разных странах мира.
- Лазарян является одним из ведущих в мире специалистов в области магнитной гидродинамики, турбулентности и их астрофизических приложений.
- E-mail: lazarian@astro.wisc.edu