Богосян Эрик — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{persont|ID=324|dcreate=25.04.2006|dmodify=12.07.2006 14:56:30}}
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| портрет              = Эрик Богосян46.jpg 
| дата рождения        = 24.04.1953
| место рождения      = Вобурн, США
| дата смерти          =  
| место смерти        =
| место деятельности  =
| краткая информация = Актёр, драматург
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| тэг05 =
Американский актер с армянскими корнями - Эрик Богосян родился 24-го апреля 1953-го года в Массачусетсе – в семье парикмахера и преподавателя (мать) и бухгалтера (отец).
В свое время Эрик поступил в Колледж Oberlin, а после окончания обучения отправился в Нью-Йорк, чтобы там изучать тонкости театрального искусства.
Богосян Эрик
Профессиональные данные актера не оставляли желать лучших. Особенное значение имели особенности творчества Эрика. Во все времена он умел сочетать минимализм темной комедии с социальным реализмом и политическими комментариями.
Bogosian Eric
Выступая на сцене, Богосян создавал превосходные образы. Всякий раз актер непременно использовал подручные средства, которые делали образ более насыщенным и цельным.
В 2005-ом году Богосян выступил в роли Сатаны в спектакле «Прошлое Иуды Искариота», поставленном Филиппом Хоффманом.
В 2006-ом году Эрик Богосян принял участие в съемках телевизионного сериала «Закон и порядок». Актер исполнил роль адвоката Гэри Ловенталя - в двух эпизодах картины.
Во все времена актер активно и продуктивно работал. Он не только регулярно появлялся на телевидении и в кино, создавал превосходные сценарии и писал иные литературные произведения, но и активно играл на театральных подмостках Бродвея.
В июле 2008-го года в одном из израильских театров под названием «Гешер» демонстрировался спектакль, поставлены по пьесе Богосяна. Работа автора снова оказалась чрезвычайно актуальной для современного Израиля, несмотря на то, что создавалась несколько десятков лет тому назад.
Эрик Богосян и его произведения, а также – актерское исполнение, всегда отличались актуальностью и социальностью, отражая (как зеркало) все то, что происходит в социуме и внутри человеческой души.
Эрик Богосян продолжает активную творческую деятельность. Основатель "театра одного актера" в Америке.
*Wednesdays at A's (2009)
*Кадиллак Рекордс (2008)
*Продюсер (сериал) (2006)
*Высоты (2005)
*King of the Corner (2004)
*Блэйд 3: Троица (2004)
*Untitled New York Pilot (ТВ) (2003)
*Khachaturian (2003)
*Уондерлэнд (2003)
*Ангелы Чарли 2: Только вперед (2003)
*Игби идет ко дну (2002)
*Арарат (2002)
*Wake Up and Smell the Coffee (2001)
*Выстрел в сердце (ТВ) (2001)
*Закон и порядок. Преступное намерение (сериал) (2001 - 2008)
*Клиника (сериал) (2001 - 2009)
*Мэрилин Монро (ТВ) (2001)
*In the Weeds (2000)
*Сплетня (2000)
*Третья смена (сериал) (1999 - 2005)
*Медвежатники (1998)
*Блистательная ложь (ТВ) (1998)
*Разбирая Гарри (1997)
*Убийца в офисе (1997)
*Бивис и Батт-Хед уделывают Америку (1996)
*Сущность огня (1996)
*В осаде 2: Темная территория (1995)
*Долорес Клэйборн (1995)
*Охота на ведьм (ТВ) (1994)
*Принцесса и сапожник (1993)
*Шоу Ларри Сандерса (сериал) (1992 - 1998)
*Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll (1991)
*Закон и порядок (сериал) (1990 - 2009)
*Last Flight Out (ТВ) (1990)
*Suffering Bastards (1989)
*Умники на арене (1988)
*Радиобеседы (1988)
*Трибунал над бунтовщиком с Кейна (ТВ) (1988)
*Chasing the Dragon (1987)
*Vandemonium Plus (ТВ) (1987)
*Funhouse (ТВ) (1986)
*Криминальная история (сериал) (1986 - 1988)
*Криминальная история (ТВ) (1986)
*Сумеречная зона (сериал) (1985 - 1989)
*Вкусная дрянь (1985)
*Спецэффекты (1984)
*Сказки темной стороны (сериал) (1984 - 1988)
*Полиция Майами: Отдел нравов (сериал) (1984 - 1989)
*Рожденные в огне (1983)
*Red Angel (2007)
*Wake Up and Smell the Coffee (2001)
*Пригород (1996)
Эрик Богосян / Eric Bogosian
*Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll (1991)
*Умники на арене (1988)
*Радиобеседы (1988)
*Chasing the Dragon (1987)
*Funhouse (ТВ) (1986)
Эрик Богосян.
==Актер: Играет самого себя==
*Гость Синди Шерман (2008)
Актерские работы:
*Brother Theodore (2007)
  1. Радиобеседа - 1988 (Драма) ["]
*Режиссеры (сериал) (1999 - 2003)
  2. Трибунал над бунтовщиком с "Кэйна" - 1988 (Драма) ["]
*Beggars and Choosers (сериал) (1999 - 2001)
  3. Голый в Нью-Йорке - 1994 (Драма) ["]
*Обнаженный в Нью Йорке (1993)
  4. В осаде 2: Территория тьмы - 1995 (Боевик) [DVD]
*Поздняя ночь с Конаном О`Брайэном (сериал) (1993 - 2008)
  5. Сущность огня - 1996 (Драма) ["]
*Oliver Stone: Inside Out (ТВ) (1992)
  6. Выстрел в сердце - 2001 () [VHS]
*New Wave Comedy (1986)
On  the New York stage, ERIC BOGOSIAN Эрик Богосян has attained singular  achievement. In the last twenty years, Bogosian has authored five full-length  plays and created six full-length solos. For these, he has received three  OBIE awards and a Drama Desk Award. In 2004 he was awarded a Guggenheim  Fellowship to continue his work in the theater.
His two best known plays, "Talk Radio," at the New York Shakespeare Festival and "subUrbia," at Lincoln Center Theatre, were each translated into acclaimed films. "Talk Radio," directed by Oliver Stone, garnered Bogosian the Berlin Film Festival Silver Bear award for his work as author and star. Richard Linklater directed the cult favorite, "subUrbia."
Bogosian's credits as playwright also include: "Griller" (Goodman Theater and Center Stage, Baltimore); "Humpty Dumpty" (McCarter Theater), "Red Angel" (Williamstown) and "Bitter Sauce" (for The Acting Company). Most recently he directed Jonathan Ames in  "Notes from Underground", Bogosian's 1991 novella/play.
His solos include “Wake Up and Smell the Coffee” “Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll”, “Pounding Nails in the Floor with My Forehead” and “Drinking in America.” He has toured throughout the United States and Europe. The solos and plays are performed by acting companies internationally.
Simon & Schuster published Bogosian's first novel "Mall" in  2000 and recently published his second, “Wasted Beauty.” His solo “Wake Up  and Smell the Coffee” was recently released on DVD. “Humpty Dumpty”, “Griller” and “Red Angel” are soon to be released by TCG.
Bogosian is well known as a film and television actor, working with some of the leading directors of our time: Robert Altman, Paul Schrader, Woody Allen and Atom Egoyan. He's starred in films as diverse as "Bright Shining Lie" and "Under Siege II." Last fall he starred in "Wonderland" with Val Kilmer.
Bogosian lives in New York with his wife, director Jo Bonney and their two children.
Photo by Joan Marcus. Updated 6/05
Eric Bogosian
Chronology of work
*Eric Bogosian, Operation Nemesis. 2017<ref>Эрик Богосян выходит за рамки простого рассказа истории этой группы армянских убийц, помещая убийства в контекст истории Османской империи и Армении, а также показывая в ярких красках историю эпохи, изобилующую политической борьбой и резней. Проливая новый свет на одно из величайших преступлений двадцатого века и один из самых замечательных актов мести в истории, Богосян опирается на годы исследований и недавно обнаруженные доказательства. Результатом является Operation Nemesis — и захватывающее чтение, и глубокое исследование зла, мести и цены насилия</ref>.
*Лауреат многих национальных театральных премий
*Премия американской киноакадемии "Оскар" (за лучшую мужскую роль в фильме «Радиоболтовня»)
*Премия Серебряный медведь» (Берлинского кинофестиваля в категории «За выдающиеся персональные достижения»)
"Careful Movement" - St. Mark's Poetry Project
"Slavery" - Franklin Furnace
Ran the dance program at The Kitchen
Файл:Эрик Богосян44.jpg|Эрик Богосян с Шарлем Азнавуром и Брюсом Гринвудом в фильме «Арарат»
Файл:Эрик Богосян47.jpg
"Garden" - Artists Space
"Heaven, Heaven, Heaven" - Eventworks, Boston
"The Ricky Paul Show" - White Columns
"Sheer Heaven" - The Kitchen/The Performing Garage
"That Girl" - N.A.M.E., Chicago
"The New World" - Dance Theater Workshop
"Men Inside" - Solo performance - New York Shakespeare Festival
"Voices of America" - Corps de Garde, Groningen, Holland
"Advocate" - Artists Space
"FunHouse" - Solo performance, New York Shakespeare Festival
"FunHouse" - Actor's Playhouse, New York, Fred Zollo, prod.
"Special Effects"- (actor) written and directed by Larry Cohen
"I Saw the Seven Angels" - The Kitchen (with Michael Zwack)
"Talk Radio" - Portland Center for the Visual Arts
"Miami Vice" - guest star
"FunHouse" - Matrix Theater, Los Angeles, Joe Stern, prod. directed by Jo Bonney
"Twilight Zone" - "The Healer" - CBS - title role
"Drinking in America" - American Place Theater, New York, directed & produced by Wynn Handman
"Eric Bogosian takes a look at Drinking in America" (shortened version) Cinemax Comedy Special
"Blood on the Canvas" recorded with Frank Zappa
"Drinking in America" - published by Vintage Books
"Talk Radio" - New York Shakespeare Festival, Joseph Papp, prod, directed by Fred Zollo
"Caine Mutiny Court Martial" - directed by Robert Altman
"Talk Radio" - Universal Pictures, Ed Pressman, prod., directed by Oliver Stone
"Talk Radio" - published by Vintage Books
"Talk Radio" wins the Berlin Film Festival Silver Bear
"Last Flight Out", (actor) NBC, Michael Mannheim, prod., Larry Elikin, director.
"Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll" - Orpheum Theater, Fred Zollo, prod., Jo Bonney, director.
"Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll" - published by Harper Collins
"Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll" - recorded for SBK records
"Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll" - film released by Avenue Entertainment
"Law & Order" - guest star, Universal Television
"Notes From Underground" - published by Hyperion
"Larry Sanders Show" - guest star, HBO
"The Essential Bogosian" - published by TCG
"Pounding Nails in the Floor with my Forehead" - published by TCG
"subUrbia" - published by TCG
"subUrbia" - Lincoln Center Theater
"Pounding Nails in the Floor with my Forehead" - Minetta Lane Theater, directed by Jo Bonney
"Witchhunt" - (actor) HBO directed by Paul Schrader
"Dolores Claiborne" - (actor) Castle Rock directed by Taylor Hackford
"Confessions of a Porn Star" - independent video release
"High Incident" - co-wrote pilot for Dreamworks
"Substance of Fire" for Miramax, directed by Dan Sullivan
"Under Siege 2" for Warner Bros. directed by Geoff Murphy
Bogosian web site established
"subUrbia" (screenplay) for Castlerock, directed by Richard Linklater
"Beavis and Butthead Do America" voiceover for Paramount, directed by Mike Judge
"Office Killer" (cameo) directed by Cindy Sherman
"31 Ejaculations" - Performance at St. Mark's Poetry Project
"Griller" - Lincoln Center Director's Lab
"Deconstructing Harry" - (actor) dir. Woody Allen
"Griller" - Chicago's Goodman Theater, directed by Robert Falls
"Pounding Nails in the Floor with My Forehead" - CD released by The Blackbird Recording Company
"A Bright Shining Lie" - (actor) directed by Terry George for HBO
"The Wedding Toast" - short directed by Bob Balaban for Showtime
"Bitter Sauce" - short play included in the volume "Love's Fire", published by William Morrow
"Griller" - Baltimore's Centerstage, directed by David Warren
"Beggars and Choosers" - (actor) Showtime series
"Wake Up and Smell the Coffee" - solo, The Jane St. Theater, directed by Jo Bonney
"Gossip" - (actor) directed by Davis Guggenheim
"Mall" - novel released by Simon & Schuster
"31 Ejaculations" - published on Salon.com
"Welcome to New York" - (actor) TV series
"Blonde" - (actor) CBS TV miniseries
Recipient - NEA/TCG Theatre Residency Program for Playwrights
"Shot in the Heart" - (actor) HBO Movie
"ThirdWatch" - (actor) TV series
"Ararat" (actor) - directed by Atom Egoyan
"Wonderland" (actor) - directed by James Cox
"Exonerated" - Worked on City Ballet documentary of the company's trip to Saint Petersburg
"Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" (actor) - directed by McG
Recipient of Guggenheim fellowship for theater
”Humpty Dumpty” - (play) published by Theater Communications Group
”Wake Up and Smell the Coffee” - (solo) on DVD, directed by Michael
”Wake Up and Smell the Coffee” - (solo) published by Theater Communications Group
“Wasted Beauty” - (novel) published by Simon & Schuster
On  the New York stage, ERIC BOGOSIAN Эрик Богосян has attained singular  achievement. In the last twenty years, Bogosian has authored five full-length  plays and created six full-length solos. For these, he has received three  OBIE awards and a Drama Desk Award. In 2004 he was awarded a Guggenheim  Fellowship to continue his work in the theater.
His two best known plays, "Talk Radio," at the New York Shakespeare Festival and "subUrbia," at Lincoln Center Theatre, were each translated into acclaimed films. "Talk Radio," directed by Oliver Stone, garnered Bogosian the Berlin Film Festival Silver Bear award for his work as author and star. Richard Linklater directed the cult favorite, "subUrbia."
Bogosian's credits as playwright also include: "Griller" (Goodman Theater and Center Stage, Baltimore); "Humpty Dumpty" (McCarter Theater), "Red Angel" (Williamstown) and "Bitter Sauce" (for The Acting Company). Most recently he directed Jonathan Ames in  "Notes from Underground", Bogosian's 1991 novella/play.
His solos include “Wake Up and Smell the Coffee” “Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll”, “Pounding Nails in the Floor with My Forehead” and “Drinking in America.” He has toured throughout the United States and Europe. The solos and plays are performed by acting companies internationally.  
Simon & Schuster published Bogosian's first novel "Mall" in  2000 and recently published his second, “Wasted Beauty.” His solo “Wake Up  and Smell the Coffee” was recently released on DVD. “Humpty Dumpty”, “Griller” and “Red Angel” are soon to be released by TCG.
Bogosian is well known as a film and television actor, working with some of the leading directors of our time: Robert Altman, Paul Schrader, Woody Allen and Atom Egoyan. He's starred in films as diverse as "Bright Shining Lie" and "Under Siege II." Last fall he starred in "Wonderland" with Val Kilmer.
Bogosian lives in New York with his wife, director Jo Bonney and their two children.
Photo by Joan Marcus. Updated 6/05
Eric Bogosian
Chronology of work
"Careful Movement" - St. Mark's Poetry Project
"Slavery" - Franklin Furnace
Ran the dance program at The Kitchen
"Garden" - Artists Space
"Heaven, Heaven, Heaven" - Eventworks, Boston
"The Ricky Paul Show" - White Columns
"Sheer Heaven" - The Kitchen/The Performing Garage
"That Girl" - N.A.M.E., Chicago
"The New World" - Dance Theater Workshop
"Men Inside" - Solo performance - New York Shakespeare Festival
"Voices of America" - Corps de Garde, Groningen, Holland
"Advocate" - Artists Space
"FunHouse" - Solo performance, New York Shakespeare Festival
"FunHouse" - Actor's Playhouse, New York, Fred Zollo, prod.
"Special Effects"- (actor) written and directed by Larry Cohen
"I Saw the Seven Angels" - The Kitchen (with Michael Zwack)
"Talk Radio" - Portland Center for the Visual Arts
"Miami Vice" - guest star
"FunHouse" - Matrix Theater, Los Angeles, Joe Stern, prod. directed by Jo Bonney
"Twilight Zone" - "The Healer" - CBS - title role
"Drinking in America" - American Place Theater, New York, directed & produced by Wynn Handman
"Eric Bogosian takes a look at Drinking in America" (shortened version) Cinemax Comedy Special
"Blood on the Canvas" recorded with Frank Zappa
"Drinking in America" - published by Vintage Books
"Talk Radio" - New York Shakespeare Festival, Joseph Papp, prod, directed by Fred Zollo
"Caine Mutiny Court Martial" - directed by Robert Altman
"Talk Radio" - Universal Pictures, Ed Pressman, prod., directed by Oliver Stone
"Talk Radio" - published by Vintage Books
"Talk Radio" wins the Berlin Film Festival Silver Bear
"Last Flight Out", (actor) NBC, Michael Mannheim, prod., Larry Elikin, director.
"Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll" - Orpheum Theater, Fred Zollo, prod., Jo Bonney, director.
"Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll" - published by Harper Collins
"Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll" - recorded for SBK records
"Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll" - film released by Avenue Entertainment
"Law & Order" - guest star, Universal Television
"Notes From Underground" - published by Hyperion
"Larry Sanders Show" - guest star, HBO
"The Essential Bogosian" - published by TCG
"Pounding Nails in the Floor with my Forehead" - published by TCG
"subUrbia" - published by TCG
"subUrbia" - Lincoln Center Theater
"Pounding Nails in the Floor with my Forehead" - Minetta Lane Theater, directed by Jo Bonney
"Witchhunt" - (actor) HBO directed by Paul Schrader
"Dolores Claiborne" - (actor) Castle Rock directed by Taylor Hackford
"Confessions of a Porn Star" - independent video release
"High Incident" - co-wrote pilot for Dreamworks
"Substance of Fire" for Miramax, directed by Dan Sullivan
"Under Siege 2" for Warner Bros. directed by Geoff Murphy
Bogosian web site established
"subUrbia" (screenplay) for Castlerock, directed by Richard Linklater
"Beavis and Butthead Do America" voiceover for Paramount, directed by Mike Judge
"Office Killer" (cameo) directed by Cindy Sherman
"31 Ejaculations" - Performance at St. Mark's Poetry Project
"Griller" - Lincoln Center Director's Lab
"Deconstructing Harry" - (actor) dir. Woody Allen
"Griller" - Chicago's Goodman Theater, directed by Robert Falls
"Pounding Nails in the Floor with My Forehead" - CD released by The Blackbird Recording Company
"A Bright Shining Lie" - (actor) directed by Terry George for HBO
"The Wedding Toast" - short directed by Bob Balaban for Showtime
"Bitter Sauce" - short play included in the volume "Love's Fire", published by William Morrow
"Griller" - Baltimore's Centerstage, directed by David Warren
"Beggars and Choosers" - (actor) Showtime series
"Wake Up and Smell the Coffee" - solo, The Jane St. Theater, directed by Jo Bonney
"Gossip" - (actor) directed by Davis Guggenheim
"Mall" - novel released by Simon & Schuster
"31 Ejaculations" - published on Salon.com
"Welcome to New York" - (actor) TV series
"Blonde" - (actor) CBS TV miniseries
Recipient - NEA/TCG Theatre Residency Program for Playwrights
"Shot in the Heart" - (actor) HBO Movie
"ThirdWatch" - (actor) TV series
"Ararat" (actor) - directed by Atom Egoyan
"Wonderland" (actor) - directed by James Cox
"Exonerated" - Worked on City Ballet documentary of the company's trip to Saint Petersburg
"Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" (actor) - directed by McG
Recipient of Guggenheim fellowship for theater
”Humpty Dumpty” - (play) published by Theater Communications Group
”Wake Up and Smell the Coffee” - (solo) on DVD, directed by Michael
”Wake Up and Smell the Coffee” - (solo) published by Theater Communications Group
“Wasted Beauty” - (novel) published by Simon & Schuster
Эрик Богосян / Eric Bogosian
Актерские работы:
  1. Радиобеседа - 1988 (Драма) [»]
  2. Трибунал над бунтовщиком с "Кэйна" - 1988 (Драма) [»]
  3. Голый в Нью-Йорке - 1994 (Драма) [»]
  4. В осаде 2: Территория тьмы - 1995 (Боевик) [DVD]
  5. Сущность огня - 1996 (Драма) [»]
  6. Выстрел в сердце - 2001 () [VHS]
Eric Bogosian
On the New York stage, Eric Bogosian has attained singular achievement. In the last twenty years, Bogosian has created five full-length plays and six full-length solos,which have won him three OBIE awards, a Drama Desk Award, and a Guggenheim Fellowship (2004). His two best-known plays, Talk Radio and subUrbia, were each made into acclaimed films. Talk Radio, directed by Oliver Stone, garnered Bogosian the Berlin Film Festival Silver Bear award for his work as author and star. Richard Linklater directed the cult favorite, subUrbia. Bogosian's credits as playwright also include: Griller (Goodman Theater and Center Stage, Baltimore); Humpty Dumpty (McCarter Theater), Red Angel (Williamstown) and Bitter Sauce (for The Acting Company). Most recently he directed Jonathan Ames in Notes from Underground, Bogosian's 1991 novella/play. His solos include Wake Up and Smell the Coffee, Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll, Pounding Nails into the Floor with My Forehead, and Drinking in America. He has toured throughout the United States and Europe, and his solos and plays are performed by acting companies internationally. Simon & Schuster published Bogosian's first novel, Mall, in 2000 and recently published his second, Wasted Beauty. His solo Wake Up and Smell the Coffee was recently released on DVD. Humpty Dumpty, Griller, and Red Angel are soon to be released by TCG. Bogosian is also well known as a film and television actor, working with some of the leading directors of our time: Robert Altman, Paul Schrader, Woody Allen and Atom Egoyan. He's starred in films as diverse as Bright Shining Lie and Under Siege II. Last fall he starred in Wonderland with Val Kilmer. Bogosian lives in New York with his wife, director Jo Bonney and their two children.
Website: www.ericbogosian.com
"FUNHOUSE" - Matrix Theater, Los Angeles, Joe Stern, prod. directed by Jo Bonney, 1985
"DRINKING IN AMERICA " - American Place Theater, New York, directed & produced by Wynn Handman, 1986
"TALK RADIO " - New York Shakespeare Festival, Joseph Papp, prod, directed by Fred Zollo. 1987
"CAINE MUTINY COURT MARTIAL " - directed by Robert Altman. 1987
"SEX, DRUGS, ROCK & ROLL" - Orpheum Theater, Fred Zollo, prod., Jo Bonney, director. 1990
- "TALK RADIO " wins the Berlin Film Festival Silver Bear. 1989
- Recipient of Guggenheim fellowship for theater, 2004
"DRINKING IN AMERICA " - published by Vintage Books. 1987
"TALK RADIO " - published by Vintage Books. 1988
"SEX, DRUGS, ROCK & ROLL" - published by Harper Collins. 1990
"NOTES FROM UNDERGROUND" - published by Hyperion. 1993
"subUrbia" - published by TCG
"MALL" - novel released by Simon & Schuster
"31 EJACULATIONS" - published on Salon.com
?WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE? - (solo) published by Theater Communications Group. 2004
?WASTED BEAUTY? - (novel) published by Simon & Schuster. 2005
"CAREFUL MOVEMENT " - St. Mark's Poetry Project
"SLAVERY" - Franklin Furnace
"CAREFUL MOVEMENT " - St. Mark's Poetry Project
"SLAVERY" - Franklin Furnace
"GARDEN" - Artists Space
"HEAVEN, HEAVEN, HEAVEN " - Eventworks, Boston
"THE RICKY PAUL SHOW " - White Columns
"SHEER HEAVEN " - The Kitchen/The Performing Garage
"THE GIRL " - N.A.M.E., Chicago
"THE NEW WORLD " - Dance Theater Workshop
"MEN INSIDE" - Solo performance - New York Shakespeare Festival
"VOICES OF AMERICA " - Corps de Garde, Groningen, Holland
"ADVOCATE" - Artists Space
"FUNHOUSE" - Solo performance, New York Shakespeare Festival
- Actor's Playhouse, New York, Fred Zollo, prod.
"SPECIAL EFFECTS "- (actor) written and directed by Larry Cohen
"I SAW THE SEVEN ANGELS " - The Kitchen (with Michael Zwack)
"TALK RADIO " - Portland Center for the Visual Arts
"MIAMI VICE " - guest star
"TWILIGHT ZONE " - "The Healer" - CBS - title role
"Eric Bogosian takes a look at Drinking in America" (shortened version) Cinemax Comedy Special
"BLOOD ON THE CANVAS " recorded with Frank Zappa
"TALK RADIO " - Universal Pictures, Ed Pressman, prod., directed by Oliver Stone
1989"LAST FLIGHT OUT", (actor) NBC, Michael Mannheim, prod., Larry Elikin, director.
"SEX, DRUGS, ROCK & ROLL" - recorded for SBK records
"SEX, DRUGS, ROCK & ROLL" - film released by Avenue Entertainment
"LAW & ORDER" - guest star, Universal Television
"LARRY SANDERS SHOW" - guest star, HBO
"subUrbia" - Lincoln Center Theater
"POUNDIBG NAILS IN THE FLOOR WITH MY FOREHEAD" - Minetta Lane Theater, directed by Jo Bonney
"WITCHHUNT" - (actor) HBO directed by Paul Schrader
"DOLORES CLAIRBORNE " - (actor) Castle Rock directed by Taylor Hackford
"CONFESSIONS OF A PORN STAR " - independent video release
"HIGH INCIDENT " - co-wrote pilot for Dreamworks
"SUBSTANCE OF FIRE " for Miramax, directed by Dan Sullivan
"UNDER SIEGE 2" for Warner Bros. directed by Geoff Murphy
"subUrbia" (screenplay) for Castlerock, directed by Richard Linklater
"BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD DO AMERICA " voiceover for Paramount, directed by Mike Judge
"OFFICE KILLER " (cameo) directed by Cindy Sherman
"31 EJACULATIONS" - Performance at St. Mark's Poetry Project
"GRILLER" - Lincoln Center Director's Lab
"DECONSTRUCTING HARRY" - (actor) dir. Woody Allen
"GRILLER" - Chicago's Goodman Theater, directed by Robert Falls
"POUNDIBG NAILS IN THE FLOOR WITH MY FOREHEAD" - CD released by The Blackbird Recording Company
"A BRIGHT SHINING LIE " - (actor) directed by Terry George for HBO
"THE WEDDING TOAST" - short directed by Bob Balaban for Showtime
"BITTER SAUCE" - short play included in the volume "Love's Fire", published by William Morrow
"GRILLER" - Baltimore's Centerstage, directed by David Warren
"BEGGARS AND CHOOSERS" - (actor) Showtime series
"WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE" - solo, The Jane St. Theater, directed by Jo Bonney
"GOSSIP" - (actor) directed by Davis Guggenheim
"WELCOME TO NEW YORK" - (actor) TV series
"BLONDE" - (actor) CBS TV miniseries
"SHOT IN THE HEART" - (actor) HBO Movie
"THIRDWATCH" - (actor) TV series
"ARARAT" (actor) - directed by Atom Egoyan
"WONDERLAND" (actor) - directed by James Cox
"EXONERATED" - Worked on City Ballet documentary of the company's trip to Saint Petersburg
"CHARLIE'S ANGELS: FULL THROTTLE" (actor) - directed by McG
?HUNPTY DUMPTY? - (play) published by Theater Communications Group
?WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE? - (solo) on DVD, directed by Michael Rauch
Eric Bogosian
Eric Bogosian (born April 24, 1953) is an Armenian-American playwright actor, novelist, and performer.
Bogosian has received acclaim and attention for his Off-Broadway solo shows. His shows have received three Obie Awards, a Drama Desk Award, and other such accolades.
Selected Filmography
Ararat (2002) (actor)
SubUrbia (1996) (screenwriter)
Talk Radio (1984) (actor/screenwriter)
Bogosian, Eric    Escritor/Actor
On  the New York stage, ERIC BOGOSIAN has attained singular  achievement. In the last twenty years, Bogosian has authored five full-length  plays and created six full-length solos. For these, he has received three  OBIE awards and a Drama Desk Award. In 2004 he was awarded a Guggenheim  Fellowship to continue his work in the theater.
His two best known plays, "Talk Radio," at the New York Shakespeare Festival and "subUrbia," at Lincoln Center Theatre, were each translated into acclaimed films. "Talk Radio," directed by Oliver Stone, garnered Bogosian the Berlin Film Festival Silver Bear award for his work as author and star. Richard Linklater directed the cult favorite, "subUrbia."
Bogosian's credits as playwright also include: "Griller" (Goodman Theater and Center Stage, Baltimore); "Humpty Dumpty" (McCarter Theater), "Red Angel" (Williamstown) and "Bitter Sauce" (for The Acting Company). Most recently he directed Jonathan Ames in  "Notes from Underground", Bogosian's 1991 novella/play.
His solos include "Wake Up and Smell the Coffee" "Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll", "Pounding Nails in the Floor with My Forehead" and "Drinking in America." He has toured throughout the United States and Europe. The solos and plays are performed by acting companies internationally.
Simon & Schuster published Bogosian's first novel "Mall" in  2000 and recently published his second, "Wasted Beauty." His solo "Wake Up  and Smell the Coffee" was recently released on DVD. "Humpty Dumpty", "Griller" and "Red Angel" are soon to be released by TCG.
Bogosian is well known as a film and television actor, working with some of the leading directors of our time: Robert Altman, Paul Schrader, Woody Allen and Atom Egoyan. He's starred in films as diverse as "Bright Shining Lie" and "Under Siege II." Last fall he starred in "Wonderland" with Val Kilmer.
Bogosian lives in New York with his wife, director Jo Bonney and their two children.
Photo by Joan Marcus. Updated 6/05
Eric Bogosian
Chronology of work
"Careful Movement" - St. Mark's Poetry Project
"Slavery" - Franklin Furnace
Ran the dance program at The Kitchen
"Garden" - Artists Space
"Heaven, Heaven, Heaven" - Eventworks, Boston
"The Ricky Paul Show" - White Columns
"Sheer Heaven" - The Kitchen/The Performing Garage
"That Girl" - N.A.M.E., Chicago
"The New World" - Dance Theater Workshop
"Men Inside" - Solo performance - New York Shakespeare Festival
"Voices of America" - Corps de Garde, Groningen, Holland
"Advocate" - Artists Space
"FunHouse" - Solo performance, New York Shakespeare Festival
"FunHouse" - Actor's Playhouse, New York, Fred Zollo, prod.
"Special Effects"- (actor) written and directed by Larry Cohen
"I Saw the Seven Angels" - The Kitchen (with Michael Zwack)
"Talk Radio" - Portland Center for the Visual Arts
"Miami Vice" - guest star
"FunHouse" - Matrix Theater, Los Angeles, Joe Stern, prod. directed by Jo Bonney
"Twilight Zone" - "The Healer" - CBS - title role
"Drinking in America" - American Place Theater, New York, directed & produced by Wynn Handman
"Eric Bogosian takes a look at Drinking in America" (shortened version) Cinemax Comedy Special
"Blood on the Canvas" recorded with Frank Zappa
"Drinking in America" - published by Vintage Books
"Talk Radio" - New York Shakespeare Festival, Joseph Papp, prod, directed by Fred Zollo
"Caine Mutiny Court Martial" - directed by Robert Altman
"Talk Radio" - Universal Pictures, Ed Pressman, prod., directed by Oliver Stone
"Talk Radio" - published by Vintage Books
"Talk Radio" wins the Berlin Film Festival Silver Bear
"Last Flight Out", (actor) NBC, Michael Mannheim, prod., Larry Elikin, director.
"Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll" - Orpheum Theater, Fred Zollo, prod., Jo Bonney, director.
"Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll" - published by Harper Collins
"Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll" - recorded for SBK records
"Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll" - film released by Avenue Entertainment
"Law & Order" - guest star, Universal Television
"Notes From Underground" - published by Hyperion
"Larry Sanders Show" - guest star, HBO
"The Essential Bogosian" - published by TCG
"Pounding Nails in the Floor with my Forehead" - published by TCG
"subUrbia" - published by TCG
"subUrbia" - Lincoln Center Theater
"Pounding Nails in the Floor with my Forehead" - Minetta Lane Theater, directed by Jo Bonney
"Witchhunt" - (actor) HBO directed by Paul Schrader
"Dolores Claiborne" - (actor) Castle Rock directed by Taylor Hackford
"Confessions of a Porn Star" - independent video release
"High Incident" - co-wrote pilot for Dreamworks
"Substance of Fire" for Miramax, directed by Dan Sullivan
"Under Siege 2" for Warner Bros. directed by Geoff Murphy
Bogosian web site established
"subUrbia" (screenplay) for Castlerock, directed by Richard Linklater
"Beavis and Butthead Do America" voiceover for Paramount, directed by Mike Judge
"Office Killer" (cameo) directed by Cindy Sherman
"31 Ejaculations" - Performance at St. Mark's Poetry Project
"Griller" - Lincoln Center Director's Lab
"Deconstructing Harry" - (actor) dir. Woody Allen
"Griller" - Chicago's Goodman Theater, directed by Robert Falls
"Pounding Nails in the Floor with My Forehead" - CD released by The Blackbird Recording Company
"A Bright Shining Lie" - (actor) directed by Terry George for HBO
"The Wedding Toast" - short directed by Bob Balaban for Showtime
"Bitter Sauce" - short play included in the volume "Love's Fire", published by William Morrow
"Griller" - Baltimore's Centerstage, directed by David Warren
"Beggars and Choosers" - (actor) Showtime series
"Wake Up and Smell the Coffee" - solo, The Jane St. Theater, directed by Jo Bonney
"Gossip" - (actor) directed by Davis Guggenheim
"Mall" - novel released by Simon & Schuster
"31 Ejaculations" - published on Salon.com
"Welcome to New York" - (actor) TV series
"Blonde" - (actor) CBS TV miniseries
Recipient - NEA/TCG Theatre Residency Program for Playwrights
"Shot in the Heart" - (actor) HBO Movie
"ThirdWatch" - (actor) TV series
"Ararat" (actor) - directed by Atom Egoyan
"Wonderland" (actor) - directed by James Cox
"Exonerated" - Worked on City Ballet documentary of the company's trip to Saint Petersburg
"Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" (actor) - directed by McG
Recipient of Guggenheim fellowship for theater
"Humpty Dumpty" - (play) published by Theater Communications Group
"Wake Up and Smell the Coffee" - (solo) on DVD, directed by Michael
"Wake Up and Smell the Coffee" - (solo) published by Theater Communications Group
"Wasted Beauty" - (novel) published by Simon & Schuster
*[http://trailer.kinox.ru/index.asp?comm=5&kw=2933 Энциклопедия кино]
*[http://www.ericbogosian.com/bio.html Персональный сайт] (англ.)
*[http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php?title=Eric_Bogosian Armeniapedia]
*[http://www.armeniosonline.com.ar/famosos/index.htm ARMENIOS FAMOSOS]
*[http://www.peoples.ru/art/cinema/actor/eric_bogosian/ People's History]
*[https://www.armmuseum.ru/news-blog/2024/eric-bogosian Актёр и сценарист Эрик Богосян: «Я изучал Геноцид армян всю свою жизнь»]
*[https://armenianweekly.com/2015/08/27/eric-bogosian-to-speak-at-st-james/ Eric Bogosian to Speak at St. James]

Текущая версия на 18:47, 25 февраля 2025

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Богосян Эрик
Bogosian Eric
Эрик Богосян46.jpg
На английском: Bogosian Eric
Дата рождения: 24.04.1953
Место рождения: Вобурн, США
Краткая информация:
Актёр, драматург


Американский актер с армянскими корнями - Эрик Богосян родился 24-го апреля 1953-го года в Массачусетсе – в семье парикмахера и преподавателя (мать) и бухгалтера (отец).

В свое время Эрик поступил в Колледж Oberlin, а после окончания обучения отправился в Нью-Йорк, чтобы там изучать тонкости театрального искусства.

Профессиональные данные актера не оставляли желать лучших. Особенное значение имели особенности творчества Эрика. Во все времена он умел сочетать минимализм темной комедии с социальным реализмом и политическими комментариями.

Выступая на сцене, Богосян создавал превосходные образы. Всякий раз актер непременно использовал подручные средства, которые делали образ более насыщенным и цельным.

В 2005-ом году Богосян выступил в роли Сатаны в спектакле «Прошлое Иуды Искариота», поставленном Филиппом Хоффманом.

В 2006-ом году Эрик Богосян принял участие в съемках телевизионного сериала «Закон и порядок». Актер исполнил роль адвоката Гэри Ловенталя - в двух эпизодах картины.

Во все времена актер активно и продуктивно работал. Он не только регулярно появлялся на телевидении и в кино, создавал превосходные сценарии и писал иные литературные произведения, но и активно играл на театральных подмостках Бродвея.

В июле 2008-го года в одном из израильских театров под названием «Гешер» демонстрировался спектакль, поставлены по пьесе Богосяна. Работа автора снова оказалась чрезвычайно актуальной для современного Израиля, несмотря на то, что создавалась несколько десятков лет тому назад.

Эрик Богосян и его произведения, а также – актерское исполнение, всегда отличались актуальностью и социальностью, отражая (как зеркало) все то, что происходит в социуме и внутри человеческой души.

Эрик Богосян продолжает активную творческую деятельность. Основатель "театра одного актера" в Америке.


  • Wednesdays at A's (2009)
  • Кадиллак Рекордс (2008)
  • Продюсер (сериал) (2006)
  • Высоты (2005)
  • King of the Corner (2004)
  • Блэйд 3: Троица (2004)
  • Untitled New York Pilot (ТВ) (2003)
  • Khachaturian (2003)
  • Уондерлэнд (2003)
  • Ангелы Чарли 2: Только вперед (2003)
  • Игби идет ко дну (2002)
  • Арарат (2002)
  • Wake Up and Smell the Coffee (2001)
  • Выстрел в сердце (ТВ) (2001)
  • Закон и порядок. Преступное намерение (сериал) (2001 - 2008)
  • Клиника (сериал) (2001 - 2009)
  • Мэрилин Монро (ТВ) (2001)
  • In the Weeds (2000)
  • Сплетня (2000)
  • Третья смена (сериал) (1999 - 2005)
  • Медвежатники (1998)
  • Блистательная ложь (ТВ) (1998)
  • Разбирая Гарри (1997)
  • Убийца в офисе (1997)
  • Бивис и Батт-Хед уделывают Америку (1996)
  • Сущность огня (1996)
  • В осаде 2: Темная территория (1995)
  • Долорес Клэйборн (1995)
  • Охота на ведьм (ТВ) (1994)
  • Принцесса и сапожник (1993)
  • Шоу Ларри Сандерса (сериал) (1992 - 1998)
  • Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll (1991)
  • Закон и порядок (сериал) (1990 - 2009)
  • Last Flight Out (ТВ) (1990)
  • Suffering Bastards (1989)
  • Умники на арене (1988)
  • Радиобеседы (1988)
  • Трибунал над бунтовщиком с Кейна (ТВ) (1988)
  • Chasing the Dragon (1987)
  • Vandemonium Plus (ТВ) (1987)
  • Funhouse (ТВ) (1986)
  • Криминальная история (сериал) (1986 - 1988)
  • Криминальная история (ТВ) (1986)
  • Сумеречная зона (сериал) (1985 - 1989)
  • Вкусная дрянь (1985)
  • Спецэффекты (1984)
  • Сказки темной стороны (сериал) (1984 - 1988)
  • Полиция Майами: Отдел нравов (сериал) (1984 - 1989)
  • Рожденные в огне (1983)


  • Red Angel (2007)
  • Wake Up and Smell the Coffee (2001)
  • Пригород (1996)
  • Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll (1991)
  • Умники на арене (1988)
  • Радиобеседы (1988)
  • Chasing the Dragon (1987)
  • Funhouse (ТВ) (1986)

Актер: Играет самого себя

  • Гость Синди Шерман (2008)
  • Brother Theodore (2007)
  • Режиссеры (сериал) (1999 - 2003)
  • Beggars and Choosers (сериал) (1999 - 2001)
  • Обнаженный в Нью Йорке (1993)
  • Поздняя ночь с Конаном О`Брайэном (сериал) (1993 - 2008)
  • Oliver Stone: Inside Out (ТВ) (1992)
  • New Wave Comedy (1986)


  • Eric Bogosian, Operation Nemesis. 2017[1].


  • Лауреат многих национальных театральных премий
  • Премия американской киноакадемии "Оскар" (за лучшую мужскую роль в фильме «Радиоболтовня»)
  • Премия Серебряный медведь» (Берлинского кинофестиваля в категории «За выдающиеся персональные достижения»)




  1. Эрик Богосян выходит за рамки простого рассказа истории этой группы армянских убийц, помещая убийства в контекст истории Османской империи и Армении, а также показывая в ярких красках историю эпохи, изобилующую политической борьбой и резней. Проливая новый свет на одно из величайших преступлений двадцатого века и один из самых замечательных актов мести в истории, Богосян опирается на годы исследований и недавно обнаруженные доказательства. Результатом является Operation Nemesis — и захватывающее чтение, и глубокое исследование зла, мести и цены насилия