(не показано 14 промежуточных версий 7 участников) |
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− | {{persont|ID=4784|dcreate=18.07.2006 14:55:05|dmodify=18.07.2006 14:57:15}}
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| + | {{Персона |
| + | | name-ru-main = Саакян Владимир Гургенович |
| + | | name-ru-01 = Саакян Володя |
| + | | name-ru-02 = |
| + | | name-ru-03 = |
| + | | name-lat = |
| + | | name-en = Sahakyan Vladimir |
| + | | name-am = |
| + | | name-fr = |
| + | | состояние текста = 7 |
| + | | состояние поиска = 7 |
| + | | состояние тэгов = 7 |
| + | | состояние ссылок = 7 |
| + | | флаг чистовик = 7 |
| + | | автокартинки = |
| + | | портрет = Саакян Владимир Гургенович.png |
| + | | дата рождения = 16.02.1932 |
| + | | место рождения = Ереван, Армения |
| + | | дата смерти = |
| + | | место смерти = |
| + | | место деятельности = |
| + | | краткая информация = Художник |
| + | | тэг01 = |
| + | | тэг02 = |
| + | | тэг03 = |
| + | | тэг04 = |
| + | | тэг05 = |
| + | }}{{Медали}} |
| | | |
| + | =Биография= |
| + | 1950 г. поступил в [[Ереванское государственное художественное училище им. П. Терлемезяна|Ереванскую художественную школу П. Терлемезян]]. С перерывом в 1952-1956гг. (служба в армии), в 1958 заканчивает художественную школу. |
| | | |
− | Саакян Владимир Гургенович
| + | С 1960 по 1965г. учится в [[Ереванский художественно-театральный институт|Ереванском театральном институте]] и заканчивает его с дипломом первого класса. |
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| + | В 1970 году вступает в [[Союз художников Армении]]. |
| | | |
| + | С 1971 года принимает участие во Всесоюзных и международных выставках. |
| | | |
| + | С 1977 преподаёт в Ереванском институте театрального искусства, профессор с 1997 года. |
| | | |
− | Vladimir Sahakyan
| + | ==Выставки== |
| + | Первая персональная выставка была в Ереване в 1983г. |
| | | |
− | Date and place of birth - 1932, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
| + | В 1986 - проводит вторую и третью персональные выставки в Москве и в Мариуполе (Украина). |
| | | |
| + | В 1988г. персональная выставка в Непале. |
| | | |
− | 1958 Graduated from the Art College after P. Terlemezyan - Yerevan, Armenia
| + | В 1998 - персональная выставка в Ереване. |
− | 1965 Graduated from the Yerevan State University of the Fine Arts - Yerevan, Armenia
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| | | |
| + | Некоторые из его работ находятся в Англии, США, Японии и России. |
| | | |
− | Since 1970 Member of the Artists Union of Armenia
| + | ==Достижения== |
− | Since 1977 Lecturer at the Yerevan State Academy of the Fine Arts
| + | *профессор (1997) |
− | Since 1997 Professor at the Yerevan State Academy of the Fine Arts
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| | | |
| + | ==Изображения== |
| + | <gallery> |
| + | Изображение:4784 1.png |
| + | Изображение:4784 2.png |
| + | Изображение:Саакян Владимир.jpeg |
| + | Изображение:Саакян Владимир1.jpeg |
| + | Изображение:Саакян Владимир2.jpeg |
| + | Изображение:Саакян Владимир3.jpeg |
| + | Изображение:Саакян Владимир4.jpeg |
| + | Изображение:Саакян Владимир5.jpeg |
| + | </gallery> |
| | | |
− | Since 1971 Exhibitions at All-Union and international exhibitions
| + | =Библиография= |
− | 1983 Solo exhibition, Artists' Union of Armenia - Yerevan
| + | *[http://www.iatp.am/yafa/english/homepages/armartist/25/artists/24/index.html Yerevan Academy of Fine Arts] |
− | 1986 Solo exhibitions - Donetsk, Mariupol, Ukraine
| + | *[http://www.antique.am/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=239%3A2010-08-02-04-43-20&catid=48%3Aarmenian-artists&Itemid=83&lang=ru Antique and Art Gallery] |
− | 1988 Solo exhibition - Nepal
| + | *http://www.iatp.am/yafa/english/homepages/armartist/webs/index1.htm |
− | 2002 Solo exhibition, Artists' Union of Armenia - Yerevan
| + | [[Категория:Профессора]] |
− | | + | [[Категория:Художники]] |
− | Some of his works are in different museums of Armenia, Russia and Ukraine, as well as in private collections in England, USA, Japan, Italy, France and Germany.
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− | | |
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− | | |
− | Karapet Ulnetsi str. 66a, apt. 37
| |
− | Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
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− | Tel.: (374 1) 248216
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− | http://www.noreon.am/members/marie.htm
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− | VLADIMIR GOURGEN SAHAKYAN 1932 Vladimir Gourgen Sahakyan was born on 16 February in Yerevan. 1950 He enters Yerevan Art School after P. Terlemezyan. 1952-56 He serves as a soldier in Soviet Army. 1958 He finishes the Art School. 1960 He enters Yerevan Institute of Art and Theatre and graduates it in 1965 with first-class diploma. 1970 He joins Artists Union of Armenia. 1971 He begins to participate in All-Union and international exhibitions. 1977 He is asked to teach at the Yerevan Institute of Art and Theatre. He is awarded professor rank in 1997. 1983 His first individual exhibition is opened in Yerevan. 1986 His second and third individual exhibitions are opened in Moscow and Mariupol (Ukraina). 1988 His individual exhibitions takes place in Nepal. 1998 His individual exhibitions opens in Yerevan. Some of his works are in England, USA, Japan and Russia.
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− | http://www.iatp.am/yafa/english/homepages/armartist/webs/index1.htm | |
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− | http://www.noreon.am/members/vladimir.htm | |
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− | Vladimir Sahakyan
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− | Date and place of birth - 1932, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
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− | 1958 Graduated from the Art College after P. Terlemezyan - Yerevan, Armenia
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− | 1965 Graduated from the Yerevan State University of the Fine Arts - Yerevan, Armenia
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− | Since 1970 Member of the Artists Union of Armenia
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− | Since 1977 Lecturer at the Yerevan State Academy of the Fine Arts
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− | Since 1997 Professor at the Yerevan State Academy of the Fine Arts
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− | Since 1971 Exhibitions at All-Union and international exhibitions
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− | 1983 Solo exhibition, Artists' Union of Armenia - Yerevan
| |
− | 1986 Solo exhibitions - Donetsk, Mariupol, Ukraine
| |
− | 1988 Solo exhibition - Nepal
| |
− | 2002 Solo exhibition, Artists' Union of Armenia - Yerevan
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− | Some of his works are in different museums of Armenia, Russia and Ukraine, as well as in private collections in England, USA, Japan, Italy, France and Germany.
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− | | |
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− | | |
− | Karapet Ulnetsi str. 66a, apt. 37
| |
− | Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
| |
− | Tel.: (374 1) 248216
| |
− | | |
− | | |
− | http://www.iatp.am/yafa/english/homepages/armartist/25/artists/24/index.html | |
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− | Vladimir SAHAKYAN Владимир Саакян
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− | Was born in 1932 in Yerevan. In 1965, he graduated from the Yerevan Fine Arts and Theatre institute. He has been a member of the Artists' Union of the USSR since 1970. He has participated in exhibitions since 1957. One-man shows: 1983 and 1988-in Yerevan; 1986-in Mariupol, Donetsk (Ukraine); 1989- Kathmandu (Nepal). His works are property of museums of Armenia, Russia, Ukraine and private collections in Armenia, England, USA, Germany, Japan. Since 1977, he has been teaching drawing in the Yerevan Institute of Arts. He has the rank of professor.
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− | Mini Biography: In spite of the fact that paintings of Vlndimir Sahakian are multitudinous both in themes and genres, his creative work fascinates us first of all by its inner unity and integrity. Vladimir Sahakian is gifted by nature with great talent for observation and sensibility to the present reality. Reducing the characteristic features of a model or nature to a common denominator, he tries to approximate them to that ideal of beauty which he cherishes in his own imagination. Realizing his version in allegoric form he follows nature, even in a drawing striving for lucid harmony, distinctive traits and gestures of the depicted images. His pictures have unusual texture. The first layer of oil paint put on a canvas by thick sweeping strokes is covered by light then dabs of transparent and translucent colors, through which is visible the roughness of the layer underneath. Paintings of the artist are distinguished by vivacity, rich and subtle coloring and obvious preference for golden and silver tones. To express the poetic nature of a woman as well as her sense of reality, Vladimir Sahakian applies to history and mythology. Regardless whether he depicts "his woman" as a proud individual, chaste bather, bather lover or a happy mother, she always wears an aura of enigmatic mistery, stipulated by antithesis between her earthly, bodily guise arid a kind of archaic estrangement from the mundane. For all this the artist does not fall into affectation or false pathos and, though his pictures have traces of decorativeness and, at times, exaggerated sounding of a color, the smartness and decorativeness give way to color elaboration and psychological saturation through which his creative singularity has been displayed to the utmost.
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1950 г. поступил в Ереванскую художественную школу П. Терлемезян. С перерывом в 1952-1956гг. (служба в армии), в 1958 заканчивает художественную школу.
С 1960 по 1965г. учится в Ереванском театральном институте и заканчивает его с дипломом первого класса.
В 1970 году вступает в Союз художников Армении.
С 1971 года принимает участие во Всесоюзных и международных выставках.
С 1977 преподаёт в Ереванском институте театрального искусства, профессор с 1997 года.
Первая персональная выставка была в Ереване в 1983г.
В 1986 - проводит вторую и третью персональные выставки в Москве и в Мариуполе (Украина).
В 1988г. персональная выставка в Непале.
В 1998 - персональная выставка в Ереване.
Некоторые из его работ находятся в Англии, США, Японии и России.