Чакерян Лидия — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{persont|ID=7021|dcreate=24.08.2006 11:13:11|dmodify=24.08.2006 11:14:04}}
| name-ru-main  = Чакерян Лидия
| name-ru-01    = Тчакерян Лида
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| name-lat = Aaghia Tchakerian
| name-en      = Tchakerian Lidya
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| флаг чистовик        = 7
| портрет              = 7021_1.png
| дата рождения        = 1959
| место рождения      = Ливан
| дата смерти          =
| место смерти        =
| место деятельности  =
| краткая информация = Художница
| тэг01 =
| тэг02 =
| тэг03 =
| тэг04 =
| тэг05 =  
Родилась в 1959 году в Бейруте, Ливан.
Tchakerian Lidya
В 1983-1988 гг. получила степень магистра художественных искусств. Она закончила с отличием Академию художественных искусств Ливана (Academie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts).
Чакерьян Лидия
Ее работы были представлены во многих знаменитых выставках: в форуме Бейрута организованный центором культуры Франции для искусствоведов Среднего Вастока, Арт Баселе, Всемирном совете культуры и искусств, Салоне международной выставки Хербста, в 2005 году в Сан-Франциско и т.д.
* Invitation, Voyages, LE SALON DU TIMBRE & DE L'ECRIT, Parc Floral De Paris, France
* I am the World Champion of Art, KunstZwergFestival, Mainz, Germany
* Invitation, AIR-LUFT-AIR, 5TH INTERNATIONAL MAIL-ART-BIENNIAL, Bad Sulzdethfurth Art Association, Bodenburg, Germany
* Invitation, Solo Exhibition, Canyon Theatre Guild, Old Town Newhall, CA
* OMMA Center of Contemporary Art, Santa Barbara, CA
* "Clair-obscur", Mail Art, L'ATRIUM Cultural Center, Chaville, France
* 8th Annual Poscards From The Edge-2005,Robert Miller Gallery, NY
* Art Basel, MMAS, Ritz Carlton Hotel, Miami, FL
* Femail Expansion-From Desire to Passion, First International Mail Art Exhibition, Room With a View Gallery, Sanghai, China
* 2nd BIENNIAL International Juried Exhibition, Herbst International Hall, San Francisco, CA
* The New Expressionists, International Juried Exhibition, A La Carte Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
* SCAA Gallery, Santa Clarita, CA
* Art Basel, The Masters Mystery Art Show, Ritz Carlton Hotel, Miami, FL
* Art Classic XV, Barnes & Nobel, Santa Clarita, CA
* 2004 BIENNIAL International Juried Exhibition, Brad Cooper Gallery, Tempa FL
* Barnes & Nobel, Santa Clarita, CA
* 2004 Salon Internationa Juried Exhibition, Greenhouse Gallery, TX
* B&R Gallery, Santa Clarita, CA
* Adamson Duvannes Gallery, Beverly Hills, CA
* Roslin Gallery, Glendale, CA
* Exhibition organized by French Cultural Center for Middle Eastern Artists, Beirut, Lebanon
* "Hamazkayin" Armenian Cultural Center, Beirut, Lebanon
* 50th Aniversary of LOGH, Hotel Riviera, Beirut, Lebanon
* 50th Aniversary of Armenian Artists' Existence in Lebanon, Rochan Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon
* Beirut The Cultural Capital of Middle East, El-Mina, Lebanon
* BIENNIAL, Exhibition of Young Artists that benefited France, ALBA, Beirut, Lebanon
* Academie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts, Beirut (Solo)
* Armenian Tekeian Cultural Center, Beirut, Lebanon
* Salon D'automne International Exhibition, Grand Palais, Paris
* The Cultural Movement Center, Beirut, Lebanon
* Maya Moyent Orient Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon
* Exhibition of ALBA graduates, Guest of Honer Former First Lady Bachir Jumael, Beirut, Lebanon
* Exhibition of young Talents, ALBA, Beirut, Lebanon
* Mar Elias Libanaise Cultural Center, Antelias, Lebanon
* "Hamazkayin", Jemaran, Beirut, Lebanon
* Daraj El Fen, Guest of Honor President of Lebanon Amin Jumael, Beirut, Lebanon
* Keteyeb Cultural Center, Lebanon
* Mar Elias Libanaise Cultural Center, Antelias, Lebanon
Файл:Tchakerian Lidya.jpg|Письмо
Файл:Tchakerian Lidya1.jpg|Ева
Файл:Tchakerian Lidya2.jpg|Мадона
Файл:Tchakerian Lidya4.jpg
*Армяне-народ созидатель чужих цивилизаций: 1000 известных армян в мировой истории/С.Ширинян.-Ер.: Авт. изд., 2014, стр.446, ISBN 978-9939-0-1120-2
*[http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php?title=Lidya_Tchakerian armeniapedia]
Lidya Tchakerian
Lidya Tchakerian, Armenian Artist born in Lebanon (1959). Obtained her degree, Masters of Fine Arts from ALBA (Academie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts), where she lectured from 1989 until 2002. Since then never lending herself to derisive exercises, but creating different dimensions, refusing to create sarcastic objects destined for bourgeois. For her the inequalities and the particularities of a condition cannot define its fundamental truth.
To translate the profound equality of beings, she captures them in their uniqueness and universality. Blending drama and beauty through the ever deepening of a language in which only her subconscious varies. Creating a work in which life and painting blend in a perfect existential poem.
Her works has been showcased in various prestigious exhibitions, Forum of Beirut; organized by Cultural Center of France for Middle Eastern Artists, Hotel Riviera for the 50th Anniversary of LOGH, The 50th Anniversary of Armenian Artists' Existentialism in Lebanon, (Les Artistes Armeniens 50 Ans Au Liban), Salon D'Automn Grand Palais International Exhibition in Paris, 2004 Salon International, Greenhouse Gallery, TX 2004 Biennial International Juried Exhibition, BradCooper Gallery Tampa, FL, Art Basel, Masters' Mystery Art Show in Ritz Carlton Miami, The New Expressionists International Exhibition, a la carte Gallery, Santa Fe, NM, 2nd Biennial International Juried Exhibition, World Council for Arts & Culture, Herbst International Exhibition Hall, San Francisco, 2005
External links
An International, Armenian artist born in Lebanon. Obtained her degree, Masters Of Fine Arts from ALBA (Academie Libanaise des Beaux-Art), where she has been lecturing since 1989. Since then never lending herself to derisive exercises, but creating different dimentions, refusing to create sarcastic objects destined for bourgeois. For her the inequalities and the particularities of a condition cannot define its fundamental truth.
To translate the profound equality of beings, she captures them in their uniqueness and universality. Blending drama and beauty through the ever deepening of a language in which only her subconscious varies. Creating a work in which life and painting blend in a perfect existenntial poem.
Her work has been showcased in various prestigious exhibitions,
Forum of Beirut; organized by Cultural Center of France for Middle Eastern Artists,
Hotel Riviera for the 50th Anniversary of LOGH,
The 50th Anniversary of Armenian Artists' Existentialism in Lebanon,(Les Artistes Armeniens 50 Ans Au Liban),
Salon D'automn Grand Palais International Exhibition in Paris,
2004 Salon International, Greenhouse Gallery, TX,
2004 Biennial International Juried Exhibition. Bradcooper Gallery, FL,
Art Basel, Masters' Mystery Art Show in Ritz Carlton Miami,
The New Expressionists International Exhibition, a la carte Gallery, Santa Fe, NM,
World Council for Arts & Culture, 2nd Biennial International Juried Exhibition, Herbst International Exhibition Hall, San Francisco, 2005
1983-1988 Degree obtained in Masters of Fine Arts. Graduated with Honors as Valedictorian from ALBA (Academie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts), Beirut, Lebanon.
Invitation, Voyages, LE SALON DU TIMBRE & DE L'ECRIT, Parc Floral De Paris, France
I am the World Champion of Art, KunstZwergFestival, Mainz, Germany
Invitation, AIR-LUFT-AIR, 5TH INTERNATIONAL MAIL-ART-BIENNIAL, Bad Sulzdethfurth Art Association, Bodenburg, Germany
Invitation, Solo Exhibition, Canyon Theatre Guild, Old Town Newhall, CA
OMMA Center of Contemporary Art, Santa Barbara, CA
"Clair-obscur", Mail Art, L'ATRIUM Cultural Center, Chaville, France
8th Annual Poscards From The Edge-2005,Robert Miller Gallery, NY
Art Basel, MMAS, Ritz Carlton Hotel, Miami, FL
Femail Expansion-From Desire to Passion, First International Mail Art Exhibition, Room With a View Gallery, Sanghai, China
2nd BIENNIAL International Juried Exhibition, Herbst International Hall, San Francisco, CA
The New Expressionists, International Juried Exhibition, A La Carte Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
SCAA Gallery, Santa Clarita, CA
Art Basel, The Masters Mystery Art Show, Ritz Carlton Hotel, Miami, FL
Art Classic XV, Barnes & Nobel, Santa Clarita, CA
2004 BIENNIAL International Juried Exhibition, Brad Cooper Gallery, Tempa FL
Barnes & Nobel, Santa Clarita, CA
2004 Salon Internationa Juried Exhibition, Greenhouse Gallery, TX
B&R Gallery, Santa Clarita, CA
Adamson Duvannes Gallery, Beverly Hills, CA
Roslin Gallery, Glendale, CA
Exhibition organized by French Cultural Center for Middle Eastern Artists, Beirut, Lebanon
"Hamazkayin" Armenian Cultural Center, Beirut, Lebanon
50th Aniversary of LOGH, Hotel Riviera, Beirut, Lebanon
50th Aniversary of Armenian Artists' Existence in Lebanon, Rochan Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon
Beirut The Cultural Capital of Middle East, El-Mina, Lebanon
BIENNIAL, Exhibition of Young Artists that benefited France, ALBA, Beirut, Lebanon
Academie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts, Beirut (Solo)
Armenian Tekeian Cultural Center, Beirut, Lebanon
Salon D'automne International Exhibition, Grand Palais, Paris
The Cultural Movement Center, Beirut, Lebanon
Maya Moyent Orient Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon
Exhibition of ALBA graduates, Guest of Honer Former First Lady Bachir Jumael, Beirut, Lebanon
Exhibition of young Talents, ALBA, Beirut, Lebanon
Mar Elias Libanaise Cultural Center, Antelias, Lebanon
"Hamazkayin", Jemaran, Beirut, Lebanon
Daraj El Fen, Guest of Honor President of Lebanon Amin Jumael, Beirut, Lebanon
Keteyeb Cultural Center, Lebanon
Mar Elias Libanaise Cultural Center, Antelias, Lebanon
Attestation of gratitude from Superior Minister of Libanaise Culture
Appreciation Certificate from Mayor of El-Mina
Scholarship and Grant, French Cultural Center, France
First prize of Samir Tabet and Amal Traboulsi
First prize of Academy Lebanese de Baux Art

Текущая версия на 10:51, 13 октября 2015

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Чакерян Лидия
Tchakerian Lidya
7021 1.png
Другие имена: Тчакерян Лида
Латиницей: Aaghia Tchakerian
На английском: Tchakerian Lidya
Дата рождения: 1959
Место рождения: Ливан
Краткая информация:


Родилась в 1959 году в Бейруте, Ливан.

В 1983-1988 гг. получила степень магистра художественных искусств. Она закончила с отличием Академию художественных искусств Ливана (Academie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts).

Ее работы были представлены во многих знаменитых выставках: в форуме Бейрута организованный центором культуры Франции для искусствоведов Среднего Вастока, Арт Баселе, Всемирном совете культуры и искусств, Салоне международной выставки Хербста, в 2005 году в Сан-Франциско и т.д.



  • Invitation, Voyages, LE SALON DU TIMBRE & DE L'ECRIT, Parc Floral De Paris, France
  • I am the World Champion of Art, KunstZwergFestival, Mainz, Germany
  • Invitation, AIR-LUFT-AIR, 5TH INTERNATIONAL MAIL-ART-BIENNIAL, Bad Sulzdethfurth Art Association, Bodenburg, Germany
  • Invitation, Solo Exhibition, Canyon Theatre Guild, Old Town Newhall, CA
  • OMMA Center of Contemporary Art, Santa Barbara, CA


  • "Clair-obscur", Mail Art, L'ATRIUM Cultural Center, Chaville, France
  • 8th Annual Poscards From The Edge-2005,Robert Miller Gallery, NY
  • Art Basel, MMAS, Ritz Carlton Hotel, Miami, FL
  • Femail Expansion-From Desire to Passion, First International Mail Art Exhibition, Room With a View Gallery, Sanghai, China
  • 2nd BIENNIAL International Juried Exhibition, Herbst International Hall, San Francisco, CA
  • The New Expressionists, International Juried Exhibition, A La Carte Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
  • SCAA Gallery, Santa Clarita, CA


  • Art Basel, The Masters Mystery Art Show, Ritz Carlton Hotel, Miami, FL
  • Art Classic XV, Barnes & Nobel, Santa Clarita, CA
  • 2004 BIENNIAL International Juried Exhibition, Brad Cooper Gallery, Tempa FL
  • Barnes & Nobel, Santa Clarita, CA
  • 2004 Salon Internationa Juried Exhibition, Greenhouse Gallery, TX
  • B&R Gallery, Santa Clarita, CA


  • Adamson Duvannes Gallery, Beverly Hills, CA
  • Roslin Gallery, Glendale, CA


  • Exhibition organized by French Cultural Center for Middle Eastern Artists, Beirut, Lebanon


  • "Hamazkayin" Armenian Cultural Center, Beirut, Lebanon


  • 50th Aniversary of LOGH, Hotel Riviera, Beirut, Lebanon


  • 50th Aniversary of Armenian Artists' Existence in Lebanon, Rochan Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon
  • Beirut The Cultural Capital of Middle East, El-Mina, Lebanon


  • BIENNIAL, Exhibition of Young Artists that benefited France, ALBA, Beirut, Lebanon
  • Academie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts, Beirut (Solo)


  • Armenian Tekeian Cultural Center, Beirut, Lebanon


  • Salon D'automne International Exhibition, Grand Palais, Paris


  • The Cultural Movement Center, Beirut, Lebanon
  • Maya Moyent Orient Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon


  • Exhibition of ALBA graduates, Guest of Honer Former First Lady Bachir Jumael, Beirut, Lebanon
  • Exhibition of young Talents, ALBA, Beirut, Lebanon
  • Mar Elias Libanaise Cultural Center, Antelias, Lebanon


  • "Hamazkayin", Jemaran, Beirut, Lebanon
  • Daraj El Fen, Guest of Honor President of Lebanon Amin Jumael, Beirut, Lebanon
  • Keteyeb Cultural Center, Lebanon


  • Mar Elias Libanaise Cultural Center, Antelias, Lebanon

