Балакян Питер — различия между версиями

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м BALAKIAN Peter i» переименована в «Балакян Петер»)
(не показаны 34 промежуточные версии 8 участников)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{persont|ID=4883|dcreate=18.07.2006 20:16:05|dmodify=18.07.2006 20:17:57}}
| name-ru-main  = Балакян Питер
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| портрет              =Balakian Peter5.jpg 
| дата рождения        = 13.06.1951
| место рождения      = Тинек, США
| дата смерти          =
| место смерти        =
| место деятельности  = США
| краткая информация = Поэт, писатель. Лауреат Пулитцеровской премии 2016
| тэг01 = Пулитцеровская премия
| тэг02 =
| тэг03 =
| тэг04 =
| тэг05 = Почётный доктор НАН РА
| тэг06 = Медаль Мовсеса Хоренаци
| тэг07 = Почётный член Союза писателей Армении
| тэг08 =
| тэг09 =
| тэг10 = геноцидовед
| тэг11 =
| тэг12 =
| тэг13 =
| тэг14 =
Балакян родился в г.Тинек, Нью Джерси (США), в армянской семье.
Учился в университетах Бакнелла, Нью-Йорка и Брауна. Он получил степень бакалавра университета «Bucknell», степень магистра в Университете Нью-Йорка, и доктора философии по американской цивилизации из Университета «Brown» в 1980г.
Балакян Петер
В университете «Colgate» Питер Балакян - профессор английского языка, преподает американскую литературу (с 1980 годов), романскую письменность, а также ведёт программу о Армянском Геноциде и Холокосте.
Балакян Питер
Балакян — со-основатель и со-редактор поэтического журнала «Graham House Review».
Он несколько раз бывал в Армении, знаком с армянской литературой, перевел на английский и издал книгу [[Севак Рубен|Рубена Севака]].
Автор 5 поэтических сборников («Грустные дни света», «Ответ из острова Вилдернесс» и др.). Воспоминаниям Балакяна «Черная собака судьбы» (1997) присуждалсь премии PEN/Albrand и «New York Times». Книга «Горящий Тигр: Геноцид армян и ответственность Америки» (2003) получила премии «New York Times Notable Book» и «Национальный бестселлер».
За свою книгу "Ответственность Америки за геноцид армян" был награжден призом Рафаэля Лемкина за лучший научный труд, посвященный  геноциду, массовым убийствам, нарушениям прав человека и путям предотвращения таких преступлений. Награду  Балакяну вручали в Институте при колледже уголовного судопроизводства Джон Джей в Нью-Йорке, занимающимся изучением проблемы геноцида.
*The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response (ISBN 0060198400) /"«Горящий Тигрис: геноцид армян и ответ Америки», Нью-Йорк, Харпер Коллинз Паблишерс, 2003
*Black Dog of Fate (ISBN 0767902548)
Balakian Peter
*Father Fisheye (1979)
*Sad Days of Light (1983)
*Reply From Wilderness Island (1988)
*Dyer's Thistle (1996)
*June-Tree: New and Selected Poems, 1974-2000 (2001)
Балакян Петер
*Theodore Roethke's Far Fields (1989)
*Black Dog of Fate, A Memoir (1997)
*The Burning Tigris : The Armenian Genocide and America's Response (2003)
*Armenian Golgotha (2009) Translation
*Bloody News From My Friend , by Siamanto , translated by Peter Balakian and Nevart Yaghlian, introduction by Balakian (1996)
Гуманитарий и профессор английского языка  в университете Колгейт. Ранее возглавлял  "Центр этики и мировых обществ". За свою книгу "Ответственность Америки за геноцид армян" был награжден призом Рафаэля Лемкина за лучший научный труд, посвященный  геноциду, массовым убийствам, нарушениям прав человека и путям предотвращения таких преступлений. Награду  Балакяну вручали в Институте при колледже уголовного судопроизводства Джон Джей в Нью-Йорке, занимающимся изучением проблемы геноцида.
===Издатель, редактор===
*Ambassador Morgenthau's Story , preface by Robert Jay Lifton, introduction by Roger Smith, afterword by Henry Morgenthau III. (2003)
*Limited Editions (all from The Press of Appletree Alley, Lewisburg, PA)
*Declaring Generations , linoleum engravings by Barnard Taylor ( 1981)
*Invisible Estate , woodcuts by Rosalyn Richards (1985)
*The Oriental Rug , linoleum engravings by Barnard Taylor (1986)
*The Children's Museum at Yad Vashem , illustrated by Colleen Shannon (1996)
Peter Balakian is the Donald M. and Constance H. Rebar Professor of the humanities and professor of English at Colgate University, where he was the first director of Colgate's Center For Ethics and World Societies.
Table of contents [hide] 
*доктор филологических наук
1 The Burning Tigris
*профессор (английского языка)
*Почётный доктор НАН РА
*Почётный член [[Союз писателей Армении|Союза писателей Армении]].
*Пулитцеровская премия (2016, в категории «поэзия» за поэтический сборник «Озоновый дневник»)
*медаль «Мовсес Хоренаци» (2007)
*Лауреат национальных премий
2 Black Dog of Fate
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3 Critics' Forum
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SkYkpPUL-U Peter Balakian on Charlie Rose Part 1]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbmghLlxEu4 Peter Balakian on Charlie Rose Part 2]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nV30fbsHbzA Charlie Rose Show - The Genocide Subject]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBAXHXa26iU 2016 Pulitzer Prize announcement]
4 Honors
*[http://www.peterbalakian.com/index.html Персональный сайт]
5 Publications
*[http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php?title=Peter_Balakian armeniapedia]
*[http://www.cortlandreview.com/issue/22/balakian_i.html The Interview with Peter Balakian]
*[http://magazines.russ.ru/arion/2008/2/ba25.html Питер Балакян. Вступительное слово и перевод Гургена Баренца]
The Burning Tigris
*[http://magazines.russ.ru/nov_yun/2009/4/ba2.html Питер Балакян. Что сказала моя бабушка, когда шел дождь. Стихотворения. Перевод и вступительное слово Гургена Баренца]
The Burning Tigris was a New York Times bestseller and a Times notable book of 2003.
*[http://www.golos.am/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=23293 ПИТЕР БАЛАКЯН: ПОЭТ С РАНЕНОЙ ПАМЯТЬЮ]
*[http://www.sci.am/members.php?mid=417&langid=3 НАН РА]
Friday, September 23, 2005 - Colgate professor Peter Balakian's The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response has been awarded the 2005 Raphael Lemkin Prize for best scholarly book in the preceding two years on the subject of genocide, mass killings, gross human rights violations, and the prevention of such crimes. The award is given by the Institute for the Study of Genocide at JohnJay College of Criminal Justice/CUNY Graduate Center in New York City. The prize, which comes with a cash award, commemorates Raphael Lemkin, the legal scholar who pioneered the international legal concept of genocide.
*[http://www.aniv.ru/view.php?numer=1&st=3&rub=1 Интервью с Питером Балакяном]
*[http://barev.today/news/balakian- Пулитцеровская премия за сборник о геноциде армян]
Black Dog of Fate
*[http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems-and-poets/poets/detail/peter-balakian Peter Balakian - Poetry Foundation]
[[Категория:Доктора филологических наук]]
Black Dog of Fate won the 1998 PEN/Albrand Prize for memoir, and June-tree: New and Selected Poems.
[[Категория:Общественные деятели]]
Critics' Forum
The Presence of the Past in the Poetry of Peter Balakian
By Hovig Tchalian
The year 2004 saw the publication of the most recent paperback edition of Peter Balakian's poetry. The slim, attractive volume, entitled June-Tree: New and Selected Poems, 1974-2000, includes thirteen new works and selections from Balakian's four previous collections.
The compilation may come as a bit of a surprise to some readers. Balakian is best known for his non-poetic writings-Black Dog of Fate: An American Son Uncovers His Armenian Past (1998), a memoir; and the book-length study, The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response (2004). Both volumes were very well-received, and deservedly so. June-Tree suggests that Balakian's poems also deserve a close look.
Balakian has been a poet longer than he has been a writer, scholar or essayist. His well-honed lines and mature, confident style suggest as much. The majority of the poems in the recent volume speak of loss, both personal and national. The more recent poems speak especially of the effect of the past on the present, its presence in the lives of people, particularly in the Armenian experience.
Balakian has always been a peculiar "observer" of that experience. Perhaps a better word is "witness," fraught as it is with connotations of bearing witness to a tragedy or an instance of wrongdoing. His memoir, Black Dog of Fate, casts Balakian as the American-born Armenian re-discovering his past. That gesture taps into two experiences simultaneously-not the "Armenian" and the "American" (each of which is by itself largely indistinguishable in the memoir, as well as in Balakian's own experience); it taps instead into the parallel experiences of a man of Armenian ancestry living in the United States and that of a man of American upbringing confronting Armenian historical reality.
What we might call these two "voices" exist simultaneously in Balakian's poems. Only on rare occasions is either voice heard on its own. An early poem, "Graham House, April '76" (from Father Fisheye, 1979), could have been written by a fifth-generation American of nameless ancestry:
When I wake, the gutters are spiles
of ice, and the magnolia scratches
the window. Guerillas split Beirut,
and Nolan Ryan's worth half a million-
the voice on the tiny Zenith sputters.
Up north trout are game and the Stone Jug's
full of men, and boys who would be men.
Here are all the elements of American life-baseball, fishing, a domestic television set, and a local bar where boys and men spend their off hours. The only shrill tone is sounded by the mention of Beirut. But it is not entirely clear which experience is directed at the flickering TV at this particular moment, the "knowing" concern of the immigrant, or the indiscriminate glance of the local.
The most compelling moments in the collection bring these two experiences to bear on each other. The interplay and friction between them produce sometimes extraordinary flights of thought, language and experience.
A poem from Balakian's most recent collection before this latest one (Dyer's Thistle, 1996), "Geese Flying Over Hamilton, New York," looks back to the loss of human life in Cambodia and elsewhere:
and the radio sounded like fuzz
on a boom mike,
the rhetoric needling in about the dead in Croatia.
The radio delivers news, which comes in "like fuzz." It seems that, like the television set earlier, this vehicle of transmission also garbles the message it transmits, as though the events it is reporting have already become irrelevant, lost in a past more tragic for its inaccessibility:
My daughter will flick a switch,
And a stuffed chair will be a place for light to coalesce.
After dinner and a good bottle of Bordeaux
The sky floats like a numb pillow of radar.
Down here the dark is warm
Like ordinary death.
The poem concludes with what amounts to a complete separation between then and now, between a past both "warm" and "ordinary" and a present ambient with its own artificial light. The "fuzzy" radio transmission suggests the tragic enormity of news that doesn't get through, what Balakian calls in another poem ("After the Survivors are Gone," from Dyer's Thistle, 1996) "things that stick in the ear."
Past and present collide in an earlier poem, "The History of Armenia" (from Sad Days of Light, 1983), in which the speaker imagines his grandparents, who lived through the Genocide, alive in the present, in his home town:
Last night
my grandmother returned
in her brown dress
standing on Oraton Parkway
where we used to walk
and watch the highway
being dug out.
She stood against
a backdrop of steam hammers
and bulldozers,
a bag of fruit
in her hand,
the wind blowing
through her eyes.
. . .
When I told her
I was hungry, she said,
in the grocery store
a man is standing
to his ankles in blood,
the babies in East Orange
have disappeared,
maybe eaten
by the machinery
on this long road.
The memory of the past lives on in the present, and the result is almost unbearably brutal, modern construction machinery taking the place of Turkish soldiers (though they are never specifically mentioned but left to the reader's imagination.). The poem ends with a description of the early morning deportation of the speaker's grandfather:
They came for him
before the birds were up-
he left without shoes
or tie, shirt or suspenders.
It was quiet.
The birds, the birds
were still sleeping.
The note of quiet resignation underscores the inhumanity of the act, but with a complete lack of sentimentality that speaks to the power and substance of Balakian's poems.
Balakian's most remarkable poem is undoubtedly "Oriental Rug" (from perhaps the most effective collection, Dyer's Thistle, 1996), in which the speaker's imagination meanders with the curves and images woven into the rug in the title, brought from "Eastern Turkey, once Armenia:"
The splintering green wool
bled from juniper berries
seemed to seep, even then,
into the wasp-nest cells
breathing in their tubular ways
inside my ear and further back.
The berries on the rug remind the speaker of wasp cells and somehow transform themselves into the canal of the inner ear and finally lead the mind's eye "further back," into the historical imagination. The poem concludes when the "dyes" come apart and "break the grid of threads" and reconvene in an image of both loneliness and hope:
Tyrian purple from a mollusk shell
lodged in Phoenician sand-
gurgle all your passion in my ear.
The "passion" in this case "gurgles" into the disembodied "ear" of a beached shell. The things that would "stick in the ear" (as the other poem had it) are released back into the course of human history.
It is impossible, in this brief discussion, to do the rest of the poem justice. Suffice it to say that it represents the best of Balakian's poetry over the last thirty years. A final comparison to the poem "Flat Sky of Summer," which addresses similar themes, is instructive. In this case, the letters on the page drawn by famed Armenian illuminator, Toros Roslyn, take the place of those on the tapestry, allowing Balakian's imagination once again to weave past and present, in almost literal terms. If the result in this poem is somewhat less successful, it is because it sounds a note of sentimentality, as do a number of the thirteen new poems, especially "In Armenia, 1987." The fact takes nothing away from Balakian's work. But it suggests that the most compelling representation of the Armenian experience is the one that allows the past to speak for itself.
All Rights Reserved: Critics Forum, 2006
Hovig Tchalian holds a PhD in English literature from UCLA. He has edited several journals and also published articles of his own.
This and all other articles published in this series are available online at www.criticsforum.org. To sign up for a weekly electronic version of new articles, go to www.criticsforum.org/join. Critics' Forum is a group created to discuss issues relating to Armenian art and culture in the Diaspora..  
Balakian is the recipient of honors and awards including a Guggenheim fellowship, a National Endowment for the Art, the Anahit Literary Prize, and an Ellis Island Medal of Honor.
The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response (ISBN 0060198400)
Black Dog of Fate (ISBN 0767902548)
Categories: Armenian Individuals
( n. 1951 )
Naissance le 13 juin 1951 ? Teaneck, New Jersey (Etats-Unis d'Am?rique).
N? dans une banlieue ais?e du New Jersey, le po?te Peter Balakian a connu une prime jeunesse typiquement am?ricaine, entre rock 'n' roll et ?quipe de base-ball des New York Yankees.
Sa grand-m?re, qui eut un r?le majeur dans sa formation, lui disait souvent des contes. Et entre Ma M?re l'Oye et les Contes de Grimm, se glissaient souvent d'?tranges souvenirs de sa jeunesse arm?nienne - tout embrum?s de m?taphores et de symbolisme.
Le pass? de sa famille resta myst?rieux jusqu'? ce que des ann?es apr?s Balakian r?unisse les pi?ces du puzzle. Le terrible ?v?nement dont sa grand-m?re avait ?t? victime, c'?tait l'extermination en 1915 de plus d'un million d'Arm?niens par le gouvernement turc ottoman - le premier g?nocide du XXe si?cle
Doctorat ? la Brown University en 1980. A l'Universit? Colgate, Peter Balakian est professeur de litt?rature am?ricaine depuis 1980, d'?criture romanesque et donne un enseignement sur le G?nocide arm?nien et l'Holocauste. Il est Directeur du centre pour l'?tudes des ?thiques et des soci?t?s mondiales nouvellement cr??.
Il est ?galement auteur de cinq volumes de po?sie. Son premier livre, "Black Dog of fate" (Le Chien noir du destin, non traduit en fran?aise), lui a valu le prix PEN/Martha Albrand Prize for the Art of the Memoir en 1998. Le Philadelphia Inquirer a consid?r? l'ouvrage comme "un chapitre essentiel des r?cits de t?moignage", tandis que Le New York Times et le Los Angeles Times, entre autres publications, l'ont nomm? comme "Meilleur livre".
Le Tigre en flammes
  Ed. Ph?bus, 2005, ISBN 2752900651
Перевод с фрацузского
Питер Балакян
(р. 1951)
родился 13 июня 1951 в Тинеке, Нью-Джерси (США).
Докторская степень в Университете Brown в 1980. в университете Colgate Питер Балакян преподает американскую литературу с 1980 годов, романическое письменность, а также дает программу о Армянском Геноциде и Холокосте.
Он автор пяти сборников стихов. Его первая книга "Black Dog of fate" ("Черный пес судьбы", не переведена на французский) принесла ему премию PEN/ Martha Albrand Prize for the Art of the Memoir в 1988.
"Тигр в огне"
изд-во Phoebus, 2005, ISBN 2752900651
Peter Balakian
Peter Balakian is the Donald M. and Constance H. Rebar Professor of the humanities and professor of English at Colgate University, where he was the first director of Colgate's Center For Ethics and World Societies.
Table of contents
1 The Burning Tigris
2 Black Dog of Fate
3 Critics' Forum
4 Honors
5 Publications
The Burning Tigris
The Burning Tigris was a New York Times bestseller and a Times notable book of 2003.
Friday, September 23, 2005 - Colgate professor Peter Balakian's The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response has been awarded the 2005 Raphael Lemkin Prize for best scholarly book in the preceding two years on the subject of genocide, mass killings, gross human rights violations, and the prevention of such crimes. The award is given by the Institute for the Study of Genocide at JohnJay College of Criminal Justice/CUNY Graduate Center in New York City. The prize, which comes with a cash award, commemorates Raphael Lemkin, the legal scholar who pioneered the international legal concept of genocide.
Black Dog of Fate
Black Dog of Fate won the 1998 PEN/Albrand Prize for memoir, and June-tree: New and Selected Poems.
Critics' Forum
The Presence of the Past in the Poetry of Peter Balakian
By Hovig Tchalian
The year 2004 saw the publication of the most recent paperback edition of Peter Balakian's poetry. The slim, attractive volume, entitled June-Tree: New and Selected Poems, 1974-2000, includes thirteen new works and selections from Balakian's four previous collections.  
The compilation may come as a bit of a surprise to some readers. Balakian is best known for his non-poetic writings-Black Dog of Fate: An American Son Uncovers His Armenian Past (1998), a memoir; and the book-length study, The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response (2004). Both volumes were very well-received, and deservedly so. June-Tree suggests that Balakian's poems also deserve a close look.  
Balakian has been a poet longer than he has been a writer, scholar or essayist. His well-honed lines and mature, confident style suggest as much. The majority of the poems in the recent volume speak of loss, both personal and national. The more recent poems speak especially of the effect of the past on the present, its presence in the lives of people, particularly in the Armenian experience.
Balakian has always been a peculiar "observer" of that experience. Perhaps a better word is "witness," fraught as it is with connotations of bearing witness to a tragedy or an instance of wrongdoing. His memoir, Black Dog of Fate, casts Balakian as the American-born Armenian re-discovering his past. That gesture taps into two experiences simultaneously-not the "Armenian" and the "American" (each of which is by itself largely indistinguishable in the memoir, as well as in Balakian's own experience); it taps instead into the parallel experiences of a man of Armenian ancestry living in the United States and that of a man of American upbringing confronting Armenian historical reality.
What we might call these two "voices" exist simultaneously in Balakian's poems. Only on rare occasions is either voice heard on its own. An early poem, "Graham House, April '76" (from Father Fisheye, 1979), could have been written by a fifth-generation American of nameless ancestry:  
When I wake, the gutters are spiles
of ice, and the magnolia scratches
the window. Guerillas split Beirut,
and Nolan Ryan's worth half a million-
the voice on the tiny Zenith sputters.  
Up north trout are game and the Stone Jug's
full of men, and boys who would be men.  
Here are all the elements of American life-baseball, fishing, a domestic television set, and a local bar where boys and men spend their off hours. The only shrill tone is sounded by the mention of Beirut. But it is not entirely clear which experience is directed at the flickering TV at this particular moment, the "knowing" concern of the immigrant, or the indiscriminate glance of the local.
The most compelling moments in the collection bring these two experiences to bear on each other. The interplay and friction between them produce sometimes extraordinary flights of thought, language and experience.  
A poem from Balakian's most recent collection before this latest one (Dyer's Thistle, 1996), "Geese Flying Over Hamilton, New York," looks back to the loss of human life in Cambodia and elsewhere:
and the radio sounded like fuzz
on a boom mike,
the rhetoric needling in about the dead in Croatia.  
The radio delivers news, which comes in "like fuzz." It seems that, like the television set earlier, this vehicle of transmission also garbles the message it transmits, as though the events it is reporting have already become irrelevant, lost in a past more tragic for its inaccessibility:  
My daughter will flick a switch,
And a stuffed chair will be a place for light to coalesce.
After dinner and a good bottle of Bordeaux
The sky floats like a numb pillow of radar.  
Down here the dark is warm
Like ordinary death.  
The poem concludes with what amounts to a complete separation between then and now, between a past both "warm" and "ordinary" and a present ambient with its own artificial light. The "fuzzy" radio transmission suggests the tragic enormity of news that doesn't get through, what Balakian calls in another poem ("After the Survivors are Gone," from Dyer's Thistle, 1996) "things that stick in the ear."
Past and present collide in an earlier poem, "The History of Armenia" (from Sad Days of Light, 1983), in which the speaker imagines his grandparents, who lived through the Genocide, alive in the present, in his home town:  
Last night
my grandmother returned
in her brown dress
standing on Oraton Parkway
where we used to walk
and watch the highway
being dug out.
She stood against
a backdrop of steam hammers
and bulldozers,
a bag of fruit
in her hand,
the wind blowing
through her eyes.
. . .
When I told her
I was hungry, she said,
in the grocery store
a man is standing
to his ankles in blood,
the babies in East Orange
have disappeared,
maybe eaten
by the machinery
on this long road.
The memory of the past lives on in the present, and the result is almost unbearably brutal, modern construction machinery taking the place of Turkish soldiers (though they are never specifically mentioned but left to the reader's imagination.). The poem ends with a description of the early morning deportation of the speaker's grandfather:  
They came for him
before the birds were up-
he left without shoes
or tie, shirt or suspenders.
It was quiet.
The birds, the birds
were still sleeping.
The note of quiet resignation underscores the inhumanity of the act, but with a complete lack of sentimentality that speaks to the power and substance of Balakian's poems.
Balakian's most remarkable poem is undoubtedly "Oriental Rug" (from perhaps the most effective collection, Dyer's Thistle, 1996), in which the speaker's imagination meanders with the curves and images woven into the rug in the title, brought from "Eastern Turkey, once Armenia:"
The splintering green wool
bled from juniper berries
seemed to seep, even then,
into the wasp-nest cells
breathing in their tubular ways
inside my ear and further back.
The berries on the rug remind the speaker of wasp cells and somehow transform themselves into the canal of the inner ear and finally lead the mind's eye "further back," into the historical imagination. The poem concludes when the "dyes" come apart and "break the grid of threads" and reconvene in an image of both loneliness and hope:
Tyrian purple from a mollusk shell
lodged in Phoenician sand-
gurgle all your passion in my ear.
The "passion" in this case "gurgles" into the disembodied "ear" of a beached shell. The things that would "stick in the ear" (as the other poem had it) are released back into the course of human history.
It is impossible, in this brief discussion, to do the rest of the poem justice. Suffice it to say that it represents the best of Balakian's poetry over the last thirty years. A final comparison to the poem "Flat Sky of Summer," which addresses similar themes, is instructive. In this case, the letters on the page drawn by famed Armenian illuminator, Toros Roslyn, take the place of those on the tapestry, allowing Balakian's imagination once again to weave past and present, in almost literal terms. If the result in this poem is somewhat less successful, it is because it sounds a note of sentimentality, as do a number of the thirteen new poems, especially "In Armenia, 1987." The fact takes nothing away from Balakian's work. But it suggests that the most compelling representation of the Armenian experience is the one that allows the past to speak for itself.
Hovig Tchalian holds a PhD in English literature from UCLA. He has edited several journals and also published articles of his own.
This and all other articles published in this series are available online at www.criticsforum.org. To sign up for a weekly electronic version of new articles, go to www.criticsforum.org/join. Critics' Forum is a group created to discuss issues relating to Armenian art and culture in the Diaspora.. 
Balakian is the recipient of honors and awards including a Guggenheim fellowship, a National Endowment for the Art, the Anahit Literary Prize, and an Ellis Island Medal of Honor.
The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response (ISBN 0060198400)
Black Dog of Fate (ISBN 0767902548)
Title:    The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response
Author:  Peter Balakian
Subject:    Genocide / Studies
History / Genocide / Studies
Genocide / United States
History / Armenia / Foreign Relations
Sociology / Human Rights
Sociology / America
Publisher:   Harper Collins
Date / City:    2003 / New York
Language(s):    English
Pages:    475
Cover:    Hardbound
Size:  6 1/4" x 9 1/4"
ISBN #    0-06-019840-0
View page in Armenian
Title:    Jakatagri Sev Shoune: Houshagroutyoun
English Title:    Black Dog of Faith: A Memoir
Author:  Peter Balakian
Subject:    Literature / Nonfiction / Memoirs
Literature / Genocide
Genocide / Literature
Publisher:    Tigran Mets
Date / City:    2002 / Yerevan
Language(s):    Eastern Armenian
Pages:    363
Cover:    Paperback
Size:  5 1/2" x 8"
ISBN #    99941-0-002-5
Title:    Black Dog of Faith: A Memoir
Author:  Peter Balakian
Subject:    Literature / Nonfiction / Memoirs
Literature / Genocide
Genocide / Literature
Publisher:    Broadway Books
Date / City:    1997 / New York
Language(s):    English
Pages:    292
Cover:    Paperback
Size:  5 1/2" x 8"
ISBN #    0-7679-0254-8
Title:   June-tree: New and Selected Poems [1974-2000]
Author:   Peter Balakian
Subject:   Literature / Poetry
Literature / Genocide
Genocide / Literature
Publisher:   HarperCollins
Date / City:   2001 / New York
Language(s):   English
Pages:   178
Cover:   Hardbound
Size:  6 1/4" x 9 1/2"
ISBN #    0-06-019841-9
П. Балакян (США)
Известный американский поэт и писатель, лауреат национальных премий.
Автор поэтических сборников и романов (бестселлер 1'Чёрный пёс судьбы").
Мамулов С.С. Удивительный народ из страны чудес. Книга 4. М., 2005

Текущая версия на 11:31, 28 мая 2016

Дополните информацию о персоне
Балакян Питер
Balakian Peter
Balakian Peter5.jpg
Другие имена: Балакян Петер
На английском: Balakian Peter
На армянском: Փիթեր Բալաքյան
Дата рождения: 13.06.1951
Место рождения: Тинек, США
Краткая информация:
Поэт, писатель. Лауреат Пулитцеровской премии 2016


Балакян родился в г.Тинек, Нью Джерси (США), в армянской семье.

Учился в университетах Бакнелла, Нью-Йорка и Брауна. Он получил степень бакалавра университета «Bucknell», степень магистра в Университете Нью-Йорка, и доктора философии по американской цивилизации из Университета «Brown» в 1980г.

В университете «Colgate» Питер Балакян - профессор английского языка, преподает американскую литературу (с 1980 годов), романскую письменность, а также ведёт программу о Армянском Геноциде и Холокосте.

Балакян — со-основатель и со-редактор поэтического журнала «Graham House Review».

Он несколько раз бывал в Армении, знаком с армянской литературой, перевел на английский и издал книгу Рубена Севака.


Автор 5 поэтических сборников («Грустные дни света», «Ответ из острова Вилдернесс» и др.). Воспоминаниям Балакяна «Черная собака судьбы» (1997) присуждалсь премии PEN/Albrand и «New York Times». Книга «Горящий Тигр: Геноцид армян и ответственность Америки» (2003) получила премии «New York Times Notable Book» и «Национальный бестселлер».

За свою книгу "Ответственность Америки за геноцид армян" был награжден призом Рафаэля Лемкина за лучший научный труд, посвященный геноциду, массовым убийствам, нарушениям прав человека и путям предотвращения таких преступлений. Награду Балакяну вручали в Институте при колледже уголовного судопроизводства Джон Джей в Нью-Йорке, занимающимся изучением проблемы геноцида.

  • The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response (ISBN 0060198400) /"«Горящий Тигрис: геноцид армян и ответ Америки», Нью-Йорк, Харпер Коллинз Паблишерс, 2003
  • Black Dog of Fate (ISBN 0767902548)


  • Father Fisheye (1979)
  • Sad Days of Light (1983)
  • Reply From Wilderness Island (1988)
  • Dyer's Thistle (1996)
  • June-Tree: New and Selected Poems, 1974-2000 (2001)


  • Theodore Roethke's Far Fields (1989)
  • Black Dog of Fate, A Memoir (1997)
  • The Burning Tigris : The Armenian Genocide and America's Response (2003)


  • Armenian Golgotha (2009) Translation
  • Bloody News From My Friend , by Siamanto , translated by Peter Balakian and Nevart Yaghlian, introduction by Balakian (1996)

Издатель, редактор

  • Ambassador Morgenthau's Story , preface by Robert Jay Lifton, introduction by Roger Smith, afterword by Henry Morgenthau III. (2003)
  • Limited Editions (all from The Press of Appletree Alley, Lewisburg, PA)
  • Declaring Generations , linoleum engravings by Barnard Taylor ( 1981)
  • Invisible Estate , woodcuts by Rosalyn Richards (1985)
  • The Oriental Rug , linoleum engravings by Barnard Taylor (1986)
  • The Children's Museum at Yad Vashem , illustrated by Colleen Shannon (1996)


  • доктор филологических наук
  • профессор (английского языка)
  • Почётный доктор НАН РА
  • Почётный член Союза писателей Армении.
  • Пулитцеровская премия (2016, в категории «поэзия» за поэтический сборник «Озоновый дневник»)


  • медаль «Мовсес Хоренаци» (2007)
  • Лауреат национальных премий



