Манукян Беатриче — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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м Manoukian Beatrice i» переименована в «Манукян Беатрис»)
(не показаны 3 промежуточные версии 3 участников)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
| name-ru-main  = Манукян Беатриче
| name-ru-01    =  
| name-ru-02    =  
| name-ru-03    =
| name-lat =
| name-en      = Manoukian Beatrice
| name-am      =
| name-fr      =
| состояние текста    = 7
| состояние поиска    = 7
| состояние тэгов      = 7
| состояние ссылок    = 7
| флаг чистовик        = 7
| портрет              =
| дата рождения        = 
| место рождения      = Александрия, Египет
| дата смерти          =
| место смерти        =
| краткая информация = Художник
| тэг01 = Художник
| тэг02 =
| тэг03 =
| тэг04 =
| тэг05 =
Эминрировала в Австралию в 1964.
Manoukian Beatrice
Проживает в Мельбурне.
Манукян Беатрис
В 1999 - основала «Oakleigh Art Society».
В 2002 - основала «Hye Art Inc.», и «Armenian Art society».
* 1976 - Leadlight exhibition - Brighton
* 1990 - Naïve Gallery - Melbourne . World of Art.
* 1991 - 232 Studio Brighton. (Solo) . Naïve Gallery.
* 1991 - Olinda Gallery .The Hut Gallery
* 1992 - World of Art. (solo) The Highway Gallery
* 1993 - Essen Gallery. Raunheim Contemporary Gallery - Germany
* 1994 - Montreal Old Town - Canada
* 1995 - The Highway Gallery
* 1996 - Delshan Gallery
* 1999 - The Highway Gallery. Walker Street Gallery
* 2000 - Gallery 5, St.Kilda,.(Solo) . Walker Street Gallery
* 2001 - Heritage Hill Museum,Dandenong . Hamazkayne - Sydney
* 2002 - Gallery Mouseworks. The Highway Gallery
* 2003 - Hamazkaine - Sydney. Immigaration Museum Vic.
* 2003 - Oakleigh Festival People's Banner- Design and supervision
* 2003 - Oakleigh Festival Banner.Gallery Mouseworks.Highway Gallery
Файл:Manoukian Beatrice.jpg
Manoukian Beatrice
Please visit Beatrice's web site for more of her art works ...
*[http://artistsinmotion.com.au/betty.html Manoukian Beatrice]
Born in Egypt, Alexandria of Armenian parents.
Migrated to Australia in 1964.
Education: Business Studies- Accounting and Fine Arts - both at Monash University.
Numerous TAFE courses in life drawing and workshops at the Hut Gallery.
Beatrice draws her inspiration from her inner self and people who have played a major role in her life.
Her paintings are sometimes subdued with a limited palette and sometimes vibrant with colour. Although she prefers to work mainly with oils, she does enjoy experimenting with other mediums as well.
Some of her paintings are in private collections all around the world including New York, Vancouver, Montreal, Armenia and Frankfurt.
"Art is the universal language that speaks to everyone. I would like to see an Armenian gallery/workshop in Melbourne, Australia, where everyone is welcome to work, learn and experience art. In particular, our younger Armenians, some of whom are very talented. Such talents should be recognised, nurtured and cherished by our own Armenian community in Melbourne. Through art, the children can learn about our culture, heritage and take pride in being ARMENIANS."
Born in Alexandria, Egypt - Origin: Armenian
Lives in Chadstone, Melbourne Australia
Business Studies – Accounting - Monash 1973
Fine Arts - Monash 1976
Various TAFE courses in life drawing/painting -1990 - 1996
• 1976 - Leadlight exhibition - Brighton
• 1990 - Naïve Gallery - Melbourne . World of Art.
• 1991 - 232 Studio Brighton. (Solo) . Naïve Gallery.
• 1991 - Olinda Gallery .The Hut Gallery
• 1992 - World of Art. (solo) The Highway Gallery
• 1993 - Essen Gallery. Raunheim Contemporary Gallery - Germany
• 1994 - Montreal Old Town - Canada
• 1995 - The Highway Gallery
• 1996 - Delshan Gallery
• 1999 - The Highway Gallery. Walker Street Gallery
• 2000 - Gallery 5, St.Kilda,.(Solo) . Walker Street Gallery
• 2001 - Heritage Hill Museum,Dandenong . Hamazkayne - Sydney
• 2002 - Gallery Mouseworks. The Highway Gallery
• 2003 - Hamazkaine - Sydney. Immigaration Museum Vic.
• 2003 - Oakleigh Festival People's Banner- Design and supervision
• 2003 - Oakleigh Festival Banner.Gallery Mouseworks.Highway Gallery
1999 - Establishment of Oakleigh Art Society and campaign to convert the Old Oakleigh Court House and Police Station into a Community Arts Centre.
2002 - Establishment and formation of Hye Art Inc., an Armenian Art society, encouraging the arts within Armenian community and promoting diversity of culture within the City of Monash.
View Beatrice's works

Текущая версия на 08:29, 15 октября 2011

Дополните информацию о персоне
Манукян Беатриче
Manoukian Beatrice
На английском: Manoukian Beatrice
Место рождения: Александрия, Египет
Краткая информация:


Эминрировала в Австралию в 1964.

Проживает в Мельбурне.

В 1999 - основала «Oakleigh Art Society».

В 2002 - основала «Hye Art Inc.», и «Armenian Art society».


  • 1976 - Leadlight exhibition - Brighton
  • 1990 - Naïve Gallery - Melbourne . World of Art.
  • 1991 - 232 Studio Brighton. (Solo) . Naïve Gallery.
  • 1991 - Olinda Gallery .The Hut Gallery
  • 1992 - World of Art. (solo) The Highway Gallery
  • 1993 - Essen Gallery. Raunheim Contemporary Gallery - Germany
  • 1994 - Montreal Old Town - Canada
  • 1995 - The Highway Gallery
  • 1996 - Delshan Gallery
  • 1999 - The Highway Gallery. Walker Street Gallery
  • 2000 - Gallery 5, St.Kilda,.(Solo) . Walker Street Gallery
  • 2001 - Heritage Hill Museum,Dandenong . Hamazkayne - Sydney
  • 2002 - Gallery Mouseworks. The Highway Gallery
  • 2003 - Hamazkaine - Sydney. Immigaration Museum Vic.
  • 2003 - Oakleigh Festival People's Banner- Design and supervision
  • 2003 - Oakleigh Festival Banner.Gallery Mouseworks.Highway Gallery

