Тхруни Саркис — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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(не показано 10 промежуточных версий 4 участников)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{persont|ID=10573|dcreate=16.10.2006 10:33:04|dmodify=19.12.2006 16:44:35}}
| name-ru-main  = Тхруни Саркис
| name-ru-01    = Кедерян Саркис
| name-ru-02    =
| name-ru-03    =
| name-lat = Kederian Sarkis
| name-en      = Dkhrouni Sarkis
| name-am      =
| name-fr      =
| состояние текста    = 7
| состояние поиска    = 7
| состояние тэгов      = 7
| состояние ссылок    = 7
| флаг чистовик        = 7
| портрет              = 10573_1.png
| дата рождения        = 1898
| место рождения      = Сис
| дата смерти          =
| место смерти        =
| место деятельности  =
| краткая информация = Деятель партии «Гнчак»
| тэг01 = общественный деятель
| тэг02 = педагог
| тэг03 = писатель
| тэг04 =
| тэг05 =  
Родился в Сисе в 1898 году.
Дкруни Саркис  
Саркис Тхруни покинули родину в период турецкого депортацию армян в 1915 году, и смог туда вернуться лишь во время репатриации Киликии после Второй мировой войны
Dkhrouni Sarkis
Работал учителем, редактором газеты, а также активистом [[Гнчак|Гнчак]]. Он редактировал газеты "Davros" и "Нор Serount".
Кедерьян Саркис
После эвакуации Киликии, Тхруни поселился в Алеппо, там он редактировал "Souriakan Mamoul", который стал форумом для развития его политической зрелости. Благодаря его усилиям были созданы различные подразделения молодежных организаций Гнчак в Алеппо, Дамаске, Бейруте и Кессабе.
Kederian Sarkis
Горячий оратор и превосходный писатель, Тхруни сплотил всё армянское население в изгнании вокруг Армении.
В 1927 Тхруни, на основе на ложных обвинений был сослан на остров у побережья Сирии правящей французской администрацией. В 1928 году он вернулся из ссылки, написав сборник очерков анализа его политических взглядов по армянскому вопросу.
Вскоре после своего возвращения, на 17 января 1929, он был убит в Бейруте своим соотечественником.
Sarkis Dkhrouni  Саркис Дкруни
(Sarkis Kederian) (Саркис Кедерьян)
<gallery>Изображение:Дкруни_Саркис1.jpg|Могила Тхруни в Бейруте</gallery>
Born in Sis in 1898.
Sarkis Dkhrouni had left his homeland during the Turkish deportations of Armenians in 1915, only to return to Sis during the repatriation of Cilicia following World War I.
In Sis, Dkhrouni had embarked on a very intensive career as a teacher, newspaper editor, and as a Hunchak activist. He edited the "Davros" and "Nor Serount" newspapers and worked tirelessly to organise aid to the then besieged city of Hajin in Armenia Cilicia.
After the evacuation of Cilicia, Dkhrouni settled in Aleppo, there he edited "Souriakan Mamoul", which became the forum for the development of his political maturity. Various chapters of Hunchak youth organisations were soon established in Aleppo, Damascus, Beirut and Kessab thanks to his efforts.
An ardent orator and an excellent writer, Dkhrouni rallied an entire segment of the Armenian population in exile around Armenia, the land to which he had placed much of his hopes and aspirations.
In 1927 Dkhrouni was exiled to Arvad island off of Syria by the ruling French mandatory authorities base on false accusations (given by fellow Armenians) and intentional harassment. While in exile, his ideological opponents spread rumours of his death, and it is on this occasion that he responded with his famous line "It is Dkhrouni, and he remains Hunchakian". In 1928 he returned from exile having written his masterpiece, a collection of essays analysing his political thoughts and Armenian issues.
Soon after his return, on 17 January, 1929, he was assassinated in Beirut by fellow Armenians...
Papers all over the Diaspora reported the news of his assassination and funeral procession, including 13 local (non-Armenian) papers. Shoukri Sadi, a Lebanese reporter on the funeral procession writes:
"It would be hard for me to see another funeral procession like this, which I unfortunately became a witness to. Twenty thousand Armenians, on their shoulders carrying the coffin of a great Armenian activist. I found everyone in tiers, and their heart-broken sighs could have ripped the ground".
Dkhrouni is considered unique in his dedication to the cause for which he fought throughout his short life.
Many of the Hunchakian youth organisation chapters carry his name in honour of his martyrdom.
Dkhrouni symbolises the spirit of a dedicated youth.
He is an Armenian hero.
And a Hunchakian legend.
Sarkis Dkhrouni Саркис Деркуни
(Sarkis Kederian)  Саркис Кедерьян
Born in Sis in 1898.
Sarkis Dkhrouni had left his homeland during the Turkish deportations of Armenians in 1915, only to return to Sis during the repatriation of Cilicia following World War I.
In Sis, Dkhrouni had embarked on a very intensive career as a teacher, newspaper editor, and as a Hunchak activist. He edited the "Davros" and "Nor Serount" newspapers and worked tirelessly to organise aid to the then besieged city of Hajin in Armenia Cilicia.
After the evacuation of Cilicia, Dkhrouni settled in Aleppo, there he edited "Souriakan Mamoul", which became the forum for the development of his political maturity. Various chapters of Hunchak youth organisations were soon established in Aleppo, Damascus, Beirut and Kessab thanks to his efforts.
An ardent orator and an excellent writer, Dkhrouni rallied an entire segment of the Armenian population in exile around Armenia, the land to which he had placed much of his hopes and aspirations.
In 1927 Dkhrouni was exiled to Arvad island off of Syria by the ruling French mandatory authorities base on false accusations (given by fellow Armenians) and intentional harassment. While in exile, his ideological opponents spread rumours of his death, and it is on this occasion that he responded with his famous line "It is Dkhrouni, and he remains Hunchakian". In 1928 he returned from exile having written his masterpiece, a collection of essays analysing his political thoughts and Armenian issues.
Soon after his return, on 17 January, 1929, he was assassinated in Beirut by fellow Armenians...
Papers all over the Diaspora reported the news of his assassination and funeral procession, including 13 local (non-Armenian) papers. Shoukri Sadi, a Lebanese reporter on the funeral procession writes:
"It would be hard for me to see another funeral procession like this, which I unfortunately became a witness to. Twenty thousand Armenians, on their shoulders carrying the coffin of a great Armenian activist. I found everyone in tiers, and their heart-broken sighs could have ripped the ground".
Dkhrouni is considered unique in his dedication to the cause for which he fought throughout his short life.
Many of the Hunchakian youth organisation chapters carry his name in honour of his martyrdom.
Dkhrouni symbolises the spirit of a dedicated youth.
He is an Armenian hero.
And a Hunchakian legend.

Текущая версия на 17:18, 14 августа 2011

Дополните информацию о персоне
Тхруни Саркис
Dkhrouni Sarkis
10573 1.png
Другие имена: Кедерян Саркис
Латиницей: Kederian Sarkis
На английском: Dkhrouni Sarkis
Дата рождения: 1898
Место рождения: Сис
Краткая информация:
Деятель партии «Гнчак»


Родился в Сисе в 1898 году.

Саркис Тхруни покинули родину в период турецкого депортацию армян в 1915 году, и смог туда вернуться лишь во время репатриации Киликии после Второй мировой войны

Работал учителем, редактором газеты, а также активистом Гнчак. Он редактировал газеты "Davros" и "Нор Serount".

После эвакуации Киликии, Тхруни поселился в Алеппо, там он редактировал "Souriakan Mamoul", который стал форумом для развития его политической зрелости. Благодаря его усилиям были созданы различные подразделения молодежных организаций Гнчак в Алеппо, Дамаске, Бейруте и Кессабе.

Горячий оратор и превосходный писатель, Тхруни сплотил всё армянское население в изгнании вокруг Армении.

В 1927 Тхруни, на основе на ложных обвинений был сослан на остров у побережья Сирии правящей французской администрацией. В 1928 году он вернулся из ссылки, написав сборник очерков анализа его политических взглядов по армянскому вопросу.

Вскоре после своего возвращения, на 17 января 1929, он был убит в Бейруте своим соотечественником.

