Доникян Саймон — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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(не показано 7 промежуточных версий 5 участников)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{persont|ID=12201|dcreate=25.01.2007 17:00:43|dmodify=25.01.2007 17:02}}
| name-ru-main  = Доникян Саймон
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| флаг чистовик        = 7
| портрет              = Доникян Саймон8.jpg
| дата рождения        = 1949
| место рождения      = Констанца, Румыния
| дата смерти          =
| место смерти        =
| краткая информация = Соаременный американский художник
| тэг01 = художник
| тэг02 =
| тэг03 =
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| тэг05 =  
Саймон Доникян родился в городе Констанца, Румыния в 1949 году в армянской семье.
Donikian Simon
В местном клубе искусства, в возрасте 7 лет продолжил свое художественное образование. Затем в Высшей школе музыки и искусств в Констанце. Саймон самостоятельно начал делать копии Рубенса, Рембрандта, Вермеера и других классических художников. Кроме того, он начал делать свои собственные творения склонялись к полуабстрактному сюрреализму. В 1968 году он поступил в Институт Картографии и дизайна в Бухаресте.
Доникян Симон
После его окончания два года спустя, в 1971 году, он эмигрировал в Нью-Йорк  вместе со своей семьей, состоящей из родителей и старшего брата. В 1980 году он вернулся в Румынию, но уже не смог перестроиться, и он в конце концов вернулся в Нью-Йорк в 1982 году.
В феврале 1998 года он запустил свой собственный сайт в Интернете и купил домен www.donikian.com.
В настоящее время он работает в постоянной экспозиции Нью-Йоркского исторического общества и Музея города Нью-Йорка.
*1969 Constanta, Romania
*1971 Beirut, Lebanon
*1975 Lynn Kottler Galleries, New York, USA
*1976-80 St Moritz Hotel, New York, (Armenian Students Association)
*1988 Cultural Environ, Queens, New York, USA
*1989 La Guardia College Gallery, Queens, New York, USA
*Helio Galleries, NYC, USA
*Morin Miller Gallery, NYC, USA 
*1990 Clapp & Tutle Gallery, Woodbery, New Haven, CT, USA
*Lincoln Saving Bank, NYC, USA
*1991 York Square Cinema Gallery, New Haven, CT, USA
*Old State House, Hartford, CT, USA
*Triplex Gallery (Manhattan Community College)
*BBDO Gallery, NYC, USA 
*1992 Monserrat Gallery, NYC, USA
*Manhattan Graphic Center, NYC, USA
*Abney Gallery, NYC, USA 
*World Wide Gallery NYC, USA
*St James Armenian Church, Los Angeles, USA
*Erevan, City Gallery, Armenia
*1994 Puck Building Gallery, NYC, USA
*St. Thomas Armenian Church, New Jersey, USA
*1995-2002 Puck Building Gallery, NYC (yearly group shows)
*2001 Dime Saving Bank of Willamsburgh New York
*2007-'08 2010- at Queens of Angels Church in Sunnyside, Queens, New York
*2010 Sidetrack Restaurant Queens Blvd.  & 46th Street Queens
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Файл:Доникян Саймон0.jpg
Simon Donikian | Curriculum vitae
45-55 46th Street
*[http://www.donikian.com/ Персональный сайт]
Woodside, New York, NY 11377 USA
Tel: (718) 937-9187
On Internet: www.donikian.com
Simon Donikian was born in the city of Constanta, Romania in 1949 of Armenian parents.  He became a member at the local art club at the age of 7 and continued his art education at the High School of Music and Arts in Constanta.  On his own, he started to do copies after Rubens, Rembrandt, Vermeer and other classic artists. He also started to do his own creations inclined toward semi-abstract surrealism.  In 1968, he entered the Institute of Cartographic Design in Bucharest.
After graduating two years later, he immigrated to New York in 1971 with his family consisting of his parents and his older brother.  It was a tough beginning as he was forced to make a hard living yet continue his artistic career on the side.  In 1980, he returned to Romania but it was impossible to readjust and he eventually came back to New York in 1982.
In 1985 he chose Queens cityscapes as his major subject and by 1993 he cautiously reincorporated elements of surrealism found in his earlier works.  In February of 1998 he launched his own website on the Internet and bought the domain www.donikian.com later on.  He has had over 45 shows and several entries in different publications including an entry in Allgemeines Kunstler Lexikon, the New York Times and Harper's Magazine. Currently he has works in the permanent collections of the New York Historical Society and Museum and the Museum of the City of New York. (see image from ``recent acqusitions )He has one son, Michael, 22, who is a graduate student at Cornell University.
Shows: * solo shows / † representation one year
1968      Bucharest, Romania
1969      Constanta, Romania*
1971      Beirut, Lebanon
1975      Lynn Kottler Galleries, New York, USA
1976-80  St Moritz Hotel, New York, (Armenian Students Association)
1988      Cultural Environ, Queens, New York, USA
1989      La Guardia College Gallery, Queens, New York, USA
              Helio Galleries, NYC, USA
              Morin Miller Gallery, NYC, USA  †
1990      Clapp & Tutle Gallery, Woodbery, New Haven, CT, USA †
              Lincoln Saving Bank, NYC, USA *
1991      York Square Cinema Gallery, New Haven, CT, USA
              Old State House, Hartford, CT, USA
              Triplex Gallery (Manhattan Community College)
              BBDO Gallery, NYC, USA *
1992      Monserrat Gallery, NYC, USA
              Manhattan Graphic Center, NYC, USA
              Abney Gallery, NYC, USA †
              World Wide Gallery NYC, USA
              St James Armenian Church, Los Angeles, USA
              Erevan, City Gallery, Armenia *
1994      Puck Building Gallery, NYC, USA
              St. Thomas Armenian Church, New Jersey, USA *
1995-2002  Puck Building Gallery, NYC  (yearly group shows)
2001      Dime Saving Bank of Willamsburgh* New York
Periodicals / Critic statements / Internet / Books /Artist statements
1968  ``S. Donikian - New Talent" by G. Papagheorghe, Dobrogea Noua newspaper (in Romanian) Romania
1975  ``Trio at Kottler " Park East newspaper, New York
1989  ``Special Image of America" by Joseph Markel in Artspeak bimonthly magazine
``What has happened aesthetically with Donikian is a shift in attention from understanding the general ambience of his urban life scene to becoming more specific. Obviously this is no Hopperesque approach, not even philosophically. It's a new game with new rules, new moods, new emphases."
1989  ``S. Donikian's New America" by Palmer Paroner, Artspeak magazine
1989  ``The Enduring Vision of S.Donikian" by Ed McCormack in Artspeak magazine
1990  ``Donikian Widens His Scope" by E. C. Lipton in Artspeak
1990  Entry in ``The Encyclopedia of Living Artists" in America (fifth edition) Editor Constance Franklin
1990  ``Donikian the Painter of Queens" by Alfred Lubrano of Daily News
``It is this crowded quality of people going about their business that is the main difference between Donikian and another New York City landscape artist to whom he has been compared, Edward Hopper."
1991  ``The Rare Gift of S.Donikian" by Diana Roberts of Manhattan Arts
``Donikian's ability to be figurative without sacrificing art, to be traditional and original at the same time, and to show us what we look at but do not see for ourselves sets him apart as an artist of great sensitivity"
1990  ``S. Donikian an Artist with Great Faith" by J. Zambacian, former director of Zambacian Museum, Bucharest, Romania
1990  ``Local Talent Exercises `Freedom of Choice'" by William Zimmer, New York Times
1991  ``Three Stimulating Artists" Abraham Ilein, Artspeak magazine
1991  ``S. Donikian's workaday world" by Will Grant, Artspeak magazine
1992  ``Abney Gallery Display Innovative Artists" by Meredith Hall in Artspeak
1992  A copy of ``Under the Flushing Line" by Gail F Harre  appears in ``The Cressent" monthly magazine of Valparaiso University, Indiana
1991  Donikian exhibits NYC landscapes Ed. Baschian in Armenian Reporter newspaper
1992  ``Haven for Local Artists" by M. Bazzy in NY Newsday newspaper
1992  Article in Erevan Armenia in Armenian language
1993  Small article in NY Magazine by Paulette Weiss
1993  Painter of Sunnyside by Michael Matthews in Woodside Herald, Queens newspaper
1998  Enters over 100 works in display in his web pages on the internet at www.donikian.com
2001 Entry in Allgemeines Kunstler-Lexikon Vol#28, page 555  Leipzic Germany
        Entry in ``Outstanding Artists and Designers 21 Century" by International Bio. Center Cambrige, England
        Casa Editrice Alba's Entry in Dizionario Enciclopedico Internazionale, Ferrara, Italy
        Gets the title of ``Profesor Associated Academician" from Academia ``Greci- Marino del Verbano" Vinzaglio Italy
        New York Times's Story about him in City section ``Inspired by Mundane" by Lee Koh (May 13,'01)
        Harper's Magazine reproduces in color ``The fall of Superman near Bliss Street station V2" in their fall issue
        40 studends of Prof. Peter Shippy (Emerson College, Boston, MA) writes 40 poems based on ``The fall of Superman"
      Armenian TV ``Ardzgang" produces a 12 minutes film aired in NY, NJ, CA. and ARMENIA
        Queens Tribune publish story ``Queens Through the brush of a Woodsider" writen by Nick Abadjan (nov. 16)
2002 In January,  New York Historical Society and Museum admits one of his works in their permanent collection
2002 In June, The Museum of the City of New York accepts Under the Bliss Street Station (oil on canvas) in their permanent collection,
Works by S. Donikian up to present are in private collections in Europe, USA and Asia
``Sometimes when I paint, I feel myself very much like a cook, but instead of using salt, pepper, onions, and garlic, my ingredients are color, content, composition, style, etc. And although people do have different tastes, most would agree that too much salt or pepper could ruin a dish."

Текущая версия на 16:36, 14 августа 2011

Дополните информацию о персоне
Доникян Саймон
Доникян Саймон8.jpg
Дата рождения: 1949
Место рождения: Констанца, Румыния
Краткая информация:
Соаременный американский художник


Саймон Доникян родился в городе Констанца, Румыния в 1949 году в армянской семье.

В местном клубе искусства, в возрасте 7 лет продолжил свое художественное образование. Затем в Высшей школе музыки и искусств в Констанце. Саймон самостоятельно начал делать копии Рубенса, Рембрандта, Вермеера и других классических художников. Кроме того, он начал делать свои собственные творения склонялись к полуабстрактному сюрреализму. В 1968 году он поступил в Институт Картографии и дизайна в Бухаресте.

После его окончания два года спустя, в 1971 году, он эмигрировал в Нью-Йорк вместе со своей семьей, состоящей из родителей и старшего брата. В 1980 году он вернулся в Румынию, но уже не смог перестроиться, и он в конце концов вернулся в Нью-Йорк в 1982 году.

В феврале 1998 года он запустил свой собственный сайт в Интернете и купил домен www.donikian.com.

В настоящее время он работает в постоянной экспозиции Нью-Йоркского исторического общества и Музея города Нью-Йорка.



  • 1969 Constanta, Romania
  • 1971 Beirut, Lebanon
  • 1975 Lynn Kottler Galleries, New York, USA
  • 1976-80 St Moritz Hotel, New York, (Armenian Students Association)
  • 1988 Cultural Environ, Queens, New York, USA
  • 1989 La Guardia College Gallery, Queens, New York, USA
  • Helio Galleries, NYC, USA
  • Morin Miller Gallery, NYC, USA
  • 1990 Clapp & Tutle Gallery, Woodbery, New Haven, CT, USA
  • Lincoln Saving Bank, NYC, USA
  • 1991 York Square Cinema Gallery, New Haven, CT, USA
  • Old State House, Hartford, CT, USA
  • Triplex Gallery (Manhattan Community College)
  • BBDO Gallery, NYC, USA
  • 1992 Monserrat Gallery, NYC, USA
  • Manhattan Graphic Center, NYC, USA
  • Abney Gallery, NYC, USA
  • World Wide Gallery NYC, USA
  • St James Armenian Church, Los Angeles, USA
  • Erevan, City Gallery, Armenia
  • 1994 Puck Building Gallery, NYC, USA
  • St. Thomas Armenian Church, New Jersey, USA
  • 1995-2002 Puck Building Gallery, NYC (yearly group shows)
  • 2001 Dime Saving Bank of Willamsburgh New York
  • 2007-'08 2010- at Queens of Angels Church in Sunnyside, Queens, New York
  • 2010 Sidetrack Restaurant Queens Blvd. & 46th Street Queens

