Матян Вазген — различия между версиями

(не показано 8 промежуточных версий 5 участников)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{persont|ID=12252|dcreate=25.01.2007 18:41:34|dmodify=25.01.2007 18:42:13}}
| name-ru-main  = Матян Вазген
| name-ru-01    =
| name-ru-02    =
| name-ru-03    =
| name-lat =
| name-en      = Matyan Vazken
| name-am      =
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| состояние поиска    = 7
| состояние тэгов      = 7
| состояние ссылок    = 7
| флаг чистовик        = 7
| портрет              = Matyan Vazken.jpg
| дата рождения        = 1969
| место рождения      = Бейрут, Ливан
| дата смерти          =
| место смерти        =
| краткая информация = Жудожник
| тэг01 = Художник
| тэг02 =
| тэг03 =
| тэг04 =
| тэг05 =  
В 1987 году поступил в Академию изящных искусств им. Т.Рослина в Бейруте.
Matyan Vazken
Участвовал в групповых экспозициях в Ливане, Сирии и США (Лос-Анжелес).
Матьян Вазген
Работы Вазгена Матяна находятся с частных коллекциях в Ливане, Смрии, Монреале, Торонто, Париже, Лос-Анжелесе и др.
С 1992 года живёт в США (Лос-Анжелес).
===Групповые выставки===   
* Lebanese Artist at the St. Elias Cultural Arts Center. Antilias, Lebanon 1987
* Group Six at the Hamazkayin Arts Center. Ainjar, Lebanon 1988
* Group Six at the Catholic Cultural Arts Center. Damascus, Syria 1990
* Group Six at the Russian Cultural Center. Hamra, Lebanon 1990
* Group Six at the American University of Beirut. Hamra, Lebanon 1990
* Group Six at the Catholic Cultural Arts Center. Aleppo, Syria 1991
* Group Exhibition at the International Art Gallery. Zalka, Lebanon 1991
* Emigrates to United States of America settles in Los Angeles. California 1992
* L.A. Art Seen group at the Imperial Bank Plaza. Los Angeles, California 1994
* L.A. Art Seen group at the Charles Aidikoff Screening Room. Beverly Hills, California 1994
* L.A. Art Seen group at the Epicurus. Santa Monica, California 1995
* L.A. Art Seen group at the Charles Aidikoff Screening Room. Beverly Hills, California 1995
* L.A. Art Seen group at the Epicurus. Santa Monica, California 1995
* Group Exhibition at the Rochane Gallery. Hamra, Lebanon 1996
* Group Exhibition at the Roslin Art Gallery. Glendale, California 1997
* Group Exhibition at the Avedissian Cultural Center. Encino, California 1997
* Group Exhibition at the Hye Center. Glendale, California 1998
* "Reflections 98", Group Exhibition at Downey Museum of Art. Downey, California 1998
* Group Exhibition California Contemporary Art Collection, "At the Bar" Chosen by the 21st District to be displayed in the collection of the California State Senate for a year. Sacramento, California 1999
* Group Exhibition at the Rochane Gallery. Hamra, Lebanon 1999
* Group Exhibition at the L.A. Art Share. Los Angeles, California 2000
* Group Exhibition at the L.A. Art Share. Los Angeles, California 2000
* Group Exhibition at the L.A. Art Share. Los Angeles, California 2000
* Group Exhibition at the AGBU Arts Center. Pasadena, California 2000
* Group Exhibition. Glendale, California 2000
* Group Exhibition at the L.A. Art Share. Los Angeles, California 2001
* Group Exhibition at the L.A. Art Share. Los Angeles, California 2001
* Group Exhibition "Arvest 2002" at the Pacific Design Center. West Hollywood, California 2002
* Group Photo/Art Exhibition. La Crescenta, California 2008
* Group Exhibitiion Shogart Gallery. Burbank, California 2010
===Персональные выставки===
*  Solo Exhibition at the Museum Cafe. Pasadena, California 1996
*  Solo Exhibition at the Cafe Santorini. Pasadena, California 1998
*  Solo Exhibition at the T.C.A. Arts Center. Pasadena, California 1998
*  Solo Exhibition at the Cafe Santorini. Pasadena, California 1999
*  Solo Exhibition "Artee Society" at the Rococo Room. Pasadena, California 2000
*  Solo Exhibition at the Weiland Brewery. Los Angeles, California 2000
*  Solo Exhibition at the Roslin Gallery. Glendale, California 2003
*  Solo Exhibition at the 1001 Gallery. Glendale, California 2004
*  Solo Exhibition at the 1001 Gallery. Glendale, California 2005
*  Solo Exhibition at the T.C.A. Arts Center. Pasadena, California 2010
*  Solo Exhibition at the Roslin Gallery. Glendale, California 2011
Файл:Матян Вазген1.jpg|Cheerleader
Файл:Матян Вазген2.jpg|Dancing Harlequin with Wife
Файл:Матян Вазген3.jpg|Don Quixote and Sancho
Файл:Матян Вазген4.jpg|The Dream
Vazken Matyan
*[http://www.vaskenm.com/Biography.htm Персональный сайт]
    Born Vazken Pascal Bakmazjian, 1969, in Beirut, Lebanon, he began at an early age sketching images of war torn Lebanon. As a caricaturist he depicted the faces of prominent politicians.
*[http://www.roslin.com/artinfo/artframes/vazken_matyan.htm Vazken Matyan]
    In 1987 he attended the Academy of Fine Arts Toros Roslin in Beirut. Vasken has participated in several group exhibitions throughout Lebanon, Syria and Los Angeles. His works can also be seen in Beirut in the form of murals.
    Paintings by Vasken are in private collections in Lebanon, Syria, Cyprus, Montreal, Toronto, Paris, Switzerland, and Los Angeles.
    Presently he lives and works in Los Angeles, California, where he has resided since 1992.

Текущая версия на 18:35, 10 ноября 2011

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Матян Вазген
Matyan Vazken
Matyan Vazken.jpg
На английском: Matyan Vazken
Дата рождения: 1969
Место рождения: Бейрут, Ливан
Краткая информация:



В 1987 году поступил в Академию изящных искусств им. Т.Рослина в Бейруте.

Участвовал в групповых экспозициях в Ливане, Сирии и США (Лос-Анжелес).

Работы Вазгена Матяна находятся с частных коллекциях в Ливане, Смрии, Монреале, Торонто, Париже, Лос-Анжелесе и др.

С 1992 года живёт в США (Лос-Анжелес).


Групповые выставки

  • Lebanese Artist at the St. Elias Cultural Arts Center. Antilias, Lebanon 1987
  • Group Six at the Hamazkayin Arts Center. Ainjar, Lebanon 1988
  • Group Six at the Catholic Cultural Arts Center. Damascus, Syria 1990
  • Group Six at the Russian Cultural Center. Hamra, Lebanon 1990
  • Group Six at the American University of Beirut. Hamra, Lebanon 1990
  • Group Six at the Catholic Cultural Arts Center. Aleppo, Syria 1991
  • Group Exhibition at the International Art Gallery. Zalka, Lebanon 1991
  • Emigrates to United States of America settles in Los Angeles. California 1992
  • L.A. Art Seen group at the Imperial Bank Plaza. Los Angeles, California 1994
  • L.A. Art Seen group at the Charles Aidikoff Screening Room. Beverly Hills, California 1994
  • L.A. Art Seen group at the Epicurus. Santa Monica, California 1995
  • L.A. Art Seen group at the Charles Aidikoff Screening Room. Beverly Hills, California 1995
  • L.A. Art Seen group at the Epicurus. Santa Monica, California 1995
  • Group Exhibition at the Rochane Gallery. Hamra, Lebanon 1996
  • Group Exhibition at the Roslin Art Gallery. Glendale, California 1997
  • Group Exhibition at the Avedissian Cultural Center. Encino, California 1997
  • Group Exhibition at the Hye Center. Glendale, California 1998
  • "Reflections 98", Group Exhibition at Downey Museum of Art. Downey, California 1998
  • Group Exhibition California Contemporary Art Collection, "At the Bar" Chosen by the 21st District to be displayed in the collection of the California State Senate for a year. Sacramento, California 1999
  • Group Exhibition at the Rochane Gallery. Hamra, Lebanon 1999
  • Group Exhibition at the L.A. Art Share. Los Angeles, California 2000
  • Group Exhibition at the L.A. Art Share. Los Angeles, California 2000
  • Group Exhibition at the L.A. Art Share. Los Angeles, California 2000
  • Group Exhibition at the AGBU Arts Center. Pasadena, California 2000
  • Group Exhibition. Glendale, California 2000
  • Group Exhibition at the L.A. Art Share. Los Angeles, California 2001
  • Group Exhibition at the L.A. Art Share. Los Angeles, California 2001
  • Group Exhibition "Arvest 2002" at the Pacific Design Center. West Hollywood, California 2002
  • Group Photo/Art Exhibition. La Crescenta, California 2008
  • Group Exhibitiion Shogart Gallery. Burbank, California 2010

Персональные выставки

  • Solo Exhibition at the Museum Cafe. Pasadena, California 1996
  • Solo Exhibition at the Cafe Santorini. Pasadena, California 1998
  • Solo Exhibition at the T.C.A. Arts Center. Pasadena, California 1998
  • Solo Exhibition at the Cafe Santorini. Pasadena, California 1999
  • Solo Exhibition "Artee Society" at the Rococo Room. Pasadena, California 2000
  • Solo Exhibition at the Weiland Brewery. Los Angeles, California 2000
  • Solo Exhibition at the Roslin Gallery. Glendale, California 2003
  • Solo Exhibition at the 1001 Gallery. Glendale, California 2004
  • Solo Exhibition at the 1001 Gallery. Glendale, California 2005
  • Solo Exhibition at the T.C.A. Arts Center. Pasadena, California 2010
  • Solo Exhibition at the Roslin Gallery. Glendale, California 2011

