Киликьян Андраник — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{persont|ID=8908|dcreate=12.11.2006 1:48:58|dmodify=19.12.2006 16:34:35}}
{{persont|ID=8908|img=no|dcreate=12.11.2006 1:48:58|dmodify=19.12.2006 16:34:35}}
| name-ru-main  = Киликьян Андраник  
| name-ru-main  = Киликьян Андраник  
Строка 6: Строка 6:
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| name-en      = KILIKYAN Andranik
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| состояние тэгов      = 1
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| дата рождения        =   
| дата рождения        =   
| место рождения      =  
| место рождения      =  
| дата смерти          =  
| дата смерти          =  
| место смерти        =  
| место смерти        =  
| краткая информация =  
| краткая информация = Художник
| тэг01 =  
| тэг01 = Художник
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| тэг02 =  
| тэг03 =  
| тэг03 =  
Строка 28: Строка 28:
Was born in 1939 in Beirut (Lebanon). He has studied at the Yerevan Fine Arts and Theatre Institute. In 1974, be graduated from the Moscow Polygraphs Institute and has been a member of the Artists' Union of the USSR since 1976. He has participated in exhibitions since 1962. His works are property of museums of Armenia, Lebanon and private collections in Armenia, Greece, Italy, USA, Lebanon, Syria. Since 198p, he has been teaching painting and composition in the Yerevan Institute of Arts. He has the rank of professor.
Mini Biography: Andranik Kilikian is one of those artists who have maintained the thought that pictorial and graphical bases of painting amplify, enrich and poise one another. Closely examining the artist's pictures, you discover, to your own surprise, that traditional genres can be fused into one, a drawing turned into a painting and a line may become an element which tones down the tension of a pictorial texture and "reconciles" it to the plane of a picture. Andranik Kilikian is a subtle and exacting colorist. He is able to depict even lighting and light, it does not mean though that be squeezes fresh paints on a canvas merely because he n ants his picture to appear more showy or effective. Colors correlation to him is a kind of aesthetic route towards cognition of Nature. His pictures seem tuneful not only because of their unique rhythm, perceptible in a composition, its minor details, contours and even arm movements that superimpose colors on a canvas or paper, but also because the artist's color always "sounds": it sets a certain "key", caressing your eyes, and is perceived emotionally with all its hues. Tender sonority of paints as well as free and easy dabs attach a special charm to his landscape and still-life pictures. Andranik Kilikian is also a master of illustrations distinguished by his remarkable style and versatile compositions. He creates his own ingenious language of graphical narration, bringing vivid expressiveness and subtle delineation into concord, and tries to achieve the artistic integrity of a book, and the interconnection between its design and illustrations. All pictures depicted by Andranik Kilikian with such inspiration and acumen, as well as all his creative intentions, are permeated with elevated poetry and unbending faith in the beneficent force of art.
Строка 36: Строка 39:
Киликьян Андраник
Andranik KILIKYAN  Андраник Киликьян
Was born in 1939 in Beirut (Lebanon). He has studied at the Yerevan Fine Arts and Theatre Institute. In 1974, be graduated from the Moscow Polygraphs Institute and has been a member of the Artists' Union of the USSR since 1976. He has participated in exhibitions since 1962. His works are property of museums of Armenia, Lebanon and private collections in Armenia, Greece, Italy, USA, Lebanon, Syria. Since 198p, he has been teaching painting and composition in the Yerevan Institute of Arts. He has the rank of professor.
Mini Biography: Andranik Kilikian is one of those artists who have maintained the thought that pictorial and graphical bases of painting amplify, enrich and poise one another. Closely examining the artist's pictures, you discover, to your own surprise, that traditional genres can be fused into one, a drawing turned into a painting and a line may become an element which tones down the tension of a pictorial texture and "reconciles" it to the plane of a picture. Andranik Kilikian is a subtle and exacting colorist. He is able to depict even lighting and light, it does not mean though that be squeezes fresh paints on a canvas merely because he n ants his picture to appear more showy or effective. Colors correlation to him is a kind of aesthetic route towards cognition of Nature. His pictures seem tuneful not only because of their unique rhythm, perceptible in a composition, its minor details, contours and even arm movements that superimpose colors on a canvas or paper, but also because the artist's color always "sounds": it sets a certain "key", caressing your eyes, and is perceived emotionally with all its hues. Tender sonority of paints as well as free and easy dabs attach a special charm to his landscape and still-life pictures. Andranik Kilikian is also a master of illustrations distinguished by his remarkable style and versatile compositions. He creates his own ingenious language of graphical narration, bringing vivid expressiveness and subtle delineation into concord, and tries to achieve the artistic integrity of a book, and the interconnection between its design and illustrations. All pictures depicted by Andranik Kilikian with such inspiration and acumen, as well as all his creative intentions, are permeated with elevated poetry and unbending faith in the beneficent force of art.

Версия 16:27, 4 ноября 2008


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Киликьян Андраник
8908 1.png
На английском: KILIKYAN Andranik
Краткая информация:


Was born in 1939 in Beirut (Lebanon). He has studied at the Yerevan Fine Arts and Theatre Institute. In 1974, be graduated from the Moscow Polygraphs Institute and has been a member of the Artists' Union of the USSR since 1976. He has participated in exhibitions since 1962. His works are property of museums of Armenia, Lebanon and private collections in Armenia, Greece, Italy, USA, Lebanon, Syria. Since 198p, he has been teaching painting and composition in the Yerevan Institute of Arts. He has the rank of professor.

Mini Biography: Andranik Kilikian is one of those artists who have maintained the thought that pictorial and graphical bases of painting amplify, enrich and poise one another. Closely examining the artist's pictures, you discover, to your own surprise, that traditional genres can be fused into one, a drawing turned into a painting and a line may become an element which tones down the tension of a pictorial texture and "reconciles" it to the plane of a picture. Andranik Kilikian is a subtle and exacting colorist. He is able to depict even lighting and light, it does not mean though that be squeezes fresh paints on a canvas merely because he n ants his picture to appear more showy or effective. Colors correlation to him is a kind of aesthetic route towards cognition of Nature. His pictures seem tuneful not only because of their unique rhythm, perceptible in a composition, its minor details, contours and even arm movements that superimpose colors on a canvas or paper, but also because the artist's color always "sounds": it sets a certain "key", caressing your eyes, and is perceived emotionally with all its hues. Tender sonority of paints as well as free and easy dabs attach a special charm to his landscape and still-life pictures. Andranik Kilikian is also a master of illustrations distinguished by his remarkable style and versatile compositions. He creates his own ingenious language of graphical narration, bringing vivid expressiveness and subtle delineation into concord, and tries to achieve the artistic integrity of a book, and the interconnection between its design and illustrations. All pictures depicted by Andranik Kilikian with such inspiration and acumen, as well as all his creative intentions, are permeated with elevated poetry and unbending faith in the beneficent force of art.



