Арменян Занку — различия между версиями

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Версия 18:27, 9 октября 2008


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Арменян Занку
Armenian Zanku
На английском: Armenian Zanku
Краткая информация:
Член Совета Директоров Армянского центра живописи


Арменян Занку. Внес активный вклад в Армяно-Американские отношения и член Совета Директоров Армянского центра живописи.

Zanku Armenian has held numerous positions in the Armenian American community in Washington, DC, San Francisco, CA and Los Angeles, CA during the course of the last 25 years. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors for the Armenian National Committee of America Western Region. Professionally he is President of Mercata Group, a corporate communications consulting firm based in Los Angeles. He has held various senior level management positions at various large global public relations firms around the country including Burson-Marsteller, Powell Tate (now part of Weber Shandwick) and Brodeur. He also has been very active in national, state and local politics including work in the U.S. Congress, Presidential campaigns as well as directing communications strategy for various state and local political campaigns. He is a founder and National Co-Chair of the Armenian American Democratic Leadership Council; and one of the founders and member of the board of directors for the Armenian Center for the Arts.

Занку Арменян. Внес активный вклад в Армяно-Американские отношения и член Совета Директоров Армянского центра живописи. Внес активный вклад в Армяно-Американские отношения, член Совета Директоров Армянского центра живописи. Активно участвовал как в государственной так и во внутренней политике включая работу в Конгрессе США. Директор Mercata Group общефирменная коммуникация, консультирующая фирмы базирующиеся в Лос-Анджелесе.

Zanku Armenian has held numerous positions in the Armenian American community in Washington, DC, San Francisco, CA and Los Angeles, CA during the course of the last 25 years. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors for the Armenian National Committee of America Western Region. Professionally he is President of Mercata Group, a corporate communications consulting firm based in Los Angeles. He has held various senior level management positions at various large global public relations firms around the country including Burson-Marsteller, Powell Tate (now part of Weber Shandwick) and Brodeur. He also has been very active in national, state and local politics including work in the U.S. Congress, Presidential campaigns as well as directing communications strategy for various state and local political campaigns. He is a founder and National Co-Chair of the Armenian American Democratic Leadership Council; and one of the founders and member of the board of directors for the Armenian Center for the Arts.
