Авакян Арра С. — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Строка 1: Строка 1:
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Версия 12:41, 18 ноября 2008

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Авакян Ара
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The Author - Arra S. Avakian, Sc.D.

Dr. Avakian has, during almost all of his adult life, dedicated himself to writing, giving public lectures,

and teaching in the classroom about the nearly 3,000 years of Armenia’s cultural and political history.

He was the first Professor of Armenian Studies at California State University at Fresno. He has led

many tours of Historic Armenia and presents an annual Elderhostel program on the Armenian

Cultural Legacy.

In ARMENIA: A Journey Through History, Dr. Avakian has been able to put together an enormous

amount of information. The work is highly accessible to both young and old, and is especially useful as a

reference source and textbook. The individual short stories make the learning process more palatable

especially to the young. Indeed, one who did not know anything about Armenia and Armenians, having

read this book, could very well be considered somewhat of an expert on the topic. "This book is a must for every Armenian Home...and a great

resource for public, high school, college and university libraries.

It is also excellent as a supplemental textbook for Armenian

schools. Kudos to Dr. Avakian for writing it in a way that presents

the story of the Armenians in such an accessible manner."

--Steve Adams, Fresno, California (Clovis Unified School Dist.) ARMENIA: A Journey Through History

Author: Arra S. Avakian, Sc.D.

Poetry by Ara John Movsesian

ISBN 0-916919-20-X

L/C # 98-88119

338 pages

$24.95 Hardcover

The Electric Press

6542 N. Gentry Ave.

Fresno, CA 93711-0851 Tel: (559) 432-5670

Fax: (559) 432-0664

Email: electpress@aol.com

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