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Версия 17:08, 20 ноября 2007


Saroyan Aram

Сароян Арам

Aram Saroyan

Aram Saroyan is a poet, novelist, biographer, memoirist and playwright. His poems have been widely anthologized, and his collections include Aram Saroyan, Pages, and Day and Night: Bolinas Poems. His other books include: Genesis Angels: The Saga of Lew Welch and the Beat Generation; Last Rites, about the death of his father, playwright and short story writer William Saroyan; Trio: Portrait of an Intimate Friendship; a novel, The Romantic, a Los Angeles Times Book Review Critics' Choice selection; a memoir, Friends in the World: The Education of a Writer; and the true crime Literary Guild selection, Rancho Mirage: An American Tragedy of Manners, Madness and Murder. Selected essays, Starting Out in the Sixties, appeared in 2001, and Artists in Trouble: New Stories in 2002. The world premiere of his play At the Beach House, starring Orson Bean and Alana Ubach, is scheduled for the fall of 2005 in Los Angeles. The recipient of two National Endowment for the Arts poetry awards (one of them for his controversial one-word poem "lighght"), Saroyan is a past president of PEN USA West and a current faculty member of the Masters of Professional Writing Program at USC. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife, the painter Gailyn Saroyan.

Website: www.aramsaroyan.com


AT THE BEACH HOUSE — The Lost Studio, Los Angeles, 2005. A foiled intervention with the thirty-something daughter in the extended family of a movie star illuminates the fate of three generations of American women. A play in two acts.

POLLEN COUNT Three couples in millennial Los Angeles as they close in on the big 5-0. A play in sixteen scenes.

LANDSLIDE — A long-term marriage has come unraveled in a household in the Hollywood hills on election day. A play in two acts.

HOLLYWOOD NIGHT — Two actors, a man and a woman, go to the latter's Hollywood apartment after an audition. A romantic comedy in three scenes.

THE LAWS OF LIGHT — The fate of Pasternak, the Mandelstams and Akhmatova in Russia during and after Stalin. In three scenes and four monologues.

THE EVENING HOUR — In the London of the mod & rocker sixties, an aging father does late-inning parenting with his hippie son and daughter. In the second act the fiftysomething son repeats the process with his own daughter. A play in two acts.


ARTISTS IN TROUBLE: NEW STORIES. — Two novellas and thirteen short stories that explore the lives and loves of actors, writers, musicians and painters.

STARTING OUT IN THE SIXTIES: SELECTED ESSAYS. — Personal commentary, memoirs, reflections and anecdotes featuring Allen Ginsberg, Andy Warhol, Jack Kerouac, Jerry Brown, Bill Clinton, Woody Allen, etc.

DAY AND NIGHT: BOLINAS POEMS. — This 200-page collection of Saroyan's post-minimal poetry chronicles, in semi-narrative form, the life of a young husband and father.

RANCHO MIRAGE: AN AMERICAN TRAGEDY OF MANNERS, MADNESS AND MURDER. — A true crime book that explores a baffling, complex murder case from the 1980s. A Literary Guild Selection.

FRIENDS IN THE WORLD: THE EDUCATION OF A WRITER. — A Memoir. Saroyan's portraits of contemporaries from Ted Berrigan to Andrew Wylie; travels encompassing New York, London, Cambridge, Philadelphia and Bolinas - a young writer's journey to vocation.

THE ROMANTIC. — A novel. The story of James Redding, a married, forty-year-old, newly successful screenwriter, is set in the funhouse mirror of Reagan-era America.


LAST RITES: THE DEATH OF WILLIAM SAROYAN. — A son's journal written during his father's last days, Last Rites tells a more complex and moving story than the senior Saroyan ever allowed.

GENESIS ANGELS: THE SAGA OF LEW WELCH AND THE BEAT GENERATION. — A poet's journey that is also a multi-faceted narrative of the key Beat figures Kerouac, Ginsberg, Cassady, and Burroughs.

THE STREET: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL NOVEL. — Coming of age at the height of the 1960s in Manhattan, Los Angeles and London, and passing on the opportunity to screen test for "The Graduate" to stick with being a writer. Just made into a feature film by Noam Christopher.


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