Балекджян Фредерик — различия между версиями
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Версия 22:22, 16 ноября 2007
Balekdjian Frédéric
Белекджьян Фредерик
Frédéric Balekdjian
Frédéric Balekdjian was born April 19th, 1964, in Le Raincy, France. In 1984 he entered the film section of the Louis Lumière School. He also attended a theatre school for two years, and worked as a camera-man and theatre director before he began writing and directing films. His early short films are Hors saison (1990) and Tout ce temps que je n’ai pas passé dans les cafés (1995). His first long feature film, released in 2005, is Gamblers (Les mauvais jouers), which Balekdjian both wrote and directed. Set in Paris’s textile workshop district, the film was shot entirely with a hand-held camera. In 2005 it was screened at the Edinburgh International Film Festival and at the Berlin International Film Festival where it was awarded the Manfred Salzgeber Prize; in the judges’ words, the film “succeeds in treating the subject of illegal immigration and cultural displacement through an innovative form and original vision.”
Manfred Salzgeber Prize, Berlin International Film Festival, 2005
PRODUCED SCREENPLAYS HORS SAISON, 1990 (screenwriter & director).
TOUT CE TEMPS QUE JE N’AI PAS PASSE DANS LES CAFES, 1995 (screenwriter & director).
GAMBLERS (LES MAUVAIS JOUERS), 2005 (screenwriter and director). 85 min. Cast: Pascal Elbé, Simon Abkarian, Isaac Sharry, Linh Dan Pham, Teng Fei Xiang.