| name-ru-main = Майкл Арлен
| name-ru-01 = Куюмджян Диркан (наст. фам.)
| name-ru-02 = Куюмджян Тигран
| name-ru-03 =
| name-lat = Kuyumjian Dikran
| name-am =
| name-fr =
| состояние текста = 26| состояние поиска = 16| состояние тэгов = 16| состояние ссылок = 16
| флаг чистовик = ё7
| автокартинки =
| портрет = 4865_1.png
| дата рождения = 16.11.1895| место рождения = Руссе, Болгария| дата смерти = 23.06.1956
| место смерти = Англия
| место деятельности =
| краткая информация = Писатель
| тэг01 = Писатель
| тэг02 =
| тэг03 =
Майкл Арлен известен многим, как модный в 1920-х годах в Великобритании писатель, автор романов, пьес, сценариев, коротких рассказов и эссе. Его образ того времени – элегантный денди с безукоризненными манерами, разъезжающий в желтом «роллс-ройсе», ведущий тот же образ жизни, что и герои его романов об английском светском обществе.
Michael Arlen Урожденный Тигран Куюмджян, он появился на свет в 1895-1956, English novelist, b. Bulgaria as Dikran Kuyumjian. The son of Armenian parents, he was brought to England as a child. In 1922 he became a British subject and changed his nameгоду в болгарском городе Руссе, and in 1928 he married Countess Atalanta Mercatiно уже в 1901 году семья переехала в Англию. Arlen is best remembered for his fantastically successful novel (and play) The Green Hat (1924)Уже в 1913 году, which depicts the licentious postwar life of fashionable London society. His characters are disillusioned, cynical, and witty. Although sophisticated, the novel is ultimately sentimental. Arlen's novels depicted the mood of the 1920s, and by the 30s he was no longer read. His last novelв возрасте 18 лет, Flying DutchmanТигран переехал в Лондон, appeared in 1939чтобы начать карьеру литератора.
Bibliography: See the biography Exiles (1970) by his son Michael JС началом Первой мировой войны у него возникли проблемы с натурализацией, как у гражданина Болгарии, союзницы Германской империи. ArlenИменно тогда он познакомился с будущими знаменитыми собратьями по перу – Олдосом Хаксли, Дэвидом Гербертом Лоуренсом, Джорджем Муром.
Печататься он начал в 1916 году под своим настоящим именем, вначале в лондонском армянском [[журнале «Арарат»]], затем в английском еженедельнике «Новый Век» – обозрении политики, искусства и литературы.
В первой статье «Воззвание к разуму» автор ставит себе целью развенчать ложные стереотипы, бытующие в Англии по отношению к армянам. Ему особенно не по душе привычный для британской прессы военного времени образ «голодающих армян», он доказывает, что армянин в свое время был замечательным повстанцем и партизаном. Армяне прибегали к самообороне, они не были овцами, ведомыми на заклание. Армяне отличаются стремлением к независимости, они способны к самоуправлению и не так уж сильно отличаются от англичан.
Michael JВо второй статье «Молодой армянин» Куюмджян критикует армянскую молодежь в Англии за попытки скрыть свою национальность и превратиться в обычного, ничем не примечательного субъекта. Arlen a grandi en Angleterre et aux Etats-Unis«Отвратительно это подавление своей особенности, национальности, этот низменный страх быть отличным от других». Il est actuellement (1977) un des r?dacteurs du New YorkerМожно пытаться сколько угодно «стать англичанином или фиджийцем – смотря что нам больше по вкусу – но мы армяне».AngleterreВ третьей статье «Очень серьезный армянин» Куюмджян критикует «миф», что христианство помогло армянам выжить. Fils du romancier am?ricain Michael ArlenЕсли бы армяне остались язычниками, они стали бы завоевателями, pseudonyme de Dikran Kouyoumjian (1895-1956)а не завоеванными.Michael ArlenLe p?re - Dikran Kouyoumjian est n? ? Roustchouk (Ruse) en Bulgarie en 1895 dans une famille de commer?ants arm?niens originaires de Constantinople«Это было бы хуже для нашего морального облика, но лучше для нашего престижа в мире». Ils ?migrent ensuite en Angleterre et s'installent dans le Lancashire en 1901Продолжая анализ причин, по которым армяне скрывают свою национальность, Арлен связывает это со страхом, типичным для жертв и преследуемых. Bien qu'autoditacte«Пока мы не избавимся от инстинктивного желания спрятаться, Michael Arien s'occupe d'enseignement avant d'aller ? Londres convaincu de sa vocation pour l'?critureмы не можем надеяться на то уважение, какое, по нашему мнению, мы заслуживаем». Quand ses premiers ?crits attirent l'attention«Армянин нашего поколения должен написать такие истории о своих соотечественниках, il invente son pseudonymeчтобы увлечь читающую публику, v?rifiant dans l'annuaire londonien qu'il serait au moins unique dans la capitale du mondeчтобы раз и навсегда закрыть вопрос о том, не есть ли Армения пригород Константинополя». Il est naturalis? sujet britannique en 1922 et fr?quente les milieux aristocratiques s'effor?ant de gommer toute trace de son statut d'exil?Но в современных себе армянах он не видит ни достойных писателей, ни достойных читателей. «У армян не появится писателя, способного пробудить к ним интерес в мире, пока они не заслужат его появления, пожелав его иметь». Il publie des nouvelles et des r?cits courts explorant souvent l'univers du fantastiqueПожалуй, avant de conna?tre un succ?s mondial avec son Chapeau vert именно между третьей и четвертой статьями в «Арарате», между сентябрем и октябрем 1916 года, происходит тот перелом, который очень скоро заставит Тиграна Куюмджяна преобразиться в Майкла Арлена. Потеряв надежду сделать литературную карьеру в армянской среде, он переходит от критики к негативу. Обращаясь к теме культуры, он приходит к выводу, что все великое искусство национально и должно быть национальным, дабы стать великим. Но сразу же заявляет, что только нации, обладающие государством, способны создавать великое в искусстве, в отличие от евреев и армян.В своей пятой статье «SicSemperTirannis (1924в жанре письма Давида Голиафу) qui sera adapt? au cin?ma avec Greta Garbo (Clarence Brown» он сравнивает армян с давидами, а англичан с голиафами. Армянская мудрость, по его словам, была завоевана «за века борьбы против силы, A Woman of Affairsкоторая возникла раньше, 1928)чем вы начали пугаться своих друидов». Il ?pouse une comtesse grecqueВ итоге Куюмджян приходит к выводу, что и конфликты между нациями и сама национальность – это болезнь человечества, а вовсе не «каприз Бога, Atalanta Mercatiимевший источником добрые намерения, vit quelque temps sur la C?te d'Azur etно, ? la d?claration de guerreесли хотите, плохо продуманный». Теперь национальность для автора всего лишь «яблоко раздора для ссор посредственностей», rejoint les ?tats-Unis o? il meurt en 1956только глупцы воспринимают ее всерьез.
В последней статье «Короли и королевы» Куюмджян уже переключается на политическую жизнь Англии. Рассуждая о британской монархии, он защищает ее необходимость. В результате стремительной эволюции он теряет интерес к армянской тематике. Становится очевидным, что его сотрудничество с «Араратом» изжило себя.
С января 1920 года Тигран Куюмджян стал использовать литературный псевдоним Майкл Арлен, с 1922 года он стал британским гражданином, официально изменив имя и фамилию. Пик его славы приходится на конец 1920-х годов. Его роман «Зеленая шляпа», изданный в 1924 году, спустя четыре года был экранизирован в Голливуде с Гретой Гарбо в главной роли. С тех пор ни одно его литературное произведение не пользовалось таким же успехом. Слава его медленно угасала, хотя женитьба на графине Аталанте Меркати и переезд в Канны обеспечили его благополучие. В 1946 он переехал в Нью-Йорк. Тогда же произошла его встреча с Уильямом Сарояном. По воспоминаниям Сарояна разговор шел на армянском языке и Майкл Арлен признался ему, что испытывает отвращение к своим литературным произведениям, и обещал написать правдивую книгу о самом себе под названием «Скромный павлин». За последние десять лет жизни он так и не смог ничего написать и в июне 1956 года скончался от рака.
Michael J.Arlen
Le fils - Michael J.Arien est n? en 1930. Il a ?t? r?dacteur au New Yorker et s'est sp?cialis? dans l'analyse du monde audio-visuel et notamment de la t?l?vision. Il a tent? de percer la complexe personnalit? de son p?re, d'abord en publiant une biographie (Exiles, 1970) o? il d?taille ses difficiles relations filiales, puis en entreprenant un voyage initiatique en Arm?nie d'o? il ram?nera son Passage to Ararat, publi? en 1975.
Embarquement pour l'Ararat Ed. Gallimard, 1977, ISBN 2070297594 Embarquement pour l'Ararat Ed. Parenth?sesParentheses, 2005, ISBN 2863641395
About Michael Arlen
MICHAEL ARLEN was an Armenian-born English author. Arlen wrote well-crafted novels about fashionable society that were popular in the 1920s and 1930s. The best known is THE GREEN HAT.
==Books about Michael Arlen==
*Michael Arlen (1975) by Harry Keyishian
*The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition
Michael Arlen (born Rousse, Bulgaria, November 16, 1895, died June 23, 1956), original name Dikran Kouyoumdjian, was an Armenian essayist, short story writer, novelist, playwright, and scriptwriter, who had his greatest successes in the 1920s while living and writing in England. Although Arlen is most famous for his satirical romances set in English smart society, he also wrote gothic horror and psychological thrillers, for instance "The Gentleman from America," which was filmed in 1956 as a television episode for Alfred Hitchcock's TV series Alfred Hitchcock Presents. Near the end of his life, Arlen mainly occupied himself with political writing. Arlen's vivid but colloquial style "with unusual inversions and inflections with a heightened exotic pitch"*[1], came to be known as Arlenesque. Very much a 1920s society figure resembling the characters he portrayed in his novels, and a man who might be referred to as a dandy, Arlen invariably impressed everyone with his immaculate manners. He was always impeccably dressed and groomed and was seen driving around London in a fashionable yellow Rolls Royce and engaging in all kinds of luxurious activities. However, he was well aware of the latent racism, the contempt for foreigners mixed with envy, with which his success was viewed. Sydney Horler (1888http://ar-1954), another popular author of the time, is said to have called Arlen "the only Armenian who never tried to sell me a carpet", while Arlen half-jokingly described himself as "every other inch a gentleman"vest. Biography Early Life: Coming to England Michael Arlen was born Dikran Kouyoumdjian on November 16, 1895, in Rousse, Bulgaria, to an Armenian merchant familylivejournal. In 1892, Arlen's family moved to Plovdiv, Bulgaria, after fleeing Turkish persecutions of Armenians in the Ottoman Empirecom/7011. In Plovdiv, Arlen's father, Sarkis Kouyoumdjianhtml Нжде, established a successful import business. In 1895, Arlen was born as the youngest child of five, having three brothers, Takvor, Krikor, and Roupen, and one sister, Ahavni. In 1901, apparently not feeling satisfied with Bulgaria's position in the oncoming war, Arlen's family moved once more: this time to the seaside town of Southport in Lancashire, England. [2] Adolescence: Becoming a Writer After attending Malvern College and spending a brief time in Switzerland, Arlen enrolled as a medical student at the University of Edinburgh,[3] despite his and his family's intention to that he go to Oxford University. If we are to view Arlen's first published book, The London Venture, as being semi-autobiographical, then we will never know why Arlen made this "silly mistake" [4] of going to Edinburgh instead of Oxford. We know however what led Arlen to London, where he would make his break into a literary career. In The London Venture, Arlen writes: "I, up at Edinburgh, was on the high road to general fecklessness. I only stayed there a few months; jumbled months of elementary medicine, political economy, metaphysics, theosophy--I once handed round programs at an Annie Besant lecture at the Usher Hall--and beer, lots of beer. And then, one night, I emptied my last mug, and with another side-glance at Oxford, came down to London; 'to take up a literary career' my biographer will no doubt write of me.Открытое письмо Майклу Арлену" (p. 132) In 1913, after a few months of university, Arlen moved to London to live by his pen. A year later, World War I broke out and made Arlen's position in England as a Bulgarian national rather difficult. Arlen's nationality was still Bulgarian, but Bulgaria had disowned him because he would not serve in Bulgaria's army. Bulgaria being allies with Germany made England suspicious of Arlen, who could neither be naturalized as an English citizen, nor change his name. In London, Arlen found company in modernist literary circles with others who been looked upon suspiciously or had been denied military service. Among these were Aldous Huxley, D. H. Lawrence, Nancy Cunard, and George Moore.[5] Young Adulthood: The Beginnings Arlen began his literary career in 1916, writing under his birth name, Dikran Kouyoumdjian, first in a London-based Armenian periodical, Ararat: A Searchlight on Armenia, and soon after for The New Age, a British weekly review of politics, arts, and literature. For these two magazines, Arlen wrote essays, book reviews, personal essays, short stories, and even one short play. Arlen's last submissions to The New Age, a series of semi-autobiographical personal essays entitled "The London Papers," were assembled in 1920 and published with slight revisions as The London Venture. From this moment onwards, Arlen began to sign his works as Michael Arlen. Already in January and April 1920, Arlen two short stories, published in English Review, signed Michael Arlen. In 1922, Arlen naturalized as a British citizen and legally changed his birth name, Dikran Kouyoumdjian, to Michael Arlen. (See From Dikran to Michael for further detail on Arlen's name-change.) In 1920, Arlen also spent some time in France with Nancy Cunard although she was married to someone else at the time—-a relationship which fuelled Aldous Huxley's jealousy. Fame and Fortune After "The London Venture", Arlen worked on romances, spicing them with elements of psychological thrills and horror, including The Romantic Lady, These Charming People, and . In These Charming People, for instance, Arlen wrote tales which included elements of fantasy and horror, in particular "The Ancient Sin" and "The Loquacious Lady of Lansdowne Passage". The volume also introduced a gentleman crook reminiscent of Raffles in the story "The Cavalier of the Streets". The title of another story, "When a Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square", was the inspiration for the popular song of the same name. The above works eventually culminated into the book that would launch Arlen's fame and fortune in the 1920s: The Green Hat, published in 1924. The Green Hat was turned into a play, starring Tallulah Bankhead, and a Hollywood movie in 1928, starring Greta Garbo. Because The Green Hat was considered provocative in the United States, the movie was not allowed to make any references to it and was therefore dubbed A Woman of Affairs. After the publication of The Green Hat, Arlen became almost instantly famous, rich, and like celebrities today, incessantly in the spotlight and newspapers. During this period of his fame, the mid-1920s, Arlen frequently travelled to the United States and worked on plays and films, including "Dear Father" and These Charming People. Naturally, after all this fame and attention, Arlen felt somewhat anxious to write the book that would follow The Green Hat. Notwithstanding, Arlen wrote Young Men in Love (1927) and received mixed reviews. After Young Men in Love, Arlen continued with Lily Christine (1928), Babes in the Wood (1929), and Men Dislike Women (1931), none of which received the enthusiastic reviews that The Green Hat had received. Adulthood: Off to America In 1927, Arlen, feeling ill, joined D. H. Lawrence in Florence, where Lawrence was working on Lady Chatterly's Lover, for which Arlen served as a model for Michaelis. In 1928, Arlen married Countess Atalanta Mercati in Cannes, France, to where he had moved. They had had two children, a son, Michael John Arlen born in 1930, and a daughter, Venetia Arlen, born in 1933.Dust jacket of the first edition of Arlen's 1934 novelDust jacket of the first edition of Arlen's 1934 novel With his following novel, Man's Mortality (1933), Arlen turned to political writing and science fiction, brushing aside his earlier, smart society romances. Set fifty years in the future, in 1983, the book can be seen as portraying a Dystopia, whose rulers claim that it is a Utopia. Most critics compared it unfavourably with Huxley's Brave New World, which had been published the year before. In the following years, Arlen also returned to gothic horror with Hell! Said the Duchess: A Bed-Time Story (1934). In his final collection of short stories, The Crooked Coronet (1939), Arlen briefly returns to his earlier romantic, but also comic, style. Arlen's claim to fame in the world of crime fiction rests on one short story, "Gay Falcon" (1940), in which he introduced gentleman sleuth Gay Stanhope Falcon. Renamed Gay Lawrence, the character was taken up by Hollywood in 1941 and expanded into a long-running series of feature films with George Sanders in the title role, later taken over by Sanders's brother Tom Conway, with "The Falcon" again renamed Tom Lawrence. (Cf. Farewell, My Lovely.) In 1939, in the midst of World War II, Arlen returned to England to serve England in World War II. While his wife, Atalanta, joined the Red Cross, Arlen wrote columns for The Tatler. That same year, his final book, The Flying Dutchman (1939), was published, a political book, commenting harshly on Germany's position in World War II. In 1940, Arlen was appointed Civil Defense Public Relations Officer for the East Midlands, but when his loyalty to England was questioned in the House of Commons in 1941, Arlen resigned and moved to America, where he settled in New York in 1946. For the next ten years of his life, Arlen suffered from writer's block, until he died of cancer on June 23, 1956. Footnotes 1. ^ Alec Waugh, "What Happened to Michael Arlen?", Harper's Monthly Magazine, 210:1257 (1955:Feb.), p. 86 2. ^ Harry Keyishian, Michael Arlen, Twayne, Boston: 1975, pp. 11-14 3. ^ Ibid., p. 11 4. ^ Michael Arlen, The London Venture, George H. Doran, New York: 1920, p. 131 5. ^ Waugh, p. 85 Selected Bibliography Novels * The London Venture (Heinemann, 1920) * Piracy (Collins, 1922) * The Green Hat (Collins, 1924) * Young Men in Love (Hutchinson, 1927) * Lily Christine (Doubleday, Doran, 1929) * Men Dislike Women (Heinemann, 1931) * Man's Mortality (Heinemann, 1933) * Hell! Said the Duchess (Heinemann, 1934) * The Flying Dutchman (Heinemann, 1939) Short stories * The Romantic Lady (Collins, 1921) * These Charming People, Being a Tapestry of The Fortunes, Follies, Adventures, Gallantries and General Activities of Shelmerdene (that lovely lady), Lord Tarlyon, Mr Michael Wagstaffe, Mr Ralph Wyndham Trevor and Some Others of Their Friends of the Lighter Sort (Collins, 1923) (15 thematically connected short stories) * May Fair, In Which Are Told the Last Adventures of These Charming People (Collins, 1925) * Ghost Stories (Collins, 1927) * Babes in the Wood (Hutchinson, 1930) * The Crooked Coronet (Heinemann, 1937) * The Ancient Sin and Other Stories (Collins, 1930) (collection) * The Short Stories of Michael Arlen (Collins, 1933) (collection) Further reading * Michael J. Arlen, Exiles, Pocket, New York: 1971. (Biographical book of Arlen and his wife viewed from the perspective of Arlen's son. Includes details of Arlen's final years in New York, his writer's block, and his death). * Michael J. Arlen, Passage to Ararat, Hungry Mind, Saint Paul: 1996. (On Arlen's ethnic identity and his son's quest for his lost Armenian roots. During this quest, Arlen's son tries to explain why his father preferred to live "free" from the Armenians.) * Harry Keyishian, Michael Arlen, Twayne, Boston: 1975. (Critical review of Arlen's oeuvre. Contains a detailed bibliography.) * Alec Waugh, "What Happened to Michael Arlen?", Harper's Monthly Magazine, 210:1257 (1955:Feb.) See also * Michael Arlen in Ararat * Michael Arlen in The New Age * Michael Arlen in English Review * Michael Arlen and Horror * From Dikran to Arlen Filmography Writer: * 1960s * 1950s * 1940s * 1930s * 1920s 1. "The Jazz Age" (1 episode, 1968) - Lily Christine (1968) TV episode (novel) 2. "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" (1 episode, 1956) - The Gentleman from America (1956) TV episode (story) 3. Search for Danger (1949) (character) 4. Appointment with Murder (1948) (character) 5. The Fatal Night (1948) (story) 6. Devil's Cargo (1948) (character) 7. The Falcon's Adventure (1946) (characters) 8. The Falcon's Alibi (1946) (characters) 9. The Falcon in San Francisco (1945) (characters) 10. The Falcon in Hollywood (1944) (character) 11. The Falcon in Mexico (1944) (character) 12. The Heavenly Body (1944) (screenplay) 13. The Falcon Out West (1944) (character) 14. The Falcon and the Co-eds (1943) (characters) 15. The Falcon in Danger (1943) (character) 16. The Falcon Strikes Back (1943) (character) 17. The Falcon's Brother (1942) (character) 18. The Falcon Takes Over (1942) (characters) 19. A Date with the Falcon (1942) (character) 20. The Gay Falcon (1941) (story) 21. The Golden Arrow (1936) (story) 22. Outcast Lady (1934) (novel "The Green Hat") ... aka A Woman of the World 23. Lily Christine (1932) (novel) 24. These Charming People (1931) (writer) 25. A Woman of Affairs (1928) (novel "The Green Hat") (uncredited) (story) 26. The American Beauty (1927) (uncredited) ... aka The Beautiful Fraud (UK) 27. The Ace of Cads (1926) (story) 28. The Dancer of Paris (1926) (story) <gallery>Изображение:Michael_J._Arlen.jpgИзображение:Майкл_Арлен.gifИзображение:Michael_J._Arlen2.jpg</gallery> External links