Донелян Армен Грант — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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м (1 версий)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{persont|ID=12191|dcreate=25.01.2007 15:45|dmodify=25.01.2007 15:46:24}}
{{persont|ID=12191|dcreate=25.01.2007 15:45|dmodify=25.01.2007 15:46:24}}
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Версия 13:49, 14 апреля 2008


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Донельян Армен
Donelian Armen
На английском: Donelian Armen






Donelian Armen

Донельян Армен


Biography: A full-length narrative of the life of Armen Donelian.

A Jazzman's Journey [new 11/02] A full-length narrative of Armen's journeys in Armenia and Europe as a result of winning a Fulbright award for open lecturing.

The Jazz in Armenia Project A full-length narrative of this master class residency by invitation of the Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory and NAB Artists Management.


Bibliography: A list of published books, articles and compositions written by Armen Donelian.

Curriculum Vitae: A condensed summary of Armen Donelian's career.

Review Excerpts: A collection of excerpts of published reviews of Armen Donelian.

Honorable Mention: Noteworthy references to Armen Donelian.

Full Discography click title for info

Download Full Discography.pdf

RECORDINGS AS LEADER All Or Nothing At All Grand Ideas Vol. 1: Wave Grand Ideas Vol. 2: Mystic Heights Grand Ideas Vol. 3: Full Moon Music Quartet Language The Wayfarer Secrets Trio '87 A Reverie: Solo Piano Stargazer

RECORDINGS AS SIDEMAN Roy Ayers, Step Into Our Life Cosmology, Cosmology Billy Harper, The Believer Billy Harper, The Billy Harper Quintet Billy Harper, Trying to Make Heaven My Home Datevik Hovanesian, Listen to My Heart Julie Lyonn Lieberman, Mixing America Night Ark, Petals on Your Path Night Ark, In Wonderland Night Ark, Moments Bobby Vince Paunetto, Reconstituted Bobby Vince Paunetto, Commit To Memory Bobby Vince Paunetto, Composer in Public Mongo Santamaria, Sofrito Mongo Santamaria, Mongo and Justo Mongo Santamaria, A La Carte Mongo Santamaria, Afro Indio Rory Stuart, Hurricane Rory Stuart, Nightwork Various Artists incl. Armen Donelian Quintet, Positively Armenian 2 Various Artists incl. Billy Harper Quintet, Jazz Jamboree 1980

